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The Mandela Effect Can No Longer Be Denied: Berenstein Was The Tip of The Iceberg

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posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:03 AM

originally posted by: Phage

originally posted by: Daedalus

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Cheddarhead

Is the Mandella Effect really just the latest shiny object to distract us AND make us doubt our memories in the process?


One l.

hahahaha, 85 pages, and THAT is what you chose to comment on?

You're weird.

If you haven't noticed, a good portion of those pages is devoted to (mis)spellings.

I'm weird?

Oh, no doubt, it's spelled wrong...that much is for sure.

I just found it amusing that you chose to comment on that one little thing, as opposed to the loads of stuff on the other 84 pages of the thread.. Unless you already have. I'm still working through it, and if you said something earlier, i may not have seen it yet.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:04 AM
a reply to: Daedalus

There's an app for that.
posts in thread
edit on 5/8/2016 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:09 AM
a reply to: LAkadian


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Phage


Mac Don Ilds?


posted on May, 8 2016 @ 04:10 AM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Daedalus

There's an app for that.
posts in thread

lol, i stand corrected.

Show off..

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 05:27 AM
a reply to: tigertatzen

I believe that the English speaking world is being targeted, at this stage, but I think we need a bit more evidence coming from people in say, Canada & Australia. I haven't heard anything from those territories, so I can't say for definite they're experiencing it... The English speaking world is largely controlled by the same globalist groups, who seem to live without regard to borders anyway - perhaps the effect is designed to take on much of 'the West' instead of just one particular Western nation. If that's the case, then as to motive, I can't say. It would seem to be initiated by the people at the top of the Pyramid though, considering the power & influence which would be needed to pull it off. I still hold the belief that this is more than a simple mind-control exercise.. I do believe there's elements of quantum weirdness/ Magick going on, though of course, the intelligence world is rife with occult shenanigans, so it's all a little blurry at the moment.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Um, you know I'm Canadian, eh?

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 05:48 AM
If only some individuals are affected, or rather "Effected," and those break down into even more definite subgroups that have experienced a,b,c but not d, or believe strongly in their heart that reality has changed around them in terms of timeline or other wide scale changes rather than divine intervention or mind alteration ... it stands to reason that whatever "has happened" is singular not universal.
edit on 8-5-2016 by Gryphon66 because: Noted

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: LoneCloudHopper2
originally posted by: Orborus

Maybe this is how evolution works

I remember almost every point you make the same.

Animal anatomy has changed for me, including humans. We now have a fully enclosed (but smaller) rib-cage (that is more like two rib-cages joined together,

It's insane how far up on the side you can be struck now without hitting a rib!

And Ray Harryhausen's skeletons are now inaccurate now...

The lungs have been redesigned...they used to be more oval-shaped (compared to how they look now.) What I mean by that is that the bottom ends are rather pointed compared to before. They also look to me like they have been flipped around a bit. And yes, too far to the back! They look rather alien to me now...

I remember the lower intestines actually looking messier. Now they look neater, more confined to me. They used to take up more space.

I agree with you about the vagina having an oval shape.

To me the skull looks a little narrower, as if it has been squashed together at the sides a bit.

Is it just me, or don't the shoulder blades look rather small and fragile now?

I'm not sure about the intestines actually, my memory is fuzzy on that one (but others recall it being neater, you're recalling it messier), one thing I do know though is they weren't alone in the abdomen, I'm pretty sure the stomach was closer to abdominal cavity than chest cavity.

The skull seems narrower at the top but wider at the bottom (chin area) for me. And the shoulder blades are tiny now. Also since when did the coccyx curl like that? Seems longer/more prominent to me.

With the ribs my main points are the smaller size of the cage and now we have a 'box-type' rib cage, which is actually made up of two components, front ribs growing out from the breast bone meeting up with ribs growing out from the spine (I don't know the actual morphological growth pattern, maybe someone from this anatomical timeline can clue us in!) This is apparently the evolutionary path that rib cages in this history have taken, look at other mammals or even dinosaurs and you'll see the same twin-clasping rib cages. This seems to have come at the cost of size, however.

