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Alien abduction is a reality

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posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:15 PM
I've been reading a lot of posts at this forum and what has become clear to me is that a lot of you are seeking the truth and are prepared to accept the truth. I have tried serveral times to share my experience with others but have met with ridicule each time. So here is what was the most eye-opening experience of my life.
Before this incident I had never had much interest in UFOs. I had seen unexplained objects hovering in the sky serveral times. On one ocasion I stood and watched them for a few minutes moving across the sky at what seamed imposible speeds for a man made aircraft, but I concluded that if there was anything too these then they were some kind of top secret military aircraft.
One night I was sitting at home watching TV when all of a sudden the entire room was filled with a green light. I stood up, my movements slightly restricted. As I moved a ripple went thru this light that was all around me. It felt almost as if I was under water allthough not as dense as water.
At this point I must have been rendered unconcious. I awoke in a room surounded by what I later learned were beings from another world. They were grey in appearence each around 4 feet tall their heads seamed disproportionatly larger then their bodies. Their eyes where large and dark and their mouths were very smalll.
These beings spoke to me telepathically, the meaning of what they wanted to say was somehow in my mind without any words. So to explain what was said to me I must put it into my own words.
These alien beings had reached a point in their technological evolution where those who didn't posses a particular ability could depend on technology. This meant that those who had a particular ability had no real evolutionary advantage. Over time one of the abilities that was lost was reproduction however this was hundreds of thousands of years ago and the alien beings have been maintaining their society using cloning. The Aliens realised that they couldn't survive this way indefinatly and that a way must be found to repair their genetic code.
They discovered our plannet which had an environment much the same as on their world which meant that there was a good chance of life evolving to be similar to themselves. Apes where the closest genetic match to the aliens and so it was decided to speed up the evolution of this species by adding some of their own genes.
Our planet has been watched ever since, every so offen somone will be taken so that a genetic sample can be obtained however our species is not yet compatible with theirs.
Certain groups within the alien's society introduced technological advancements to us prematurely for reasons that where not disclosed. This has put our society on a path to the same fate as the alien's society. Many of The alien beings simply view man kind as we may view cattle. various different groups among them have conducted experiments on humans, sometimes resulting in death for the victim. But not all of these alien beings are this way. The ones who contacted me do not aprove of these actions and so contacted me (and premumably many others) to warn us of what is going on. The rest of the information I was given cosisted of technical specifications for inter-steller craft and other technology. However it was explained that since human understanding of physics is not as advanced as theirs our language may not yet be capable of expressing many of the concepts given to me. This I have found to be true. I can visualise various partical systems and devices which manipulate them but lack the words to explain them to other people or even myself. The materials used in these technologies are expressed to me in terms of the subatomic structures of the materials, I wouldn't even know where to begin to identify these materials or if they even exist on this planet.
After this experience there must have been another period of unconciousness as I was back in my home serveral hours later allthough my experience seamed to take only serveral minutes.
Why I was chosen remains a mystery to me and it has been 11 years since this experience and I have had no further contact, not even seen a UFO since. If there are any other people who have had any similar experices please share your experiences.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 07:43 PM
You should be commended on your courage and decision to post here, and I am sure you have already come to the conclusion you are not alone. Research by both a Temple University professor (Dr. Jacobs) and a Harvard Psychology professor (the late Dr. John Mack) resulted in both coming to the conclusion that a) the abduction phenomenon invovles very real events, and b) there are millions of people who have shared similar experiences (by some estimates, this number is placed conservatively at or around 14,000,000 just in the US).

There is a ton of published material available, and should you decide to further explore your experience, IMHO I would reccomend Dr. Jacob's book, as his seems to be the most scientific and objective of the book. The man spends the first several chapters just documenting his process!

With a little research, you are sure to read of and find people who can relate your experience in detail.

Thank you for sharing your experience.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:04 PM
You have just explained WHERE we come from in the way that I have always understood it to be..............
I have never had any contact with intersteller beings, but I HAVE seen wierd things in the sky
......I am about to turn 42 now, and when I was 9 I told the entire Mormon Sunday school that we all come from the genetic engineering from Aliens in order for them to be able to have babies like we do....
I got in alot of trouble for that!
I consider myself a Pagan nowdays, and have for years now......I know that there IS some 'higher power' above and beyond the Alien creatures that I think helped bring us into CREATION is real in this sense.

