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The 25th anniversary of the Lazar saga...

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posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:15 PM
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edit on 11-11-2014 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 08:42 PM
Start stretching that mind naysayers
Lazar is the real deal. Absolutely no doubt in my mind .
& I'm someone whose followed it through every twist and turn.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 09:08 PM
a reply to: GeorgeKnapp
Mr. Knapp, thank you so much for providing some insight and personal anecdotes to this thread.

As far as Lazar goes, I really haven't read a lot about him. But after reading this thread, I plan on it. I do know the basics, but it sounds like there is a whole lot more out there to check out.

Regarding the Skinwalker comment, I read that book and have watched a few docs on the subject as well. The SWR story CREEPS me out, in a good way. I thoroughly enjoyed the book and the other information I have discovered on it over the past few years.

What a fascinating career and life you have lead! Keep up the great work and I look forward to reading more of your posts about Mr. Lazar.

Now, I'm off to dig into his story a bit more...

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 09:21 PM

originally posted by: GeorgeKnapp
a reply to: charlyv

Yes, that is the primary reason he talked to me. He was scared to death. The threats made against him were real. It is hard to prove now, but that was such a weird time for all of us. He had break ins at his house where the intruders did nothing but write stuff on his blackboard. They broke into his car one time, left the doors open and the windows down, and left his handgun in the glovebox, with the glovebox door open----just to mess with his head. My phones were tapped.

They followed us around, to barsm, restaurants, wherever. Bob was really scared after a couple of overt acts that were clearly designed to rattle him. The first interview we did was recorded in, I think, June of 89. And i was able to get it primarily because he thought something might happen to him. I had to give him my promise that we would not use that video until he gave the okay. 8 months later, he allowed me to tape a followup interview and that is the one we used in the UFO series.
He was reluctant at every step, and scared at every step. By the way, six different people who talked to me on the phone and offered to give me additional info about saucers out near Groom lake were subsequently visited the very next day by MIB types who threatened them. I didn't make that up, and neither did Bob. The people talked to me on the phone and all six of them were visited and intimidated the very next day. One lady was warned that she and her daughter could be killed. (She worked for the court system here.) All real, not imaginary, not made up. (But of course, it must not have happened because Bob Lazar can't prove he went to MIT.)

That's not very fair Mr. Knapp. I know there are many out there like me who want to believe but are thrown for a loop by some of the holes in Bob's background.

We didn't have the experience of being there first hand and witnessing some of the bizarre goings on. I for one wasn't aware of the corroborating witnesses being intimidated and not wanting to come forward until reading your post just now.

I guess I really didn't know as much about the case as I thought I did.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: ATSZOMBIE

Yes I thought the same thing re-watching Lazar's interview. I've read a lot of articles about theoretical deep space travel and one idea is manipulating gravity to essentially surf or slide through space. There's also a more powerful warp drive. Lazar's 1989 explanation of how a UFO works is right along where current science 25 years later is describing the required technology for deep space travel, except we need something called exotic matter and Lazar describes an "engine" that mainly uses element 115.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: seabhac-rua

I also have the same question about Element 115. The elements heavier than Uranium aren't found in nature, and must be produced by artificial means. Mr. Lazar claims to have worked with 500lbs of it, yet to date, only a handful of atoms have been produced with a half-life of 200ms. However, certain isotopes may have longer half-lives, given the theoretical island of stability. Further, it would still be radioactive.

Honestly, that's always been the biggest sticking point for me. Where did 500lbs of Element 115 come from, and how does it do what it's claimed to do?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:24 PM
a reply to: GeorgeKnapp

Aside from his testimony, what was his evidence? Wikipedia sums his eight spacecraft claims as:
1) The atomic Element 115 served very efficiently as the sole spaceship fuel for all power and propulsion.
2) The fuel effects gravity directionally.
3) The fuel emits antimatter under under proton bombardment
4) The spacecraft was powered by antimatter emitting from the fuel.
5) Two kilograms of the fuel was enough to last for several years before requiring replenishment.
6) The large-scale gravity distortion effect is produced by three independently steerable waveguides or tubes.
7) The waveguide tubes foreshorten or compress space-time for faster travel.