I also see the chest cavity has moved up higher (nearer to the neck), I mean look how high those lungs are - does anyone remember reading or hearing about their lungs practically being in their necks? If anatomy really has changed I wonder if all the inconsistencies that would imply have been dealt with... I mean how is it even possible to have virtually the same human culture if evolution took a different evolutionary path? How do we still have all the same animal species (I have yet to notice any new ones)?

originally posted by: Gryphon66
a reply to: Orborus

Are you saying these are personal changes for yourself? Or are you noting them for others?

Because, body parts, particularly genitalia, vary considerably from person to person.

I'm noticing these changes in anatomical diagrams, autopsy videos and even in other people and myself. It's very subtle on the surface but take off the skin and there appear to be (at least in my memory) stark changes to structures and positions of structures. The one thing that hasn't changed seems to be our bodily states - we will still have much the same ailments, scars, diseases etc. Which might imply strange inconsistencies.

I agree body parts change from person to person but what I am talking about is an overall change to the evolution of not only humans but our ancestor species. Our skeletal, muscular and organ 'templates' have changed. Art that derives from the human anatomy (ie. cartoon skeletons) have significant changes from what I remember. I mean we've all seen halloween skeletons and skulls etc. imagine if one day they all looked strangely different, even alien.

edit on 8-5-2016 by Orborus because: clarification

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 06:02 AM

originally posted by: Orborus

I agree body parts change from person to person but what I am talking about is an overall change to the evolution of not only humans but our ancestor species. Our skeletal, muscular and organ 'templates' have changed. Art that derives from the human anatomy (ie. cartoon skeletons) have significant changes from what I remember. I mean we've all seen halloween skeletons and skulls etc. imagine if one day they all looked strangely different, even alien.

I know what it would mean to me.

Thank you kindly for a clear and cogent answer. I hope you find the answers you seek.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

Excelent, that means we're even further along in proving this has something to do with the English language itself, not territories specifically. Thanks again by the way, for the nice comments & replies in thread, and for your efforts in disentangling the subject - it's good to know that good people are taking it seriously.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 11:05 AM
a reply to: Orborus

My question:

Are these anatomical changes showing up more in the younger generations or is anatomy morphing (to one extent or another) across the board?

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: Daedalus

originally posted by: SheeplFlavoredAgain

originally posted by: Daedalus

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Cheddarhead

Is the Mandella Effect really just the latest shiny object to distract us AND make us doubt our memories in the process?


One l.

hahahaha, 85 pages, and THAT is what you chose to comment on?

You're weird.

Quite the contrary. If we are going to get caught up on the spelling of names and other words as evidence of a certain phenomenon, it is wise that we start paying closer attention to accurate spelling.

Clearly, you've not had a discussion with Phage, lol.

While i find most of the material related to this issue to be rather silly, there are a few bits that hold my interest. With Phage, can never rule out pedantry. That is to say; i'm not sure if he's genuinely interested in the topic, or is just being pedantic, for the sake of it.

Oh I am familiar with Phage from my years flitting through ATS. I think in this particular instance his intent was not to be pedantic. I think he was just being proactive in ensuring we wouldn't be inundated with the misspelling of Mandela's name proliferating across the Internet and causing another controversy akin to the Berenstain vs Berenstein controversy.

It's insidious. I found I was able to manufacture a memory (fully aware I was doing so) of seeing that blonde girl in the scene with "Jaws" where she indeed has braces. Even though I have never watched any post-Sean Connery James Bond movie all the way through, let alone that particular one. But the scene was painted so vividly and I had seen enough bits and pieces from that film and the Jaws character to manufacture the scene in my mind. Had I not been absolutely certain I have never witnessed the scene in question, I could have easily fallen into a "Oh my God that's so true!" moment thinking the scene I manufactured was a faintly recalled memory.

