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US fears Russian publication of satellite photos of 9/11

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posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 09:25 AM

originally posted by: plube

in the cities will begin mass protests, turning into an uprising, paint a picture of American analysts

This is such BS. More than half of americans if not openly, accept the fact or at least have thought about the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. And no, there won't be any uprising unless is initiated by the very TPTB for its own agenda. American people, the same as canadian people and some other western countries in Europe have become a bunch of sheep who eat, talk, walk and think in the direction the government wants them to. So no, no uprising.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 09:25 AM
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

yeah there was a reason me and my mom moved here too, it was the prospect of freedom, but now i cant even surf the internet without fearing that the government is monitoring me. Murica!

And yet you can post what you want without retribution. Murica.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 09:36 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

yeah there was a reason me and my mom moved here too, it was the prospect of freedom, but now i cant even surf the internet without fearing that the government is monitoring me. Murica!

And yet you can post what you want without retribution. Murica.

You can post whatever you want, true, but you will be labeled and scorned for an opinion that deviates from the official story. Trust me.

Then, if you take it too far, you might wind up with a bullet or two in your head. Forced suicide.

This is out of control, and we do indeed need an uprising, or a leader who will guide us out of this mess. I don't see either as likely.
edit on 11-2-2015 by Jchristopher5 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 09:46 AM

originally posted by: Telos

originally posted by: plube

in the cities will begin mass protests, turning into an uprising, paint a picture of American analysts

This is such BS. More than half of americans if not openly, accept the fact or at least have thought about the fact that 9/11 was an inside job. And no, there won't be any uprising unless is initiated by the very TPTB for its own agenda. American people, the same as canadian people and some other western countries in Europe have become a bunch of sheep who eat, talk, walk and think in the direction the government wants them to. So no, no uprising.

If it was announced on national television tomorrow that it was all a big conspiracy I don't even think people would care to be honest.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 09:51 AM
a reply to: Jchristopher5

This is out of control, and we do indeed need an uprising, or a leader who will guide us out of this mess. I don't see either as likely.

Be careful what you wish for.

[/off topic]

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:02 AM
why does the BBC's report 20 minutes in advance of the fact that building 7 collapsed count as an error?
You could just as easily guesstimate that Brooklyn zoo was beamed up into outer space by Klingons. What's the non conspiracy slant on this prediction,? I doubt the official line,it was a good excuse to invade a country and take command of its oil production.
It wasn't done to free the people from oppression, same for Panama. Only blinkered fools trust blindly the ' official' line. Bush is not the sharpest tool in the box, he acts on the advice of his advisors he's a mouthpiece,a stooge, a muppet. Blair is just a liar, clever b' stard but still a liar. Barristers twist the truth, it's their job.
Money,control,power. Cui bono?

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: Fermy

What does that have to do with the alleged satellite images from Russia?

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:13 AM
I'm only two pages in so forgive me if I am repeating something already suggested but the first thing that popped in my mind as proof could come from the goose laying the golden eggs himself: Edward Snowden. And thatproof would be the US government's own satellite imagery making it bona fide and indisputable. Could also explain why the Russian government has waited so long since they couldn't have acquired it until Snowden was given asylum there. Just my two rubles.

Edit: Made it to page 3 and found Sublimecraft brought up Snowden. Star to you sir!
edit on 11-2-2015 by megabogie because: found it

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:15 AM

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: jaffo
I'm sorry, but that idea that America would humiliate itself by orchestrating the 9/11 attacks is just ludicrous. Yeah, let's go to war and make money. How to do it? Allow yourself to be caught with your pants completely down around your ankles, allow yourself to be completely embarrassed and humiliated, and do so in the center of your largest city where you will have to hope and pray that none of the literally millions of witnesses notices anything amiss. Then hope that none of the THOUSANDS of people who would have had to be involved EVER open their mouth and that none of the MILLIONS of pieces of evidence EVER turn up. Whatever. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. --rolls eyes--

If you study history you would learn that a very similar attack (Nortwoods) was planned, and rejected by JFK, some 40 years prior to 9/11. You will also know that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen so we could be drawn into war. You would also know that the neocons desired a "new Pearl Harbor" to galvanize American resolve to go to war.

