Lots of egos go bump in the night especially on Friday and Saturday nights... if one cant cope to loss at billiards, darts, debate or the affections
of some young thang then its time to get animal style? Kudos Darwin wins again and so do lawyers, private prisions that will house your fistacuff
asses for 30k per year at the expense of tax payers.
There are more healthy coping mechanisms out there for people of all sorts to vent their feelings of inadeaquacy, some creative "manly" pursuits like
art in custom cars, motorcycles, chopping/carving wood or shooting/punching digital people in the face like in video gaming, or taking up martial arts
or boxing and competing... you know constructive things; things that can be a valuable asset to oneself and others even a source of income if you get
good enough at it and a benefit to society instead of derpa derpa ima meathead care to be one too and tenderize each other with a good pounding?
sounds latently homosexual, not that theres anything wrong with that, but hey when its socially acceptable... Im sure a position called top has a
bottom waiting for you to dominate them you manly man you.
Now of course you might get those hackles up at the mere suggestion of this or... Hey I aint no kinda gay and want to prove some dominance... and well
at that sort of rebuttal youd have already failed. Barbarism is not the answer and as The Smiths have sang? It begins at home... and that whole did
daddy not hug you enough or hug you innapropriately? You see why such things are not appropriate in an ethical society and why people need therapy
when the influx of religious morals becomes a detriment on the public and in its streets trying to control who you love, who you can be, as a sheep, a
follower to be herded, and controlled in a dance monkey dance fashion by those pulling those strings on you... but oh no, Im in control of myself...
obviously not if it comes to blows and theres a couple different types of those. Which one may be repressed and which one is swinging?
As an adult there are choices but as an adult acting out of immaturity; for various reasons(family, small town, friends, whomever wont accept you for
you so it gets hidden and surfaces in other ways) there are places that such people get put if they want to act like animals in society and well just
like a zoo with other animals the ones in cities have bars too.
So redirecting that energy is adult, is responsible, is actually "manly" and something to be respected and admired as a role model in society to
others that need such guidance... where its "manly" to abandon ones responsibility of the women and children they parent irresponsibly, now that is
not to be taken by skin tone as that is accross the board from oat sowers... as any single mother will tell you... many "boys" in a mans body will
enjoy the practice of making them... and once one is made, good luck finding a real man to raise a "boys" child instead of more "boys" just wanting
Some may want to blame music, well hey its not music making those choices... they just tell the tale as entertainment, but baah baah cant help but
make their life immitate art instead of using ones life as an artform and be a benefit to society and oneself and ones family if they are even worth
being family... some family just control control control no matter someones age, because theyve no control over themselves and belief champions over
their actual experience... its like all the anti drug people that have never touched any making policy and spouting ideas and belief... opinion
invalid, no experience means no experience so ones mouth shouldnt be signing up for the job to offer up only more ignorance... enough of that in
society already by spokes people and paid studies to sway the ignorants opinion... ignorance obviously votes quite often buys out elections to keep
those segregationist economic circles spinning, but they buy the pander hook line and sinker, instead of the actual truth of the corruption bought and
paid to lie to you for those votes.
So hey, obviously a lot of social issues are never handled with ethics because of the moralist cree confusing the two together, so much so they took
over the US government and inacted a holy war on their biblical enemy... anit that some $h!+? of course all of this inequality now, is why you see the
bathroom debate, the religious freedom laws, etc. which are illegal on the very foundation of separation of church and state, keep it in your
churches, temples, synogoges, mosques and homes... the street is the public where all feet meet and its insanity to suggest people go toe to toe over
anything especially belief.
Why do people say it takes balls to be tough? They are sensitive and weak... A vagina? Now that, can really take a pounding. ~Betty White
on 26-4-2016 by BigBrotherDarkness because: (no reason given)