He also makes alien life claims as follows:
1) Introductory briefings for his Area 51 work described historical involvement by extraterrestrial beings with this planet for the past 100,000 years.
2) Those aliens referred to as Zeta Reticulans originate from the first and second planets within the Zeta Reticuli star system and are popularly known as "greys".
3) Aliens were referred to as 'the kids' within the program, or as 'gourds' among the personnel.

Did you see evidence more than just his own testimony about any of those claims?

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:25 PM

originally posted by: ATSZOMBIE
After watching the movie 'Interstellar' the theories of warp travel they are talking about are almost exactly the same as Bob described the UFOs traveling that way, and how humans had to master 'gravity'. He was talking about this exactly 30 years ago and it was poo-poo'd. Now its mainstream theory! I had to laugh...

This is factually inaccurate. Lazar was talking about some gravitational 'A-wave' that originates in the atom, and can apparently be amplified in certain atoms that are themselves only stable in certain parts of the universe. Oh, and is that not enough space magic for you? Lazar's fantasy gravity wave somehow doesn't perturb the energy levels of atoms as we should expect, which have all been accounted for since the 50s now.

The incredibly hypothetical models of warp 'drives' and wormholes are also quite farfetched and such objects cannot be built nor exist for long in this universe. The thing about these models is that they are, at the very least, consistent with the field-equations of general relativity.
edit on 11-11-2014 by MathematicalPhysicist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:31 PM
Bob Lazar's story has always interested me. The biggest sticking point I have about it is why he's still alive. If they were trying to rattle him why not go the next step and kill him. For that matter why not steal the evidence from you George, and then kill him (or perhaps you too) if they were willing to goto any lengths to keep this information secret.

I don't disbelieve the story, I just have trouble understanding that we heard it. 1990 was a time when information moved a lot slower than it does today, and there was a lot of lead time on airing the story. It just seems like it could have been covered up better than it was.

posted on Nov, 11 2014 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Aazadan

Maybe "they" weren't interested in keeping a lid on it at any cost. Maybe "they" wanted it to come out with just enough lack of evidence that it would be laughed off and the sharpest minds would disregard it as hogwash.

Or, maybe it was all just, hogwash... Damned if I can tell.

"The Lazar Conundrum" continues none the less...
edit on 11-11-2014 by Springer because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:00 AM
a reply to: GeorgeKnapp

Wow, you threw me for a loop when you mentioned he worked at Fairchild on bubble memory. I worked on it as well in Framingham, MA, and around the same time. It was the only semiconductor where you could store a megabit of memory in one device, about 2"" square. It worked serially, stored bits in magnetic domains that were rotated through a mechanism called a bootloop. No mechanical parts. You had to clock in the data and read it out in the same order. Cool stuff.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:08 AM
a reply to: Springer

Or maybe they weren't as competent as we would like to pretend. Overestimating the capabilities of authority is always a valid issue. We've seen how many other breaches play out in just the past 15 years over that same issue? Sometimes people like Gary Webb just can't live with being a whistleblower and shoot themselves twice in the back of the head.

Maybe that's the answer to the question though. A body trail would have legitimized the story if it still went out.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: Aazadan


I think Webb (RIP, and I hate to speak of the dead but... ) was in way over his head but not in the way you intimate, the facts never lived up to his claims. Every journalistic institute turned against him, including several that would have loved to catch the CIA in the crack business and could have faded the heat. He resigned in "disgrace". wrote a book that didn't sell well and was discredited by 99% of the journalists of his era. Not convincing but very convenient some 20+ years later to pin on the evil and incompetent spooks.

Yes, I can see how that could be construed as "the government" shutting him up but I just don't buy it in his case.

Obviously, I could be wrong about that too.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: Springer

Maybe but there's other examples too. Snowden in recent memory. The government made the wrong move with him at practically every step of the way: They forced him to flee Hong Kong on a flight to Russia by blocking his original flight path. They revoked his passport while he was sitting in the Russian airport with sensitive information. They forced the jet of a national leader sympathetic to Snowden to land just so they could inspect the plane and make sure he wasn't on board.

