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Rotterdam woman assaulted by Muslim teen.

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+2 more 
posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 10:57 PM
I'm sorry but stereotypes exist people create them themselves and then of course they are generalised. The Muslims have created a rod for their own back. With all the media uproar over immigration refugees Isis, its a wrong but natural reaction to take it out on others. Many many people are very frustrated. For 20yrs or more we have been brainwashed into accepting that we cannot speak out or pass an opinion for fear of being branded a racist, a term which it seems, has far more stigma attached to it than being a paedophile. The word is the buzz word for the noughties, overused and often well out of context but a handy word to use if losing an argument or debate. We have been forced by legislation & media pressure to be tolerant, patient, understanding and accepting, the very same traits we would not see if the situation was reversed. Forcing a people to accept something they wouldn't normally doesn't work, there will be inner resentments and frustration which will only get worse, whether it boils over on our part I doubt because the brainwashing has worked.

One has to wonder if this past 20yrs of racism propaganda and indoctrination was actually instigated for today's exact scenario. People keep saying "sooner or later there will be a backlash" and similar, trouble is, I very much doubt there will other than isolated incidents of violence. We are now conditioned to accept and no-one dare do otherwise or say otherwise out of fear, so we'll all just rant on forums and keep our mouths shut in public and the situation will progress to wherever those in control desire.

What's easier to control? One Europe one currency one Government one very controlling religion or a scattered Europe of many countries with their own currencies Governments and dozens of religions? Worth thinking about

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 11:05 PM
I have written the following lyric for this occasion.

It is to be sung to the tune of "You put the lime in the coconut and drink it right down".

You put the knee in the testicles, it brings them right down

Thank you. I'll be here all week.

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 11:15 PM

originally posted by: enlightenedservant

Does it make sense to you now why we don't blame entire groups for the actions of a few?

Quite frankly, Christians have been getting blamed, mocked, killed and every other sort of negative treatment you would care to discuss by the so called tolerant liberal communist socialists who have done a fairly decent job of taking over the government, education, media, and the United States Military. It's not the old school conservatives everyone needs to be watching these days, but the 1960's radicals who used Alinsky's methods among others to create the greatest subversion of the 20th and 21th centuries.

So, use all the logic you want. In the end, the silent majority if they are not completely disarmed sheep will rise up and take back what has been stolen, but then again, the puppet masters are hoping they will try. That's what all this chaos is meant for. A great unrest that will be squashed like a meaningless insect so that a more just and fair control system can be put in place. All in all, I'd say things are going as planned.

I think the Muslims are in for a bit of a surprise though.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 12:30 AM
If a saw a man strike a woman like that I would have stomped his face in. Seriously you would not recognize him for months until the swelling went away the they unwired his jaw.

I can't wait until they try this in my town. Even the cops aren't afraid to bury folks in the desert out here.

+7 more 
posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 01:44 AM
Here's a new article on how to handle this kind of immigrant problem:

Muslim parents have demanded the abolition of pork in all the school
canteens of a Montreal suburb. It seems it is offensive to the Muslim
families and shows much disrespect.
The mayor of the Montreal suburb of Dorval, has refused, and the town
clerk sent a note to all parents in the municipality to explain why.
The following is what the note stated:
“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Canada and
Quebec, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that is
where they chose to immigrate. They must understand that they have to
integrate and learn to live in Quebec. They must understand that it is
for them to change their lifestyle, not the Canadians who so
generously welcomed them.”
“They must understand that Canadians are neither racist nor
xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (Whereas the
reverse is not true, in that ALL Muslim states do not accept
non-Muslim immigrants.).
“They must also understand that, no more than other nations, Canadians
are not willing to give up their identity nor their culture. And if
Canada is a land of welcome, it is not just the Mayor of Dorval who
welcomes foreigners, but the Canadian-Quebecois people as a whole. “
“Finally, they must understand that in Canada (Quebec) with its
Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious
festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. Therefore, the
municipality of Dorval was right to refuse any concessions to Islam
and Sharia.”
“For Muslims who disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable
in Canada, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most
of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms
in accordance with Shariah law. If you left your country for Canada,
and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered
that life is better in Canada than elsewhere. So, ask yourself the
question, just once, “Why is it better here in Canada than where you
come from?”
“A canteen with pork is part of the answer.”"

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 01:57 AM

originally posted by: Jim Scott
Here's a new article on how to handle this kind of immigrant problem:


That was originally about Belgium in 2013...

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:04 AM
a reply to: Jim Scott

That was a good letter,very fair and straight to the point,and i believe that all countries taking on these refugees should implement a similar attitude...

