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Germany in a state of SIEGE

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posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 12:46 AM
I lived in Hamburg-Harburg for over 5 years .. let me tell you that you are a stranger if you are not a middle eastern type in that part of the city. The only assimilation that happens is done by Germans.

I am sorry to say that but as a German I believe that many in the political leadership as well in the general population are just weak since the 2nd world war - some kind of weird guilt issue.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 12:55 AM

originally posted by: SheopleNation
a reply to: Hyperia

Merkel is a lunatic, and she actually should be removed from office immediately, and charged with sedition against the people of Germany.

It's clear that you have some racial hatred towards white folks, that is racism as well in case you did not know?

Revearse racism is no different its racism, and you're clearly a bigot. Its so hypocritical of you finger pointers, You think we are dumb, but you're mistaken.

To be honest, It would not surprise me if somewhere out there exists a cot in a FEMA camp with your own personal number on it. ~$heopleNation


You think, i think you are dumb, no idea, but i know that you dont know

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 01:19 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: Swills
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Oh so the only source we got to go on is the infamous refugee hating Daily Mail?

As Tony Kushner, professor of history at the University of Southampton, says, "The Daily Mail has been an anti-alien newspaper since the 1900s. There's great continuity."

Even if the DM wasn't so biased against all things alien why would anyone take them so seriously? It is the Daily Mail after all.

What is your point? Are you claiming the crimes against the locals aren't happening? Are you suggesting that the source somehow negates or justifies the criminal activity? Are you suggesting the source is inaccurate because they don't share your views on immigration? What exactly is your point?

Your source only mentions one alleged rape of a 16 year old german girl. Now,i have tried to google that incident and all i get is sites such as daily fail and infowars. Most attrocities are commited in the refugee camps among refugees. Daily fail is known for making stuff up. Ive been to Germany last week and i can assure you that Germany is nowhere near a state of siege. But i do feel sorry for the germans,as they havent had anything to do with those dirty wars in the ME. If karma exists,all those refugees wil seek asylum in France, UK and the US of A.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 01:51 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
I live in California over a half a century. This state is migrant central for all cultures and nationalities.

We have assimilated large communities of Latino, Vietnamese, Chinese and Indians (India), to name a few. California hasn't self destructed.

That's very true. None of them however has an ideology and attitude which is opposed to Western Civilization.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 01:56 AM
When will people listen...the Daily Mail is full of ####

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:28 AM
a reply to: Vroomfondel

I see that you get my point. White male privilege is a minor thing in comparison, and it is real.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:40 AM
No siege here. Only some war-and-fear-mongers on the internet. Business as usual.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:41 AM

originally posted by: flyandi
I lived in Hamburg-Harburg for over 5 years .. let me tell you that you are a stranger if you are not a middle eastern type in that part of the city. The only assimilation that happens is done by Germans.

I am sorry to say that but as a German I believe that many in the political leadership as well in the general population are just weak since the 2nd world war - some kind of weird guilt issue.

Driving around in the US you can hear scores of Spanish language radio stations. All the big cities have several and in the country side one or two are on the air. In a few places in the western mountain and great plains states there are no radio stations at all. However, where ever there is an English language station, there is almost always one or two Spanish language stations.

Guilt from slavery, Viet Nam, and what ever seems to be an epidemic here in US politics as well. Guilt goes with drama and laziness and governmental control, I guess. I'm as lazy as I can be, saving wear and tear, although I do try to learn the truth earnestly.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: intrptr

the california i live is one can do what ever they want whenever they want no matter how many immigrants come through, one just has to be smart. Then again i was born at poverty line and havent gone much higher. Also i dont blame them, the natives had to deal with this same thing along time ago and you dont see them all butt hurt because someone encroached on there land, they just made due and take what they can get(sure there race is wiped out....sarcasm). I have found it easier to get in were you fit in so to speak, instead of belly aching when times change.
edit on 28-9-2015 by DOCHOLIDAZE1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:04 AM
a reply to: Urantia1111

