This is a good time to go over a few basics about "conversion disorder", "Internet conversion disorder" and "magical conversion disorder".
First off, "classical conversion disorder"
"Conversion Disorder"
Particularly suggestible people (weak sense of self) can easily fall prey to this. In the past, people often had to be in a physical group together to
"drive each other hysterical" and "feed on a hysteria loop'".
Now Internet conversion disorder is the same thing, except someone with a strong sense of self, often someone who is very delusional, can plant
"seeds of fear" and other "primal psychological seeds". This is a purely psychological phenomena, aided by the "pseudo telepathy system" known as the
You can see "Internet Conversion Disorder" all over ATS, nearly daily. Of course some of the most famous threads such as "hidden hand" and "Astr0" are
definite strong examples.
The best way to handle this effect, is to simply ignore the delusional nonsense, so that you don't "loop" and keep intensifying the effect.
This is also historically present in such examples as "the evil eye", and some things from voodoo and shamanism.
Now last but not least is "magical conversion disorder".
This usually happens when a "practictioner" wakes up some of the little symbiotes inside their body, typically those at the base of the spine, infects
them with their angst, and shares them with their friends and enemies. (even enemies leave themselves open to their enemies. Really enemies share many
characteristics with friends).
Now the self-induced mania required to keep the symbiotes agitated can only be maintained for a certain period of time. It actually requires a careful
use of bodily resources, especially the sexual hormones. Only a "Kundalini or Tantric" "master" could keep it up for long. So the best thing is to
just let the practictioner use up their bodily resources and ignore them, as what they usually want is attention more than anything.
Humans share symbiotes all the time. It's not a big thing, and this 'magical conversion disorder' is actually fairly pathetic.
But people do fall prey to it all the time. It's a very human failing.
Now there is 'actual possession' , but that's extremely rare. I don't generally discuss it, and discussing it can set off a wave of Internet
conversion disorder and there is no need to do that.
The reason I'm posting this at this time, is to PREVENT the possible formation of conversion disorder, which is a huge waste of everybody's time.
It's good info to keep in your back pocket, as it does come up fairly frequently on ATS.
Have a good day, one and all.
edit on 5-5-2016 by KellyPrettyBear because: typo