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Rotterdam woman assaulted by Muslim teen.

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posted on Sep, 26 2015 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: brancolinoxx

No. This is not creating racism.

They are creating racism by being openly discrimatory to Caucasian females.

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 06:38 AM
Is the west actually in the process of creating civil unrest and civil war in Europe, using immigrants as a conduit? Is it possible that western governments are so retarded they are even using pornography to foment racial hatred?
I say, that's exactly what is happening.
The EU governments are deliberately transporting immigrants into the EU, to be used as slaves. In fact they cannot even leave EU countries once they are in, because they are slaves, and the immigration is nothing more then slave trade.
There are multiple misconception in regard to this slave trading.
1) The EU needs more workers immigrants to keep up functioning and paying pensions to the elderly. FALSE
(That would mean that there are no unemployed EU citizens who can do that job) BLATANTLY FALSE
2) The EU needs more immigrants to keep up the population to a suitable level. FALSE
Given the state of underdevelopment and extensive poverty in the EU, It cannot support even its own population, not to mention migrants.
3) The migrants coming to the EU bring foreign talent. FALSE
These migrants are in most cases rejects of their own homelands. For example criminals, thieves, assassins, terrorists, subversive characters. Talented people from these countries don't walk in the middle of a field wielding their children like tools against the police. Rather they come with a visa at the airports. And walk down the plane's stairs.

So why all the fuss about migrants? Because their labour is cheap, and they are slaves. And the EU politicians desperately need to back the demands of the oligarchs who are demanding cheaper and cheaper labor, as the end of free-trade capitalism nears...

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: Flanker86

Well said on all points. This invasion is not going to go well. I like Celente's comment "that when the people have lost everything and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it"!

I just wonder what the spark will be that will ignite the fury of the Americans and Europeans. By sheer numbers, America and the UK will be Muslim within 30 years if this is not stopped.

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 10:08 AM

originally posted by: selfharmonise
a reply to: brancolinoxx

No. This is not creating racism.

They are creating racism by being openly discrimatory to Caucasian females.

If muslims attack a white woman its not a hate crime. But if you attack muslims who attack a white woman, it is a hate crime. Funny how that works.

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 10:22 PM

originally posted by: UnifiedSerenity

originally posted by: hutch622
a reply to: Rosha

Name one Muslim upon Muslim rape in Australia then get back to me , can you not see a pattern . Just one .

It's obvious he does not want to deal with facts. The facts are that the radical Muslims of which there are 100 million minimally, want to kill all non-Muslims and believe they do not have to obey the laws of the lands they move into. They believe Sharia law is just and correct, and when everyone is following Sharia law there will be peace and thus Islam is a religion of peace! They do not find raping, torturing, murdering of non-Muslims to be wrong. They believe they have a right to claim any land they move into for Allah.

All who turn around and point at some Catholic bully or some such event want to make that out to be equal to the acts throughout the ages of Muslims. While Christianity had it's bloody past which was also due in part to the Muslim invasion of the world during the Ottoman Empire, Christianity has repented of the crimes against humanity. We do not ignore our past. We do not try to justify the murdering of people in the name of Christ. We do not continue a crusade in the name of Christ. Muslims always have and always will be for Jihad, and until we as Western Christian society stop them, they will continue to invade, rape, murder, and abuse the hosts of the lands they invade.

….eighty million were slaughtered and millions of women were raped… was standard practice for Islamic warlords like Ghori and Ghazni to unleash the mass rape and enslavement of hundreds of thousands of women after the slaughter of all males.
An extremely large percentage of Muslims in South Asia today are the progeny of forcible conversions and systematic rape campaigns by marauding Muslim invaders.

– Dr. Younis Shaikh
Pakistani medical doctor, human rights activist and freethinker.

Don't ever speak for me. I can speak for myself, and I am a she not a he thanks.
I CHOSE not to respond to such a simpleminded, abusive,petty, diseased minded statement such as that.
A right.

posted on Sep, 27 2015 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: Vroomfondel

originally posted by: selfharmonise
a reply to: brancolinoxx

No. This is not creating racism.

They are creating racism by being openly discrimatory to Caucasian females.

If muslims attack a white woman its not a hate crime. But if you attack muslims who attack a white woman, it is a hate crime. Funny how that works.

Maybe that's because most rational mature people already 'get' that crime is crime regardless of who is doing it or what pretext they are using to justify doing it; where as beating on people because they are of a specific religious or ethnic group IS a hate crime as detailed under the UN Human Rights charter to which your nation is a signatory?

Smh...logging of this thread as this seems to be the caliber of 'responses'.... I'm, done. You are free and perfectly entitled to be fear addled bigots and yes, free to experience the full consequences of your own short shortsightedness and socio-poltical ignorance too....I dont have time to read this bs anymore. You are one else.

posted on Sep, 28 2015 @ 01:23 AM
As an Australian, you clearly understand what it's like to live in Europe right now.

I am making no comment on your country's policies or political climate.

Do I remember a particular cafe siege in Sydney?

Just a one off, or a portent of the future?

a reply to: Rosha

posted on Oct, 2 2015 @ 05:25 AM

originally posted by: selfharmonise
As an Australian, you clearly understand what it's like to live in Europe right now.

I am making no comment on your country's policies or political climate.

Do I remember a particular cafe siege in Sydney?

Just a one off, or a portent of the future?

a reply to: Rosha

A deluded man....a fanatic wanna be, a mental patient ( diagnosed a paranoid schizophrenic) and an ex con...yes I remember it well. It was also a one off, as an overwhelming rejection of his actions by the Australian Islamic communities showed, and the lack of explosive copy cats and reports that have followed have also shown. He was an idiot..a wanna be..and the government surveillance apparatus that failed several times to note him as a potential threat and nutter despite a multitude of alarms and red flags also are a bunch of idiots. Yes he was dangerous, most extremist nutjobs are no matter what they hold as a belief system...and he got his due.

If we started to deport all the mentally ill idiots with belief systems in Australia...well..we really would be terra nullis in no time and if you chose to live in fear of every nut job and mental patient much less every Muslim here or on their obsession with the past and in fear of the future then that's your right and your choice too...though imo, it means you've already surrendered to terrorism and they won.

I choose to retain my power a bit longer thanks..I choose not to be like cowering you... My right, my choice.

As was so eloquently put today... here: we are not the paranoid...and we are not the USA..there is a MILE wide cultural and social difference between us and how we view the world and live in it. WE grew up. And even where or when perhaps one day there isn't that gulf or we too devolve into immaturity and paranoia its still even then, YOUR individual choice and responsibility for how you personally choose to respond to whatever threat is present or perceived.

I made mine...I leave you to yours.

edit on 2-10-2015 by Rosha because: (no reason given)

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