And if they do not integrate send them on their way.....

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 02:09 AM
a reply to: Jim Scott

You really had my hopes up there for a little bit, being a Canadian and someone who believes in freedom of speech, expression and lifestyle, but it's a hoax report:

Why not remove science from schools? Doesn't Biology and such offend Christians? Same logic. Apparently we must abandon all the things we like or feel important to avoid offending people who come to our countries. Absolutely absurd. When I was little I had an inner ear infection for over a year. Were all the other children forced to be quiet around me? No. Did noise cause me severe pain and even hearing loss? Yes. Do I blame the kids or teachers for not changing everything to accommodate for my problem? No, of course not. The world does not evolve around me. I had the problem, not everyone else. As an adult it really offends me when everyone else is asked--oh wait, ha ha, I mean forced--to do or not do certain things, as it might offend someone! Pshh.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 07:04 AM
Muslims have always been like that. Back in 1983 I was sitting in my homeland [Germany] on a bench, minding my own business as a girl, dressed in jeans and a jacket. A couple of turkish boys walked by and said something in Turkish that was unmistakably sexually insulting or worse. I knew that because of the lascivious looks and the derogative tone including the down turned sarcy lips. Trust me, it was something really bad.

All I said in response was: "Can you repeat that in German?" < meaning every single word.

As a response I suddenly found myself with a knife held against my throat.

If it hadn't been for the security guard in the nearby Department store who had watched the whole thing and came over running, I don't know what would have happened. I was shaken. What had I actually done?

I still didn't condemn all Turks and had a handful of friends [mostly girls and only one a muslim]. But I do know muslim behaviour for a lot longer than other nations. Women carrying all the bags and walking behind a small mustachioed husband was a normal sight. My own niece went out with one for years, got regularly beaten and had him hold a knife to her throat [seems to be a favourite]. Yet he never had the intention to marry her, because she was a 'whore' rather than a 'good' muslim girl.
Fortunately there are Turks that are not muslim and they are just as embarrassed by their less educated landsmen.!

I always held back, for fear of being called something. But one thing I won't shut up about is that islam is not something I want in Europe. I have NEVER, EVER, EVER seen or experienced anything positive but have plenty of stories to the opposite.

These are real personal experiences, not from news or other people. How on earth would I feel different? All my worries are substantiated daily.

Muslims are intrinsically linked to their so called 'religion', it comes first, before anything else, especially before women and non-believers. Lying is encuraged if it brings about the spread of this evil belief system.

YOu have to be a brain dead moron to seriously belief that ALL muslims are bad. They are NOT!!! left to let this sink in. Often I get a response from those that only assume what I write but don't actually read it.

Because we are humans, there will be some and there will be others. But if you belong to this very unspiritual, brutal, violent belief and you disagree with it, you have no chance to make yourself heard. This 'religion' is self policing, like a really good computer program. It will undermines any kind of freedom.

There is a language that those violent males [not men] understand, but those that spoke it [Ghaddffi, Hussain etc] have been murdered and now only pussy footed leftist are left to deal with them....oh-oh...

I don't want anyone to get hurt! Instead, I wish we could show more spine, give out rules to newcomers and come down hard on them if they take the piss out of OUR own culture. Who knows, they may even respect us for it!


As it stands, they believe [unfortunately rightly so] that Europeans are wet blankets, ready for the taking. We are naive sitting ducks.

And those that say that we have quite enough European thugs, wife-beaters, and violent males....
EXACTLY, we do. We don't need to add more!

I think it's time for muslims to show more respect for the countries and people that let them live with them. Where are all our [real] men, laws and politicians who are on our own side?

Live here by all means but show some humbleness and appreciation. Just like you expect from us kaffirs in your countries. You won't pull the wool over my eyes by playing the 'oppressed' card.

I am European, grown up with freedom and equality [in general]. I don't want your belief here, I don't like it. It doesn't make me 'racist' or any other '-ist', I am only doing what muslims are proudly doing in their own countries and that is to protect OUR heritage.

There is no way under which it would be acceptable to disagree with me, or insult me without also insulting muslims who are doing the same in their own countries. Either we are all equal [and can protect our heritage with passion] or you put muslims first by repremanding me but not them for doing exactly the same thing!

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 08:12 AM
3 pages and still 0 real evidence. How many rapes are from muslims and how many are from non-muslims? The main difference is that a random-guy rape isn't a news, a muslim one in a western country sells #-tabloids and give votes to those ultrapricks that wouldn't have a seat of power in a peaceful country.

Are there muslim fanatics and muslim criminals? Absolutely. Same for every other religion including atheist/existentialists.