If I do declare a me, too, moment you can be well assured I am quite certain I didn't manufacture it on the spot. There will be a reason I accept and post such a moment.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 02:11 PM

originally posted by: Orborus

Animal anatomy has changed for me, including humans. We now have a fully enclosed (but smaller) rib-cage (that is more like two rib-cages joined together, one growing from the chest out and the other from the spine out and both meeting at the middle). This wasn't always the case, I distinctly remember the rib cage just cupping rather than fully encasing the chest organs and I think the breast bone was more a floating plate.

In addition the tip of the chest cavity appears to have moved up above the clavicle, our lungs are now almost in our necks which looks very strange to me. There are more organs bunched up under the ribs too, I never remember the stomach being so tucked under the ribs, nor do I remember the liver being practically the size of a lung.

Small intestines have gotten even messier (in arrangement) than what I remember and the intestines take up the whole abdomen, I distinctly recall it being squashed down more (to pelvis). Stomach seems to have moved to the side and further up (all the organs seem to have been shifted up or down in relation to abdomen - implying a stretched abdomen).

Okay, now in a previous post I promised I wouldn't do a "me, too" unless I had a good reason. I have a good reason. I saved the parts of your post that match MY mental model of the human anatomy as I remembered it and as I thought it still was until your post made me go look it up. With the exception being that I can feel my own ribs and know they are attached to the sternum. However I never stopped to note they all are attached to the sternum. I don't go poking myself in the ribs and therefore assumed that the last few pairs still terminated just short of attachment to the sternum. Silly me. But I really have not had a reason to go looking this stuff up since memorizing it all like a good student and getting excellent grades in my AP Biology class a bazillion years ago.

Now the thing is, I had been hospitalized not long ago with symptoms of a heart attack. It turned out to be a false alarm but meanwhile I have been treated for gastric problems of currently unknown cause. I won't know until I get the necessary scoping done several weeks from now. I was asked if my stomach hurt and like the ignoramus I am...I said "Oh no, my stomach is fine. The pain is around my esophagus."

The kicker with that is...yes, the pain damn well is in my stomach. But in my mind I'm carrying around the same visual map you are...and thinking my stomach was somewhere down where my intestines apparently are. And meanwhile it's been up stuck under my rib cage all this time.

I attribute the mistake about the arrangement of abdominal organs to inadequate teaching materials. The books and diagrams of my education tended to present all the systems in isolation. So I couldn't get an accurate sense or where these organs are in relation to the stomach. The few pics and diagrams I was able to find in the Internet are so much better at helping me get that spacial placement down in my head. Even now, some pictures and diagrams are still misleading. Anyway excelling in AP Biology clearly didn't mean I was an anatomy expert. Had I continued taking courses in college I doubt I would have spent most of my adult life with a badly skewed sense of my own anatomy.

As for the conceptualization I had about the structure of the ribs...well I don't know. Diagrams and photos and even plastic models of skeletons certainly existed in adequate quality even during my school days. I can't really explain it.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: Cheddarhead

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: Cheddarhead

originally posted by: tigertatzen

originally posted by: Cheddarhead

originally posted by: schmae
I think the TPTB/ psy ops is more likely than a parallel universe. That may be because I do not understand parallel things and movies like the Matrix bore me because they are beyond what I can think of as ' real'. But if this is TPTB and all they want to do is alter a few extremely unimportant names on books and cd's , I guess that's not too bad, right?

unless the TPTB are just doing some trials to see how well it works before committing to the main event...

If it means anything, I am only experiencing ME in relation to things like books, music, news stories, etc., but so far nothing from my personal life. Memory is fallible, it's been proven, and is that what the whole basis of ME is built on? Could there be some kind of gaslighting by unknown person or persons to destabilize us? People would be quite easy to influence if they doubted their every recollection was wrong.

You just echoed precisely what I was talking about with my husband and his brother this morning. Down to the letter.

