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What Do Muslims In America Believe? Here's the Breakdown...

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posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:40 PM

originally posted by: TheBulk

originally posted by: alienjuggalo
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

It was meant to be silly.. So you would rather die then denounce your faith,, that says alot to me.. Talk about effing brainwashed..

Watchout for that invisible man in the sky..

Again we see this need to attack the victims of Islamic terror. I dont get it.

Who is attacking any victims of any terror here?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:41 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

you're a convert right? In your previous avatar, is that you in the pic? Young white Muslim convert?

Yup, and I can profile him from across the ocean. Single mother, big city, low income growing up. Mother remarried / had boyfriends wasnt around a lot. Minimally employed.

Tell me Im wrong.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: caterpillage

Personally I don't know any Muslims who want us all to live under Sharia Law...

I haven't asked that personally.
This is why some Muslims in America want Sharia Law for themselves though.

I don't know any Muslims who agree with violence and certainly not suicide bombings.
Suicide is a great sin, as is murder, to combine the two is outlandishly unIslamic.

We discuss this together often and find it sickening.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Irrelevant really.

You either follow the Quran or you don't. Race and age doesn't come into it.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:43 PM

originally posted by: EightTF3
Well yeah, Islam is a crooked religion founded on the premise of violence by their prophet. I'm an atheist so this isn't a religious war for me but I agree with Trump, # em. No matter how many boots we put on the ground or how many bombs we drop we can't reform Islam. When they want to internally fix the cluster # that is their religion, and join civilized society I'll welcome them. Until then they can kick rocks, keep them the # away from me

No one is attempting to reform Islam. Do you really think that?

Also, almost all religions have their very own cluster ducks.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: mwalker

originally posted by: FlySolo
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

you're a convert right? In your previous avatar, is that you in the pic? Young white Muslim convert?

Yup, and I can profile him from across the ocean. Single mother, big city, low income growing up. Mother remarried / had boyfriends wasnt around a lot. Minimally employed.

Tell me Im wrong.

You're wrong.

Parents split up in my teens...
Worked all my adult life for above average wage in the NHS.
Mum & Dad always put food on the table and gave us Christmas.
Mum was always around. Never remarried.

I just don't believe Jesus is God or the Son of God.

Terrible profiling. Stick to your day job as an internet troll.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:48 PM
it's not irrelevant. I've got questions for you. You seem like a respectable guy, intelligent. I would like to know what was so attractive about Islam that makes a white guy convert in the first place? What did you convert from? Atheism? Christianity? Who pulled you into Islam? What was it about Islam that made it the religion of choice over other religions?

These are not irrelevant questions and I mean no disrespect. Just trying to understand

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:50 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
I would like to know what was so attractive about Islam that makes a white guy convert in the first place?

Charles is an inherently kind fellow. When he found out I was a porkaholic he swiftly converted thereby leaving more of the tasty critters for me.

edit on 8-12-2015 by AugustusMasonicus because: Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

If I make a thread one day you'll find out.

Right now that's too much information to type out and completely off topic of what American Muslims believe.

Thanks for your interest, but I just don't have the time to type all of that out without going far off topic.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:51 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I just don't believe Jesus is God or the Son of God.

So why not just believe in A god but not one from any particular sect? Mohammad wasn't a god or son of god. Just a man, like Jesus.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:53 PM

originally posted by: FlySolo
Mohammad wasn't a god or son of god. Just a man, like Jesus.

Mohammed is not the God of Islam, Allah is.

edit on 8-12-2015 by AugustusMasonicus because: networkdude has no beer

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

I don't think Muhammad is a god either.

I believe he is a Prophet of God, like Jesus.

I'm not part of a sect either, I am not a Sunni or Shiite.
I'm just a Muslim who follows the Quran.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

Then maybe I'll make the thread. Been meaning to have a discussion with you because whether you realize it or not, as a white ATS muslim convert, you hold more keys than you realize.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:57 PM

originally posted by: mwalker

originally posted by: RoScoLaz4
well whatever the game plan donald is running with, and whoever is behind it, it's certainly made an impact. cause and effect by design.

And the transition from blame Bush to blame Trump has begun...


Says the guy whose first post in the thread was a Blame Obama post.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: ghostrager

Okay, who are we supposed to hate on this thread, I'm confused. Muslims? Donald Trump? People on food stamps or welfare? Democrats? The internet? All the above?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I believe he is a Prophet of God, like Jesus.

Semantics is everything. Are you saying you believe Jesus was a prophet as well or are you just using as an example?

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 01:59 PM
a reply to: angeldoll

You're offending me. All of the above /sarc

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: AugustusMasonicus

Yes, I'm aware of that.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: FlySolo

Jesus is a Prophet in Islam.

One of the most mentioned in the Quran.

posted on Dec, 8 2015 @ 02:01 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I believe he is a Prophet of God, like Jesus.

Sadly this doesn't seem to be the belief of the majority.

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