posted on Jan, 11 2015 @ 04:34 PM
a reply to:
Why do you guys keep naming them rebels, they are just Separatist?
Rebels is just being used by some Western Media because it has more of a negative load (so it`s just propaganda).
- We have had BBC supposedly finding launch location of the BUK M1 Separatists between some flats with witnesses
- After that we had the Telegraph finding the supposed launch site South of Snizhne proved by the "launch" picture, and even in December they were
trying to make that claim again in The Netherlands with all kinds experts looking at the supposed high resolution image which was now in the
possession of a big Dutch news site (RTL)
- German Intelligence Service (BND) claiming it wasn`t the Russians, according to Der Spiegel in October
- Followed by Dutch Reporter (the video) link making again the same the The Security Service of Ukraine claim, yet raising a lot of questions also
about it the Separatists were behind it
- The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and Poroshenko saying for almost half a year they have satellite images which proof without a doubt the
Separatists were behind it (debunked by the head investigators themselves) . But after half a year they are saying it might have been an Air-to-Air
missile and Poroshenko writing a letter to the family of the AN-26 pilot about it being have been shot down by AAM a few days prior to MH17(the whole
time is has been said it was downed by a BUK)
- And after the Dutch RTL news regurgitated the whole Telegraph BUK launch site story with a the now in possession high res. photo launch photo and
new experts, which got debunked by a video of a Grad missile system firing, we now again have a different launch site and all of sudden the Russians
are responsible
They just make it all up along the way so it seems to simply fit what they wants us to believe.
edit on 11 1 2015 by BornAgainAlien because:
(no reason given)