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Germany in a state of SIEGE

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(post by mortex removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 05:00 AM
Imagine someone behind a curtain is using reverse psychology on us all. All the time and in a plain sight.
Let the situation rot and let the blood and refugees flow in. It will not only break down the Christian Democratic Union but after some time it will make us eagerly marching under the EU flag to the east or at least accept whatever solution they offer. Brillant. Let's make the next generation full of eugenicists with multiculturalism. The whole mess is becoming one fat false flag operation. A big test for the Christian Democratic Union. Do you think Merkel is any kind of an insider?

+2 more 
posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 05:58 AM
Yeah hello people that are advocating for the arrival of more immigrants you are crazy!
LAST NIGHT around 3 am a 18 year old girl was sexually asaulted by three immigrants while she was looking for a taxi. This happened just a few kilometres from where i was sleeping. (almere, Netherlands) They are not the same as europeans, completely different culture. Im sure germany has it only worse... Stop the tide!!!

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:02 AM
I said it once, I'll say it again.

NATO and her allies created this mess. If they didn't want to deal with an influx of migration from bombing countries into nothing, then maybe they should have thought twice about doing it in the first place.

I have no remorse for rich countries that do bad things and then cry foul when they are asked to deal with the consequences.


posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Again, I'm supposed to believe the DM that police will keep silent and not do their jobs?


posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: Swills

It doesn't say they won't do their jobs it says they will not report these matters to the papers!

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

No sorry but I disagree. This mess as you put it, has been going on a very very long time way before any Nato involvement. It should be remembered also that in certain ME countries the US and others were asked to go in. I think the current problems have been partly caused by the peoples of those countries being unable to run their own country as they had little experience in such matters due to the strict control of Islam/Government had over them previously. Throwing freedom at people doesn't work instantly when they have been repressed for so long. However, what the US et al have done in replacing various countries leaders ad hoc for their own agendas is very wrong and it really is about time that, if not asked, we keep our damn noses out of other countries business. Imposing our "democratic" way of life onto other cultures is just as wrong as them imposing their religion on us, but at least we can keep State and Religion separate

Too late for that now however

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

No sorry but I disagree. This mess as you put it, has been going on a very very long time way before any Nato involvement.

I suppose that depends on how far back we are willing to go. I'm thinking we should start in the 1950's. That's about when our 'involvement' began regarding destroying countries from the inside out in the middle east.

I think the current problems have been partly caused by the peoples of those countries being unable to run their own country as they had little experience in such matters due to the strict control of Islam/Government had over them previously.

That's entirely not true. ME countries were governing themselves just fine, without our aid. People often forget that Afghanistan used to be one of the more progressive Islamic countries. Women went to school, were doctors and lawyers, wore pencil dresses.

The reason that extremists have ruled those countries now for 40 years is a direct result of the power vacuum that we created in those nations. We killed hundreds of thousands of civilians and left nothing but children and extremists to run the place. So the extremists take advantage of the children, and 20 or 30 years later you get what we have today.

Imposing our "democratic" way of life onto other cultures

We've never actually tried to do that, because we've been placing dictator after dictator, ruthless ones at that, in the seats of power in those nations and leaving them alone so long as they wanted to play ball with the IMF, Big Oil and the intelligence community. As soon as they stopped playing, they are removed.

Saddam Hussein is a perfect example of that. The history of Western Powers meddling in nations that are not their own is exactly what caused this mess.

So those Western/European nations can now reap what they have sown over more than 5 decades. And they will receive no sympathy from me.


posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:25 AM

originally posted by: TechniXcality
a reply to: Vroomfondel

When looking at western history to the furthest depths, it can be ascertained, that it always starts with Germany and ends with Germany.

Very astute. It goes back centuries, right to Martin Luther and the reformation.
No chance the Vatican would see that as a threat?
Germany didn't "make their bed".
Politicians did, and they are no more responsive to the will of the people in Europe than they are in the US.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: DeusImperator

Can't find any news regarding this. Maybe you could give a source for this?

Because it sounds awfully similar to another news which was broadcasted by some substandard-newssites discussed in this thread before. And that would cast no good light on the credibility of your news.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: Isurrender73

"Imprison enough of them and the others will assimilate to the laws."

