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Poll for all members (skeptics, debunkers, and believers) of ATS: Have you ever had a UFO sighting?

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posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 10:29 PM
a reply to: Sholafar

You can believe it or not, I just figured it was interesting and maybe someone 2 years saw what I saw.

I have no doubt you saw something that was unfamiliar to you and that you are unable to explain or identify. And that is, after all, the topic of this thread.

edit on 11/22/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 10:37 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: Sholafar

Ah, scintillation my mortal enemy, and the enemy of every astronomer of all levels.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 10:53 PM
Well, yeah.. ufos turning into planes for three nights in a row when all the flights were cancelled is unfamiliar territory for me, haha..

In your opinion, I mean disregarding that the up-close videos of Sirius aren't square from auto-focus and/or due to iris...

What do you think it is?

a reply to: Phage

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 10:54 PM
a reply to: Sholafar
I don't know. All I have to go on is what you describe and I don't even trust my own eyes.
See my first post in this thread.
my posts
edit on 11/22/2014 by Phage because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:05 PM
You're right, but if you ever get the chance to see whatever this is through a telescope (I don't own one) you can see for yourself it's a little strange looking. My friend said it looked exactly how the video I posted makes it look like. And he's never seen that video. He showed other people and they were baffled. I'm not sure what it is, I just wanted to share that story and let people be aware, keep an eye out for those fake planes, also... Some of them don't flash their aviation lights at night... And there's white looking star things that rise up or stay stationary then in a snap, disappear and then it's a plane. I appreciate the insight and helping explain some of the things about this subject.

a reply to: Phage

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:21 PM

originally posted by: Phage
a reply to: projectvxn
As I posted earlier (much). I had a sighting for which I have no explanation. But that's a far cry from attributing it to ET. It was just a UFO, in the literal sense.

Oh I agree entirely.

In no way am I trying to debunk your explanation to a sighting you were responding to. Much of what was described sounds exactly like autokinesis.

I'm just saying, as you are, that there stuff up there that we can't explain at all. Regardless of our experience in the field or understanding of aerial phenomena.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:25 PM

I'm just saying, as you are, that there stuff up there that we can't explain at all. Regardless of our experience in the field or understanding of aerial phenomena.
a reply to: projectvxn

To note: just because I can't explain it doesn't mean it is unexplainable. Just a bit more data can turn a UFO into an IFO.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:26 PM
It happened at a camp ground pretty far out in the woods. What I saw was this. They appeared as two satellites, but red. They came at each other from opposite directions. At the point where they met, they each very suddenly changed direction 90 degrees and started moving away from each other.

I wonder if this really happened the way I remember it.

edit on 22-11-2014 by Tearman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:27 PM

I wonder if this really happened the way I remember it.
a reply to: Tearman

You know, that is a very good question. But being a transitory event, you'll never know the answer.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:28 PM
a reply to: Phage
Indeed, and on top of that I was a child at the time, and pretty big into ufos as well.

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

Yeah so I've got one for you.

Driving down an open road in a rural area just a few minutes away from where I am now; I was living in a nearby town that's about 12-15 minutes away from here. Fairly irrelevant.

I got out of town ( here ) headed home ( there ) and about 2 miles after the 'last' house in town, I note off to the right, maybe 200 yards out into a field, maybe 75-100 feet up; a very bright light, that seemed to be producing light in a full 180 degree downward manner - as if there were a giant, very bright light with no cover around it to direct it, with some fuselage above it that I couldn't identify...

Rudimentary assumption of light's form factor

[ Something up here]
- - 0 - -
/ | \

That painful drawing experience out of my way now --

I saw this source of light hovering over a field that's generally populated with cattle, not very far from a 'full size' electrical tower transmitting from our local nuclear plant out to one of the other smaller cities in the area.

As soon as I noticed it something seemed off - it wouldn't make sense for a helicopter to be hanging out here at this time of night anyway ( probably about 11 PM? ) - and if there were one out here, I still can't explain the light... So I start slowing down...