Dont ask me WHY I seam to KNOW this inately.......I have never been abducted that I can I dont think 'they' put this idea into my head. YES Im considerd quite a WACKO by those who I confide this belief to....oh well....nuttin I can do about others belief systems. To each his own.

Your relation of your abduction sounds pretty cool actually! I for one would like to experiance this thick green substance....and would like to meet 'others' from 'out there'.
If you see them again tell them to come and get me to ok?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:06 PM

Thanks for posting your experience.

IM(humble)O, there seems to be a correlation between what you descibed, ie- many of the alien beings simply view man kind as we may view cattle, etc & John Lear's Planet Earth as "The Farm"

Also, could the part you mentioned about "Apes were the closest genetic match to the aliens and so it was decided to speed up the evolution of this species by adding some of their own genes" explain the evolution from ape to man? Is this evolutionary process strickly the result of the past alien experimentations you describe? much for speculation...

Caller ID = Private

[edit on 13-1-2005 by evilution]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:14 PM
Abductee_193, your abduction story definitely does check out with many other stories i've heard about and your description of the Greys can be pretty much considered a text book description. I can accept all the specific details you say they explained to you about their race, their technology and their reasons for being here as they share similarities to many other stories, but what i can never understand is why do they choose to tell this information of seemingly great importance to ordinary everyday people like yourself? (assuming you are an ordinary person)

It would just make sense to me that if they wanted to spread the word that our race is on a course to extinction, they'd choose much more practical avenues to do so. Of course i'm using simple human logic here and when theorizing about a topic such as technologically advanced intelligent aliens, maybe simple human logic isnt the best option. But still you have to wonder why they would continue to disclose this info to ordinary people who are continually subjected to ridicule and rather than choosing a more official outlet to get their message across.

I am i believer in the theory that aliens are possibly visiting us and possibly taking abductees, but i have trouble understanding the reasons to why they'd choose someone like you to give this information to. I admit though, i could probably sit here for hours and come up with tons of potential theories as to why they would go about doing it that way...they just wouldnt be the easiest and most logical in my opinion.

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:30 PM

Originally posted by Meteor_of_WarI am i believer in the theory that aliens are possibly visiting us and possibly taking abductees, but i have trouble understanding the reasons to why they'd choose someone like you to give this information to. I admit though, i could probably sit here for hours and come up with tons of potential theories as to why they would go about doing it that way...they just wouldnt be the easiest and most logical in my opinion.

But might this not make an effective method of acclimation and/or assimilation if you repeated the process, say 50 million times?

While I can in no way substantiate it, I have slowly come to believe that maybe these persons are simply chosen for their innate psychological composition -- as this person is nowhere near the first to claim to have no real interest in the UFO phenomenon prior to experiencing their abduction -- and I postulate that maybe some of these people are "chosen" for this message for the purpose of dimmemination of information.

If you look at the statsitical numbers over the past few decades as they pertain to the public's acceptance and/or belief in the existence of UFOs, they trend upward, indicating that maybe it's an effective assimilation/acclimation stragedy afterall...

Just one man's musings...

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:38 PM
I don't think they would let us be extinct because they need us to survive. Not only that we are them in a way since they enhanced our DNA with theres. If they have ethics like we do they wouldn't treat something in-humanity if we are intergalactic cousins in a way. This is probably why they do not approve of human cattle.

Regardless of what their intentions are they have created a monster. If we (the humans) wanted to at this point and time we could enhance our grey matter. Which is speeding up evolution our evolution.

I believe this story, one it is reasonable , meaning no reptilians or messages of in pending doom. Just a simple message for mankind. Maybe they are re-structuring our DNA again so we can be really smart. Who knows..

[edit on 13-1-2005 by iksmodnad]

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:49 PM
thank you for telling this to us!!!

this is a great story and i wish i could be abducted...

