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A Challenge to FreeMason

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posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by TheWanderer
Dragonrider I am GLAD to see you're not their "pawn", it just seemed very reasonable that William would have better urged it however! I don't doubt William loves the demands I have to agree to.

However if you want to get it on, how about this.

We start it now, tomorrow whatever.

Because I think we'll find it very refreshing and fun to have an actual educated debate, where we could stop, take time and find resources, without buttheads interjecting with "DAMN THOSE SATANISTS" or whatever, derailing the thread.

I think we won't need any conditions after a few days of that, because we'd actually like debating.

Because in a civilized environment neither of us are fools and we both know that so it should be quite interesting.

If you want me to agree to never return should I lose (which I don't know if I can agree to that since I have the power to come at will), then William must agree to my terms if I win.

However I don't think we'd really care, because I think this seems like a great idea, and already I feel better on this thread than I have in a long time just with the mere idea of it.

Gaining not just some recognition but a chance to show that I'm not some hard headed blunderbutt that I seem to be.

But I can see you're eger so let's "get it on".

Someone show me where the forum is at lol, someone show me what the topic is.

First of all, I never said "Damn those Satanists", I tend to believe in redemption. I don't believe that anything is "Doomed". So I guess you could say I don't believe in destiny either. Let me get to the point.

Freemason has declared that he probably won't stay away because he has the choice to do so as he pleases. Therefore, why play games???

How about this,

Everyone get off there childish ego trips and power drives and just act like civilized beings here. Why use these terms and conditions when no terms or conditions can even ever be enforced due to the flexability of the machine???

We know how the system works, and we must accept it. How about this, screw the debate, and let Freemason live on.

Freemason: sincerely, you will never receive the appologies or the respect you want unless you go about getting it in the same ways everone else does. People here get hurt by many others in many ways and it doesn't seem to get any better. Why???

Because most people naturally when spilt, continue to seperate. It is simple emotional mechanics. What needs to happen here between Freemason and ALL OTHERS AT ATS, is this:

Peace. Just be real. Don't hold on to false dreams. Live them. Don't fear, hear. Don't be. SEE.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:32 AM
Wow Abraham I wasn't expecting that as my super slow computer slowly loaded the page (think it was at least 30 seconds lol).

But you are right, censorship is an injustice to all.

However it is the responsibility to the people to at least remain civil, such that swear words and the like never show up in the first place

But in "B.rian's" case I'm completely befuddled, his name barely ever pops up in this forum anyways.

I think it's more childish bickering than anything lol.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:50 AM
Yeah I've tried that AV, seems like key individuals won't let their own teeth out of me lol...

However that's all I've basically wanted as well, just people to stop saying "oh it's FM his stuff is garbage" and disrespecting what I post.

I often feel I am disrespected before I disrespect, but maybe this is the same way the others feel and we are just bouncing around.

However I want to debate Dragonrider, I think it would be fun, and would be more civilized in discussion than I've had for a while.

Plus it can only be educational because it is SURELY going to force us to find resources

Also it would be a great debate cause if there was anyone who I'd considered matched me in ability, while remaining nearly polar opposite, it'd be Dragonrider

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 04:57 AM
Get real. This is just some game.

Your emotions and your respect is not a game.

Not unless you allow it to be.

I once did, but have learned from my mistakes.

It makes you weaker than you will ever know.

Never accept to shame and unjustice.

For that is just a crime aganist one's self and aganist justice as we know it.

Fight for your right.

You are Freemason and we all know it.

We can either live with that and accept it, or we can continue to play these games.

One must ask themself this:

"Which one do they desire more???"

The question to that answer will decide the fate of ATS.


[Edited on 5-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:23 AM


[Edited on 5-6-2003 by kegs]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:32 AM
I will offer my vote to the best speaker/debater. This could prove a VERY HOT topic as a few seem to miss the FreeMason...even if its just for his mind.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 05:55 AM
I begin to wonder what's this paranoia about FM.

Anyway, he's pretty smart. He's banned and the whole board is still speaking about him.

But it's pretty sad that we can reset the counter to zero.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:07 AM
The Bookies is open taking bets now:-

Will the debate happen.

Who will win.

Who will get banned.

How long till one gets banned.

Will he be back.

Will he be banned again.

Betting starts now.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:15 AM

Originally posted by Maddas
The Bookies is open taking bets now:-

Will the debate happen.

Who will win.

Who will get banned.

How long till one gets banned.

Will he be back.

Will he be banned again.

Betting starts now.

Is this what ATS has become???

This is not the ATS I came to know.

If this is the future of ATS then we should think twice about where this will lead us.

Just a thought.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:54 AM
If you want me to agree to never return should I lose (which I don't know if I can agree to that since I have the power to come at will) Posted by Wonderer

That is the condition, you DONT come back AT ALL.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by dragonrider
If you want me to agree to never return should I lose (which I don't know if I can agree to that since I have the power to come at will) Posted by Wonderer

That is the condition, you DONT come back AT ALL.

He can do whatever he wants. You or William have no power over that. Accept it and move on. This has got to stop or else it is going to get ugly.

Please DR, use some sense and just ignore this dispute. You have nothing to do with it. It is between Freemason and others here on ATS. Freemason has clearly stated that you are not the problem, just another obsticle in the way. Please quit now while you are ahead.

