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Donald Trump: We Will Have a ‘Deportation Force’

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posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: Edumakated
Fixing illegal immigration has nothing to do with fixing the legal immigration process. For many people, it is simple. Secure the god damn border. Once that occurs, then we can move on and talk about how to make the legal immigration process better. The fact that illegal immigrants from Mexico are flocking to the US has nothing to do with why it takes years for a green card. Two entirely unrelated issues.

So you don't think that if the legal immigration process was easier, fewer of these people would try to hop the boarder, instead opting to choose the legal method to get here?

Being treated humanely does not mean allowing an illegal immigrant to stay in the country.

Since when has this been the case? When we find them, we deport them.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:05 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

...Trump just says stuff. He does not even know what he is saying later on and then denies it. I do not think knows anything about how laws work, the Constitution etc. Just get a bunch of guys with guns and go door to door looking for illegals. That is a great idea, ...


Trump will decide the best use of the DHS (the homeland security army) is to ferret out the Jihadists that play-the-role of Refugees ...10-1 young-fighting age men to true civilian refugees of women & children... HUNT THEM OUT & send them back to the hell-holes they helped create

Trump is just winging answers back at the hedgehogs... I think he is doing just fine with off-the-cuff replies

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:06 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: mikell
Excuse me but as an AMERICAN I think my RIGHTS TRUMP an ILLEGALS rights by a long shot.

Excuse me, but as an American you should know that our Constitution SPECIFICALLY says that no one person's rights trump any other person's rights.

Well does a citizen of the usa have more rights than a illegal immigrant?

That is what is being said that those not here legally do not have the same rights that were granted to the citizens by our creator via the constitution.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:12 PM

originally posted by: deadeyedick

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: mikell
Excuse me but as an AMERICAN I think my RIGHTS TRUMP an ILLEGALS rights by a long shot.

Excuse me, but as an American you should know that our Constitution SPECIFICALLY says that no one person's rights trump any other person's rights.

Well does a citizen of the usa have more rights than a illegal immigrant?


That is what is being said that those not here legally do not have the same rights that were granted to the citizens by our creator via the constitution.

You tell me. Does this say that ALL men are created equal or just legal American men are created equal?

United States Declaration of Independence

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:14 PM
a reply to: MrSpad

Not to mention the dirty little secret that illegals are the back bone of our economy.

There are a lot of dirty little secrets that are being hidden by immigration, and all you have to do to find them, is to follow the money.

Just take a casual walk around the industries and career fields were their is a large number of immigrants. Pay close attention to the salaries of the white collar workers in this area and their level of living. What you will likely see, though it may be slow and insidious at first, is the slow and steady decrease in the salaries of these workers, until the older, more experienced workers will be forced to take a decrease in his salary over time. To the point where they may end up making less than they did, the first day they took the job.

I work in the medical field and the trending of hiring of the young inexperienced worker, coupled with hiring the immigrant, that feels they have to take less in the way of pay to get a job, puts all others at a disadvantage, and they will eventually be replaced all together. I have watched this trending in the medical field over 40 years. I was very lucky and my first job out of Nursing School was as an intern in an inner city ER/Shock trauma unit. The starting salaries back then for a graduate nurse, straight out of nursing school, was between $75 to $100.00 an hour. Today, new nursing graduates are making downward of $22.00 an hour. This same kind of downward trending is happening with doctors and all the skilled professions.

Why would anyone spend the time and money to go to university to get a degree, knowing they are not likely to make more than a person that works at a fast food job?

Big business is slowly squeezing us dry. We are so busy fighting each other, attacking and blaming all the wrong people, so busy looking in all the wrong places, to see how cleverly we are being played. I know I am wasting my time, and the only good that will come from my attempts to get people to look at the whole picture, not just a flaw in the frame, is the joy it will give someone to rush in to tell me how afraid, ignorant, and racist, I am.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: hammanderr

When you break the law and enter illegally you have the RIGHT to be deported. Why fight for the rights of illegals?

Whether they be illegal or not they still have rights in this country. Are you one of those people that only wants the Constitution followed when it is something you support?

You don't see bank robbers and murderers marching and rallying.

