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Rotterdam woman assaulted by Muslim teen.

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posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 03:45 PM
Religion and other ideologies are a dangerous thing. Moral justification for all sorts of terrible deeds. I wouldn't let any hardcore religious immigrant in a country that has opposing ideals. They should be going to Saudi Arabia or some other islamic oriented country.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: blueman12
They should be going to Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia “made it a point not to deal with them as refugees” but had issued residency permits to 100,000 Syrians who wished to stay in the kingdom, the official said.

Men and women from countries in South Central Asia, the Middle East, and Africa, such as Bangladesh, India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Sudan, Ethiopia, Kenya, Burma, and Yemen, as well as many other countries voluntarily travel to Saudi Arabia as domestic workers or low-skilled laborers; many subsequently face involuntary servitude, experiencing nonpayment of wages, withholding of passports, confinement to the workplace, long working hours without rest, deprivation of food, threats, physical and sexual abuse, and restrictions on movement.

Why would the refugees want to go?

At least Saudi Arabia has graciously offered to build 200 mosques in Germany.
200 Mosques

At some point in the past, we may have taken a wrong turn.

edit on 24-9-2015 by gentledissident because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: 3danimator2014

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
Apparently the Muslims control Rotterdam. Is this what is coming to all the nice Western communities opening their doors to 500,000 "refugees"?
Why can't the Muslims live in peace in the countries willing to take them in rather than verbally abusing and assaulting the women? I wonder what is going to be the signal that enough is enough, and it's time to end the invasion.

I cant wait for you to post all the crimes commited by Christians....But you wont will you?

And the ATS muslim hate train keeps rollin' rolli' rollin'...TOOT TOOOT!

With a statement like that, you need to be sure you identify the difference between crimes committed by Christians and crimes committed in the name of Christianity. There is a big difference there...

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: amazing

Do you know why so many of us Europeans don't interfere when its a Muslim? Because they will instantly be accused of racism and more than likely arrested. The police here in UK don't want any strife or confrontation with Muslims if they can avoid it as it just causes soooo many headaches enquiries and paperwork and then of course the do-gooders come and jump on the bandwagon

Here's a story for mum & dad and another couple were attending a dinner at a University in Yorkshire where I live. They parked up and just as they turned to leave the car another car screeched up and 6 pakistani males jumped out and proceeded to beat them with baseball bats & hockey sticks for being "in the wrong area". My mum & dad were in their 60's at the time. They were all put in hospital and when the police came to see them...eventually....they said "Do you really want to pursue this? It could cause allsorts of tensions". My dad said of course and never heard anything again after the initial statements were taken. Over 20 other people witnessed this attack and not one did a thing, except call the police and ambulance AFTER the guys had driven off

But again. It's better to die on your feet then live on your knees. You're living on your knees. You've already lost. But it's not too late. Band together, form some groups and get into action. I'd rather be arrested then live in fear. Find out where those guys live. Pay my airfare and I'll fly over and show you how it's done. Show me the worst part of town and that's where I'll be. Big change starts with one person, doing one small thing. That's how it works. It doesn't have to be violent either. Look what Gandhi did...look what Martin Luther King did. Against all odds, sometimes, you've got to take a stand.

I'll be right here in the states doing the same thing if it gets like that here.

What do I know? Army trained, Self-Defense Instructor/Expert. History Buff.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to: amazing

Not a chance in hell of that happening ever in my opinion. No group would even get off the ground before the surveillance police nabbed them for inciting hatred. And I'm afraid you're wrong, it would most certianly have to be violent, its all these types understand and the pity is I'm not talking straight off the boat cultured shocked peasant here, these are young teens born and bred in this country. These are those so religious they want to join Isis the same ones however, who run the prostitution rings the drug gangs and go to Mosque each Friday. They have become untouchable because of our tolerance patience and understanding we've been told we have to show

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: amazing

Not a chance in hell of that happening ever in my opinion. No group would even get off the ground before the surveillance police nabbed them for inciting hatred. And I'm afraid you're wrong, it would most certianly have to be violent, its all these types understand and the pity is I'm not talking straight off the boat cultured shocked peasant here, these are young teens born and bred in this country. These are those so religious they want to join Isis the same ones however, who run the prostitution rings the drug gangs and go to Mosque each Friday. They have become untouchable because of our tolerance patience and understanding we've been told we have to show

There's always a way. Don't give up.

Remember that reasonable Self Defense is allowed in England. Here's a quick Q and A from the BBC

Here's another one...a blog post from a Barrister. You are allowed to defend yourself.

