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The Young Ladies of 2015 not the 1950's

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posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 03:44 PM

originally posted by: BluesmaSo my men are running down, calling the police and rushing to save her.

I wouldn't have called the police if I was running down with my son to get rid of that guy, and neither would any of my mates..
Perhaps that speaks volumes about the differences between our two societies.

Calling the police would have been my absolute last thought, a handful of close friends would be called before the police, every time.

*Edit again*
I know my closest male mate will be quicker getting to me if I ever need man-ready-to-fight than any cop will from a 999 phone call. I am for him.
edit on 12.4.2015 by grainofsand because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 12 2015 @ 11:19 PM
I am so sorry for seemingly abandoning my post....I wrote this a couple of nights ago and really felt everyone who had a opinion to share had already. It had talking on a life of it's own. I understand when it comes to raising our future generation many feel passionate. I am thankful for everyone's thoughts on the issue. Some of the people with opposing views then myself have a good argument. That does mean I would do anything different. just gives me something to think about. For the people who agree with me THANK-YOU....I feel you were the ones that understood I can't and won't hold my girls back.

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 01:33 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand

I wouldn't have called the police if I was running down with my son to get rid of that guy, and neither would any of my mates..
Perhaps that speaks volumes about the differences between our two societies.

Calling the police would have been my absolute last thought, a handful of close friends would be called before the police, every time.

I know my closest male mate will be quicker getting to me if I ever need man-ready-to-fight than any cop will from a 999 phone call. I am for him.

Wait- but I thought you said I am the violent person?

The two together were intimidating enough that he immediately backed down, left her alone and left the apartment.
The police were able to take him away, he is getting psychological aid and housing at a special facility.

Apparently, he really thought his advances were welcomed, despite the verbal rejections. "Yeah, she said no, but I didn't think she really meant it. Women say they don't want it, even when they do." A lot of men read actions louder than words.

Just the size of my husband and son (both are big and muscular) along with their cool headed readiness to use physical violence if necessary, was enough to make the actual use of violence unecessary. Females don't often have that advantage.
edit on 15-4-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 15 2015 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: grainofsand
a reply to: Bluesma

YOU were advocating that it's ok for a woman to initiate physical violence against a man because he said something. That is clearly morally you well know.

Please stop the "as you well know"- I "know" it is your position on the matter, and I respect that. I obviously disagree and hold a different position.
I think the physical size and strength of men make a difference between the situations. The same threat uttered from a larger male towards a smaller female does not have the same force as it would if it would be uttered by the female towards the man. The impact upon their mind, and emotions will be totally different.

Do you hate men or something?

Absolutely not. Love men! And am sick of hearing this feminist crap about how men need to learn to act like women and somehow kill off their testosterone levels.

Is it ok for me to slam a woman's face into a steering wheel of her car if she says something of a sexual nature which either offends or upsets me as the previous poster you are desperately defending advocated?
Do you advocate equality between genders or is your equality merely selective and sexist in it's nature?

Okay, for one, you are the one who is primarily fixated on another posters particular story- I was addressing the larger question of whether people should be taught and raised to repress all physical aggressive drives as "bad", and whether there can be contexts in which it is even appropriate where the threats are verbal.

In the story the other poster described, I don't want to make a judgement, because I am not up on all the details.
For example, the boy who was sexually harrassing the girls - was this something he had a habit of doing, on a regular basis?

Perhaps breaking his nose was a bit much- on the other hand, maybe it wasn't that big a deal for him. A lot of people have had their nose broken many times, and it isn't as life shattering as you make it sound. I have heard men say they prefer some sort of physical injury than an emotional one, because physical injuries are more clear cut and easy to understand (the source of the pain is clear) and often doesn't last as long.

But maybe that is more common amongst men who were raised before the current mode of teaching boys masculinity is evil? I don't know.

Maybe the boy remains emotionally scarred from the event.... I don't know. I bet he thinks twice about sexually harrassing girls though. Maybe he is aware that girls find that very threatening and not funny? Maybe he now knows that they will have their deepest survival instincts stirred by such threats, and it isn't a joking matter?
I don't know. Like I said, I don't know the details of these individuals and the whole context. But I refuse to make big sweeping statements and moral judgements- everything has a time and a place.

edit on 15-4-2015 by Bluesma because: (no reason given)

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