That's because bank robbers and murderers are given rights by the Constitution.

Bank robbers steal to feed their families, murderers murder to support their loved one.

Do you have anything to back up this delusional statement?

Their presence disrupts the economy.

BS our economy relies on illegal immigrants. Are you willing to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce? It would cost farmers and construction firms many times more than what they are paying now to get jobs done because they get away with paying illegals bottom line wages to get the job done because they are willing to do the job that Americans simply won't do at the price these people are willing to pay.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: buster2010

BS our economy relies on illegal immigrants. Are you willing to pay ten bucks for a head of lettuce? It would cost farmers and construction firms many times more than what they are paying now to get jobs done because they get away with paying illegals bottom line wages to get the job done because they are willing to do the job that Americans simply won't do at the price these people are willing to pay.

#Buster. The problem isn't the illegal immigrant. The problem is the industry being able to get away with taking advantage of their illegal status, by paying them less, and treating them worse than slaves.

We don't win. In the end it won't matter if that head of lettuce cost $10 dollars or $2, if you aren't making enough money to buy it.

When businesses are allowed to take advantage and exploit the illegal worker, under the pretense that they are working to benefit the consumer, it makes us guilty for their criminal acts. What they are doing is entrenched totally and completely in their greed and their determination, to keep control. It has absolutely nothing to do with the consumer, other than their desire to separate us as much as they can, from our money and each other.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:42 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t
a reply to: anon72

So Trump's plan to get rid of the immigrants is to expand the government?

Well - it did work for Bush II - Homeland Security - LOL

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 03:54 PM
a reply to: anon72

They'll just dig tunnels .. unless he has a plan for that too ..

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 04:12 PM

originally posted by: introvert
A deportation force, huh?

Is this what America has become and what we find acceptable?

We are going to allow the government to create a force in which they have the ability to uproot people, detain them and ship them off to wherever?

What about due process? What happens if they make a mistake.....error in the system?

This is a bad, bad deal and no one should support gestapo-like tactics. If Obama or a Leftist had said something like this we would be calling them Hitler.

Yes...yes we are and yes we should. Consider the facts. People entered the USA without permission, against our laws and across our borders which are called "borders" for a reason. They have taken jobs...regardless of the opinion of the jobs, they have used our roads, healthcare and everything else in our home without permission. They are criminals by these actions alone if not invaders. They have gotten so comfortable with their illegal residence that they show their faces, visit our stores and often work local jobs. They need to go back to where they came from, with any and all their children who were ILLEGALLY born here and (in my opinion) not covered by the Constitution. The criminals need to lose any benefit gained from their illegal activity and go back where they came from. Then...they can legally enter the USA if they so choose.

Why? They are criminals that entered illegally. And...we have to show that THAT is not permitted and you WILL be sent home if you invade our country and break the law.

It is that simple. And anyone who argues differently is supporting the breaking of the law. Again...simple. If a "Force" is be it. It is the right thing to do. Everyone knows that.
edit on 11/11/2015 by WeAreAWAKE because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 04:16 PM
Go Trump. My stepfather was murdered by an illegal years ago - prior to 9/11. 15 days before he was found dead she had him sign EVERYTHING over to her - his business, his home and his bank accounts. When I did some detective work I found out she was here illegally, was breaking the law regularly, was found by the court to be deportable and no one gave a crap. And by the way, after she finished off my stepfather, she became a Home Health Aid so she could continue her newfound "profession." Time to put a stop this.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 04:38 PM

originally posted by: anon72
Donald Trump: We Will Have a ‘Deportation Force’

Awesome, Totally awesome! ~Jeff Spicoli

Where do I sign up? ~$heopleNation

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: Atom12

You do not hold the people who gave her the means with a job to do her criminal deeds? I was a CNA for 15 years, then in the 90's they started hiring mexicans and Ukranians and Russsians and our wages went completely stagnant. Families loved hiring them, cause they would work for less than me.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:12 PM

originally posted by: MOMof3
a reply to: Atom12

You do not hold the people who gave her the means with a job to do her criminal deeds? I was a CNA for 15 years, then in the 90's they started hiring mexicans and Ukranians and Russsians and our wages went completely stagnant. Families loved hiring them, cause they would work for less than me.