Therre are lot's of self defense training centers in England--here's one example

Here's a better one Kenpo/Kempo which is my base style. Excelent Self Defense.

edit on 24-9-2015 by amazing because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:11 PM
a reply to: amazing

I don't want to have to defend myself...I want to be able to walk the streets wherever I want without being told I'm in the wrong area in my own country and punched or worse. I want my daughter who was mugged by a Muslim gang on her way to work to feel safe. That won't happen so she's left the country to go to greece, unfortunately now its probably going to happen there. There are people here in the UK that don't even believe there are no go areas which is sad, but they seem to be the mainly rural folk who've probably never even seen an immigrant. The latest threat in my area are the Romanians who operate gangs of thieves pickpockets and pimps. Now they are vying for territory from the Pakistani Muslims who are constantly at war with the Afro Caribbeans who are at war with the Kurds and its a nightmare that most don't even know about let alone see

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

this person clearly deserved it... what an arrogant looking woman.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: PhyllidaDavenport
a reply to: amazing

I don't want to have to defend myself...I want to be able to walk the streets wherever I want without being told I'm in the wrong area in my own country and punched or worse. I want my daughter who was mugged by a Muslim gang on her way to work to feel safe. That won't happen so she's left the country to go to greece, unfortunately now its probably going to happen there. There are people here in the UK that don't even believe there are no go areas which is sad, but they seem to be the mainly rural folk who've probably never even seen an immigrant. The latest threat in my area are the Romanians who operate gangs of thieves pickpockets and pimps. Now they are vying for territory from the Pakistani Muslims who are constantly at war with the Afro Caribbeans who are at war with the Kurds and its a nightmare that most don't even know about let alone see

I'm one that doesn't believe there are no go zones. I mean, I would love to go there and have someone give me a tour of "no go zones" so that I could go there and be safe. It's really about standing up for yourself, having a sense of community and looking after each other. When you have no sense of community, no church, athletic club, community social function then you become isolated with your immediate family and that's when communities go south. You shouldn't have to stand and defend yourself but again, England shouldn't have had to stand up to the Nazis, but they did. I'm in no way blaming you, but where are all the real men in England, where are all the community leaders, the church leaders?

I'll state it hear. There are no 'no go' zones in England or USA. If you say you have one, fly me and my friends out and we'll prove you wrong. Simple. We'll also give a free Self-Defense seminar to the community.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:29 PM
These are criminals who need to be arrested. Why are you bringing religion into it?

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:30 PM
Bullets are cheap. We should use them. Liberally.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:31 PM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity
Apparently the Muslims control Rotterdam. Is this what is coming to all the nice Western communities opening their doors to 500,000 "refugees"?
Why can't the Muslims live in peace in the countries willing to take them in rather than verbally abusing and assaulting the women? I wonder what is going to be the signal that enough is enough, and it's time to end the invasion.

You also missed that there aren't ANY 'no-go' zones. Muslims are NOT in control of Rotterdam.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:33 PM
muslims took over spain awhile back and no one grew balls for hundreds of years before they did anything about it. settle in and watch the fireworks.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: reldra
These are criminals who need to be arrested. Why are you bringing religion into it?

I meant that in a community leadership, and community gathering place role, which churches frequently play all over the world. Not bringing religion into it. I'm very non religious but recognize that churches fill a void in many areas like this. I also recognize that police can't do it alone, and policing is easier with community involvement.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: amazing

I promise hand on heart there are such places. The Police in Halifax Yorkshire stopped my ex mother in law from entering an area that she was going to go through as a short cut to the town centre. They gently warned her that she would be wise not to go that way. There are places in Bradford that no sane white person would go even in daylight unless they were specifically going for a fight. Its an awful situation to which I see no real solution. Its more or less a complete turn about from the 60's & 70's with the dreadful combat 18 and white extremist groups who have thankfully nowadays all but disappeared. We however are the ones called racist when believe me they hate us in the extreme and hate the Jamaicans just as much it seems

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:45 PM
I wish idiots would stop labeling the rightful animosity towards Muslims, noteably refugees as RACISM.

Muslims are NOT A RACE.

It is a backward oppressive religious system straight out of the 14th century. The prevalent political force in all backward middle east sewers. Fascist theocracies all. You want the Church to run your government? That's what you will end up with. Oppression and intolerance.

It's laughable that these maggots can just infest a country and instantly start trying to impose their backward religious mania on the developed world's population. Oh yes, Islam is great isn't it? Blood thirsty rabid psychotic nonsense and brutality all round.

Hopefully they will all kill each other soon in their stupid infantile holy war and the civilized world can then get on with their lives.

You want to be a Muslim? Fine. just don't come round trying to ram it down our throats. We grew out of that kind of idiocy around the time we stopped burning witches.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: angus1745

Unfortunately, I think their infantile holy war will end up killing us!