Before you roll your eyes you should study history a little more my friend.

And you should stop using rumors and lies as "proof." No, Pearl Harbor was not allowed to happen. The ignorance you display in that comment subverts any other point you may wish to try and make. Proof or GTFO. And you and I both know there is no proof as to Pearl Harbor. Because it was not "allowed to happen."

Sorry i wasn't going to take part in any of this, but yes Pearl harbor was allowed to happen, it is pretty well documented that at leas two different divisions on the British intelligence agency approached the SS of the US and informed them of Intel and Planning of pearl harbor and it was intentionally overlooked.

it is all in a book written using historical fact from first hand British secret service agents called deceiving Hitler...

just because you are unaware of the information does not make what someone else brings to the table a rumor... Anywhoo back to the 11th of the 9th

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:16 AM
What a cute fantasy.

Americans arent going to rise up.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:44 AM
Just for fun, let's trace this story back to its source:

The OP cites:

Pravda got it from this American conspiracy site:

Who got it from this conspiracy site:

Who got it from... wait for it... !

Talk about an echo chamber!

Edit to add: I wonder if they are all under the same management team...?
edit on 11-2-2015 by DJW001 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 10:51 AM
a reply to: Xeven

Unfortunately you could replace Putin in your statement with Bush or Obama and the US for Russia and the statement is just as valid. Unfortunately, the world's citizenry is so accustomed to being lied to by it's leaders, most of us believe nothing any of them say.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 11:05 AM

originally posted by: DJW001
Just for fun, let's trace this story back to its source:

The OP cites:

Pravda got it from this American conspiracy site:

Who got it from this conspiracy site:

Who got it from... wait for it... !

Talk about an echo chamber!

Edit to add: I wonder if they are all under the same management team...?

So why is the "echoed" Pravda source identical to the original?
Both from the 2-7-2015.

How could they have picked it up from a source that came 8 days after their own source?

& where does the second one say they got it from SOTF, if it's identical to the apparent first source which came 8 days prior to SOTF & ConspiracyClub?

Not possible.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: DJW001
It was in response to an earlier post. It is IMO relevant to the theory that 9/11 was a great excuse to invade Iraq and I for one believe certain elements of US and other global society knew damn well something big was going on at the very least.
Like I said, a great excuse to invade and conquer.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 11:21 AM
This whole thing reminds me of Kim Jung Un.
Putan gets his economic nuts in a ringer over Ukraine and wants to deflect the public.
Just how much detail can sat photos show to prove a conspiracy? Not much.

I predict this whole thing will end up like Nibiru. A big no show.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 01:08 PM

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: DJW001
a reply to: AVoiceOfReason

yeah there was a reason me and my mom moved here too, it was the prospect of freedom, but now i cant even surf the internet without fearing that the government is monitoring me. Murica!

And yet you can post what you want without retribution. Murica.

You can post whatever you want, true, but you will be labeled and scorned for an opinion that deviates from the official story. Trust me.

Then, if you take it too far, you might wind up with a bullet or two in your head. Forced suicide.

This is out of control, and we do indeed need an uprising, or a leader who will guide us out of this mess. I don't see either as likely.

Nothing lasts forever, my friend. This too shall pass. Just like the Roman Empire.

Look at it this way:
At least one HUGE mistake was made, aka WTC 7. It would make sense that the flight that was shot down over Pensilvania was intended to hit 7 but didn't make it for some reason. And since the building was rigged from top to bottom, they had no choice but to detonate it anyway, exploding the evidence. But this is on video from many different angles, including footage of bombs going off before the "collapse", and the BBC reporting it before it happened. It is only a matter of time before the right person with enough power connects the dots and does what needs to be done. This evidence is never going to go away.

People say "Look at JFK. It's been more than 50 years, and the official story is still believed by the general public." Well, this time we have a bit more than one Zapruder film. We have tons and tons of visual and audio evidence. As I'm sure you are aware, once you start looking into 9/11 with an open mind, it doesn't take a genius to see what really went down (errr I mean exploded... so pun intended).

Just a matter of time. Tik tok tik tok...


posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: hellobruce

Not sure what your getting at but if there was a war ready aircraft carrier in the vicinity on the day of 9/11 then it would show america was lying about being able to do anything about the second aircraft before striking the second tower...just for an instance.