Sorry that made me laugh out loud! I know I shouldn't but hey

As for the comparison, the migration of the remaining jews/germans was shortly after the War, tensions suspicions were high, but at the end of the day, those that were "let in" didn't mean we had to change OUR way of life to accommodate them. That is the difference to today's crisis

Also let me just point out the USA is a huge country. It can take many more immigrants than the little countries of Europe before an effect is felt on the scale we are experiencing. But....if one area of the US suddenly got 800,000 immigrants thrown at them it would be a different story
edit on 28-9-2015 by PhyllidaDavenport because: missed a bit

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:11 AM
They should have done their research a bit better, Germany has a proven track record of disposing of large numbers of undesirables,(in their eyes).

Providing they go East and Southish not West and North, well it's sorted isn't it, I doubt they would face the same resistance the Allies put up.

Don't poke the wasps nest.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: Swills

I think if you read the article fully, the Police & Authorities have stated that they will not report such crimes and continue to keep them silent for the reasons stated below

Astonishingly, police kept silent about the rape, which took place in June. Only this month, after a local newspaper revealed that it had happened — and claimed German authorities are not ‘going public’ about crimes involving migrants because they don’t want to ‘give legitimacy’ to critics of mass migration — did they confirm it had taken place.
The area’s police chief, Bernd Flake, insists the official silence was meant to protect the rape victim. But he adds: ‘We will continue this policy (of not informing the public) whenever crimes are committed in migrant facilities.’

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:18 AM
From what I'm reading, the German people and leaders accept the refugees. So by definition it's not a state of siege.

All these comments claiming the migrants are filled with terrorists, etc, are bunk. No way of knowing this yet.

I similarly doubt anyone knows the exact contributions toward crime these migrants are causing. It would take a long time and lots of analysis and stats-gathering to know this.

How about backing up claims with credible links?

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:32 AM
Really germany under siege, terrible tittle, how do people even bring this stuff up as reality, bloody siege, it would be funny if people didint repeat this stuff all the time.

A siege, just wow.

edit on 28-9-2015 by dukeofjive696969 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel
They enter and force change in the local social system to accommodate their culture, not the other way around.

Diversity is a form of subversion, its a subversive weapon, a cultural weapon. Diverisity means less whites.

There is no diversity in black, asian, islamic or jewists countries and organisations, think about it.

Diverisity sounds very spirutally uplifting, humane and 'come together.'

The word richness goes with and is always used with the word diversity.

The phrase 'cultural richness and diversity' is always hailed as a good thing when in reality its just a very smart and clever planned use of words to achieve a desired outcome which only thosewho devised the term knew the true purpose of.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 04:11 AM

originally posted by: SkyNetBeware
From what I'm reading, the German people and leaders accept the refugees. So by definition it's not a state of siege.


Angela Merkel accepted the refugees, and lots of other politicians did, too, although lately there are more critical voices. There were also a few people that went to the train stations to welcome refugees for a while, I doubt they still do it though, at least I haven't read about it lately.

Either way, if you read the comment section in some online versions of several newspapers and magazines like Focus, Der Spiegel or Die Welt (provided there are comment sections and they are actually activated, which more often than not is not the case), most comments are rather critical towards the decision to let pretty much anyone in.

I don't know any person who is not at least sceptical about the mass imigration, and funny enough most comments state the same, so quite frankly I have my doubts that the majority of people is too happy about it, despite what is being reported in the MSM.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 04:17 AM
Xenophobic? Learn to share? What careless & rancid talk to a real problem this person is sharing.
We're talking about an entire countries rich culture, no matter how you want to blame them for the past. They deserve their heritage. It's not about racism when it comes to the troubles of migration. This is real fear being proclaimed that sometimes take drastic expressions. Impossible to have the other way around. I'm not too educated as to the specifics, but I know this isn't something new with Germany in our modern era. It's been quite publicly & privately gutted for all it's worth. Whoever says they deserve it, or "deal with it", knows nothing of how the world turns.

