posted on Nov, 17 2014 @ 08:10 PM
I really enjoyed this episode! I cant believe there is only 2 more ep's until their break!
I thought that Noah guy was familiar but it didn't click he was the kid from everybody hates chris! I think Noah is incredibly selfish, he left Beth
behind when they were trying to escape ad she did ALL the work aswell, then he takes Carol and Daryl's weapons! And he didnt need too cut that tent
when he had weapons to defend himself with! And it was his fault Carol was taken aswell..i understad that he realises not everyone is nice and at that
point Carol and Daryl were probably a threat too him in his mind but still...
I think the group will get Carol and Beth back with no problems seems they will have all the info they need to get in there and know their weak points
from Noah, if he is really willing too help, he seems too be all about himself! I hope Carol pulls through quickly, because she could have internal
injuries from when they took that van over the bridge, by the way how lucky were they with how it landed i thought it would roll for sure!
Looking forward too next episode when we get too catch up on whats happening at the church!