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Baddogma's Meta Cafe- Polite Discussions About Scientific Mysticism and General Weirdness

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posted on Apr, 28 2016 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: Baddogma



posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 03:01 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

very nice post Kev. Although this post was made as a response to you, but is meant for all readers and is of more general nature...

This is my stand on these things also:

I do respect my own system and subjective proof, but obviously I am not in a position to prove anything yet...and I frequently admit this all over ATS and on my blog.

but I have never "liked" science and never probably will due to obvious human nature which is in general more on the "bad side" in modern society. As in desires for greed for money and power are leading the way of science and all other branches also, even "spirituality" or "religion".

There were many brilliant scientists in the past such as Tesla, W. Reich, Walter Russell, etc... after watching documentaries about them and reading some of their studies and thoughts about universe and so on, it is obvious to me that they have discovered many things which somehow were lost after their death...this is for me a red flag that something or someone is limiting our mainstream knowledge and is not comfortable spreading knowledge about more subtle nature of our reality and therefore it would not be researched...These man have "discovered" prana and I am (ALMOST) convinced that at least Reich and Tesla were working on it or with it and integrating it into their science.

for instance tesla quote:

'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.'

walter russel quote:

You may command nature to the extent only in which you are willing to obey her.

The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all. It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will.

“...That inner ecstasy of the mind is the secret fountain of perpetual youth and strength in any man. He who finds it finds onmipotence and onmiscience.”


also the fact that are hallucinogenic NATURAL drugs are illegal is another red flag for me...especially considering that alcohol, all kinds of sugar and cigarettes are OK. Did you know that sugar is as addictive as heroin?
How can that be legal and other natural drugs are not? And there are numerous diseases and deaths due to these drugs - legal drugs which should be the safest.
But it is exactly the other way around from my perspective - research and experience.
Also newest scientific findings are most promising and prove that! (about m d m a, l s d, shrooms, weed, d m t), they are discovering "finally" that natural drugs of all kinds are beneficial for mind and body... and after 1000 years or more of history and usage in the past. I guess the ancient people were smarter than us...they used natural stuff and we use fake stuff, which is bad for us...1000 years from now, they will probably laugh at us - our society. They should in my opinion, if people in the future will be more "healthy and natural" in the most broad sense.

modern mainstream science is all just propaganda and agenda driven in my perspective...just as anything else!

also some pages and a lot of posts ago Kev already touched about the conspiracy of Kundalini, which is something experienced by every dedicated meditator sooner or later. Why is this not researched? hm....

and I can go on and on, such examples of nonsense are too many to count and it all points to something very ugly at the top of our "pyramid power scheme" of the world in my opinion.

Sorry to be so dark. Buuut on the bright side.

I feel a lot of things from reading your post and also from other posters who have shared their experiences (kantz, etc...) and I am without a doubt you or others are not lier's. And I take your opinion about wo wo stuff over scientific opinion everyday of the week. In my opinion forums such as these and books from people who have devoted their lives to something are the fountain of truth, there are some nut-cases or trolls (on ats or even authors of books), but there are also many true posters/authors who don't have anything to gain other than sharing their experiences.

and those are priceless. We just have to learn to filter them.

So the only way to the truth is in my opinion a lone wolf type of road and this is how it should be in my opinion.
Read, research, study, practice and gain your version of the truth. Simple. Just perseverance must be learned and expectations dropped.

and be humble and kind and you will find your way...said some yoga master.

drop all mainstream, drop all "science facts", drop everything and find your way. it is there, it is hidden in plain sight...

...just my two cents...

edit on 1461920487401April014013016 by UniFinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 06:54 AM
Just ask me, I have all the answers. jk

With that being said, spirituality has proven to be a fruitless endeavour. Why pursuing something that doesn't have any advantages? Or applications. I mean what it does is making people feel important and special, resulting in isolation, because they feel like they're standing on higher grounds than the average. Which is the opposite of what should be.

No one ever was able to manifest something. No one was ever able to see the future. To read someones thoughts. To move objects with their mind and so on.

(Puts on a pink tutu, grabs the crystal ball and heads out to sacrifice a donkey. Just because.)

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 09:04 AM
a reply to: UniFinity

Your very best post on ATS by far.

Thank you

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 09:13 AM

originally posted by: Peeple
Just ask me, I have all the answers. jk

With that being said, spirituality has proven to be a fruitless endeavour. Why pursuing something that doesn't have any advantages? Or applications. I mean what it does is making people feel important and special, resulting in isolation, because they feel like they're standing on higher grounds than the average. Which is the opposite of what should be.

No one ever was able to manifest something. No one was ever able to see the future. To read someones thoughts. To move objects with their mind and so on.

