posted on Jul, 12 2015 @ 02:04 PM
a reply to:
Very discouraging. Local democracy is important- it's all we have (and that's not much). County officials, all too often, treat constituents like
dirt. What was the initial issue here? What are the people discussing? City council meetings and such can be a learning experience, when we see who
politicians really represent. It takes overwhelming community action to get anything done, unless it's some "tough on crime" law or something that
benefits a certain element within the corporate class. Even then they often ignore the community. This is not what democracy looks like.
The security guards and the "public officials" seemed to be escalating the situation. Being dismissive, rude and then security made aggressive
physical contact. The gun fire was absurd. He needs to be fired and have his carry lic revoked. Some jail time would be nice but wont happen. The
persons initial reaction with punching is right or wrong depending on the law. I don't think they asked him to leave or anything, the guard just came
up and started grabbing. Escalating. I don't support that sort of escalation.
Wherever you fall on the political spectrum I think we can agree that government (especially local) needs to represent the people, in this case and
all too many others people have no real voice and any protest is met with force, as this situation shows. If it's 10,000 people they show up with
billy clubs and beat the crap out of people- reporters/journalists, women, People are placed in "protest/free speech zones" and then
kettlled into vans and taken to jail if they leave the "free speech zone". What an Orwellian term, "free speech zone".
I don't know what to say. I'm getting to the point where I just cant really stay involved with politics. Too much other stuff going on in my life.
Here where I live people have been protesting some new security system. Many have been assaulted/arrested at city hall. Thousands have shown up angry
about a new facial recognition program that watches behavior and alerts officers if "strange facial expressions or body language" manifests. "Domain
Awareness Center" they call it:
I'm going to move into a rural area soon. Been reading a lot of Helen and Scott Nearing, "living the good life":
As the article above states, "the best revenge is to live well". Like Henry David Thoreau said, live deliberately, by your own hand. I'm not sure if
that's even legal anymore? Personally I need a break, a state of benign apathy. Maybe wake up in the morning and listen to the birds. Till the soil,
grow some nice vegetables. Raise some chickens. Eat well. Live well. Life is finite, spending it in a state of perpetual outrage or political
dissolution is no way to live. The best revenge is to live well.
(edit for typos)
edit on 12-7-2015 by JeanPaul because: (no reason given)