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Alien abduction is a reality

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posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 05:28 PM

Hi there. Your story sure does sound like alot of other abductee stories out there. But, something I never can figure out is this...Why you? What do you do for a living. You don't have to answer that. My point is why pick a random person. I can understand selecting a world leader, or a person of immense power to relay this type of warning message to. But what can you do with this warning? Who can you warn besides people like us and those in your immediate life? Do you have any idea why they selected you to give this messgae to? Thanks for your post!

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 05:49 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

Hi there. Your story sure does sound like alot of other abductee stories out there. But, something I never can figure out is this...Why you? ...I can understand selecting a world leader, or a person of immense power to relay this type of warning message to.

Hi mpeake,

I hope you don't mind a recycled reply, as I just cut-and-pasted my response to this same question from page 2...


But might this not make an effective method of acclimation and/or assimilation if you repeated the process, say 50 million times?

While I can in no way substantiate it, I have slowly come to believe that maybe these persons are simply chosen for their innate psychological composition -- as this person is nowhere near the first to claim to have no real interest in the UFO phenomenon prior to experiencing their abduction -- and I postulate that maybe some of these people are "chosen" for this message for the purpose of dimmemination of information.

If you look at the statsitical numbers over the past few decades as they pertain to the public's acceptance and/or belief in the existence of UFOs, they trend upward, indicating that maybe it's an effective assimilation/acclimation stragedy afterall...

Just one man's musings...

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 06:08 PM

I do agree with Sdrumrunner but I would like to interject one more possible reason why she was elected. She has come forward with her experience and a more higher profiled person in today's society may not want dislcouse this info for fear of ridicule. Especially if they are an expert in this area of the highly technical information given to her.

I commend her for her bravery and hopfully she will contact someone with an open mind who has a greater understanding than us common folks of her given information.

MAYBE that's their plan.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 06:53 PM
We don't know that our leaders havn't been contacted. The alien beings who made contact with me didn't aprove of the exploitation of mankind, those that are involved with genetic experimentation would presumably not want the general public to be aware of their existance.
I got the impression that their were serveral different groups visiting our planet with different agendas.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:30 PM

That sounds logical.

Too bad because some adgenda's are good and others are evil. I guess good vs evil will always be in the universe to keep the balance. However God could change that very quickly.

I wished your experience had some insight to the our spiritually Selves and not some of the outer thechno stuff. It will not matter when we go and meet our maker and ALL will be revealed.

I have always believed that our purpose here on earth is a test from the almighty. If you pass the test then you are enlighten way beyound what was given to you.

DO not get me wrong I am glad you have shared this experience with all of us. Hopefully it will help for the achievement in no fear to our next journey in our lives and/or our childrens journey.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Truthforall]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:31 PM

They discovered our plannet which had an environment much the same as on their world which meant that there was a good chance of life evolving to be similar to themselves.

If their home-world environment is the same as ours, why have they got pale skin and big black eyes? Big black eyes are usually found on creatures that live in the dark are they not? This suggests to me that they live on a planet far away from a star, which would in turn mean that the environment would be a lot different. Also why would we evolve like them with all the sun light we get here?

Don't get me wrong, im not a skeptic, I am merely questioning an inconsistency in the story.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 07:54 PM
hello AllseeingEYE
You've asked a good question which wasn't directly explained to me but I do have a theory based on the information that I was given.
These alien beings are depending on technology if one of them isn't very well adapted to the planet's environment then they have no evolutionary disadvantage. Those who would have the bigest evolutionary advantage would be those suited to a technologically advanced environment. Also they have genetic engineering capabilities. could it be that their planet has become poluted or undergone some other evironmental change?
It would be interesting to hear anyone else's thoughs on this.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 08:03 PM
If aliens want to send a message, they're not doing a very good job of it. For smart folks, they seem pretty dumb.

If you want to tell the whole world something important, use TV. Don't abduct one person randomly.

On the other hand, if you want to plant a plausible cover story to distract victims from what is happening....

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by instar
I wish I could be Abducted. can you tell me whats the required criteria , can a non US citizen get abducted, or dont they like Australia? Is it a certain mentality required? I beleive they exist, thats a start right?

It seems, from what I've read and watched, that there isn't the same stigma attached to UFO sightings/abductions in Australia as there is in the US. The whole attitude towards the concept is different.

I, on the other hand, am absolutely terrified of being abducted. When I was in high school and college, my bedroom was in the attic and my bed next to the window. I loved looking at the stars, but I would freak out if I saw something moving that I thought shouldn't be moving. It was deeply linked to my fears of tornadoes...

