a reply to:
In 1995 I saw the STS Tether experiment pass through the Northern skies of Waterfall, Durban, South Africa. Being 10 years old and extremely
interested in aliens, I almost pooped my pants with excitement! Thinking I was witnessing a proper UFO, I took pictures... Being 10 years old I opened
the back of my camera and exposed the film. Many years later I discovered the true nature of my sighting... and that it wasn't a mind control
operation that caused me to lose my 'proof' of an alien craft in the sky. xD
cuckooold, your sighting about the dot of light is quite similar to one my brother, and my girlfriend and I saw on Sunday night around 7 or 8 PM (9
Nov 2014):
Chilling outside, having a smoke, just my girl and I.
I saw a dot of light flash just once in my peripherals (looking South)... thought nothing of it, possible meteor/eye-trickery. A few minutes later my
girlfriend saw a flash a bit to the right of my sighting.
Now, we were watching the sky.
This 'dot' flashed irregularly, first it was brighter, a bit smaller than a sesame seed, then it seemed to go away from us, flashing smaller and
smaller, it traveled an arc-like path..
(I would say, from some experience, that these flashes where in the upper atmosphere)
My brother then came outside.. we saw some more tiny flashes in the same area, the 'dot' kept flashing, here and there, within a small area. This
sighting lasted maybe 3-5 minutes.
This is the first time my brother and I have seen something like this (my girlfriend has seen something similar before). We were quite excited and
kept our eyes to the skies. After a minute or two we started noticing more of these flashes, now just below the zenith, kind of south-west-ish.
(I have to wonder if it wasn't a meteor shower of sorts... Not like any shower I've seen before... I'll continue...)
It seemed that if these dots were UFO's there was more than one... Some of these dots seemed to flash in straight lines, some seemed to follow an
arc... they 'traveled' in all directions, ie not purely north-to-south, as I would expect form a shower. We did see a few that followed straight
lines without flashing, those could have been meteors. Except for the non-flashing straight lines (which seemed to lead off or into the flashing dots)
I would say they were not meteors, not necessarily ET in nature, but in my opinion definitely UFO's. Any ideas on identifying these objects would be
welcome, of course.
That second sighting was cut short, lasted about 5 minutes before clouds covered the sky.
Sorry to be long winded, just one more. I don't know what this was, but I'm sure there is an explanation for this one...
About 2 or 3 years ago a mate and I were into satellite spotting and he pointed out a red light that also flashed. This UFO traveled a straight path
going down South-Easterly, from just below the zenith where he spotted it, till it went out of view. It flashed red once every 1.5-2 seconds
Oh! Also, I was satellite spotting in the wee hours, about 5AM, also about 2 or 3 years ago. Using some fairly strong binocs. I thought I'd found the
satellite I was waiting for, but while I was following this little dot, it started changing directions... At first it was going straight up from the
horizon, from the North, it was just overhead heading South, and it made about a 45degree turn towards the rising sun in the east, with nearly no arc,
it then started turning erratically, left and right every now and then... I lost it as it dimmed with the rising sun.
Meh.. It is what it is... with UFO's the truth is more often less exciting, but I welcome a mundane explanation.