(Puts on a pink tutu, grabs the crystal ball and heads out to sacrifice a donkey. Just because.)

I'm glad that you are seeing things this way.

Now, not to be contrary, but in my experience, there certainly is plenty of high strangeness
in the world. Only--- and this is the big thing to keep in mind--- when it happens, it's the
"Universe' doing it's thing--- it's other life forms who can manipulate the laws of physics
or dark matter / dark energy who are doing whatever they do--- and they do it for
themselves--- "not for us".

We don't mater squat.

So the Shaman's way is valid.. but it's nothing to write home to mother about necessarily..
you might do something important as a shaman half a dozen times in your life, for the
benefit of who knows whom? Sometimes to benefit the human race, but that's just a
side effect of critter on critter disagreement.. some of the critters vaguely have fond
feelings for a few humans (mostly children and shamans) while the rest could really
care less.

There *is* a path to self-knowledge and "freedom", but it's not a "spiritual path"
so much as a path of maturity.

When we 'nurture our soul' we are mostly nurturing another lifeform, which
doesn't particularly thank us.. but goes on it's way..

Spirituality is not for humans really..

My path is to make lemon aid of all this lemon.

I personally would like to reveal the "conspiracy" about 'spirituality' and
i'm hoping that humans can become partners "with the Universe" and stop
being simple victims like we are now.

We are the nerds getting beat up by the cool kids at school.. but it doesn't
need to be this way forever.. we CAN grow up and take our place in the
Universe, as a respectable species.


posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

See the problem is, to do research you need someone to be interested in it, to interest someone it needs to have effects. The only effect it has proven to have, is to drive people to(at? on?) the brink of insanity. One would have a more promising standpoint, if the goal would be a study how to avoid spirituality.

Which is a shame, because I agree, something is there, it's just very chaotic. Camera shy.
Stupid critters.
But who knows, maybe someone finds an angle that works.

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Peeple


"Kundalini" makes massive B.S. claims.

It does rewire your Be more useful to the critters.

If you do it perfectly it gives you hypergraphia and increased poetic ability.....

Nothing really special about that.

Now if most critters didn't dislike could be more useful like it once was.

But we are so destroying their world...that even with them being almost nonphysical they still are suffering for all our foolishness.


posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 02:18 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hm, that's (again) an excellent point! Don't ask what your parasites can do for you, ask what you can do for them...
I will try that. Maybe not sacrificing a donkey, but offering a cup of coffee.

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 03:26 PM

originally posted by: Peeple
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Hm, that's (again) an excellent point! Don't ask what your parasites can do for you, ask what you can do for them...
I will try that. Maybe not sacrificing a donkey, but offering a cup of coffee.

If they are linked into our nervous systems because they co-evolved with us..
then they must be in constant pain.

A lot of human beings are assholes.. and we are destroying all life on Earth.

Maybe they try to tune us out as much as possible now.. and try to hide
deep underground and under the ocean.

They have probably given up on us ever amounting to anything.. to grow
up and be reasonable beings.

It's always "god do this for me... god do that for me.. my soul or spirit
become ENLIGHTENED now!"

Only none of that stuff exists.. instead we are whining and complaing to
"them" and doing our best to destroy their environment with all these
EM waves, nuclear reactors, plasma experiments.

Humans are looking at this all wrong --- going "me! me! me!"

No wonder nobody can make heads or tails of UFOs and spiritual


posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 08:31 PM
a reply to: Peeple

hah well if you think it will bring you ANY advantages, than you will probably feel like you say sooner or later.
Notions of being special, wanting to perform miracles, that it is fruitless, etc...

This is what westerners like to call dark night of the my opinion. When one is starting to realize a bit about more about real nature, a bit further than the soul ...
Basically, that is just "egoistic thinking" in my opinion and shows clinging to "reality" and/or some sense of "self".

True spirituality is to get away from all that.
For me the point is at dropping what is false.
Fears and doubts.

Contemplate deeply about what remains after that,
after a person has really dealt with ALL of that for good.
But most say that cannot be done, but in my contemplation i have found it otherwise.

What I am wanting to say is, that for me true spirituality simply means working on your mind. Different religious or spiritual system can help you with that.
But the final step will have to be made on your own.
Your own mind is the final frontier, but you can choose yourself "the path" and "the tools".
find out what fits you like a glove and that should become your Wisdom and Means.

When you will find out that base for you, than with continuous practice you get experiences and faith will grow in you and everything gets easier and effortless. With pure faith there is nothing standing in your way, but it is hard to accumulate pure faith. Most like to put faith in other beings instead of themselfs.
or guru.
pure faith in a real guru is the same. But it is hard to find real guru in our society, good luck with that...