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:08 PM
Thank you for sharing.

I tend to agree with your theories. Skeptics often ask, why aliens dont make contact with our leaders and show themselves. This is assuming the aliens want to come here and make themselves know, are on a diplomatic mission, ect.

Timmothy good and Stan friedman came up with the best theories Ive heard for abductions. The aliens, fearing us a possible menace to the inter-galactic community, do not want us in our current violent and agressive, short sighted state of mind. However, perhaps they also realize the difference between the ambitions of the leadership, and the hopes and benevolent aspirations of the rest of us. Perhaps they see the key to setting humanity on the right course is not the leadership, but a so called "slob off the street" who comprimise 95% of humanity. Perhaps the aliens know our leaders are totally irredeemable, but the rest of us can be gently altered to to force ourselves into higher ambitions. Most abductees, though traumatized by the experiences, come out with new perspectives and a deeper concern for humanity and nature, desiring to work to make things better.

So I am not one to think that somehow, an alien would not have regard for an average joe as an important part of their project. More thank likely, the aliens know its our leadership that is the threat to be removed.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:27 PM
Maybe the point is that no one is more important than someone else and that we are equal in standing. ( I believe that is what our constitution says). People we are all worth " being contacted and chosen".

Guess what! We are all taking about this because of this thread. I bet you that no George Bush or Bill Clinton would ever talk about this in the public eye.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Truthforall]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:36 PM
That's very interesting abductee. It seems all the stories I have heard about the greys involve their needing our DNA, which makes sense if they have an XY/XX chromosome structure similar to ours. Eventually there will be no more males (this won't happen for a VERY long time however) because the Y chromosome keeps building up mutations. Unlike the X cromosome in females, which exists as XX, the Y chromosome cannot swap DNA and thus keeps adding on mutations. Eventually the Y chromosome will stop functioning as a result, and there will only be females on this Earth unless we come up with a way to 'clean' the Y chromosome.

It's really too bad that I won't be around to see it happen though. I want to go to all those women who used the line "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth" on me to see if they back it up

Just curious abductee, cn you put anything else in words besides the fact that the the aliens travel in 5 dimensions?

[edit on 14-1-2005 by zhangmaster]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:19 PM

Did they perform any type of procedure or implant any devices into your body?

Do you think the greys will return?did they indicate they would see you again?

If so, you should think about setting some type of trap to attempt to capture one of those little freaks...maybe set up some webcams in your place....

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:31 PM

The problem is that they need more than two strands for their DNA.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Truthforall]

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by zhangmaster
That's very interesting abductee. It seems all the stories I have heard about the greys involve their needing our DNA, which makes sense if they have an XY/XX chromosome structure similar to ours. Eventually there will be no more males (this won't happen for a VERY long time however) because the Y chromosome keeps building up mutations. Unlike the X cromosome in females, which exists as XX, the Y chromosome cannot swap DNA and thus keeps adding on mutations. Eventually the Y chromosome will stop functioning as a result, and there will only be females on this Earth unless we come up with a way to 'clean' the Y chromosome.

It's really too bad that I won't be around to see it happen though. I want to go to all those women who used the line "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth" on me to see if they back it up

Just curious abductee, cn you put anything else in words besides the fact that the the aliens travel in 5 dimensions?

[edit on 14-1-2005 by zhangmaster]

Why would the greys also have xy/xx like chromosomes like us.I doubt they even have suchthings as chromosomes.We`r talking about a species that developed in a starsystem very different from our own,on a planet mostlikely different from our own.I doubt they even think the same way as we do.

I mean look at earth,if the worm wasnt the first living thing to evolve and instead it was someother living creature,we wouldnt be here rightnow.Infact we`d probably be extremely different from what we are now.So compare that with an even different species from a far starsystem.I doubt they evens have the same type of body structure like us.Not to the 1% similarity.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:59 PM
thank you for telling this to us!!!

[/qoute]this is a great story and i wish i could be abducted... [/qoute]
this is the niavity of the common man.

THats like a jew in the 40's saying "I've never met these germans i wish one would kidnapp me."

I say this not to ridacule you but to educate you.

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 12:24 AM
[qoute]they traverse 5 axis, that is 5 dimensional travel [/qoute]

DEFINE : dimension

And if time is 4th then what is 5th?