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:54 PM
I wish I could be Abducted. can you tell me whats the required criteria , can a non US citizen get abducted, or dont they like Australia? Is it a certain mentality required? I beleive they exist, thats a start right?

posted on Jan, 13 2005 @ 08:56 PM
Hello and thank you for the replies.
theRiverGoddess thank you for sharing your story with me, it seams to me that you may have indeed been contacted at some point in your life but not remember it. When the alien beings were communicating with me telepathically at first it was as if the thoughts were my own. But then I though why would I be thinking this? and after a few moments I was able to differentiate between my own thoughs and their's.
I beleive that apes evolved on this planet completely naturally and that humans are the result of the alien being's interfearence. Allthough I think if they hadn't interfeared we would have evolved to be very similar to what we are now just not so quickly.
sdrumrunner thank you for your thoughs on why an ordinary person like me would be chosen. I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this out but anything I think of will only be a thory, which would be just as good as anyone else's theory.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 12:55 AM
this story is very similar to this thread.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 01:02 AM

Thank you for posting. Your story fits in with many of the reports other abductees have offered to the world. I hope that you will keep posting... as I do believe that you are a legitimate abductee (or 'experiencer'). I have had a similar experience.

You might want to read Bryant's book on the MIT conference on abductions (I believe it is called 'Close encounters of the fourth kind') as well as some of the stuff Budd Hopkins has written.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:06 AM
Hi Abductee,
Thank you for sharing your experiences with us. However I seriously doubt you have been told the truth or at least the whole truth. I can only encourage you to seek answers within yourself and "trust no one".
I'm positive I'm not the only one who feels this way.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by sdrumrunner

But might this not make an effective method of acclimation and/or assimilation if you repeated the process, say 50 million times?

While I can in no way substantiate it, I have slowly come to believe that maybe these persons are simply chosen for their innate psychological composition -- as this person is nowhere near the first to claim to have no real interest in the UFO phenomenon prior to experiencing their abduction -- and I postulate that maybe some of these people are "chosen" for this message for the purpose of dimmemination of information.

If you look at the statsitical numbers over the past few decades as they pertain to the public's acceptance and/or belief in the existence of UFOs, they trend upward, indicating that maybe it's an effective assimilation/acclimation stragedy afterall...

Just one man's musings...

Definitely a reasonable theory.

In the documentaries i've seen and studies i've read on abduction cases, it has always seemed that all abductees have certain things psychologically in common. I could believe that abductess are chosen for their innate psychological composition.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 10:55 AM
How about a little information on the supposed technology that was transfered to you. No matter if you can understand it or not, there are those who can. It seems the statue of limitations may have passed on what you remember, but I for one would be very interested to hear about any otherworldly technology.

Do you have materials? Do you have formulas? Do you have pictures? Uses? Why would they give technological information to someone who couldn't understand it.

That would be like me reading the "Grapes of Wrath" to my dog.

I don't wholly discount that people are being abducted, because it seems if you were going to do genetic experimentation you would want a representative sample consisting of thousands if not millions. However, we have over 98% of our genes in common with apes. And a much larger percentage in common with one another.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 11:37 AM
In trying to sum up your testimony:
• they have lost their reproduction abillity.
• they need a planet full of humanoids to do it.
• they too, like humans consists of different beings with different agendas.
• they need to repair their genetic code.
• monkeys genetic code were similar with theirs, so they speeded up our evolution.
• we are not yet compatible with their race yet.

• how could any spieces (animal, being, plant) loose their abillity to reproduce at all?
• why does this gene pool growth take place on a whole planet, instead of inside one of their equally advanced computers?
• if they can modify our genes to slowly over time become what ever it is that they wish, why can they not simply modify their own bodies?
• why would their own genetic repair need to take place in a completely other race (monkeys) ?

Your testimony of how you were told about the different agendas on the aliens part seems to correspond well with how things are here on earth.
To think that the whole universe would consist of so many many many different beings that would all have the same view, same agenda, when we couldn't find 3 humans to fit that descriptions might be a stretch of imagination.

Some may view us as cattle orthers may view us as their brothers and sisters, that's reality here on earth.

Your testimony have a lot of points which seem to be in need of further explanation in order to stand the test of logic. Perhaps you are in no position to relay these answers as you were only told something that you yourself do not understand.

Thank you for comming forward with your testimony, but given the seriousness of this whole aspect in regards to our world and it's future, we must never forget to consider the aspects of secrecy on the part of earth governments and how it plays together with all the stories on this internet.

Disinfo has been spread out like wildfire for more than 50 years. Anything in regards to the alien presence falls into 3 different catagories:

• Truth sayers
• Deliberate disinfo agents
• Disinfo victims, individuals who are manipulated into thinking their experience is real, when it's not.

It might be rude and disrespectful to suggest your story is less then true, if it is true I hope you will forgive me. I say this with respect to anyone who has had an encounter with our guests.