I've been thinking about something else, too. Doesn't the ME seem to be snowballing? Granted, the more people become aware of the phenomenon, the more attention will be drawn to it and the internet is certainly helping that.

What if the Berenstain/Berenstein Bears was only the latest trial?

What if the fabled Lost Thunderbird Photo was the real start of the Mandella Effect?

Could it have been the first attempt at gaslighting the English speaking population, presuming this is some kind of CIA/American psyop? Or was it the inspiration? Consider this. Unknown person or persons observed a sizable population wracking their brains trying to remember that picture and spending considerable time looking for it, (let's not forget being distracted from other things going on in the world) and saying "hey, we can USE that..."

Is the Mandella Effect really just the latest shiny object to distract us AND make us doubt our memories in the process?

It would be helpful to see if there are possible other connections that may seem unrelatan increase in episodes of synchronicity, lost time, etc. I may actually make a thread to discuss possibilities and theories pertaining to that.

It is strange that you brought up those particular my last post above this one. More synchronicity. It does indeed appear to be snowballing. And...the best term I can think of right now is "mutating"more research is uncovering discrepancies, some experience all of the effects, others only some, still others none.

They're messing with all of us. And observing the results, to what end, I can only speculate. I would not be at all surprised to see a sudden, previously undiscovered (or undisclosed) scientific explanation surface in the near future that answers all of our questions sufficiently enough so that we can accept it as simply the way it is now (due to unforeseen xyz explanation, naturally) and move forward.

Desensitizing, rewriting what we thought to be true, and placating in one smooth flow. Allow time for the next shiny, bright distraction to take hold and Boom! Proceed with the next phase...which yes, I think might be the big finale to the whole bizarre production.

And just to be clear, I am not talking about some biblical event or anything. I've felt for some time now that if anyone comes down to Earth to save us, from up in the heavens, they're probably not going to bear any type of passing resemblance to Jesus Christ. Sorry, just my perspective...although the book of Revelations is a rather intriguing read right now.

How do we narrow down who "they" are, in order to formulate a clear hypothesis? Gryphon and a couple of others were examining the apparent confinement of the effects to N. America as a factor. That does seem to jibe with the whole deliberate manipulation theory.

But here's a question that is bothering me:

If they're watching us, which I am certain they would be, then they know that we are discussing this. So what if we figure it out? What...they just hit the reset button and fry our memories again? we think we're figuring it out because they want us to think that? Because then we'll feel like we slew the beast and get overconfident? Maybe that's the desired result. Fear is the strongest of all human emotions...their most valuable tool and weapon.

But what most people don't think about is that when an intense fear is suddenly allayed, it is replaced by an equally, if not more intense sense of relief. And that would be the perfect moment to take total control...or whatever they plan to do.

My feelings are that being allowed to collaborate and compare notes, so to speak, is part of the experiment. Whatever our conclusions, whether correct or out in left field, is all being observed somewhere. I'm honestly not trying to be paranoid. For all I know, the Madela effect is just the latest obsession in the same vein as all the 2012 hysteria, or just a massive number of people with faulty memories who have internet access.

But too many of us have all had the same experience of remembering something clearly only to have a WTF moment at a later date when we hear it again, such as a celebrity or famous person's death or song lyrics that just sound "off".

Living with the feeling that your memories are incorrect is important to someone for some reason, and it may take years for this all to come to fruition.

I've been thinking the same's all being observed and the data recorded. We have to assume they can see and hear everything we do.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: tigertatzen

In your theory who is "they"? DARPA? Anytime I read of really creepy stalkery stuff or weird tech and experiments it's usually attributed to DARPA. They freak me out just by what the press already publishes about them.

And when you say we have to assume they can see and hear everything we do, do you mean what we say and look up on the Internet, or in our houses?

I'm inclined to think it's not practical that a government entity caused any of this because Mandela's perceived circa late 1980s death spans back decades. And that's a hell of a lot of people to monitor and control and manipulate over really small weird things and one or two big weird things over a really long span of time.