How about we stop keeping raping their countries and resources and stop putting them in ghettos in our countries?
Fanaticism is the problem, but ignorant people can't see very far.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 08:14 AM
About 15% of the population of Rotterdam is Muslim as of Wikipedia.
Practically, it's much more easy to find a 'Kebab' than a 'kroketbroodje' if you want something to eat.
Even the city mayor of Rotterdam is a Muslim, Ahmed Aboutaleb.

Despite that, these s###bags are throwing the blame on all the Muslims because of their individual behaviour.
They are unable to assume themselves as nothing but criminals and try to give credit to their actions by using a religious cover, just like ISIS.

FYI, here is what the city mayor of Rotterdam declared in the aftermath of the Paris shootings :

Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam tells fellow Muslims who do not appreciate the 'freedoms' of living in the West to 'pack your bags and f*** off' on live TV

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 08:48 AM
a reply to: LoneCloudHopper2

whether it's a hoax letter or depicts exactly many of us in a western world feel.

Love the letter. Whoever wrote dead on.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:00 AM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

Why can't the Muslims live in peace in the countries willing to take them in rather than verbally abusing and assaulting the women?

Why cant anyone?

Its funny that when its a Muslim that is found doing something as such its made sure to be known in the headlines that it was a Muslim,

However when lets say a teen of another faith or background does something like this the headlines would read 'teen abuses women'

Why is that?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:10 AM

originally posted by: Mastronaut
3 pages and still 0 real evidence. How many rapes are from muslims and how many are from non-muslims? The main difference is that a random-guy rape isn't a news, a muslim one in a western country sells #-tabloids and give votes to those ultrapricks that wouldn't have a seat of power in a peaceful country.

Are there muslim fanatics and muslim criminals? Absolutely. Same for every other religion including atheist/existentialists.

How about we stop keeping raping their countries and resources and stop putting them in ghettos in our countries?
Fanaticism is the problem, but ignorant people can't see very far.

Just before you wrote your post was mine, with examples. I hate it when people just comment like brainless sheep without reading any other comments. I said that normally countries have their own criminals, rapists, murderers etc. We are dealing with them by putting them to jail. There is however no need to ADD any more.

Also if someone who is not of your country commits a crime in your country, it IS a bigger deal...much, much bigger!

It is bigger because you showed mercy and hospitality, then you get repaid like that. Yes, it should be plastered all over the news. Because we don't need more hassle. There is so much evidence that a great deal of muslim men despise western women [also in my post], if you want written evidence, read the koran, or maybe befriend some muslim men and listen to what they have to say.
Maybe go to Rotherham, there are enough muslim men in jail right now for rape and manipulation of gullible teenage non-muslim girls. Reason was that they were worthless in their eyes.

You want any more evidence? Open your eyes and ears, get out a bit more.

Last but not least, nobody is putting muslims into ghettos. Trust me, us Brits would love them to live like others amongst us, show interest in our culture, go to places we frequent. The only ones isolating them is themselves. What was once a normal British area is now little iraq, with shops just for them, Brits need not apply for jobs there. So what else is there you haven't got a clue about?

I am sick and tired of people just throwing sentences around without any substance and who ignore everything that can be read about an issue and then say "...there is no evidence..., you put them into ghettos, you don't give them money..."
I think the tide has to turn now, and the truth shall prevail over made up wishful thinking.
For years you lot were able to silence the truth by calling those that don't agree racist or bigots. Not any more, because the elephant is in the room and it turns out to be a massive mammoth.
My knowledge stems from copious amounts of PERSONAL experience, yours comes from ideals in your head.

edit on 24-9-2015 by Hecate666 because: typo

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

The Muslims think all non Muslim women are whores. Most non-Muslim women are not of Middle Eastern decent, thus Muslims are racists.

all Muslims think this?

All Muslims are racists?

Why Am I even responding,

Ignorance breeds more ignorance.

It might be contagious so I will step away so as to not catch the generalization bug you seem to have.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: 3danimator2014

How about you get angry and post about the christian mugger or the christian robber?

When have you seen a headline when someone commits a crime actually say that a Jew or Christian committed the said crime?

Yes its rare but compared to Muslims being identified as Muslims when they commit a crime it should be clear that there is an agenda of some sort that either the media are aware of or just blindly following the Islamophobic trend of the last decade

How many times have you seen headlines that say 'Muslim man did so and so......' compared to 'Christian man did so and so .....' ?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:37 AM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

A school fight? Two jerks beating up a girl is suddenly to be blamed by all Muslims?
The assault took place a year ago and the two idiots were arrested according to this article
Original video from September 2014:
Btw, right click and translate the page if it shows up wrong.

edit on 24-9-2015 by Boeing777 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:42 AM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
a reply to: brancolinoxx

The racism is clear. The Muslims think all non Muslim women are whores. Most non-Muslim women are not of Middle Eastern decent, thus Muslims are racists.