Well of course that's not true and shown by the US prison system that its no deterrent.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:40 AM

originally posted by: GogoVicMorrow
a reply to: Isurrender73

"Imprison enough of them and the others will assimilate to the laws."

Well of course that's not true and shown by the US prison system that its no deterrent.

And for the life of me, I can't imagine why people think that REFUGEES do any kind of assimilation.

They don't. They don't want to, and I don't blame them. Immigrants assimilate, because they WANT to live in that country, as they left theirs, out of choice.

Refugees didn't end up there out of choice, so they aren't likely to assimilate immediately or at all, without there being outreach from the general community to include them.


posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:48 AM
I'll just leave a Chart here and let you discuss inner german politics
Asylum Chart for Germany
Actual Facts are boring, I know...

I mean... there are actual german users here who could shed some light on this stories. But hey... why ask when someone can just spew some bulls**** from the daily mail and get along with this.

edit on 28/9/2015 by Talliostro because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel


This is going to cause mass problems for everyone, especially in the small Towns where they will be taken over...

'Merkel' has some explaining to do, not only to the Germans but to the rest of Europe!

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Talliostro

I think you'll find some of the Germans have already commented if you'd care to scroll through all the posts

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:18 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
To help put this in perspective, in one month since Germany opened the door to Syrian refugees this effect has occurred. One month - and the locals are being forced to alter their lifestyle to accommodate the immigrants and are afraid for their lives if they don't.

In the span of one month.

Looks like someone is pushing and wants to see the rise of nazism with any cost. There is something about german people that the whole world either doesn't know or doesn't understand. They don't subdue. They don't take crap from no one and certainly their german pride is still uber alles.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:19 AM
a reply to: tothetenthpower

Apologies I meant the people had very little experience of running a country freely under a "democracy". I have no clue as to why the US etc are hell bent on removing the westernised ME leaders but there is clearly an objective, other than the pipeline of course. Its my belief its down to us being the puppets of the Saudis and removing their Shia neighbours or puppets of the Zionist and removing their Islamic neighbours...who knows? Certainly not us small people

I am well aware of the old Afghanistan...I was lucky enough to do the old hippy trail through there back in the 70's..Kabul was amazing....the rest of the country not so much lol

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:29 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: Isurrender73
a reply to: Vroomfondel

How would they be dealt with if they weren't immigrants?

Everyone is acting like there was 0 crime before the immigration started. Some of the immigrant will have to learn how to assimilate in prison. Imprison enough of them and the others will assimilate to the laws.

This is terrible issue for all, but the law should be able to fix this. It might take time but given the choice to live by the law or live in prison I'm sure most will choose to obey the law.

It is no more likely that 100% of immigrants will follow the law than 100% the of the natural citizens wil stop breaking the law.

The lawless come from all races, religions and nationalities. Right now you will see a media focus on the lawless immigrants, that doesn't mean that the natural citizens are being any less lawless. Its just not the same kind of shock propaganda that the media likes to feed us each day.

This is not about whether a local German citizen ever committed a crime and you know it. This is an invasion by a glut of opportunists and potential terrorists who employ tactics similar to cancer invading a healthy body. If you want to pass that off as no different than crimes committed by locals, then you are going to find a lot of deaf ears.

You are overemphasizing one side. There is no intelligent dialogue this way.

1. Not all refugees are Islamic, many are Christian or other smaller sects in Syria or Iraq who are persecuted for their beliefs and/or nationality (e.g. Kurdish). Some are liberal or atheist or non-practicing people with a Muslim background. These are obviously not in danger of becoming fanatical haters of the West.
2. Those who come from actual war zones are fleeing Islamic terror of various kinds, thus they are already looking forward to a life in Europe, not under some Middle Eastern terror regime. Plus many in Syria are being drafted in the Army to fight a senseless war supported by Russia in Syria, Saudis etc. in other fronts. Many are Islamic by origin only, i.e. they do not practice much of religion. Many are trained professionals, the general level of education is higher than the average EU citizen.
3. Afghanis have far less money and education and more backwards attitudes than urban Syrians whose city was destroyed. That is true. We have a problem, but then again their country was practically destroyed.