I'm sorry you won't get much help in posting something like this anyway. But we can talk about possible solutions if they're spearheaded by the right people. My main concern would be preserving Germany's culture, the REAL culture, the seat of the entire worlds culture, believe it or not. This age old hatred of anything German is stunning & reminds me of the bigots behind the Islamic boogeymen coming for you.

The main problem behind solving this though, I fear is this reasoning of 1.) Exaggerated response by German's are possibly "too soon" for the meek uninformed public & 2.) the exaggerated response by that uninformed public, which shouts much louder within the international community. It's really sad to see Germany hasn't been it's own entity for a very very long time, regardless of the entire worlds rich elite coming from there.

I'm also afraid any response you'll garner here will be one of those "Well think about this, will you?", with them completely missing the fact that you've quite literally had to of already thought of that. Such as; "Why don't you try to live with it, and see how it goes?". It's obviously been tried, before somebody makes a post like this.

How do we help this individual, within the context of their properly ascertained social intentions? Are they as narrow as you want to believe? Or are we assuming way too much with our responses, when we've never even visited there? I submit that nobody should be taken seriously without having a home there now as we speak, or those directly effected by the subject at hand.

That includes me as well. Somebody from within should make a graph of the problems with no solutions & I'm sure the right community arms will reach in to try & fill in the blanks. If you really think you can effect change with your post, we invite you to test us properly. If there is no debate to be had, no reason to provoke one. If solutions are what you need, get specific & together & update the OP.

I see you've listed bullets, but they all seem to have their own ambiguous momentum. All aimed toward trying to convince us that is where the future state of Germany should naturally fall. I see no point in that if you are in danger of these things not having any effect. Please list your most problematic national, or perhaps even personal, issues you'd like to work through. We're all dying to help, but help with real socioeconomic issues. Things like projected outlooks, personal stories of strife through patience of complacency. Show us what is really out of your control, & be brutally honest for # sake.

If there is no one like that here with the means to inform themselves & others toward a real purpose, I feel it should be closed. Too much feels going about.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 04:19 AM
Basically Europe is shafted and if that don't live by the law they should be sent back !

But really though, we all know this is going to turn very bad !

Hey but the people who make the law just sit in there hot tub and don't have to deal or see any of it !

And Germany trying to maybe salvage a bit of pride after hitler, has just back fired.

Like I say they don't give a damn about what country there in , there just gonna do what they like anyway and the high percentage of the population don't want or need them or there kids here.

If they can't fight for there children's homelands .
They don't deserve to be here.

And all the tree hugging people ,
Would you leave the men with your kids alone ? No .

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 04:21 AM

originally posted by: intrptr
I live in California over a half a century. This state is migrant central for all cultures and nationalities.

We have assimilated large communities of Latino, Vietnamese, Chinese and Indians (India), to name a few. California hasn't self destructed.

Assimilation doesn't happen overnight, it takes time.

What does happen right way is locals clamoring loudly about foreigners…

Well hells bells member states of NATO, you destroyed their respective countries, what'd you expect?

Fellow Californian here, future Jeffersonian...California may very well self destruct...some of the highest taxes in the nation, yet our roadways and infrastructure is Brown wants MORE taxes, including a tax on gas and $65/year on each vehicle....all of our car insurance rates went up months before the drivers licenses for illegals went into effect. My in laws in San Jose just had an $800 water bill and they are using 30% less than last year but still pay "drought surcharges" that made the bill so high
This state is one of the most corrupt, over regulated, and least free states in the union...the time has come for 51

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 04:39 AM

originally posted by: Sublimecraft
a reply to: Vroomfondel

Germany has made her bed and now she can bloody well lie in it. As I previously stated, since Germany ignored both bio-security and vetting measures to ensure assimilation into the existing population they have only themselves to blame for the current state of affairs.

Its the people in charge, not the guy in the street, Merkle will never meet a 'refugee' never get her head punched, will never get raped, will never be insulted, lucky butch.

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