Having understood what is really at stake for the current powerelite here on earth, I do not underestimate the length they will go to, to divide us with stories that clash with each other so we become confused. A confused mind does not act.

Ofcause, a simple prankster is not really being mean, just playful, no harm, just humor. Those who take this subject seriously however cannot be caught up in the labyrinth of lies, hoaxes etc.

Please share with us how you feel about my questions when you have the time.
And understand that I'm quite prepared to believe your tesimony if things add up, this should not be of great importance to you if you had this experience for real.



posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 01:26 PM
Hello again
I will try to answer some of the questions that people have asked me about my experience.
I was returned to my home as I was with no physical evidence of any kind.
I think I can understand how a species could become incapable of reproduction when I consider the amount of time involved. Consider the following sisutation on our world. Before we were at the stage we are now if somone was unable to reproduce their genes would not be passed on. This isn't the case at our level of development, if somone is unable to reproduce naturally then medical science can help and so passing on the defective genes. Over time the ability could be lost. As for why they don't modify their own genes or do it some other way that I don't know, maybe it wasn't possible for reasons we don't have the scientific knowledge to understand?
Cade your questions are reasonable, I remind everyone that there is no way for me to verify weather or not these alien beings were giving acurate information or not. The best I can do is try to be logical about it and keep an open mind.
As for the technology I don't know why they would give me this information when I am not a physicist and not in a possition to understand it. It may be that they are not completely aware of what humans are not able to understand. The information I was given about their craft is that they traverse 5 axis, that is 5 dimensional travel. The purpose of this that traveling thru space in certain dimensions at certain points takes less time then in others.
If anyone would like me to clarify anthing I've said then ask and I'll do my best

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by Mesiah
Why would they give technological information to someone who couldn't understand it.

I think this is a very sound question, and I have been giving it some thought. While I am not sure this will, in and of itself answer the question, it somehow seems connected -- along these lines, I kindly invite further thoughts as to how these could be connected.

Anyway, most persons involved in serious study of nearly any facet of the sciences will attest to the accumulation of any kernel of knowledge being accompanied by the stark realization of the as-of-yet unforeseen body of collective knowledge we are yet to learn. In other words, and as in my personal experience, with everything I learn comes the realization that I do not yet know anything.

I think there is inherent value in the realization fo this epiphany, if for no other reason, than it helps facilitate humility. And if you consider that humility equates to not filtering one's knowledge or life experience through their ego and pride, than by facilitating humility you are in fact facilitating growth.

Originally posted by Mesiah
However, we have over 98% of our genes in common with apes. And a much larger percentage in common with one another.

There is, however, one immense and in fact immeasurable difference between us and apes: we are the only species empowered to affect our own evolution within our lifetime.

posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 02:59 PM
This thread has actually been rather interesting so far, and i hope you keep telling more Abuductee_193. But if you dont mind, i had some general questions about your experience that i was wondering about...

1) Did you ever think this may have been a all just a dream? Sometimes dreams can feel quite real, and you'll feel completely lucid and aware of your surroundings. Has happened to me quite a lot actually and i had to second guess whether or not my dream really happened. Usually i'd be able to find out by talking to real life people that were in my dream.

2) Before this incident, were you at all interested in and aware of the UFO/Alien abduction phenomenon?

3) You said you had no physical evidence of the incident. But did you check your body for foreign objects like implants? Personally, i'd probably want to run a metal detector over my skin to be sure.

4) Was this a one time incident?

5) How long ago did this happen?

6) Were you on any pyschological type drugs like '___' at the time of the incident? Or any drugs or alcohol at all for that matter at that time in your life?

7) Do you live with anyone else. And when this happened, was there anyone else at home with you?


posted on Jan, 14 2005 @ 03:13 PM
hello Meteor_of_War
This has only happened once and happened 11 years ago. Before this happened I had seen several objects in the sky and not taken much interest in them other then stopping to observe them a few times. The idea of alien abduction seamed crazy to me and I'd never taken it seriously before. No one else was home when this happened allthough I wasn't the only one who saw the objects in the sky so that can be confirmed. I'm certain this wasn't a dream and I wasn't using any drugs or alcohol. When the green light apeared I was completely awake but for some reason I wasn't afraid.
I did check my body some time later and found no visible evidence, never been checked for implants or anything though.

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

[edit on 14-1-2005 by Abductee_193]

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