You're absolutely right. I think my mother and sisters are whores and beat them up because they're not Muslims.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:43 AM

originally posted by: Mastronaut
3 pages and still 0 real evidence. How many rapes are from muslims and how many are from non-muslims? The main difference is that a random-guy rape isn't a news, a muslim one in a western country sells #-tabloids and give votes to those ultrapricks that wouldn't have a seat of power in a peaceful country.

Are there muslim fanatics and muslim criminals? Absolutely. Same for every other religion including atheist/existentialists.

How about we stop keeping raping their countries and resources and stop putting them in ghettos in our countries?
Fanaticism is the problem, but ignorant people can't see very far.

I am glad that a few still have some logic and a vision to see the difference of how things get reported when it comes to Muslims and non Muslims.

If its a Muslim committing a crime, there must be some guidelines for being an editor or reporter that you must make sure to add that they are Muslims in the headline of the stories reported.

I will repeat, compared to how many times you see Christian robbed a store, Christian abused a woman, in teh headlines, Its almost non existent.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 09:49 AM

originally posted by: Hecate666
Just before you wrote your post was mine, with examples. I hate it when people just comment like brainless sheep without reading any other comments. I said that normally countries have their own criminals, rapists, murderers etc. We are dealing with them by putting them to jail. There is however no need to ADD any more.

Also if someone who is not of your country commits a crime in your country, it IS a bigger deal...much, much bigger!

It is bigger because you showed mercy and hospitality, then you get repaid like that. Yes, it should be plastered all over the news. Because we don't need more hassle. There is so much evidence that a great deal of muslim men despise western women [also in my post], if you want written evidence, read the koran, or maybe befriend some muslim men and listen to what they have to say.
Maybe go to Rotherham, there are enough muslim men in jail right now for rape and manipulation of gullible teenage non-muslim girls. Reason was that they were worthless in their eyes.

Just because you happened to have a problem with some muslim criminals doesn't make them so. It's called subjective or anectodal evidence and is worth nothing to draw conclusion about the entire population.
Why should somebody be grateful to be treated like a second grade citizen when it's just a modern slavery? Do you feel that the earth was divided in countries like today? There is no evidence that "the great deal of muslims" are in any way more criminal than the citizen of the countries they are in, or we would see all the media reapeating ad libitum those statistics.

And maybe YOU should read the quran rather than spitting nonsense. Then read the bible and tell me how the female figures comes out of that.

You want any more evidence? Open your eyes and ears, get out a bit more.

Last but not least, nobody is putting muslims into ghettos. Trust me, us Brits would love them to live like others amongst us, show interest in our culture, go to places we frequent. The only ones isolating them is themselves. What was once a normal British area is now little iraq, with shops just for them, Brits need not apply for jobs there. So what else is there you haven't got a clue about?

You brits forget that you massacred the entire world before enslaving those colonies in unsurmountable debt and pretend somebody have to thank you for having the NEED to flee their own country to join a low pay job in a so called 1st world nation? You are so prone to forget 400 years of abuses that you can't see why some people may not like you at all? Not that french, americans, italians, germans, belgians, dutch and so on are better, so to be clear.

Go tell the people in the banlieu if they think that's not a ghetto. Go ask those small towns in northern and southern Italy if the "enterpreneurs" that hire them are giving them a decent living standard. The ones that don't want integration ARE the host countries, they get immigration just to keep low wages and high profit for corporations.
You have no clue who's your master.

I am sick and tired of people just throwing sentences around without any substance and who ignore everything that can be read about an issue and then say "...there is no evidence..., you put them into ghettos, you don't give them money..."
I think the tide has to turn now, and the truth shall prevail over made up wishful thinking.
For years you lot were able to silence the truth by calling those that don't agree racist or bigots. Not any more, because the elephant is in the room and it turns out to be a massive mammoth.
My knowledge stems from copious amounts of PERSONAL experience, yours comes from ideals in your head.

And I am sick of ignorant people that don't see the whale in the room and think that these immigrants are here because they destroyed their economies themselves.
You have no knowledge, what you have is just hate maybe justified, but still useless hate. And don't try to hide your bigotry by accusing others of not seeing your small sized own world.

Present real statistics or your arguments are just rubbish.
edit on 24 9 2015 by Mastronaut because: (no reason given)

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