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A Challenge to FreeMason

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posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 12:41 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
I'm loving that signature Mikro.

Well thanks, so do I


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 12:43 PM
I remember how after the Removal Act the United States promised the territory of Oklahoma to the Indians, forgot which tribe. It was promised to them, "as long as the rivers flow and the grass is green..." That's what the United States said.

Well, the rivers must've stopped flowing and the grass must've turned black within 50 years because that's how long they stayed before the government kicked them out.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
the grass must've turned black within 50 years

Isn't the grass supposed to be blue down there?

PS: let's stick to the thread, for understandable reasons some people get quite itchy when off topic stuff like this comes up. But good remark, Illmatic, I never knew that, I'm just a little weak for wise statements from suppressed people. The words of Red Cloud that I've included in my signature was the opening line of my favorite song with my first real band, named after this Chief.

From the song (lyrics by Jann Florian S. Voss):
"The trees they talk to me and tell me I should stay
but I don't feel no need, I'd rather fly away
When peace and justice have all ended up in flames
I'll do just like the hawk, to stay out of the games of war"


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue




So anyone who wants to "see a debate" because thats all there is to it(allI want is to see a friendly debate), needs to wake up and grow up?! wtf is with that?! I dont give a # about the consequences that anyone faces for losing or any of that bull#....all I want to see is a debate much like the other ones that have been done already. Plain and simple. I think you are getting way out of control with this abe.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:05 PM

Osobad28, I love, sorry, LOOOOOVE your avatar! Only the giraffe's extremely long tongue is really black, and one of the stickiest things there is, I might add. Wow, you made my day! LOL


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by William
And ZionMainframe is selling the pay-per-view licenses.

If thats how it is, I want a license for the unedited version.

Oh Zion...

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by mikromarius

Osobad28, I love, sorry, LOOOOOVE your avatar! Only the giraffe's extremely long tongue is really black, and one of the stickiest things there is, I might add. Wow, you made my day! LOL


lol now you tell me...grumble grumble black not red grumble

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:46 PM
I repeat my question, do you accept unconditionally?

A yes or no will suffice.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:47 PM
William (or any mod/admin), what is the penalty if our illustrious FreeMason refuses to accept?

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:57 PM

I've been away in the real world for a day, and the debate has been brewing.

I tend to agree with Magestica about debates proving not a lot, and I also agree with William that these things should include a spirit of fun.

I also think some things have been forgotten in the American legislature and justice system on the whole. It even shows through in ATS. How about some justice and fairness in the rules and conditions?

I'd like to see a great and fair debate, but no public ridicule or suicide attempts as a result.

These observations are submitted...

1. It seems to be a contest to be decided by popular vote, not by independent experts. Hmmm. One side has four loud 'warns' and the other side has a number of Insider Appreciation Awards. I wonder if the populace at large can actually judge the debate fairly? Could be seen as a lynch mob.

2. Freemason, many of your ideas are interesting and valid, but your manner seems to somehow cast the masses against you. I can't work out why, it baffles me. Also you can't spell or write a grammatical sentence. I'm not sure how the judging criteria could cover the removal of initial bias against you, or whether proper English construction is a consideration.

3. Dragonrider, you have nothing to lose. It's not even as delicately poised as a "hair versus mask" contest. If Freemason wins, he stays. If he loses, he goes. Not really going to affect you in the world of ATS that much. Why not show some testicularity, and make it a "loser leaves town" match - Freemason loses, he goes... you lose, you go. Notwithstanding that it will be great to see a structured debate between two worthy opponents etc.

Good luck!

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:10 PM
Well... technically speaking, FreeMason has been banned several times before, and his new character, "TheWanderer" is on track for more of the same.

Now... everyone should have a chance at reconciliation, however, FM has had several and he's purposefully crapped on several members here... but still, I believe in chances... so this is one.

We've discussed the judging criteria in cosmic, and one option is to preselect a 15 member volunteer panel of members that are a fair and (for the most part) unbiased panel of senior members who can judge the debate on the quality of the arguments presented, not the truth of the facts or personality of the individual.

So... we shall see what happens next. I think far too many people have taken this much too serious. Perhaps because of previous attempts by fools, trolls, twits, and script kiddies to disrupt the forums... some people are functioning on hair trigger!

Lighten up... a sense of humor is a sign of humanity and humility.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:14 PM
All fair comments William. I will also watch the outcomes with interest.

And I'm a fair minded, fun person to be around, sometimes.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:19 PM
Jesus christ .... don't encurage him dragon

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:23 PM
By the way, William, while we're being fair minded, the fact that you carry a convoluted tautological piece of verbal diarrhoea from one of the proponents as your signature could be seen by some as an indication of bias. But it's fun at the same time, of course.