And that is the slow, insidious infection that turns the whole system septic without anyone noticing, until the disease has taken completely over and it can't be saved.

On the surface it looks so nice and easy. Everybody thinks they are getting over. Then they start to realize something is wrong, but they never look past the front door, so they place their blame in the wrong spot.

I think the medical field gets hit the hardest and fastest, because there are so many woman in the field, and their fear of not being able to provide for their children, makes them easy marks. I gave up on the battle of trying to get nurses to stand up for themselves, and I got so damn tried of hearing, "But I have children to feed." When they started bitching and complaining about the long hours, the lousy benefits, and slave wages; I would smile my most sickening smile and say, "It's okay, at least you cam feed your children Ramen noodles." They knew exactly what I was saying, and always left it at that.

When you sell your soul to the devil, you don't expect a ticket to heaven.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

Well, I have been woman for 65years. A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do to keep the babies fed. Did you know that if your child is underweight consistently, the doctor can have the child removed. We live with fears like that.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:18 PM

originally posted by: ParasuvO

originally posted by: windword

originally posted by: introvert

originally posted by: anon72
Their Due Process would have been offered (or whatever you want to use) IF THEY HAD PRPEPRLY APPLIED to come to the US

Stop acting like they should be afforded the same rights as legal US citizens.

Tell you what. Go and try sneaking into Mexico and report back how well you are treaded when caught.

The Declaration of Independence says that "All Men Are Created Equal".

ALL MEN. Not just citizens, but every person that has been born with the inalienable rights granted to them by their creator.

Therefore, ALL men are afforded rights whether they are a citizen of this country or not. IN that spirit we must maintain due process. That does not include creating a force to go hunt people down, incarcerate them and then do god knows what with them.

THIS ^^^

Call me nuts, if you like, but I do look forward to a One World Government, where human rights are extended equally to all human citizens of the earth. There still will be countries and patriotism, but people will be free to roam the earth at will, without concern for borders, and choose to live their lives and settle down how and where they see fit.

You think countries and patriotism will exist with no borders and peoples freedom to move around at will and do what they want ?

That is a very odd statement.

Sure. People like to belong to and identify with groups and communities. They don't have to be forced to be fans of or patriotic towards something they believe in and feel a sense of belonging. The idea that patriotism only exists because people are locked in or out their community or group by borders and laws is an"odd" idea from my standpoint.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: CharlieSpeirs

I think the market decides. Have you tried living in Hawaii? I have. It's expensive. That's what stops most of the Americans who are allowed to move to Hawaii, from moving there.

Civilization still has rules and laws. People need to have housing, schools, jobs and infrastructures to allow for commerce. Cities and planned developments pop up when the demand for them arises.
edit on 11-11-2015 by windword because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:25 PM
I live in a border state, and I'll admit the whole immigration thing is for sure a problem. Having said that, I don't see how you successfully AND morally make the deportation happen.

A wall? I don't know. Maybe not a bad idea. Sometimes simple answers are the best.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 05:57 PM
a reply to: Krazysh0t

Funny, I never mentioned our current, fearless leader. And so what if he did? Them numbers are still to low! This is what it boils down to. Libs want, Socialist minded folk at thier voters base. Screw things up enough that the laws can't be enforced, even if they tried. Nothing is done by our government, without the solution being the cause. Goes for every "party". It's against the "law" to be illegal in this counry. Pure and simple. All I said was we already have Federal LEOs supposed to be showing illegals the door. Don't need another tax sucking acronym to do the same job.

posted on Nov, 11 2015 @ 07:05 PM

originally posted by: Krazysh0t

originally posted by: mikell
Excuse me but as an AMERICAN I think my RIGHTS TRUMP an ILLEGALS rights by a long shot.

Excuse me, but as an American you should know that our Constitution SPECIFICALLY says that no one person's rights trump any other person's rights.

Actually it ca be argued since they still had slaves that the constitution ONLY applied to the American people and no one else. Since washington and th e framers thought them inferior.

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