Now - I get down to about 35 from 55 fondling for my phone; which produced effectively nothing by the end, before I notice that a couple of cars are gaining on me. Realizing that I should probably get back up to speed and stop looking like a weirdo - I get back into the throttle out to 60 and hummed along for a couple of minutes - after which I look back in my rear view to see Nobody.

Now, the obvious questions stand - 'did they turn off the road' or 'were you going fast enough to pull away from them'? Well I'm going to gamble a solid 'no' to both. There are a very low number of places to turn off of this road, perhaps 20 ranches between city A and city B - and I maybe passed 4 of them during these couple of minutes. The likely-hood is minimal that two cars would be driving down this road ( that basically serves solely as a transit between city A and city B ) and that both would turn off at one of the very limited number of ranches...

Now the second question - could I have been driving too fast for them to keep up - which I have to retort against with the statement that at 60 you might as well be a speed bump to most folks on this road. It's generally driven at about 70 unless someone sees a cop. Sometimes faster, depending on the hour, driver, and car.

After realizing that both cars ( if not perhaps a third one ) all disappeared - either stopped or #GawtTakkkeeeeen! - I started slowing down out of curiosity; to see if someone would catch up. Nobody did by the time I got home at 50.

Reflecting, the whole drive, I noted that what I have to call a 'craft' could not have been a helicopter; atop the other peculiarities. While I was watching it, I observed perhaps absolutely zero movement in the craft - when I would very much expect a 'wobble' or at least a momentary 'jog' one way or another from a helicopter. Similarly; I saw no movement on the ground - dust or otherwise. At 75 ish feet - I have to assume that there would have been something.

The next day on my drive by the same place, at an earlier hour, I looked off in the direction that I saw the craft, and to my shock, saw absolutely nothing in the area that could have been what I saw. No 'construction lights' or 'stadium lights' - which would be the only thing I could think of.

All in all, I still don't have an explanation for this one - I wish the video on the celly would have come out - I need some GoPros on the whip ( that's a car for you old folk ).

posted on Nov, 22 2014 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: cuckooold I live in Southern California. I was walking my dog one evening and saw two aircraft above the Naval Air Base. Only problem was that they stopped moving forward and hovered. A closer look revealed that they were not the shape of airplanes, helicopters or Flying saucers. They had an odd shape more like a single wing pointing downward. They hovered for a minute or two and then proceeded southwest toward Catalina. I apparently wasn't the only one to see it. I visited the UFO reporting website and found another entry there.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 10:09 AM
I thought I saw a HUGE lit object in the night sky in front of me not 3 weeks ago.
We got out of the truck I moonwalked, high fived my husband and we were awe struck that we had actually seen this enormous thing with our own eyes.
Turned out to be a well lit Mongolian Yurt on top of a mountain.
We went form UFO to IFO to Stationary ISO ....oh the heartache.

posted on Nov, 23 2014 @ 10:11 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

I've never had a sighting. As a younger person I was very naive and wanted to believe so badly that I wasn't very critical of the stories being put before me. Now as I've grown up somewhat I try to balance keeping an open mind with only considering "evidence" from credible sources.

It's tough though. The excitable boy in me dies hard and I still find occasionally getting caught up in the more fanciful stories.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:43 AM
I saw an object in 2008. From that sighting I got hooked on the UFO phenomena.