With that said, there are some counterpoints I see, from the POV of Germans (the problem is complex):

1. Many people come from other countries than Syria, Libya or Afghanistan, who simply take advantage of other masses fleeing war zones. There are some from Pakistan, Bangla Desh, and various African countries (though Islamic terror exists also in Mali, Sudan, and other places). These people should be screened. If Germany wants laborers and they are willing to assimilate, numbers should be set. If not, agreements should be worked out with Turkey etc.
2. No doubt there will be some backwards people and possibly even a handful of dangerous folks among the tens of thousands flooding into Germany. Security measures should have been implemented long ago. I wouldn't agree to people coming in without any documents, and I have been a political refugee myself a long time ago from a country that was Soviet style then. I had to hand in my passport at the refugee camp in Austria, they fingerprinted me and interviewed me several times, Austrians, the UN and finally the US. This is normal and should have been done to all these refugees.
3. Parts of the Dublin agreement should have been suspended during the past summer at the latest. The main reason why hosts of people did not give documents and fingerprints, say, in Hungary or other EU countries is the bull# part of the Dublin Agreement that said they should stay in the first EU country where they land. Obviously very few can be absorbed by Hungary or Greece - for various reasons these countries are out of resources. (Plus you can't be proud of the xenophobia of Orban - he should have been ousted by the EU long ago.)

4. Europe should unify. We should say how many refugees or migrant workers we want and under what conditions. It's all right for Muslims to come as long as they observe separation of Church and State and do not want Germans and others to wear chadors and avoid pork in THEIR school menus. In this I agree with you. Keep religion at home and in the mosque, and declare that you do not approve of terror and then it's all right to be a Muslim. Many European Muslims do just that.

It is both incompetent and horrible that Greece has a closed wire fence on the Turkish border, for which reason people try to cross by sea and get drowned by the hundreds. Why doesn't the EU open controlled land passages through Greece? You can cross, but you HAVE to register with passport and fingerprint.

Greece owes the EU and Germany big time, I am sure a deal could be worked out.

I would print leaflets in the home languages of the refugees - Arab, Pashtu etc. as well as English saying all that the EU demands and what we can provide.

Whether the EU can remain or will be dissolved (to the great joy of Putin and the Islamic State) depends upon how unified it can act.

Guys (and gals), it is not enough to do business in the East and South, and suffer petty dictators in various small countries. The EU should act together NOW - the rich and poor, the Christian and the Muslim and the Atheist. If you/we fail to do this, and if simple greed on the part of richer countries plus the radical right wins this crisis, there will be another world war.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel This is an invasion by a glut of opportunists and potential terrorists who employ tactics similar to cancer invading a healthy body.
...and that's how the Nazi did it. Dehumanize the other guy until killing them became a viable remedy. Kinda ironic in a thread about Germany. They've been there and done that. Perhaps you should unload those xenophobic glasses of yours and examine just why Germany is taking the path it's chosen.

Oh, and incidentally? Mendel dictates that the future is Brown. May as well get used to it...

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: Swills

I think if you read the article fully, the Police & Authorities have stated that they will not report such crimes and continue to keep them silent for the reasons stated below

Astonishingly, police kept silent about the rape, which took place in June. Only this month, after a local newspaper revealed that it had happened — and claimed German authorities are not ‘going public’ about crimes involving migrants because they don’t want to ‘give legitimacy’ to critics of mass migration — did they confirm it had taken place.
The area’s police chief, Bernd Flake, insists the official silence was meant to protect the rape victim. But he adds: ‘We will continue this policy (of not informing the public) whenever crimes are committed in migrant facilities.’

Allright,i found the original news from the a 14 year old local Muslim girl was sexually assaulted in the refugee camp..not on the street,nor was she some blonde german teenager like the daily fail wants us to believe. Nor did the police chief say that they would ONLY keep silent whenever crimes like this are commited by refugees but rather that it is a common practice in Germany in order to protect the victim. But that is how Daily Fail operates..a little bit of lying,missquoting,descieving and the sheeple eat it all up.

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