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 05:48 PM
a reply to: angus1745

I send you a million and one stars!

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:25 PM

originally posted by: nomdeterreur
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

this person clearly deserved it... what an arrogant looking woman.

You don't need to throw this much chum out to gather the fish. The fact remains, this behavior is about Islam vs. Western civilization. As one member said, it's important to differentiate between Christians committing crimes and crimes committed in the name of Christianity. Can you name one violent crime committed in the UK in the name of Christianity? Were are the people screaming, "Death to Islam" or "Death to Iran" etc.. You can't find those examples so instead you try to change the argument.

posted on Sep, 24 2015 @ 06:28 PM
a reply to: UnifiedSerenity

People are people but this is simply unacceptable, the problem is that in there religion they believe that if they have set foot in a country then there version of God has given that country to them and all it's non believer's (not of there religion or in some cases even specific branch of it) are merely soulless animal's to be conquered, enslaved, raped or killed if they will not convert, there have been a few other thread's quoting about how Muhammad said to protect Christians but they forget he had a Christian slave and while leading his group of followers murdered both Christian's and Jew's if and when they did not convert to his cult.

This type of Culture clash is inevitable and will escalate or we will simply die out to make room for these new people, our nations belong really to our children, our land is therefore our children's inheritance and is not and never was intended for foreigners except in normal movements of people that keep the gene pool healthy and not like this mad rush of entire nations into our land's, how many is too many, when are we taking our children's inheritance and giving it to strangers and when is culture the real issue.

Indeed we have to ask ourselves if they were all Christian would we notice or would we simply regard that single lad as a nut job and a loud mouthed hard faced, ungrateful little Sh@^ which is really all that he probably is.

The other problem is the fact and it is a fact that these are mostly young able bodied men and they want woman, they will force there ideal's on our woman and take our woman for themselves and will force our culture to comply with there wishes or murder us if we do not and that is not an exaggeration, indeed it is a fact and is born out by all historical interactions between our two cultures.

It is a simple fact that Europe has been at war with Islam for over 1000 years and that holy wars were declared by both side's but let's also remember that it was Islam that first attacked Christian community's invading what were then Christian country's in the middle east including the then byzantine holy land, one city they invaded at the start of there religion had four thousand Christians whom were beheaded for refusing to convert to Islam and that was within a hundred years of this cult which is now a world religion's birth so this demonstrates the unescapable fact that Islam was born at war with Christianity and has been so for it's entire existence.

There are fundamental differences in there belief and it is simply not the same, for example they call Yeshua (Jesus) by the name "Issa", they say that when "Issa" (Yeshua/Jesus) was writing in the sand with his finger that he killed a small boy for interrupting him (there religion was invented by a former merchant whom was acquainted with many religions in 650 AD) and they deny that Issa (Yeshua/Jesus) was ever crucified or rose from the dead and so from a Christian perspective how can they be saved and also we have to ask the question is not inviting the enemy of Christ into your home were your own children live a terrible mistake and will not that enemy kill your children so that there children can have your children's inheritance?.

There culture is actually totally incompatible with ours and it does not accept the Christian founded ideal's of freedom of religion or freedom of expression, indeed it's main strength is in indoctrination were from a very early age young boys are made to pray in routine regular intervals to a set pattern and to perform unified doctrinal actions, if they refuse they are an apostate and under a death sentence which if you think about it is just like an army with a deserter? in war time?.

But most of these people are actually innocent victims if not genuine asylum seekers, they are often driven by war and intense poverty and are simply trying to get a better and safer life for themselves and there children so I ask you in the same situation would we act any differently to those that are the majority of these immigrant's and so if we do turn our back on them are we not betraying what makes our culture a superior culture as well as becoming nothing but hypocrites ourselves by closing our hearts to there suffering and would we not become just as bad if not worse than we sometimes see them as being, indeed is your land worth your soul.

Then again it is not our land as we are only it's custodians for our life time and in essence it belongs to our children so are we destroying there future by so allowing what is actually one of the largest tribal migration's in the history of the human race, ask the Native Americans what happens when other tribes come to take your home, to pour into our nations and displace our own people and culture.

The only solution would be to eradicate Isis and meet a compromise with Russia to rehouse the Syrians in there own country, as for the rest of the immigrant's well it is a lot more complicated than that and even before the Syrian crisis they were heading for Europe.

We can always go and bury our head in the sand though, we live on one tiny planet and we need to make room but we also need to stop this sort of thing and ensure our own children are not deprived of there inheritance, a one world government would be a serious mistake however and what if this was engineered to enforce that upon us all?.

edit on 24-9-2015 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

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