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NYC World Premiere. Firefighters, Architects & Engineers: Expose the Myths of 9/11

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posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Nova937

Has Mr. Forbes settled on a story yet? His first one, was that the towers were powered down for an entire weekend. Then, his story was, just the tower he worked in was powered down for the weekend. Then, it was just from his floors up. Then, it was just his floors for 12 hours.

Which story is in that video?

Not that it really matters because a partial power down on a couple of floors in one building is not evidence of anything.....especially when nothing similar happened anywhere else in the complex.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 12:53 PM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Well I don't know much about that guy. Saw the video and just added it with the other 2. So what is your take on the other 2 that I was mainly referring to?

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 02:34 PM
a reply to: Nova937

And let's not forget the televised version of that drill done in May 2004 one year before it actually happened.

Do ya think the bad guys might watch television too?
You can get a lot of ideas from tv.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: samkent
a reply to: Nova937

And let's not forget the televised version of that drill done in May 2004 one year before it actually happened.

Do ya think the bad guys might watch television too?
You can get a lot of ideas from tv.

You can also Covet your real intentions by putting them out in the open. Let's not forget that fact. And given the obvious False Flags they have created in the past with their all too obvious previews we can almost be certain if they do it again they will continue to do it!

Who do you think the Bad Guys are samkent?

In the case of 7/7 they were almost inviting 'Bad Guys' to do just that!
edit on 22-9-2015 by Nova937 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: Nova937

And the towers powered down on the weekend before for 30 hours?? Now why would they do that?

Why would they do that ......

Plenty of reasons. Moving or installing equipment - especially electrical or computer

Been involved in many shutdowns. They leave a paper trail a mile wide - emails sent out for weeks before warning people ,
informing them not to come in that date. Equipment (if electrical or computer) is disconnected to prevent damage from
surges. People told to unplug their computers and leave off. Often have IT staff stay late to insure everything is off

Then have to come in very early to power everything back up and test - lot of people are involved, yet only I person
knew about it..... ??
edit on 22-9-2015 by firerescue because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-9-2015 by firerescue because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 05:10 PM
a reply to: Nova937

Tarpley and McKinney are half-informed idiots.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 07:14 PM

Been involved in many shutdowns. They leave a paper trail a mile wide - emails sent out for weeks before warning people , informing them not to come in that date. Equipment (if electrical or computer) is disconnected to prevent damage from surges. People told to unplug their computers and leave off. Often have IT staff stay late to insure everything is off Then have to come in very early to power everything back up and test - lot of people are involved, yet only I person knew about it..... ??

No it sounds like his whole crew knew about it....

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: wildb

And, his crew did not come forward to back him up. Nor has anyone come forward with proof of a shut down in either tower or WTC 7.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 07:59 PM
a reply to: cardinalfan0596

Perhaps his crew died that day, he did say they lost 87 people IIRC. I'm looking around, so far I found one person who confirmed it. And learned he urged people to file FOIA to get answers, I can't think of a reason he would lie..

See third post here at the link, who knows, trying to find link to Forbes mag talking about this, no luck so far..
edit on 22-9-2015 by wildb because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 08:08 PM

originally posted by: wildb

No it sounds like his whole crew knew about it....

There are huge problems with that claim

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

I saw that page, who knows who is telling the truth and who is not, I did find two who support the story, I bet if I dig I'll find more..

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: wildb
I did find two who support the story, I bet if I dig I'll find more..

Only 2 out of the thousands that would have known? Please find more, but remember after 14 years there are only these 2!

Anyway, floors of buildings have power downs frequently, so what if there was a power down on a floor? Or do you think that is when they snuck the tonnes of explosives past the bomb sniffing dogs, and no one noticed these tonnes of explosives the next day?

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

To be honest I think this element of the 911 story is irrelevant, (sp?) If you looked at that third post down the man said he confirmed the power down but said it was of no concern, I agree ... However it could be something, fact of the matter is we will never know..

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: Nova937

Drills of the exact same scenario at the exact same time is foreknowledge.

That is false, because we conduct such drills on a regular basis and that drill was just one of many. Check it and using this list, tell us how many drills were conducted prior, and during, 9/11?