Im an abductee as well but not with greys and no one except my close friends has belived me. which is the worst, here you try to give the very answers they seek yet when confronted with the data refuse to accept it.

people dont wanna be scammed . that permeates our life and is built in "FOR PROTECTION"

but in the case of ufo's this will be our undoing.
like a jew in germany analogy again:

one jew sees another taken and killed by nazi = demon/angel/alien
he wont relay that info to anyone !(fear of ridicule)
untill perhaps half are gone and its undeniablly obvious people are missing
but then its too late isnt it.
(some fools will even claim "RAPTURE "PRAISE GOD)
and that gives the nazi room to work freely ,knowing not even one of their own kind will belive and worse NOT CARE ....

this is whats sad and frightning to me now!!!

dont belive in cow mutalations how about humans to the list of"
foxes - wow

ive seen how this is done firsthand but am riddiculled again.
It was horrible to hear the cow scream like that.
I can prove it somewhat by these pictures and my info ill give here.

lasers dont char tissue black around insissions like that and these cases go back before we had lasers. cough ,cough
but electricity does
(electrified tentacle 3 inches round look at arm see square burn it not square its a cylinder laying across it, see.....

and mucus on cows eyes ran down in a pttern indicating it was STANDING UP when it dried.
do cows stand or was it LIFTED in an upright position!

these all were done while fully awake and aware and in extreme pain so much pain it kills you faster than the loss of blood by brain hemerage.

all fluids are removed without vascular colapse!!!

and rips the endocrine system out the small openings ,which still baffles them because it doesnt rip the connecting tissues of the skin in the process.
anus cored out by a sucking instrament

plus oxidine found on all cases too.
(byproduct of hydrogen peroxide to tissue contact.

were food guys !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but i know you dont belive and wont research it... keep eating your grass.

war of the worlds could come soon for real people are you ready?
get a small flamethrower just in case...

start listening with a skeptical yet open mind.

heres my story

I just submitted part of my story just a hour ago.
should i post that?

[edit on 15-1-2005 by lizzardsamok]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Cade

• how could any spieces (animal, being, plant) loose their abillity to reproduce at all?
• why does this gene pool growth take place on a whole planet, instead of inside one of their equally advanced computers?
• if they can modify our genes to slowly over time become what ever it is that they wish, why can they not simply modify their own bodies?
• why would their own genetic repair need to take place in a completely other race (monkeys) ?

Well, I've been thinking about this 'reproductive' thing quite a bit lately. In fact; I just conveyed my views to a friend, the other day, who feels the same as you ("how could we ever lose our reproductive abilities"?)

Okay, well here's my theory:

I have friends who are in their 30s, who are finally 'settled-down', married and ready for children. They are having such a hard time conceiving, sometimes years (if at all). What do these 'friends of mine' have in common? They've all been on some sort of hormonal contraceptive for most of their adult lives.

Have you noticed the studies lately regarding 'the pill'? Seems the longer you take a hormonal contraceptive, the harder it will be for you to conceive later in life.

Well, I brought this 'issue' up as an evolutionary theory. What if we try so hard, for so long, to 'defy' mother nature? Will we lose the 'gift of life'?

If we continue to pluck our eyebrows, will our children's children have none? If we continue to have cesareans, will it be impossible for our great-grandchildren to give birth 'naturally'? What about if we stop nursing? Will our decendents lose the ability to produce milk?

I do believe that our DNA carries a 'sort of memory' along with it. If it is true that we did 'evolve', then what happens when we start to control our own evolution?

You know what they say, "Use it or lose it"!

Could we be fighting so hard for the 'right to choose' that we are not seeing the forest through the trees?

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:45 AM

but in the case of ufo's this will be our undoing.
like a jew in germany analogy again:

one jew sees another taken and killed by nazi = demon/angel/alien
he wont relay that info to anyone !(fear of ridicule)
untill perhaps half are gone and its undeniablly obvious people are missing
but then its too late isnt it.
(some fools will even claim "RAPTURE "PRAISE GOD)
and that gives the nazi room to work freely ,knowing not even one of their own kind will belive and worse NOT CARE ....

this is whats sad and frightning to me now!!!

Whats sad and frightening to me is your pathetic and inappropriate and frankly ridiculous analogy! Its an insult. The jewish holocaust is REAL PROVEN FACT ,Its DOCUMENTED IRREFUTABLE HISTORY!, your anus coring aliens are NOT!

I dont care how much you spout about lizard people, thats your perogative, but I do take offence at this!

[edit on 013131p://54011 by instar]

posted on Jan, 15 2005 @ 01:59 AM

dont belive in cow mutalations how about humans to the list of"
foxes - wow

Rhinos eh? can you give us a link to a case of rhino mutilation? poachers take horns you know.

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