Don't let this guy make a fool out of you.

Trust me, Freemason is no fool.

Regardless of what you think.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:01 AM
Cheers AV ! You see my point. He comes, he antagonizes, some toy and play his game, feeding his obsession, winding him up to a point that he loses control and is then banned.

With TheWanderers first couple of posts many knew who he was. Previously banned but allowed back to by the entainment toy of some only to be discarded when they sick of playing with him. WHY?

For this reason my current mood of scarcasm has occured.

Many of us can not help ourselves, least be be able to help others.

We level-headed posters all know that this debate would be a compleate waste of f%#king time. Nothing will be resolved and no problems will be cured.

If you do not like Freemason, the answer is simple IGNORE him and you wont have to deal with him. For some this is hard though. Baiting and playing his game.
Is becoming a side show attraction for ATS.

All parties should apolygise for the 'bad' history. Kiss and make up. Allow him to post here, cause you can't stop him obviously. And if you don't like it, them ignore him. Its not that hard, really.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:03 AM

Originally posted by Maddas
The Bookies is open taking bets now:-

Will the debate happen.

Put me down for 1mil

Who will win.

no bet

Who will get banned.

no bet, as only one could.

How long till one gets banned.

no bet, enough already

Will he be back.

no bet, just say it! FreeMason or FM already. He's not Voldemort

Will he be banned again.

Hmmm, put me down for 10 thousand.

Betting starts now.

Where's my money?

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by TheWanderer
I'll accept however I think a few strict observances should be made.



Irrespective of what you think, you have sh!t on this site, our members, and our staff. This gracious offering is all you will get. No other conditions will exist than what was stated, and what currently exists in the Debate forum as rules of debate.

Take it or leave it.

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:09 AM
God Bless Your Soul

Finally someone agrees with me.

This is just some personal battle between Freemason and those he has differences with. If the people at ATS were not corrupted by this game then I wouldn't even be posting this right now but they are.

This is a side show attraction. And it reminds me of the games that the US Government is playing with the North Korean Military Wing. This is just a game of ransom and blackmail. If there was any justice then the proper authorities would have dealt with this matter already. It just seems that some here misrepresent what that authority is.

If this were my site, this would have never gone this far.

I would rather have no site than a site that was hijacked.




Don't worry, I won't let you.

The truth is out there.


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:10 AM
But this is just flat out 'dumb' what is there to prove really? That DR is smarter or better if he wins? What if FM wins?? Did ya think of that? NO because you just assumed you would win the debate and he would 'be gone' There are alot of members here that just do not like FM's approach and would vote for you whether he gave the better side or not. So is that fair? What if you lose DR? Are you going to leave? Stakes should be the same no matter 'WHO' is debating..

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:19 AM

Originally posted by magestica
But this is just flat out 'dumb' what is there to prove really? That DR is smarter or better if he wins? What if FM wins?? Did ya think of that? NO because you just assumed you would win the debate and he would 'be gone' There are alot of members here that just do not like FM's approach and would vote for you whether he gave the better side or not. So is that fair? What if you lose DR? Are you going to leave? Stakes should be the same no matter 'WHO' is debating..

Let us not forget that William can't stop Freemason from coming back anyway and that Freemason has admitted that he probably won't leave because he always has the choice to stay.

And if you want my personal opinion, then I will tell you this:

Freemason will eat DR alive with his eyes closed. Why???

Because Freemason's topic will be all about something way over DR's head. That we can be sure of. Why???

Because Freemason is that determined to be right.

He will never admit he is wrong. For he knows that right and wrong is just a matter of opinion, and that in his own opinion, he will always be right.

Thank you for speaking up Magesitca. I respect that a lot.

There are others here who want to debate too. And not to settle disputes, but to settle issues. I thought that these debates were going to be fun. Well I guess I should realize that like right and wrong, fun is just another matter of opinion. So I guess I shouldn't ruin their fun, but either should they ruin mine.

This is what some would call a "Clash of Interests".


[Edited on 5-6-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:25 AM
..christ sake...I see less damn paranoia at work...and I'm a Mental Health Worker...

posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:33 AM
I'm not being paranoid, just speaking my mind(oh wait) my mind 'IS' paranoid, so then guess I was being paranoid..

No, really I'm not all about what AV is saying, just think it's really errr errr Immature...kind of feeling like I'm back in grade school with this one...

What was that William posted a few weeks ago about 'ignoring'...I think it's harder to ignore someone who is smart then it is the opposite so...


posted on Jun, 5 2003 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by magestica
There are alot of members here that just do not like FM's approach and would vote for you whether he gave the better side or not. So is that fair?

Of course not, but I trust people here are openminded enough to vote fairly. Otherwise I would be at black vualt or cryptome or some worse site. ATS is among the best I have seen, one reason I like it so much.

What if you lose DR? Are you going to leave? Stakes should be the same no matter 'WHO' is debating..

I don't think anyone should leave, I would really hate to Dragon leave. He is one of the quality posters here. and since I used to be a watcher, I can see where FM has been banned. LOL But lets face it, William put the iggy option up for a reason.

Personally I'm all for debates, this one will be good as long as maturity is used and the debaters know I wont vote for flamers. In that case good'll need it.

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