I don't know what they are saying they have ...but if it is damning then...and shows with out doubt that the the US or proxy was involved in the so called attacks....why are you even arguing speculative points...the point of this thread is to relay information from a media source that put the story out there to be seen....

IF true then the question becomes a matter of what is the response to such possible evidence...
If true the american people would need to reevaluate the governments actions and the killing of many people for their misguided actions....

IF then many Americans would have also think about whom they choose to believe in the the future...

But as stated this only occurs if the evidence is clear cut,because right to this day it has proven to me the evidence already been more than clear enough that the OS is not true...and for the most part the american people are not at all able to think for themselves...because the evidence is already clear but some people just need to have the cow be slaughtered in front of them..cut and ...cooked ...and served to them before they realise that is where steak comes from.

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 01:43 PM
Russia blah blah should blah blah for anti-Russian abominations of your government Russia the United States aspen stake should ... on theme can substitute plane can seen at 1400 C + can not anything significant, here we are not talking about saving lives can wait . flashlight it super secret russian weapon Here click and NATO not , and here flashlight
edit on 11/2/15 by mangust69 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 01:53 PM
This whole thing is almost pointless.
The fact of the matter is, even if Russia did have some proof of American involvement in 9/11 the population would not care.

If the U.S. Government ADMITTED they were responsible for 9/11, the general population would not care at this point.
Look back at the admission of the MK-UlTRA experiments, and the public apology from Bill Clinton.
Did anyone care?
Did anyone go to jail?
Was there a trial?

Nope. Heck Mel Gibson starred in a movie about it, and no one talked about it outside of Conspiracy Circles.
If you bring up MK-ULTRA to someone on the street today I would venture to say most of the people you talk to would say, "Your a crazy conspiracy guy" at least that has been my experience.

So if the general population thinks that something like MK-ULTRA is fantasy, when it is PUBLICLY admitted to and even apologized for what makes anyone think that anyone would give two hoots if the Federal Government admitted to any legit wrong doing on 9/11?

I would bet money that they could come out and say "9/11 was an inside job, our bad," and within 6 months could turn around and STILL use 9/11 to continue the "War on Terror."

posted on Feb, 11 2015 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: GonzoSinister

originally posted by: jaffo

originally posted by: Jchristopher5

originally posted by: jaffo
I'm sorry, but that idea that America would humiliate itself by orchestrating the 9/11 attacks is just ludicrous. Yeah, let's go to war and make money. How to do it? Allow yourself to be caught with your pants completely down around your ankles, allow yourself to be completely embarrassed and humiliated, and do so in the center of your largest city where you will have to hope and pray that none of the literally millions of witnesses notices anything amiss. Then hope that none of the THOUSANDS of people who would have had to be involved EVER open their mouth and that none of the MILLIONS of pieces of evidence EVER turn up. Whatever. Yeah, that makes perfect sense. --rolls eyes--

If you study history you would learn that a very similar attack (Nortwoods) was planned, and rejected by JFK, some 40 years prior to 9/11. You will also know that Pearl Harbor was allowed to happen so we could be drawn into war. You would also know that the neocons desired a "new Pearl Harbor" to galvanize American resolve to go to war.

Before you roll your eyes you should study history a little more my friend.

And you should stop using rumors and lies as "proof." No, Pearl Harbor was not allowed to happen. The ignorance you display in that comment subverts any other point you may wish to try and make. Proof or GTFO. And you and I both know there is no proof as to Pearl Harbor. Because it was not "allowed to happen."

Sorry i wasn't going to take part in any of this, but yes Pearl harbor was allowed to happen, it is pretty well documented that at leas two different divisions on the British intelligence agency approached the SS of the US and informed them of Intel and Planning of pearl harbor and it was intentionally overlooked.

it is all in a book written using historical fact from first hand British secret service agents called deceiving Hitler...

just because you are unaware of the information does not make what someone else brings to the table a rumor... Anywhoo back to the 11th of the 9th

I am not unaware, you are just spouting garbage. Please show THE PROOF or stop with the nonsense. I do not want someone's theory or what someone supposedly said. If it has been documented, SHOW ME THE DOCUMENTS. I'll wait...

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