posted on Feb, 9 2015 @ 07:49 PM
His death was pretty unexpected. I didn't think it would happen that way.
However, with a character such as Tyrese, I would have expected his death to be quite a lot more epic. I was thinking he would go down in a blaze of
glory or something similar. Maybe slashing up a massive group of attackers, or fighting off a horde so some member of the group could escape instead.
Should have had a much much more brutal and intense death scene.
Instead he gets a couple bites on the arm. The character flashbacks were a neat touch though, but after awhile they felt like they were just dragging
on and I was like "Okay yea, I got it. Now hurry up the heck up with the rest of the episode."
edit on 9-2-2015 by buni11687 because: (no
reason given)