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A New Day has Dawned , Jeremy Corbyn New Labour Leader , Tom Watson his deputy

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posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: solargeddon doesn't matter how much you pay in tax, you are never going to get out of the system what you put into it
Millions of people get more out of the system than they have paid in. I call you out on that.

I worked out my own tax/benefit accounts with UK PLC recently, and using local private school fees as a benchmark, and assuming my parents receipt of child benefit with a father who always worked (often 16 hour shifts), then calculating just the income tax I've paid in my life, I am in credit with the UK.
I even included hospital treatment by the NHS using private hospital charges.

That said, I'm happy to be a contributor to the UK, some contribute, some are forced into positions where they can't, or won't, but I'm damn sure I wouldn't want Corbyn's policies as law in the UK. He's way too socialist for me.

...and I cringed when his supporters sung the 'Red flag' song after his victory, then I chuckled in a patronising way.
edit on 12.9.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:02 PM

originally posted by: paraphi

originally posted by: grainofsand
then get elected as Prime Minister

He won't. The politics of the left wing have always been rejected by the electorate.

I think the Labour Party will now go through a process of self destruction. This is history repeating. I see a risk that the Party will break up.
I share similar thoughts to yourself.
The jubilation for one of the most left wing MP's in Parliament is rather premature, and not very well considered as far as I see it.

He'll be well gone by 2020 elections though, I'm putting money on it for amusement value alone.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: woodwardjnr

I think Corbyn has been a protest vote the other candidates are so boring. Their whole demeanour was just what people are sick of.

It a bit unfair to just call it simply a protest vote imo...

And it wasn't just their neo liberal common purpose coached and pampered demeanours that people were sick of, it was the lack of conviction and and integrity as politicians that people were sick of that led to them needing common purpose coaching pampering training brainwashing etc in the first place... and once they've been through all that, purely coming into politics as career politicians willing to forsake princioles to win power, theyre already out of the game in terms of competing with sincerity and convictions that you find in a sincere politician like Jeremy Corbyn.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:32 PM
About time.The best part was the despondent faces of the fake,clandestine, charlatans that have infiltrated a party that was set up for the real people of this country.I'm surprised the vote wasn't rigged in favor of one of the fake puppets.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:37 PM
a reply to: CallYourBluff

Me too... I couldnt beleive it, I had doubts right up to hearing the first two results, the third of which was of course JC... As soon as I knew Yvette had won below 20% of the vote I knew he had it in the bag, but until then I had a nagging doubt.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: nonjudgementalist It is not 'unfair' it is an opinion, just as you share your own.
Maybe it is the case that the majority of paid up Labour members support everything Corbyn stands for, but maybe it was a protest vote. You don't know, and I don't know. Bleating about fairness doesn't come into it.

He'll be gone as leader by 2020 though for sure lol, I'm more than happy to post such a prediction lol

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 04:54 PM
a reply to: grainofsand

Was i even talking to you???


posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: nonjudgementalist
a reply to: grainofsand

Was i even talking to you???

Oh stop the tears, I can respond to whoever I like as long as I remain within T's and C's.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:26 PM

originally posted by: nonjudgementalist

Was i even talking to you???

To be fair. If you post on a public board then you are talking to everyone.

I think it's good that the Labour Party tried to move away from the previous practices of the (Trade) Union block voting to elect a new leader. Progress there. However, with Corbyn set to press the re-wind with Leftist policies, we may see things like that reappearing. I wonder when the word "comrade" will find its way back into the lexicon of the Labour Party.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:33 PM

originally posted by: paraphi
I wonder when the word "comrade" will find its way back into the lexicon of the Labour Party.
Hahahaha! I wondered the same. Bring it on I say, excellent amusement.
edit on 12.9.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:37 PM

originally posted by: paraphi
I think it's good that the Labour Party tried to move away from the previous practices of the (Trade) Union block voting to elect a new leader.

