posted on May, 2 2016 @ 06:16 AM
a reply to:
Schrodinger's celebrity.
That's brilliant.
Glamour is right and it's very powerful. If someone (and no one else) makes you doubt your own sanity, ask yourself why and watch them like a hawk.
They want something, probably control, and it's not with your best interests at heart.
You're an intelligent, level headed guy with a good all-round knowledge. I read that thread. It was fascinating, from a purely human point of view.
We do second guess ourselves, it's why game show hosts ask 'Are you sure about that answer?'. We defer to those we assume have greater knowledge.
It's what Anaana was talking about a few pages ago, it takes an awful lot to go forwards without someone else to either inspire you or clear the path.
In fact, it seems to go against human nature.
Yes weird things happen, undoubtedly, but they happen on their own, when you least expect them, usually. Not because some bloke with a jesus complex
insists they happen. Do you know what I mean?
You're fine, don't doubt yourself for a minute. My only advice is never research on the internet, rely always on paper books.
Why do you think the Nazis burned them? Well, you know of course, but their permanence cannot be disputed. Hence why I'm a book snob, falling over
great piles of them in my house.
Look after yourself today and be kind to yourself. Seek out people who encourage your wellness not self doubt.
B xxxx