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Rotterdam woman assaulted by Muslim teen.

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posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport


when did this happen???

no way did the beating, and hospitalisation of pensioners not make national news. mor local news.

show me the news clippings.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

But most of these people are actually innocent victims if not genuine asylum seekers, they are often driven by war and intense poverty and are simply trying to get a better and safer life for themselves and there children so I ask you in the same situation would we act any differently to those that are the majority of these immigrant's and so if we do turn our back on them are we not betraying what makes our culture a superior culture as well as becoming nothing but hypocrites ourselves by closing our hearts to there suffering and would we not become just as bad if not worse than we sometimes see them as being, indeed is your land worth your soul.

I agree with everything you wrote. We are seeing the destruction of the Western civilization if we do not stop this invasion. I think it is normal that good decent people are fleeing a terrible situation in their home countries, but frankly, it is up to them to stop these barbarians. They do not want to come to our lands and assimilate into our culture. They want our lands to become their culture, and then were would they be in a hundred years with nowhere to run?

It's time we said "NO" and ship them back or wipe them out if they will not leave peacefully.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 11:56 PM
Where are all the ATS Muslims to defend Islam? Please persuade us. Did we run them off? Is there a forum where people of all faiths and no faith gather where Muslims explain how their culture is peaceful and proequality?

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
Apparently the Muslims control Rotterdam. Is this what is coming to all the nice Western communities opening their doors to 500,000 "refugees"?

I saw this on live stream too..though I noted at the time I viewed it, there was no proof the poster was in Rotterdam or the film came from Rotterdam, even language spoken in this video isn't Arabic its Portuguese, and then, there is no external way to assume correctly this person committing this crime ( supported by by standers who choose not to intervene) is even Islamic. So many red flags against conclusion drawing yet I see people have bought into this hook line and sinker without question. So much for denial of ignorance.

I'm not naive to what's going on or defending anyone or any position, I do understand the fear being expressed here I just don't think it should be where you stop or that it should be allowed to overcome critical thinking without a challenge. I am surprised too, that you are shocked by this type of event and the abuse you see and I do question you labeling violence against women a Muslim issue.

I see female (and male ) victims of this and worse violence every day in my own country and work, woman bashed half to death or murdered by Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindi and Atheist men too, the only common factor is that it is men deciding they have the right to physically and psychologically abuse.

The problems shown above are not a mirror of Muslim men or beliefs in isolation, they are just more evidence of an ongoing abuse of power by men (and some women) and the ongoing acceptance of misogynistic violence against women across the board - that isn't solely an Islamic issue and people trying to make a name for themselves during the current crisis by feeding the fears of the socially ignorant are just adding to the problems. The fact it repulses you I find excellent! It should! Even so, the problem isn't just about men, its indicative of a growing human incapacity to restrain from acting on feelings of fear and hatred, and people claiming the right to exercise violence with impunity.

You want war, want to hate muzzies and blame the refugees for that problem then you go right ahead..I'm not stopping you and it wont hurt me the refugees or Muslims that you do so. It's not the truth though, and just keep in mind that you are only seeing what you choose to see through filters you may not necessarily have insight into and haven't consciously chosen for yourself.

Yes, you can keep accepting lies without question, be led by the nose and media into having your race war and culture clashes but for your own sake at least, do turn and face the mirror even just once and stop long enough to realize that these thugs who think they are above the law are every country..of every nationality and every religion. For your own kids sake remember that, as ignoring that will leave them open to abuse and lead them to trusting people they really ought not to.

You could empower your kids instead..with reason and choice..not teach them what to think but how to and have them analyze and examine what they see and hear...skeptically examine media etc......but its up to you. Your choices, your outcomes.

Please note that I am not trying to attack you by saying any of this. I simply dont agree with your premise here. False attributions, like interlinking the EU's self made refugee crisis with the worst of human behavior in Islamic culture as whole, is fallacious. The reality remains, that there is no single norm within religions or cultures...anywhere on the planet even in single small groups. The only common denominator is that everyone doing it is human.

Otherwise you would have to equally assume every Christian and Jewish person alive wants to blow up an abortion clinic, wants to keep kids to abuse in their basement, wants to marry half a dozen wives, loves to shoot cops at service stations and hates gays. ..because some Christians and Jews do.

These are blanket generalizations that have nothing to do with the reality or the video posted here, at all. They *are* fear based reactions, not even arguments or responses and while they are very human reactions, they are indicative of a failure to reason.

You can have all the knowledge in the world and yet still be unable to think critically. We need to change that and grow up fast if we are to get through these next few years and be able to focus the fight where our anger really will make a difference.

edit on 25-9-2015 by Rosha because: sp

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: Rosha

I really do appreciate your voice of reason. I have no idea if the video is as it's claimed. I'm in this topic because everyone else is here.