Drill Date Scenario

1 NORAD Between 1991 and 2001 Foreign hijacked airliner crashing into famous US building

2 White House, Richard Clarke 1998 Terrorists load Lear Jet with explosive, attack Washington DC

3 NORAD 1999-2001 Hijacked aircraft hit many targets, including WTC, MASCAL

4 Able Danger: DIA, US-SOCOM, LIWA Dec. 1999-2001 Manipulate al Qaeda; data mining (patsy control)

5 Stratus Ivy: DIA Dec. 1999-2001 (?) Operate on patsies “out of the box” (patsy control)

6 Door Hop Galley: DIA (?) Dec. 1999-2001 (?) Still secret (patsy control?)

7 Proactive Pre-emptive Operations Group (P2OG) unknown “Stimulating reactions” of terrorists (patsy control)

8 NORAD (NEADS) Exercises: UN HQ, NYC October 16, 2000 Terrorist crashes Federal Express plane into UN HQ NYC

9 NORAD (NEADS) Exercises: UN HQ NYC October 23, 2000 Terrorist crashes FedEx plane with WMD into UN HQ NYC

10 Pentagon MASCAL exercise Oct. 24-28, 2000 Commercial aircraft hits Pentagon, MASCAL

11 FAA drill December, 2000 Scenario: a chartered flight out of Ohio that had turned its transponder off

12 Positive Force ’01: NORAD plus a dozen agencies; worldwide April 17-26, 2001 COG; attacks on transportation; one scenario: terrorist group hijacking commercial airliner and flying it into Pentagon (Pentagon attack)

13 Unified Vision ’01: US JFCOM; US CENTCOM; US SOCOM: 40 agencies May 7-24, 2001 Invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan (prepared Operation Enduring Freedom)

14 Red Ex (Recognition, Evaluation, and Decision-Making Exercise); NYC OEM; FDNY; NYPD; FEMA; FBI May 11, 2001 Plane crashes and building collapses in New York City (WTC attack, demolition)

15 Amalgam Virgo ’01: US-Canada multi-agency drill; NORAD; SEADS; Coast Guard, Army, Navy June 1-2, 2001 UAV drone launched from rogue freighter in Gulf of Mexico or cruise missile from barge in Atlantic Ocean; Joint Based Expeditionary Connectivity Center (JBECC) mobile radar command center tested. (Pentagon attack)

16 Mall Strike 2001, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania (near Shanksville); 600 local first responders and emergency managers June 16, 2001 Toxic chemical agent and the simulated release of radiation and radiological contamination; (indoctrination of first responders).

17 FAA Drill: FBI Miami field office, Miami-Dade County Police Department. Summer 2001 Varig airlines Boeing 767 hijacked over Florida

18 Ft. Belvoir, Davison Army Airfield helicopter base MASCAL June 29, 2001 Scenario based on plane hitting Pentagon (indoctrination of first responders).

19 US Department of Transportation Hijacking Exercise August 31, 2001 US Dept. of Transportation Crisis Management Center drilled hijacks; simulated cell phone calls.

20 NORAD, NEADS (Vigilant Guardian) September 6, 2001 Tokyo to Anchorage flight hijacked by “Mum Hykro” to Vancouver and San Francisco

21 NORAD, NEADS (Vigilant Guardian) September 6, 2001 Seoul to Anchorage flight hijacked by “Lin Po” to Seattle

22 NORAD, NEADS (Vigilant Guardian) September 9, 2001 UK to NYC flight hijacked, blown up

23 NORAD SEADS NEADS (Vigilant Guardian) September 10, 2001 Ilyushin IL-62 from Cuba hijacked by asylum seekers, lands at Dobbins Air Force Base in Georgia


24 FBI training exercise in Monterey, California for FBI/CIA Anti-Terrorist Task Force Through 9/11 Diverts top FBI, CIA anti-terrorist and special operations agents and heavy equipment away from Boston, NYC, Washington DC

25 NORAD annual readiness drill, Cheyenne Mountain, CO (Vigilant Guardian) 9/11 Full ‘battle staff’ levels to test entire organization

26 Vigilant Guardian: NORAD, NEADS, US-Canada 9/11 Live-fly hijacking and air defense; hijack multiplication, diversion and confusion

27 NORAD/JCS Vigilant Warrior Through 9/11 Reported by Richard Clarke

28 Operation Southern Watch Through 9/11 Diverts 174th Fighter Wing, New York Air National Guard, to Sultan Air Base, Saudi Arabia, to impose no-fly zone over southern Iraq

29 Operation Northern Watch Through 9/11 Diverts 6 fighters from Langley AFB sent to Incirlik AFB, Turkey to impose no-fly zone over northern Iraq

30 Operation Northern Vigilance Through 9/11 Diverts fighters, 350 personnel to Alaska and northern Canada to counter a Russian bomber drill
31 Operation Northern Guardian, Keflavik AFB, Iceland Through 9/11 Diverts fighters from Langley Air Force Base (Virginia) deployed to Keflavik AFB, Iceland to counter a Russian bomber drill

32 Red Flag, Nellis AFB, Nevada: 100 pilots 9/11 Diverts most F-15s of 71st Fighter Squadron, Langley AFB, VA; DC ANG’s 121st Fighter Squadron of Andrews Air Force Base also depleted.