The date was April 7th 2008. I was travelling from Paris to Tunis. I had originally left Aberdeen. I'm an Oil Worker. I was travelling on an Air France Airbus A319 flight number AF 2384. Altitude was 35,000 feet. Cloud cover was below. Tine was 17:15 GMT+1. I figured our location as Southern France. Anyway, I was looking out of the window on the left side of the Aircraft. I noticed in the distance above the cloud cover and slightly higher than the flight a large oblong shape in the distance. It had a greyish coppery colour. I watched the object for some time thinking to my self 'Could this be my first UFO sighting?' The object was sitting still in the sky. It looked solid. Not clouds or anything explainable. As I was watching it I noticed to the right at the cloud level a small dark shape that looked like a fighter jet travelling in the opposite direction from my flight. It was small but I could just about make out the shape of the tail and nose. Behind the jet was it's slipstream, dark in colour. I watched the jet fly up over the cloud cover heading towards the object I was watching. The jet then turned right and up getting closer to the object. Then I saw the jet do a zig zag motion towards the object. I could tell the zig zag motion by watching it's slip stream. As it got closer I noticed the object (UFO) get small very quickly then it disappeared as if it was moving away from my flight and the jet. The size of the jet was tiny compared to the object!

About 15 - 20 minutes later I saw the fighter jet fly past going in the direction as the plane I was on and descend back down through the clouds. It was the most exciting thing I have ever witnessed but at the time I did not have a camera and or camera phone. Nowadays when I fly every month I carry a camera phone.

This was my first sighting. Had a few others since but not as obvious as this one.

Where I live in Scotland gives me a good view of the Sky at Night. My Wife and I have witnessed quite a few high altitude lights dancing in the sky. Even my daughter pointed up and said 'Daddy! There's an Alien Up There!'
Lol. I looked up and sure enough there was a large light zipping around doing sharp turns.

I have no doubt in my mind that Aliens exist whether they be Terrestrial or Inter-Dimensional. Who knows?!

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 01:01 AM

originally posted by: Sholafar
Well, yeah.. ufos turning into planes for three nights in a row when all the flights were cancelled is unfamiliar territory for me, haha..

In your opinion, I mean disregarding that the up-close videos of Sirius aren't square from auto-focus and/or due to iris...

What do you think it is?

a reply to: Phage

I lean towards believing your account.
I was on a camping trip with some friends and we saw what looked like an orange, glowing yo-yo in the distant sky.
A few minutes later a cluster of flashing lights went off in the woods. One of the people present asked aloud, "Are they having a rave out here?"
The lights rose out of the woods to just above the tree tops and flew over. As it passed over it looked like a small airplane, draped in Christmas lights. There was no sound.
We dubbed it the "Fiesta Plane." The colors had a 'Mexican' quality. Turquoise and pink, flashing. There were other colors...I remember red, blue, and amber. It was very disorienting.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 10:45 AM
This thread has been very enjoyable to read

Had a few sightings over the years

Blacker than black triangle hovering over a field while been driven to work in the early 80s,wound the window down and rubbed my eyes in disbelief as this object remained there

Another time on the way back from work on a dark evening I observed lights infront of me partially obscured by the stunning rolling hills in Wiltshire I drive through.Upon descending the hill and the road opening up through a small village I saw what can only be described as four lights

Red,green,blue and white left to right hovering just about 30 mtrs infront of me and what looked like 5 mtrs above a field with either sheep or horses in from time to time-not a big field and there is a stream running under the spot these lights were

An elderly man was outside his house gazing at these lights too,I drove further a few meters at a junction in the road and wound the windows down-no object could be seen and no sound,and my car was literally a few meters away from where this object was at least 20 seconds before

Seen a craft with our navigational blinking lights on at about 23.00 while by chance having a smoke outside my parents house in south west Ireland while casually checking out the old mans binoculars on the moon seeing as it was a clear night -the blinking lights caught my attention but the change in direction and sudden acceleration that made this craft stretch and blur in a long metallic looking line from what looked like 20,000 ft to out of orbit vanish was staggering

That G force must have been insane on the pilots and the nuts and bolts of that craft must have been exotic

About 2 in the morning coming back from a gig myself and a mate saw what must have been a RAF lynx going like a bat out of hell literally flying so low he could have trimmed the hedges over the rural country roads-what he was chasing looked like an orb-I'm pretty sure it wasn't his lights on the front combining to create a round shape as later on its path came back sideways to our direction his spotlights passed through this orb

Also seen a very strange luminous green like meteor (about 6 other people in cars saw as well) pass electricity and telephone poles on another drive home after work that created an explosion of sparks that lit up the dark evening -this thing was a tree top height flying from right to left and the thing that stood out to me was it didn't seem to be traveling fast-vanished past trees blocking my view to the left-perhaps aircraft waste?

