a reply to:
Not at all. Actually when viewed from the viewpoint of science it is accurate.
Explain how Moses knew the universe had a beginning as stated in verse 1.
Explain how he knew the earth's surface was dark at a certain point of time, no light from the sun could penetrate it as stated in verse 2.
Show us how he knew the arrival of life on earth in the correct stages, plant life, trees, sea life, birds, land animals, and man.
The fossill record proves that everything he stated came about as he said. And it was not gradual. But rather, there were sudden bursts of life when
the different forms of life appeared on earth.
And he also said that every form of life multiplies according to its kind. While there may be a variety in a kind, for example, a variety of dogs, or
cats, or finches...they do not break the barrier to reproduce a different form of life.
Darwin thought his theory of evolution was proved because he observed finches reproducing into a variety, certain ones with longer beaks, or what have
you. But even today those finches all reproduce among each other, and are still finches.
Nothing I explained to you is illogical or unpronounceable by science.
The creationist viewpoint is WRONG. And to call me a Creationist that throws out science and doesn't believe in science is wrong as well.
I understand your point of view as well. I have spent many years pondering these things. And was helped to see the logicalness to it all.
Perhaps one day you will too. That would be nice. I remember back in my school days I would have long drawn out conversations with my biology teacher,
who like many evolutionists was a zealot for her beliefs.
But over the course of a year I reasoned with her and opened her mind up to realize what she was teaching and believed in was not sound. As well as a
few classmates. That was many years ago now.
I used to relish debating evolutionsts. Could spend hours at a time doing it. They all like you, always started out thinking I knew nothing, and were
usually very arrogant and haugty in their tones. And most of them would never listen to reason. And I left them alone.
Today I don't do that. IF I see an evolutionist, I might take the time to see if they have an open-mind. But if it is closed I leave them be. My time
is better off spent elsewhere.
It is the same with Catholics and the Trinity doctrine among others. I will take the time to see if they will listen to reason, share a couple
Scriptues with them about God being one, and his son being below him, but if they don't reason with logic, I don't argue I just let them go.
I got tired of arguing and debating a long time ago.
I just wanted to add the correct understanding of the Genesis account and how it harmonizes with science.
Not to show off my knowledge or how much I know, or to name call, belittle and put other people down.
I know that is what the majority of people who believe in evolution and atheists do. Not all, but a large majority of them are haughty and
There are, I realize a lot of people who just believe in evolution because that is all they know. And may be very reasoning, and wonder what the
purpose to life is, and searching for answers to life's questions. I am looking for that individual.
It is very satisfying opening their minds eye up to the truth, and to bring them hope and purpose and real meaning.