Now I think it is possible that they are monitoring our reactions and studying such things because I think it's been released for public knowledge already that there have been and continue to be massive data collection projects to gather data to feed into simulation and modeling projects, as well as to use for law enforcement purposes. And the data comes from many sources, including Internet activity. Heck, even just for the purpose of advertising to us, we are tracked very thoroughly.

But my nebulous theory is that "they" didn't at least cause the prime event, that is Mandela being dead and then not dead in the minds of many of us. I'm thinking that prime event is some sort of natural phenomena we just can't explain with our current state of scientific development. I believe someday we will be able to demonstrate that there are mechanisms by which people can experience different versions of what we call "reality" or different timelines and can cross between them. Or we may someday be able to detect and prove we live in a simulation that is subject to throwing freaky errors. There has already been enough links in this thread to theories and experiments by legitimate scientists to support the idea that such exotic possibilities could exist.

Could there be a human agency monitoring our reactions to these naturally occurring phenomena? Or could there be a human agency already aware our existence is a simulation and could they be trying to study us while being a part of the simulation themselves? I think it's a decent possibility.

But I think actually causing all of these things...that's a lot of work. And people suck at massive undertakings even on short time scales. A multigenerational effort at messing with people in this way seems really unlikely.

Eh, but what do I know? I don't even know where my stomach is supposed to be, apparently. I'm open to considering all the theories people want to present. Just because I think it's unlikely does not mean it is impossible. I am not the most imaginative person sometime and I could be missing obvious ways these things could be carried out.

posted on May, 8 2016 @ 06:49 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Yuppers.. .that video plus many excellent The GUT threads (with links to patents, etc) show the legitimacy of EM effects on cognition .. .and of bloody course spooks and govts would be interested in it ... at the very least for defensive applications... at worst, for some Orwellian nightmare scenario...

the truth is likely somewhere, as always, in the middle, seeing as how even the elites have to share the world(s) with the plebeian masses and droves of controlled minions would likely be dull.

Add more mentally destabilizing conjecture! Heh... oh and thank gosh for Phage's 'pedagoguery!'

posted on May, 9 2016 @ 12:01 AM
a reply to: Baddogma
after a few hours of 'digging in' to this idea I'm wondering how much more I really want to know. not kidding at all. I was having a lot of fun just speculating about The Mandela Effect while knowing I could probably just trash the ideas and move on with about 95% certainty that I'm just mis-remembering a few things.

right now I feel like I just opened the mother-can of worms and I can't put the monkeys back in

start at the second paragraph from the bottom of page 45 of this document if you want to be seriously freaked out.

edit on 5/9/2016 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: found this crazy document from 1992

posted on May, 9 2016 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

As I looked into it, I ,too, wondered if I really wanted to know.. .as I don't really want to be the wild eyed lunatic knowing horrible things and vainly trying to inform unwilling listeners the "truth" as I see it... no fun, that scenario.

But the tech, is, unfortunately, real enough to cause some worry. One thing we can do is hope the possessors of such tech treats it with some ... respect... or at least controls the masses towards something better than destruction (IF it exists and is operational, of course).

But it's the ultimate nightmare rabbit hole in some respects, if individual thought is held in high regard, that is.

posted on May, 9 2016 @ 12:51 AM

originally posted by: SheeplFlavoredAgain

Okay, now in a previous post I promised I wouldn't do a "me, too" unless I had a good reason. I have a good reason. I saved the parts of your post that match MY mental model of the human anatomy as I remembered it and as I thought it still was until your post made me go look it up. With the exception being that I can feel my own ribs and know they are attached to the sternum. However I never stopped to note they all are attached to the sternum. I don't go poking myself in the ribs and therefore assumed that the last few pairs still terminated just short of attachment to the sternum. Silly me. But I really have not had a reason to go looking this stuff up since memorizing it all like a good student and getting excellent grades in my AP Biology class a bazillion years ago.