[I first noticed William's new signature today (14/06) and thought I would observe that here so it's not implied that the current quote he's using is the diarrhoeic expostulation of one of the participants in the Great Debate That Never Was.]

[Edited on 14-6-2003 by MaskedAvatar]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by Osobad28

Originally posted by Abraham Virtue




So anyone who wants to "see a debate" because thats all there is to it(allI want is to see a friendly debate), needs to wake up and grow up?! wtf is with that?! I dont give a # about the consequences that anyone faces for losing or any of that bull#....all I want to see is a debate much like the other ones that have been done already. Plain and simple. I think you are getting way out of control with this abe.

Please, just forget about what I said, because it is way over your head. You couldn't possibily know what I am talking about and that isn't your fault either. That is mine. Maybe if you had followed me throught the whole N*h thing then you would understand, but you didn't so you seem be lost to the ideal of this matter.

Don't worry the matter is being taken care of.

I don't think that this debate will ever live on because Freemason is just asking for WAY TO MUCH.

He isn't going to get what he wants, and will only continue to strive for what he wants by harping on us about praises and apologies. Freemason can do what he wants and because of that he will.

He will come back even if we tell him he can't and all of our efforts to shut him up will fail. The only way we will ever shut him up is to give him what he wants. That won't ever happen because of some of the things he is demanding.

These demands and the terms of conditions being set forth is what I am harping about. I don't think any of this so-called fun debate is worth it. That is my problem, that being the games that we are playing here.

It is total BS. Why not just let him be, so we can continue to treat him as we always have due to his treatment of us and others????

He will never get what he really wants so we are just wasting our time with him, in my opinion.

Look I give views and opinions, I am not trying to reform the staff or the members here in anyway, I am merely trying to INFORM, not REFORM. There is a difference you know???


[Edited on 6-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by MaskedAvatar
But it's fun at the same time, of course.

Ah-ha! And there it is.

The most appropriate judge of one's character is their ability to take a joke... no reaction yet on the siggy

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 08:08 PM
I like William's use of Freemason words, that shows that he pays attention and cares about opinions unlike many other administrators on other websites.

I saw that quote and it reminded me of an idea I had for a long time, but I never put that idea into operation because I didn't want to pick on anyone directly, so I didn't. But now that the war is on, then I will take a stab at it.

Here is another amazing quote by the one and only Freemason:

"If I want to make a blatantly sexist comment that hurts no one, it simply is a fact, I should be allowed to do so without the attack of the ignorant masses."--Freemason

Wait, WHAT?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?

What in the world does that mean???

That insults are not ignorant in themselves???

I think that insults are ignorant. Freemason obviously thinks otherwise.

Gee I wish I was a really cranky, mean, and cocky mason like he was.

Only Freemason's are smart, everyone else knows nothing. Didn't you know???


[Edited on 6-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 09:55 PM

I see you online... are you going to grow a pair or what?

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:05 PM
Was just reading all my "sympathy" votes, if you can call it that.

Seems half the people posting here are at least smart enough to realize I'm getting:

1) The raw deal.

2) They are beginning to see that it was William the screwer who fuked up ATS and I'm his by-product.

Mikro says "first thing I noticed about Mason was he was rude...blah blah"

Yeah well let's all thank William's TROLL Winston for that shall we?

And Let's not forget how JamesG was banned, why haven't you returned on THAT name e-nonymous? I know who you are, how do you think I keep coming back? Thank you JamesG for this power.


I have been handed the sh!t-end of the stick EVER since that fateful thread that got me banned.

A set up? Possibly.

More likely just william's own personal crap.

And don't say william I don't have the right to JUDGE you.

Because when you got those "masonic messages" in your email, if you EVEN got those, you blamed me publically, which made EVERYONE Think I was "attacking you" or some crap.

You only have to ask Ycon that I never did anything like that, because when she informed me of your outrage william I went to all the masonic sites and got information based on their solicitation.

Final analysis.


Because no masonic site but ONE actually emails anyone based on stuff to buy, and they sure as hell don't mail just anyone.

I'm glad to see people are beginning to see this.

I agree in sort with AV about the corruption this is causing, but I don't disagree that debate is a great way to "duel".

However he's right Dragonrider.

I'd own you and I'm just waiting for the topic to be posted.

The problem is you don't have balls.

Or william doesn't anyways.

He wants me to publically agree to sh!t terms, and then he'd probably rig the votes because that's the type of person he is.

If you were really into this Dragonrider you'd get your stupid little topic going so I could start whipping my bum with you.

I like it when people are smart enough to realize, that I may be rude, and I may be "unpopular".

But when it comes to what matters I own you.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 10:08 PM
*Waves his giant foam Fingers in the air 'DR is #1' and 'Free FM'* hey net chicken wheres my 'I went to the fight of the century and all i got was a mustard stain on my shirt' T shirt??

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