I want to know where the Buddhist version of Hamas is. Where are these organizations of terror that claim a religion other than Islam. You can say that the US government or the Mexican drug cartels are terrorists as well, but is that based in a religion? There are gullible people buying into hatred and discrimination in the name of religion. I don't hate Muslims or discriminate against them. It just seems to me that there will be Muslims who will follow the lead of stealth and terror. It seems to me there already have been. I just want everyone to know that the command "sleepers awake" is a very real possibility. I don't know how I can be considered paranoid for this.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 01:24 AM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
a reply to: EvillerBob

I don't see a movement of non-Muslims invading Islamic countries and forcing them to convert or be hanged, tossed off buildings, raped, crucified, burned alive, drowned, slaughtered etc..


Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria..

We did all that,burning,destroying,killing,waterboarding,pissing on corpses etc.. And you could say that we tried to convert them by forcing our way of life down their troats,remember Bush and his jibberish about freedom and "democracy"?!

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 01:30 AM
a reply to: idmonster

How dare you accuse me of lying about this incident? This incident was not long after the Bradford Riots and it was common knowledge that police were "advised" not to do anything to inflame matters. Many incidents went unreported if they involved Asian youths at that time. My parents and the other couple tried to move things forward but after initial statements were taken no further action or! The police took names & addresses from the many witnesses to the incident but never took statements from them either. My mother was on many committees at that time before her death, and tried to use her influence with the Council to get something done about the no go areas but no-one would acknowledge there were such places. She worked tirelessly in her local area of Thornton Road to get police involved in the many many problems of the rise of the Asian gangs prostitution and drugs and was stonewalled at every turn. It was as she was told " a very sensitive time"

And for your information my daughter's mugging on her way to work one morning also went unreported although they did catch the perps.

Internet access wasn't commonplace then, but maybe if they'd posted a youtube video something would have been done

edit on 25-9-2015 by PhyllidaDavenport because: missed a bit

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: ErrorErrorError
I still wonder, was this out of horrible childish stupidity, or a sinister long term plan? The US stirred up a hornets' nest. I'm just saying, watch out for the hornets.
edit on 25-9-2015 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

So a teenage boy loses his temper hits a teenage girl and calls her a whore. So my question how do we know it's because he's a Muslim. Could it be they were dating and she hooked up with a friend. We have no idea what's going through that boys head.. But more importantly what's happened to teenagers that allows a guy to smack around a woman. I know when I was a teen he wouldn't have left there with his teeth. Doesn't matter if she started it guys just didn't hit women and if they did they wouldn't show back up to school might as well paint a bulls eye on his head.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 02:17 AM
To be fair we have no information other than what we've seen and I think it actually irrelevant in this case as to his religion ANY man/boy that goes around hitting women is out of order and I think shows what kind of upbringing he had. Ultimately, as parents how our children turn out is down to us, not the State not day nurseries not schools not social services. For years now, particularly young parents, have quite happily abdicated all responsibility for how their kids turn out and prefer to join the blame game, blaming everyone and everything but themselves. Yeah I think maybe there are some plain "bad kids" just like there are plain bad adults who you just can't do anything with. But when we live in a newly created society of entitlement and no responsibility for our actions, where children are a financial incentive to get more benefit or a bigger council house, how do we expect the kids to turn out? Kids having kids....not good

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Mastronaut

Here is a little read for you , admittedly from 2002 . Only 14 involved in the quote from Wiki below .

She told of how the attackers called her an "Aussie Pig", asked her if "Leb c*ck tasted better than Aussie c*ck" and explained to her that she would now be raped "Leb-style"

Edited for terms and conditions but go right ahead and read the whole entry .

Coming to a town near you . Soon . It wont get any better and to say otherwise quite frankly you got you head up your sparse .

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 02:35 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Yikes that's a harrowing story indeed...raped 25 times and the perps texting others to come join in. We should realise that some of these people utterly despise us and have absolutely no qualms in making sure we know it, but yet we can't fight fire with fire as it were as we will be branded racist which is a new stigma for worse than anything else in the past. Some of these immigrants know we can't do anything, they are well aware that they can hold the race card and it is us that are vilified and make the headlines. We have been far too soft and far too accommodating and now there is no backtracking so we've essentially made a rod for our own backs.

So what's the answer? How can these people integrate into different societies peacefully with acceptance of our way of life? A way of life they chose to be part of when they emigrated. Maybe we should find out exactly why they hate us so much and I don't just mean the religious nonsense but on a personal level.Why do they want to emigrate to such culturally different countries to a people they hate? Why do they want to leave their own country in the first place? And why if its for a better life do they then create their own mini versions of the countries they left and refuse to integrate?

