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9/11 Conspiracy Theorists still subjected to ridicule

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posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:14 AM

originally posted by: Dark Ghost

14 years on, what are your views on one of the most important events in modern history?

My opinion has not changed.
There has been nothing in the last 14 years which has cast doubt on the official version of events. Everything the conspiracy theorist puts forward has been debunked a thousand times. There is absolutely no evidence at all that anything other than what we believed happened actually happened.

I don't need to see the "evidence" again, I have seen it all and debunked it all, so please, don't start posting it here again in an attempt to persuade me. If no one else has managed to provide any evidence over the last 14 years then no one here is going to.

Belief should be based on irrefutable evidence, and the fact that not one single person has ever been able to offer any evidence for what they believe in the last 14 years should be enough to end this. The time has long past to either put up or shut up.

Also, I think much of this conspiracy theory issue with 911 is because most of those who currently believe the theories weren't actually alive when this happened, all they have to go on is a hundred thousand videos by other conspiracy theorists on YouTube, and a million articles and forum discussions about the supposed "evidence". When you combine this with the average persons inability or unwillingness to research anything for themselves it's obvious what has happened.

Every part of every theory I've seen over the last 14 years can be debunked with science. Not one point has been able to stand out as evidence of any inside job, and yet thousands (supposedly) believe in the theory rather than the reality. That tells me most of those believing these theories are gullible, not bothering to look into the facts for themselves, and instead believing the conspiracies without question.

Eerything on the Internet is true, don't you know?

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:15 AM
a reply to: and14263

I prefer "those who have the audacity to question government's motives". People forget its the government that conspires to hoodwink the public, not the other way round.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:22 AM

originally posted by: and14263
a reply to: kloejen

It's the age old label.

"Conspiracy Theorists are NUTS!!!"


I guess you found the time to watch the docu i posted earlier then

The Conspiracy 'Theory' Conspiracy - An Adam Green Film (2015)

Label anyone questioning authority, a Conspiracy Theorist, and the conversation is over...

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:33 AM
a reply to: EA006

If there wasn't something wrong with the OS then people wouldn't be asking all these questions.

If course they would, anything major that happens, no matter the evidence, will have people who vehemently disbeleive it and think they have hidden truths. That is a fact. 24 people can watch a robbery and then 50 minutes later give widely different information to police. Our brains convince us we are right even when tests can show they are wrong. It is human nature.


posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: kloejen

Sure did!

It's pretty hard to stay confident in your own beliefs when those who are in authority dispute. But after time, after you realise most people are hoodwinked, most people are not investigating for themselves... .. Well, one becomes very confident in one's own beliefs and assertions.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: Rocker2013
Eerything on the Internet is true, don't you know?

Not everything on the internet is true, but not everything is false either.

So after doing research on the events of 9/11, you do not have any doubts whatsoever about the OS? That is rather interesting.

Sure, there are some wild, far-fetched claims out there, but to not have a single doubt about the OS is...fascinating to say the least.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: Dark Ghost

So after doing research on the events of 9/11, you do not have any doubts whatsoever about the OS? That is rather interesting.

Let's not get to into ourselves, doing "research" on 9/11 constitutes what? Watching you tube videos and reading conspiracy sites?


posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:55 AM
a reply to: Rocker2013

Not a popular view for a conspiracy site but it is in line with my own views of the event

I've checked all of the theories I've found very closely (too many to even recall) and have never found anything to majorly change my opinion. If there's any room for conspiracy it's in the planning & funding of it all, not the event itself.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: Variable
Let's not get to into ourselves, doing "research" on 9/11 constitutes what? Watching you tube videos and reading conspiracy sites?

What's the alternative? Rely on the media to give an objective account of the events without pushing an agenda?

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:05 AM

originally posted by: Pilgrum
If there's any room for conspiracy it's in the planning & funding of it all, not the event itself.

I strongly believe there is room for doubt in both areas.

But you do raise a valid point - many people are caught up on the how, instead of the who and why.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Variable
a reply to: Dark Ghost

So after doing research on the events of 9/11, you do not have any doubts whatsoever about the OS? That is rather interesting.

