a reply to:
You sound like me haha..
Did I ever tell you I was offered a faerie tent in the woods with a fast car and Internet?
You know come to think of it I can't even trust you guys here.
My personal way of going about things is continuously taking in new info and seeing if I map it all out if more or less oh my puzzle pieces come into
arrangement. Like movies in my head or thought experiments.
For whatever reason it seems to me I got good info from "bad" things. Of course that info was also leading me down a dark road, so you have to
literally figure it out on your own. Only experience can truly help.
Funny thing I was just watching this show and it's showing the manipulation I went through. A weird mix of love and deceit. If I was hard wired in any
one direction I would have easily fallen prey, but my own strength is my flexibility. I bent.. I bent hard but my trunk did not snap.
I was right on the edge though.
Actually I chose a mission or something like that to be sort of a shaman psychologist..
Even when I talk of this weird stuff I have good will in my heart and all is forgiven. I try to make people happier or stronger or wiser whatever..
Hence my heavy use of emoticons.
One reason I evaded talking about what happened to me was I didn't want anyone taking me seriously and becoming afraid. Fear can really suck. Though
it can also motivate you to be better.. It all depends on the dose.
I'm glad to be back in good heart shape without my energy being sucked out of me like draining blood.
Any way only demons I've come across tried to make me feel worthless and pitiful. I've out grown them. I've only met a couple "demonic" things that
have helped me in any way and they seemed to help me only so I may die later or be used in some way.. I can't really differentiate the concept of
angel or devil anymore..
But whatever is inside me that makes me love and psychic and intuitive. It grows stronger. It's my guide. Nothing outside of me (if there is such a
thing) gets to tell me anything. It's filtered through my "knowing" and dealt with accordingly.
I'd be careful because what happened to me snuck up on me out of no where. The only warning was I felt the energy of it. Powerful.. More than I've
seen in me or anywhere really.. Quite the wake up call.
If something is too good to be true it probably is. The only way to not be controlled is to control yourself. Only way to do that is to not be the one
receiving "information" eh I make it up as I go, but what a crash course I was given in all things "weird"
And I thought the black triangle experience was the top my life would see..
Hahaha yea...
Love you guys and thanks for the thread (at mr op).