Some choose to go away from all distractions to conquer their minds, not because they feel special, but because they desire only peace and quiet to meditate and is the easiest way to dedicate and absorb yourself in long meditations.

edit on 1461984314445April454453016 by UniFinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 10:57 PM
Hey, nice posts! Just a quick hit and run until later, but I've been catching glimpses out of my peripheral vision of something or someone... looks to be ...oh 5'8", bald (ish) and a tad bulky... got that "feeling" of not being alone, saw it near my couch, looked straight on, but gone... then again near my kitchen and then today on my porch at near sunset...

wouldn't usually mention this as it's likely only proof of mental instability or deteriorating vision (got a floater and maybe a semi-detached retina recently) and so scoffers can scoff with good reason, but dangit, my gut says I was visited by someone.


eta first glimpse was last night about midnight Western time.. .then in the wee hours.. .then this afternoon... don't know why that matters, either, but it was ... er ... strident? This is unusual for me, btw... I don't see/hear stuff often.

edit on 4/29/2016 by Baddogma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 29 2016 @ 11:25 PM
a reply to: Baddogma

What happened to your eye?

I have no idea about your "visitor".


posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 12:42 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Thanks for inquiring about my eye... I believe it's a detached retina... due to recently getting an effect like gloop in the eye and a laser pointer effect flashing in front of my vision at night.. . entropy slowly doing its' thing.

Dunno about the maybe visitor, either.. .likely just need to get out more.

Last time I had such a vivid "vision" of someone/thing was when a loved one's relative died and then a short time laterm someone strolled into my kitchen as I was doing dishes and I gradually noticed their hair color was wrong and turned to see who it was and nothing was there.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 03:36 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

That's the first thing I thought of, you're going to get news that someone has died.

As far as your eyes, get them checked out today. If it's a detached retina, it'll need hauled back into place before it detaches too far. Is your vision blurry in that eye?
Uurgh, don't mess about with eyes, they're too crucial. Good luck, hope it's nothing serious.

Incidentally, are you still getting calls on your phone from the unknown source?

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 05:48 AM
a reply to: UniFinity

True spirituality is to get away from reality? Lol
No thanks, faith is for the weak, an illusion. I want reality, facts and proof.
Even if that will turn out to shatter my world view, it already did, but I mean even if god turns out to be bacteria, a fungi, or plasma critters messing with our brains. Or aliens, interdimensional beings, or whatever.
Point is, knowing is always better than surrendering to an illusion.

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Peeple

oh very interesting,
how you interpreted my post and what running away from reality means to you.

It seems we have opposite ideas about it.
For me it is mostly observing and "training" (relaxing and letting go) my mind and removing egoistic desires, fears and doubts.
In my contemplation, all egoistic nonsense is the source of what is "wrong within" and that needs to be confronted face to face and than it can get truly "dropped".
When we are successful other things get into our awareness...things that are a bit more subtle and more I am successful with that, more I am aware of subtle nature of reality from my experience and contemplation.

This is a bit about what I am pointing to in my posts:
"Man know thyself; then thou shalt know the Universe and God." - Pythagoras.

I should just say this to clarify a bit, that for me faith does not equal belief.
People tend to misuse these words, and oh I am not implying you are doing that : )

... well to each his or her own, as long as it makes you and others around you happy,
I am sure you will find your own way if you will dig deep!

edit on 1462017190453April534533016 by UniFinity because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 30 2016 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: Baddogma

I second what bean said! Please go
See a specialist for your eye!

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

He hasn't replied! He's blinded! Noooooooo!

As an aside, I started reading Passport to Magonia. I don't know if it's the imagined French accent or the fact that he's such a good storyteller but I've started to fall in love with old Jacques Vallee. Another one bites the dust.

posted on May, 1 2016 @ 11:56 AM

originally posted by: beansidhe
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

He hasn't replied! He's blinded! Noooooooo!

As an aside, I started reading Passport to Magonia. I don't know if it's the imagined French accent or the fact that he's such a good storyteller but I've started to fall in love with old Jacques Vallee. Another one bites the dust.

He gives great hugs

We won't see his like again, anytime soon.

Group-think is so savagely in place now days, that the ability to keep a very open mind,
but to still pursue logical research without jumping to conclusions (in a scientist)
seems almost lost.

And if you do manage to do that, you get jumped on for not "being decisive or brave"
or what have you.


posted on May, 1 2016 @ 02:05 PM
Not blind, so far, but having tech issues... and almost lost my baddogma account as a result... too many cleverly complex passwords for my aging neurology to keep straight.

And yeah, I know.. . eye specialist. On my "to do" list...

Oh and no more visiting shades as far as I know (or think).

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