Now the thing is, I had been hospitalized not long ago with symptoms of a heart attack. It turned out to be a false alarm but meanwhile I have been treated for gastric problems of currently unknown cause. I won't know until I get the necessary scoping done several weeks from now. I was asked if my stomach hurt and like the ignoramus I am...I said "Oh no, my stomach is fine. The pain is around my esophagus."

The kicker with that is...yes, the pain damn well is in my stomach. But in my mind I'm carrying around the same visual map you are...and thinking my stomach was somewhere down where my intestines apparently are. And meanwhile it's been up stuck under my rib cage all this time.

I attribute the mistake about the arrangement of abdominal organs to inadequate teaching materials. The books and diagrams of my education tended to present all the systems in isolation. So I couldn't get an accurate sense or where these organs are in relation to the stomach. The few pics and diagrams I was able to find in the Internet are so much better at helping me get that spacial placement down in my head. Even now, some pictures and diagrams are still misleading. Anyway excelling in AP Biology clearly didn't mean I was an anatomy expert. Had I continued taking courses in college I doubt I would have spent most of my adult life with a badly skewed sense of my own anatomy.

As for the conceptualization I had about the structure of the ribs...well I don't know. Diagrams and photos and even plastic models of skeletons certainly existed in adequate quality even during my school days. I can't really explain it.

With ME the changes are happening inconsistently and over time. I only really took notice of the changes this year, organs seem really out of place for me and what I learned of anatomy. I agree diagrams etc. can be misleading (and still are) but I think I would have recalled the stomach is right under the heart (and rib cage) and that the liver is the size of a lung. Maybe some of these changes happened for some people earlier (or they've always had them) and others are only now just coming into this morphological paradigm.

As for the ribcage well yeah, clearly its always been the way it is now but if that were the case why does the sternum seem so obvious now? I never noticed we had a literal 'necktie' bone and I think that would be one of the first things I would notice since its so big and central. Also the rib cage has definitely moved up - we now have a ring of ribs in the neck! This has had the effect of making everyone's neck slightly shorter and connecting area between neck and shoulders to be larger. I now see this in everyone including myself (I definitely had a longer neck). We even tend to depict necks as sorter or even completely obscured by the head in art and icons etc. Before the lack of neck was always a stylistic choice of making a character more cartoony, now its actually somewhat accurate to our physiology

I was always fascinated with human anatomy and as an artist I had a keen sense of the general morphology of human anatomy, the general proportions etc. Now I have to throw out what I once knew. We have shorter necks, different facial structures, longer abdomens, shorter chests, etc.

Re-watching Gunther von Hagens' Anatomy tv series has been an eye-opener for me. Dissecting our new anatomy takes a different tact, it's all changed, even the choice of imagery displayed in the background...

Look at these T. Rex skeletons:

Considerably different to my memory of T. Rex and dinosaur anatomy in general, i've always been a Paleo fan (though not professional). The rib cage is too small and never had a seperate chest-cage (wasn't just omitted from diagrams/models either, it didn't exist in any). Notice the arms too - waaaay different, they seem mis-positioned (and maybe are). In my reality the arms didn't jut out like that and were more relaxed and to the side of the body.


What on earth? Once again, arms completely wrong, the chest ribs look almost like a separate spine. This never existed.

Also since when was there a rear-pointing pelvic bone in any dinosaur? It's like dinosaurs now have a scissor-like apparatus to move their legs...

I could go on endlessly - even insects have changed! What used to be a tried-and-true template for a bug (ie. three segments, legs exclusively attached to thorax) is now a three, four, sometimes even five segmented invertebrate where legs can be pretty much anywhere. Not at all how I remembered the template for insects.

originally posted by: tweetie
a reply to: Orborus

My question:

Are these anatomical changes showing up more in the younger generations or is anatomy morphing (to one extent or another) across the board?

Across the board. Everyone is likely changed by now (with or without memories of it). Many will have not perceived any changes (often those either without knowledge of anatomy or those who are certain of their knowledge of anatomy).

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