I have wondered over recent years if some of the immigrants were, if not forced, encouraged to leave maybe to spread the word like evangelists? To purposefully insinuate themselves into other societies for a bigger agenda? Whatever the reason they surely can't be happy, they sure as hell don't look or sound happy!

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 02:47 AM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
a reply to: 3danimator2014

You can make a thread on all the evils Christians do. There are about a thousand of them on ATS, have your pick!

No...i don't want to.

My point is, you are cherry picking your crimes. How about you get angry and post about the christian mugger or the christian robber? But then you dont hate christians do you?

The problem is, crimes committed by Muslims against Europeans are not called hate crimes, while the opposite (when Europeans attack Muslims) is almost always co sidered a hate crime. This convienent little statistical manipulation allows you leftist Muslim apologists to claim oppression and systemic racism. This happens in the States all the time. I just read an article about a black man who robbed and tried to murder two white men (his gun jammed). When seen by a witness, who happened to be black, he literally told him " you're good man, I only rob white people" yes he literally said that, and was literally NOT charged with a hate crime.

Then, trying to claim technical and logical superiority, you use a dishonest manipulation of statistics to claim you are right, despite the dozens of videos of Muslims beating people, other numbers that you simply and conveniently omit (such as Sweden's rape epidemic in which 5% of their total population which consists of Muslims, are responsible for something like 90% of their rapes)

You know why you don't hear about Christians commuting mass amounts of crimes? Because most Christians in these countries are average Joe Schmos who don't follow Christianity fervently as Muslims do, and don't commit crimes BECAUSE of their religion. European men don't beat women because Jesus said they are dressed immodestly, Muslims do, and frequently. Priests don't roam the streets of London harassing women because they are dressed ' inappropriately", Muslims do.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: dragonridr
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

So a teenage boy loses his temper hits a teenage girl and calls her a whore. So my question how do we know it's because he's a Muslim. Could it be they were dating and she hooked up with a friend. We have no idea what's going through that boys head.. But more importantly what's happened to teenagers that allows a guy to smack around a woman. I know when I was a teen he wouldn't have left there with his teeth. Doesn't matter if she started it guys just didn't hit women and if they did they wouldn't show back up to school might as well paint a bulls eye on his head.

Maybe you missed his friend face stomping her afterwards.....

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Yikes that's a harrowing story indeed.

Harrowing , yes . I remember at the time the families of these bottom dwellers complaining about the sentences , they were after all good boys who were misunderstood . They were just white Aussie sluts after all .

So what's the answer?

Why does the answer always have to be from us . By us i mean those already living peacefully in the west . They have /are walking through perfectly good stable Muslim countries to live amongst kafirs .

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:28 AM
a reply to: hutch622

It would seem however that for things to change it is down to us as it appears their hatred runs so deep they are unable to unwilling to change or adapt. But far from bending over backwards and being suitably shafted even more, I don't know what else we can do. I believe some maybe stuck between a rock and a hard place with Imans preaching hatred and the islamic doctrine, parents may do the same but on a personal level they may actually feel different. I have no answer except a major paradigm shift on their part

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:35 AM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: hutch622

Maybe we should find out exactly why they hate us so much and I don't just mean the religious nonsense but on a personal level.Why do they want to emigrate to such culturally different countries to a people they hate? Why do they want to leave their own country in the first place? And why if its for a better life do they then create their own mini versions of the countries they left and refuse to integrate?

Why do they want to leave their country ?! Maybe because the west either bombed the # out of it,installed some muppet who would represent our interests,exploited their countries natural resources for our personal gain etc. You dont want them to come to your country ? Fine,start by helping them in their own home. We all share this rock called eartth,every descision we make affect others. Half of this world throws food out every day while the other half is stuck in hunger and poverty caused by greed. And i know it can be done,it has been done before. USA aided Europe after the WW2 through the Marshall plan,imagine what a #hole Europe would have been without that help ? We need to end greed and start helping those in need,and i mean real honest help. Not the kind of help like "band aid" concerts and other pathetic events. We will be overrun by people fleeing war and poverty if we dont change our politics toward others. You cant stop tens of millions people entering your country by closing borders,and we cant integrate such a large group nor is this a solution in the long term.

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Here is one answer . Admittedly its my own thread but our old Prime Minster made some good sense . By old i mean a week ago . Read the link in my link .

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: hutch622

Some interesting comments in that thread to be sure...and I think I have to agree with most of them. But again its a conundrum as some of the countries presently at war were the ones that actually askedasked the USA to intervene but then turned on them when they did. Its a mess

posted on Sep, 25 2015 @ 03:53 AM
a reply to: PhyllidaDavenport

Your thoughts on the suggestion of persecuted minorities first .

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