Let's not get to into ourselves, doing "research" on 9/11 constitutes what? Watching you tube videos and reading conspiracy sites?


Nothing wrong with watching Youtube and visiting conspiracy sites if you have a good head for distinguishing the wheat from the chaff.

That's another common fallacy you elude to in your post I quote above. That all Youtube videos and conspiracy sites are not research.

The owness is on the researcher to use his/her analytical mind to weed out the rot.

Yes, many videos are rubbish, many are not. I'm confident in my abilities to distinguish. Are you confident in yours?

A false criticism directed at the sources rather than the researcher.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:06 AM

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: and14263

I prefer "those who have the audacity to question government's motives". People forget its the government that conspires to hoodwink the public, not the other way round.

Yes with money, tweaking the economy here and there, misrepresenting stats etc, preserving the status quo ensuring the current people in positions of power and privilege remain there. What they don't do is kill thousands of their own citizens in order to achieve that which requires hundreds of people to keep their mouths shut. Not one single anonymous email ! You have to be naive beyond comprehension to think that level of silence can be maintained by that many people for this length of time.

Conspiracists have a black and white view of the world and are incapable of seeing the grey. So if one single ass covering statement is made about 911 then this becomes proof of the whole over the top conspiracy!

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:11 AM

originally posted by: yorkshirelad

originally posted by: Shiloh7
a reply to: and14263

I prefer "those who have the audacity to question government's motives". People forget its the government that conspires to hoodwink the public, not the other way round.

Yes with money, tweaking the economy here and there, misrepresenting stats etc, preserving the status quo ensuring the current people in positions of power and privilege remain there. What they don't do is kill thousands of their own citizens in order to achieve that which requires hundreds of people to keep their mouths shut. Not one single anonymous email ! You have to be naive beyond comprehension to think that level of silence can be maintained by that many people for this length of time.

Conspiracists have a black and white view of the world and are incapable of seeing the grey. So if one single ass covering statement is made about 911 then this becomes proof of the whole over the top conspiracy!

That bit in bold above - that's another (not so) clever use of language to make the 'conspiracy nut' feel stupid and look uneducated in the eyes of onlookers and readers of the discourse.

Simple but effective.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:14 AM
Jet steel can't melt fuel beams!!1!

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 06:39 AM
7/11 was a part-time job.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 07:14 AM
This thread proves to me that 911 is a religion to many.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 07:46 AM

originally posted by: samkent
This thread proves to me that 911 is a religion to many.

The maybe you should look into Buddhism instead.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 08:17 AM
I have read a lot of conspiracy theories, but one that is suspicious by omission: 911 was caused by my mates J*** and P****.

I dont know where they were that week, they dont know where they were that week, Leighton Hewett just won the NY open that week, they are both big fans of his--the ONLY thing that makes me think it might not be them was they didnt paint "AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE" on one plane and "OI OI OI" on the other. But this could be because they didnt want to get caught???.

More logical that the OS.

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:06 AM
The Mob kept things quiet for decades, without all the federal alphabet agencies, US military, and media outlets at their beckoned call.

The whistle blowers and evidence has been brought forward since the event. It's just that they've been "dealt" with in one way or another. It's funny how far a little intimidation goes.

Most humans were designed and groomed to be fearful, blubbering idiots. It's no surprise they blindly gorge themselves like inbred pigs, on the sewage the mass media spews out regularly. The OS that was cooked up is just another delicacy for the farm stock to graze on.

Keep sucking on that turd pop buttercup, the feces on your face suits you.
edit on 11-9-2015 by trifecta because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2015 @ 09:23 AM
Some very intelligent people are
unable to see the obvious because
it goes against their belief system.
9/11 was an attack on the worlds liberties.

Not counting the plans an actions before
the actual attack, physical anomalies begin
3 seconds before the first plane hit.
with an explosion in the basement of tower 1.
Then a giant explosion/fire in 6WTC.
Then it's anomaly after anomaly till the 5pm
demo of 7WTC.
The official story is not a leap, but a LONG JUMP
of faith.

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