33 Andrews AFB local drill 9/11 Diverts 3 F-16s to North Carolina

34 National Reconnaissance Office drill, Chantilly, Virginia 9/11 Simulated plane crash into high-rise government building; satellite imaging (WTC attack)

35 Tripod II, New York City 9/11 Response to biochemical attack; run from backup command center at Pier 92, Hudson River.

36 Fort Meyer VAEducation Centertraining drill for local firemen 9/11 Assembled and indoctrinated Pentagon first responders.

37 Timely Alert II, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey 9/11 Indoctrination of WTC first responders.

38 World Trade Center Emergency Drill, Fiduciary Trust Co., 97th floor, South Tower 9/11 Meeting called to assemble and silence unreliable outside contractors?

39 Global Guardian, STRATCOM: Offutt AFB, Nebraska; Barksdale AFB, Louisiana; Minot AFB, North Dakota; Whiteman AFB, Missouri. 9/11 Nuclear warfighting; Armageddon. (deterrence of Russia and China during invasion of Afghanistan and Pakistan)

40 Amalgam Warrior 9/11 Large live-fly air defense and air intercept, tracking, and surveillance drill; air defense against foreign retaliation.

41 Crown Vigilance, Air Combat Command 9/11 No details known.

42 Apollo Guardian, US Space Command 9/11 No details known.

43 AWACS drill, ordered by NORAD commander Gen. Larry Arnold 9/11 Two AWACS aircraft from Tinker AFB, Oklahoma sent over Washington DC and Florida; surveillance of capital and president during coup.

44 Global Guardian Computer Network Attack 9/11 Enemy forces “war dialed” STRATCOM’s telephone and fax systems; “bad insider” has access to key C³ system (missile launch option)

45 STRATCOM Strategic Advisory Committee, Offutt AFB, Nebraska; Andrews AFB, MD; Wright-Patterson AFB, Dayton, Ohio. 9/11 Three E-4B National Airborne Operations Center planes (Doomsday or Looking Glass) airborne; passengers include Brent Scowcroft; Warren Buffet at Offutt. (Committee. of Public Safety option?)

As you can plainly see, we had conducted a number of drills, before, and during, 9/11.

And as per the video we have seen so much of, who practised the crashing of planes into buildings before 9/11?

The al-Qaeda terrorist.

edit on 22-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 09:37 PM
a reply to: wildb

It took months just to prepare a bridge in Corpus Christi, Texas for demolition and that was open space, which was nothing compared to what would have taken to prepare each WTC Tower for explosive demolition.

You need to take a look at this video.

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 09:40 PM
I do wonder what the Gelatin workers got paid (or maybe they did it for their Nation?)

Ditto, wonder what Larry's portfolio looks like by now!

posted on Sep, 22 2015 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: Milah

He is probably still crying about losing his court case where he sought to obtain billions from the airlines.

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 08:15 AM
a reply to: skyeagle409


The al-Qaeda terrorist.

Can you post some proof that the CIA group known as Al-Qaeda did drills for 9/11?

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: Nova937

Well first, I would say that you need to show some reputable proof that they were CIA. Second I would say....apparently.

posted on Sep, 23 2015 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: Nova937

The CIA never supported Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda.

Just to let you know that al-Qaeda's leadership has been on the CIA's hit list for a very long time. The CIA has been taking out members of al-Qaeda's leadership over the years.

On another note, the CIA was on the hit list of the terrorist.

The Bojinka Plot

Phase III: CIA plane crash plot

Phase three would have involved Murad either renting, buying, or hijacking a small airplane, preferably a Cessna. The airplane would be filled with explosives. He would then crash it into the Central Intelligence Agency headquarters in the Langley area in Fairfax County, Virginia. Murad had been trained as a pilot in North Carolina, and was slated to be a suicide pilot.

There were alternate plans to hijack a 12th commercial airliner and use that instead of the small aircraft, probably due to the Manila cell's growing frustration with explosives. Testing explosives in a house or apartment is dangerous, and it can easily give away a terrorist plot. Khalid Sheik Mohammed probably made the alternate plan.

As you can plainly see, al-Qaeda and the CIA were never partners. I might also add that many of the drills were response to warnings issued to the United States from countries around the world that Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda would use hijacked airliners to attack America and to kill thousands of people.
edit on 23-9-2015 by skyeagle409 because: (no reason given)

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