He was steered through China and Russia, then left with nowhere to go but Russia.

That should be among the pinnacle of incompetence. The only difference is that unlike with Lazar we know all of Snowdens information is true.

Anyways to get back closer to the subject, it's just something that I've always thought was interesting. Had Lazar been killed (especially if done in a way that made him look unstable) and the interview tapes stolen would we have ever heard of it? It would have completely killed the story.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 01:14 AM
a reply to: Aazadan

I think in Snowden's case, the govy was not sure that he did not leave a timebomb (copies of his data) somewhere, so if something were to happen to him (fall on a banana peel, or something), the whole enchilada would come out of the box.

So, thinking that, I wondered if perhaps Lazar did the same kind of thing, early on. ?

If George is listening; would that be true?

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 02:55 AM
a reply to: The GUT
I just re-read this post and think I was too harsh in my reaction elsewhere. The points raised here are fair. And I agree that I have sometimes been too eager to believe. The transformation was not instantaneous, by any means. I immersed myself in the topic and was generally ticked off about how poorly it had been treated by my journalism colleagues. But after those first heady months of being inundated with the craziest UFO tales you can after day after day...I scaled things back. I have tried very hard to maintain a healthy level of skepticism--in the true sense of the word...while maintaining an open mind. It is not easy finding that particular sweet spot. I remain a work in progress. The only exception I take to your post is the cheap shot at the skinwalker book. As I wrote elsewhere, I await further input about which journalistic standards I failed to meet. That said, I laughed at your Pimp Daddy Bob observation. I'm pretty sure Bob would likewise get a kick out of it. If you only knew......

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: AgentShillington
I completely agree. The people who do this stuff for a living are so much better at it than the rest of us. They are playing chess while we are playing checkers. That said, I think they screwed up with the Lazar matter. If--as many people theorize---Lazar's story was a set-up, created to distract attention away from a LEGITIMATE, secretive, but Earthly national security project out there at Groom Lake, then someone really screwed the pooch. If this was all a ruse, a false flag, or something else along those lines, it backfired in ways that they did not imagine. Groom Lake is a very important facility. It is where the Cold War was won. It has been THE location of choice for every high level black project and airframe since the mid 50's. As a result of Lazar's tale, it is now a household name all over the world. Tens of thousands of people have made the trek out there to watch the skies for whatever might be flying around. Every media organization in the world has been there. Congressional investigators have been there, asking questions about how the black budget is spent. Every single day, people sit out there on the outskirts to watch the skies. Did they really want this level of scrutiny? I don't think so. If someone created this story to be a diversion, they must have been transferred to an arctic igloo by now.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 03:08 AM
a reply to: charlyv
I have some paperwork from back then. Maybe you could help me understand it a bit better. It consists of internal company documents, pretty standard stuff, mentions Lazar by name and another guy who is central to this story,and it is includes a description of what they were doing. I would welcome a private conversation via email and am certainly willing to share the info with ATS folks if there is any interest in our exchange. [email protected]

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 03:15 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky That wasn't any interview that I did. The first interview Bob did was conducted in front of John Lear's house. Bob was shown in silhouette while sitting in one of our news trucks. I was in the TV studio, speaking to him via satellite. The first face to face meeting was also at Lear's home. As i recall, the people who were present included Lear, his friend Gene Huff,John Lear, my news director Bob Stoldal, and me. There were no security guys or earpieces. We talked for several hours, just to get a sense of whether he was credible. It took me several weeks to talk Lazar into speaking to me on camera, and he agreed only on the condition that I not use it unless he was killed, or until he gave the okay. He didn't give me the okay for another 8 months. At that time, we taped another interview. He was not exactly eager to appear on camera. I have a story about the day we revealed his identity to the world--and what he was like that afternoon. Will save that one for later in this dialogue.

posted on Nov, 12 2014 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: GeorgeKnapp

Done deal, and thanks.

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