Since becoming Prime Minister technically depends on commanding the allegiance of a majority of M.P.s, I've always thought it was a mistake to take the leadership decision away from the Parliamentary party.
As far as the British constitution is concerned, the power remains in their hands, and they would be entitled to defect from his leadership and choose somebody else for House of Commons purposes.
edit on 12-9-2015 by DISRAELI because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:38 PM
a reply to: grainofsand
I haven't watched this yett, lets watch it together..

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 05:46 PM

originally posted by: nonjudgementalist
a reply to: grainofsand
I haven't watched this yett, lets watch it together..
Lol, just draws me closer to believing that your political argument is lame

Try again fella, you failed with that.

...Tom and Jeremy lol.
edit on 12.9.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 06:06 PM

originally posted by: woodwardjnr
a reply to: grainofsand tbh I think Corbyn has been a protest vote the other candidates are so boring. Their whole demeanour was just what people are sick of. What's needed is a strong articulate opposition to stand up against some of the Tories more machiavellian policies and approach. The UK is seriously lacking any compassion from our leaders and hopefully Corbyn and Watson will address such issues that Miliband and co failed to address who In fact ended up supporting rather than opposing Tory policy. That's no way for an opposition to behave and left Tories carte Blanche to do what the hell they wanted.

Il give you that.

Most the labour party's mp have the personalitys of a turd. Actually thats doing turds a huge disservice.
Some of them are as elite and public school style out of touch as most torys!

Might not agree with corbyn or ever vote for him, but hopefully he will provide a good opposition to keep the conservative on there toes and block some of the more extreme Tory policies.
edit on 12-9-2015 by crazyewok because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: crazyewok

We find much agreement.

posted on Sep, 12 2015 @ 10:57 PM
His voting record is consistent but I'm more than a little suspicious of his lack of previous exposure and his meteoric ascent into public consciousness.

Have been on the hope merry go round far too many times to start waving pom poms for any candidate, I hope he'll prove me wrong though.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 01:53 AM
a reply to: nonjudgementalist I think it was a vote for the person who would provide the best opposition for the time, but as a leader of the opposition not as a future pm. None of the candidates shone through and captured the support like corbyn. None of them would have won the next election, so people went with who would provide the best opposition which is corbyn, he also represents a lot of views by a lot of people on the left from the young to the disaffected and former labour supporters who'd given up supporting labour because they just became Tory light. I take little interest in what the right wing of ats has to say. It's not like they would have voted labour anyway. Most like the Conservative party with Cameron and Osbourne at the helm. You know compassionate conservatives😉

edit on 13-9-2015 by woodwardjnr because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:04 AM
This has made me very happy! Corbyn has ignited British politics and I am excited to see what the near future holds.

Yes, Corbyn is honest, he knows where he stands and is not afraid to speak his mind. But that's not the only reason people like him, his supporters passionately agree with his policies, this is a movement not a protest vote.

I find it hard to believe anyone can disagree with the essence of his politics. Labour now has a leader with real integrity, one that fights for equality and opportunity for all, an end to austerity and poverty, an end to privatisation of the NHS and the amputation of public services, a strong economy that works for all. One that believes that education should be free because an educated population benefits the whole country and that government should not be the property of an elite circle.

And what is amazing is that he has won in the face of adversity. The way in which the media, and some of his peers have conducted themselves during his campaign has been disgraceful. Social media has been a huge tool in his campaign *counts down to the introduction of further controls on the internet*.

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:34 AM
I see the Tories have chosen to opt for the politics of fear straight away accusing Jeremy Corbyn of being a threat to national security ..... sad bunch.

edit on 13-9-2015 by gortex because: Spelling of course

posted on Sep, 13 2015 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: gortex

Tell you this Cameron is a threat to our future generation far more than Corbyn ever will be to our national security.

End of the day if they are so worried regarding the security of our nation maybe they should stop bombing or stop sponsoring the destruction of other nations under the guise of bringing our particular brand of democracy, stability or control to places that dont want it and things may calm down somewhat.
edit on 13-9-2015 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

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