posted on Apr, 29 2015 @ 04:27 PM
Get up!" Shouted a voice from the darkness. Startled from their sleep, the companions awoke to the sight of strange beings surrounding them. They
were like humans or elves but thinner with longer arms and legs. Though they were so very slender, they were also muscular. They had long, wild, snow
white hair and painted faces. Faces painted black and red around the eyes, with a white streak down their noses and various patterns in black on their
arms. They each had different colored feathers tied into one thin braid on the side of their heads while the rest of the hair hung loose. The faces
were not kind but menacing. One appeared to be a leader as he carried a staff with a small globe on top and gems studding the length in random
The leader took a hollowed wooden tube and blew something at Storm and Wolf, sensing the danger they posed. Storm fell with a loud thud and the wolf
fell fast beside him. Night Star screamed. "Are they dead?" The leader looked deeply into her ice blue eyes. "They sleep. You will come with us."
The elf was furious and thought about some spell to use or some line of defense, but the thoughts were scattered and things were happening too quickly
to think clearly. "Who are you and what do want with us?" The leader once again looked deeply into her eyes. "You are not of this world, of this
place. Here is the land of my people and you shall not pass. You will come to the council of special affairs. They will decide what to do with you and
your friends." Storm and Wolf awoke but were changed somehow, docile and out of it. They did nothing to defend themselves, Night or Pixie, just
followed the strange group forward deeper into the darkened woods.
"You don't understand, we mean no one any harm, we are here because our own realm was under attack and..." The leader didn't allow Night Star to
finish. "You speak at the council of special affairs, no more words!" They walked for many miles before reaching a cave. It had an arched double
stone door and when the leader spoke an unknown language, the doors opened effortlessly. The inside was lit with torches and candles and a river
flowed through. They were forced to get into a boat and travel further into the cave. When they docked, there was a steep staircase leading upward to
a moss covered landing. Torches and candles again lit their way. They passed long halls with many rooms off of them. Night Star was creeped out
watching the inhabitants moving about at great speeds. They were so fast. Their wild hair was either black or completely white. It had nothing to do
with age but perhaps status. All were painted and wore animal skins for clothing. They were hunched over when they walked, more like an animal than
anything human.
Hugo had flown back to his new found friends unknown to them in the night. When he noticed the tribe approaching, he didn't have time to alert them
or do anything about it. Instead he hid and waited. Following them to the cave and even entering without being detected, he would bide his time and
take a plan of action.