Any guys heard any strange stuff? On a cloudy day with no noise pollution I heard a high pitched whistle traverse across the sky once

Have friends who have seen weird craft too and one whose whole house shook at what he described was a deep vibration slowly going across his house in the early hours that not only woke him but also nearly made him vibrate off the bed in the process a thing that his other family members in other rooms felt as well

Oh yeah groom lake was the last one I saw,round looking and bright and on the way to Vegas if it carried its course

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 11:37 AM
I'm a bit under the weather at the moment so I haven't had the chance to dig around for sightings by anyone else. We did call our daughter (we were still headed home and ~5 miles out of town on a blacktop road). She was able to see them a few times while outside but light pollution and drifting clouds hampered her view...

Seen 11-22-2014 @ 10:50 - 11:05PM Eastern Time (Daylight Savings)

Let me say at the beginning that, after a lot of thought, my guess is that we probably saw a couple of remnants from the Leonid debris trail doing their temporary imitation of comets. (The Leonid meteor shower peaked the 16-17th) I've never seen grazers that were stationary, though... It's just a guess at this point.

My wife noticed them first. We both tried our phones but what we shot was worthless as far as showing someone else.

We stopped the car and got out. I'm not good at describing angles so I apologize in advance to anyone offended. Do the Nazi salute and that's close. The right-hand of the two was the width of my hand (without my thumb) at arm's length from due North. Its mate was even angle-wise and they were separated by the width of my index, middle and ring fingers. They were straight lines that were the length of the width of the fingernail on my little finger holding my hand sideways. As an added oddity, the one on the left was not a perfect twin of the other. Its tail angled slightly toward the other whose tail seemed to point straight down.

As I said, there was drifting cloud cover but I walked over to where I could use a telephone pole as reference. The two objects were stationary. The fact that cloud density affected their brightness makes me certain they were at considerable altitude. With nothing but clear sky, they were pretty bright. I can describe the color almost perfectly but don't know if anyone saw what I'm referring to. Around 20 years ago the Perseids peaked at dusk here in Southern Indiana. We had a short 15-20 minute window of 10+ a minute. Since the sky was not completely dark, they reminded me of bottle rockets, orange-ish and they seemed to burn out almost overhead.

By the time we got home they were gone.

posted on Nov, 24 2014 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Phage

I'm just saying, as you are, that there stuff up there that we can't explain at all. Regardless of our experience in the field or understanding of aerial phenomena.
a reply to: projectvxn

To note: just because I can't explain it doesn't mean it is unexplainable. Just a bit more data can turn a UFO into an IFO.

It seems just a tad arrogant and anthropocentric to think that man with his primitive 5 senses and severely limited intellectual capacity can explain everything with data.

But I would expect nothing less from a species of monkeys with guns.

“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.”

― William Shakespeare, Hamlet

edit on 24-11-2014 by olaru12 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2014 @ 09:19 AM
I don't know who was flying the machines I witnessed as I couldn't see the pilots of course,I'm guessing the USAF and RAF were behind the flight controls but I don't rule out EBE from the equation purely due to the high numbers of abductions and sightings of other world beings visiting us

Surely,there must be some truth in the many sightings over the years?

We can't just rule them all out to dreams and false memories,attention seekers and scam artists looking to line their pockets

To the astronomers who spend their lifetimes looking through a scope and never see anything strange,sorry your in the wrong area at the wrong time and these sightings are purely chance and location

I'm guessing we are stuck in the resonate freq of our planet and some of these sightings are from another layer or reality that we can't perceive fully

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