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A Challenge to FreeMason

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posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:09 PM

Nothing new here folks.

Too bad DR, it was a nice idea and may have been an interesting excercise.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:13 PM
I am having an orgasm of freedom over here.

I can smell it in the air.


Isn't it great.

That is what you have Freemason, you have freedom.

Don't you love it???

I know I do.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:18 PM
But AV is more accurate.

I have a long list of demands that William because he's just like me and can't admit he was wrong, just can't agree to him.

Funny signature William, too bad it rings so true, that your stench goes all the way to God.


I would be content to just be allowed to start fresh.

Like when I first came to ATS.

Eager, not understanding about "research" but I quickly caught on.

And with that I wouldn't be so "angry" as I seem now.

It's easy for those of you who feel secure in your places, to not side with me, because it's not you who have been wronged, not you who was publically humiliated when you NEVER once ever did anything to anyone else.

It's hard after that, to not point out everyone's fault.

I'll tell you your fault Dragonrider if you really want me to.

I generally stayed away from doing so because I thought we could be "companions" of intelligence, but you obviously have no brains.

No, you rest on your "experience" because you're aged, and have lived life, and while I'm not certain just how old since I never pay attention to your prof, if indeed you posted your age.

I gathered enough to know that surely you have been in a career, if not still in one.

Does this make you smart?

No this makes you "credible."

Too bad everything you say is usually unresearched garbage, and everyone believes you SIMPLY because you are credible.

While I, always posted "Sincerely, No Signature."

Mislead peopl about my age.

Never tell my name nor what I do for a living.


So all that I speak is accepted purely on what is said.

And Masked said, "I can not figure out why they don't accept what you say."

But I'll tell it, if the person isn't "credible" no matter how much truth he speaks it won't amount to a hill of beans.

This is why Clinton, the great deciever and destroyer of American democracy, is regarded as a god compared to Bush. Whom while is not the best, has at least done better than Clinton ever did.

The same is with us Dragonrider.

You speak garbage, your mouth is full of it, rotting banana peals, diapers, bloody tampons, and yet you have this "sheild" of, "I've done this that and the other thing, so I know what I'm talking about."

I on the other hand have NO ficade, I don't hide behind a "I was a jet fighter this time and did this then and graduated here."

I speak mostly truth, and if it isn't I accept the truth when it is revealed, as MKULTRA did a little bit of to me in that "I'm convinced" thread, good work there MKULTRA.

But my lack of a "shield" rather a "perfume", people tend to go to what smells so fruity and nice.


They sit here, as I read and speak, "I like DR better", and such.

But your posts are hollow, especially your "work" on the Cabal.

What did you just pick up a secrecy book one day that said "The Cabal rules the world" and presto, you're some fanatic about it?

And you purposely take personal offense to FACTS that I say, to better your position against me.

I said, your father would only have been asked to leave if he were immoral, or didn't pay dues, and VERY RARELY, like as rare as a ROCS TEETH, would he be asked for any wrong reason.

And you go, "You talkin' smack about my papa?"

No I never talked smack about your papa, but I sure can talk smack about you.

You want a debate than GET IT STARTED.

But William can take his "terms" and shove them up your butt.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:21 PM

I don't remember the password to my JamesG account, I deleted it from my e-mail and never bothered to chenge it. I wasn't banned long either, and I kinda like this name better anyway's

The whole proxy thing ... EASY LOL ... How anyone could NOT know how to do something so simple as use a proxy is beyond me ... unless they're computer illiterate or something

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:22 PM
Oh yea .... and why did I get banned? Sticking up for you when Kano(?) gave you the moron award. That's why I got banned. Remember? I stood up for you and I showed you how to come back cuz I thought what happened was wrong. I still swear though that your wrong on the whole 666 thing. And you do have a short temper

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:25 PM
It's clear this won't happen.

I'm locking this thread... so let's move on to discussion about issues, rather than the personalities of members.

Game over.

Move along.

Nothing to see here.

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