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Black Triangle UFOs and an Alleged Breakaway Civilization- Discuss

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posted on Nov, 5 2014 @ 10:43 PM
a reply to: interupt42

What I have seen from your posts the only thing you have shown is nothing that anyone couldn't google.

I do not deny that at all!

Because I think the point of sharing information on ATS is to try to collate what IS available freely and make it simply understandable and widely available to everyone in a concise format.

If the information was all behind password protected pay-walls it would defeat the purpose of trying to share it on ATS!

So, please do try to come up with a better story than mine, that reasonably explains the Black Triangle phenomena. including the high strangeness and mind bending woo, that fits the time period we are discussing in this thread [circa 1947 - now] , based on ***'s story data.

I'd love to read it.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:37 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan

You are sharing a lot of interesting stuff here and for that I thank you.

However, I'm not really sure you've made a concise statement yet regarding your exact theory. So, if I understand correctly, you believe there are breakways that are capable of interstellar travel?

Are you also supportive of the "forevermen" and quantum dream sucking?

Btw, really enjoyed the microtubles/consciousness stuff. Fascinating and full of promise as far as hopefully beginning to shed some light on our GREATEST mystery: Consciousness.

Also: Do I recall you mentioning that you were in contact with A-0 at some point?

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 03:28 AM

originally posted by: The GUT

You are sharing a lot of interesting stuff here and for that I thank you.

However, I'm not really sure you've made a concise statement yet regarding your exact theory. So, if I understand correctly, you believe there are breakways that are capable of interstellar travel?

Yes I do believe that there are possible breakaways that are capable of interstellar travel.

Are you also supportive of the "forevermen" and quantum dream sucking?

Yes, I am also supportive of the "forevermen" and quantum dream sucking. But I don't enjoy that much.

To find out I am possibly a twin and left behind and my very dreams and thoughts are controlled and manipulated, by forces unknown, is quite a shock to me and although I have never seen a Black Triangle I have seen a very large [several football fields across in size as I saw it 1/4 behind a local mountain highlighting it spectacular] 'hot pink' colored boomerang silent spacecraft that suddenly appeared over the top of me from behind, giving off a bright 'pink' flash and then was just as quickly and suddenly gone again!

The pink color confused me made me disbelieve what I had seen for many years [I saw it the mid 90's], but then I found out that plasma can indeed be pink and I think the hull of the boomerang shaped spacecraft was ionized traveling through the very upper atmosphere at extremely high speeds.

Hence I believe certain parts of ***'s story are possible and I feel betrayed and abandoned like all the other 'forevermen' he informed.

I agree with *** tha dreams are very important!

My repeated vivid dreams about this technology, after *** said that I would have a dream that connected all the random dots of data that I had found myself randomly researching what ever was on my mind at the time, have compelled me to post this story in the slight chance that it might actually help someone survive Global SHTF.

Btw, really enjoyed the microtubles/consciousness stuff. Fascinating and full of promise as far as hopefully beginning to shed some light on our GREATEST mystery: Consciousness.

Yes indeed and I note that you have already posted to the thread on Death, Afterlife, Spirits all explained in a wave of Consciousness by Dr. Stuart Hameroff Director which has an hr long video that deeply discusses the phenomena of consciousness.

Have you seen that video yet

I have watched it through once with many unfortunate interruptions and so I am going to watch it again now.

What I got from the video was that quantum coherence inside the brain makes sense of the decoherence in the natural environment and that gives us a single moment of true awareness, intellectual insight and a widely awake consciousness.

Also: Do I recall you mentioning that you were in contact with A-0 at some point?

Yes, but alas, I am no longer in contact with them as of the date that they last posted on ATS!

I hope that answers your questions.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 04:07 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan

Yes indeed and I certainly appreciate it. I also appreciate the time, effort, and links you provide in your posts. Good qualities. And, yeah, I watched the Dr. Hameroff vid and it was well worth the time spent.

I do have one more question right now: How did the contact between you and *** initiate?

edit on Thu Nov 6 2014 by DontTreadOnMe because: abbrev. for member name removed

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 04:59 AM
a reply to: The GUT

I do have one more question right now: How did the contact between you and A_0 initiate?

It was in the ATS chat room ages ago and I was under another ATS username account than this one that I am currently using and I said hello to *** when they came in to chat and we both went from there and we also shared a few u2u messages.

I kindly and respectfully decline to answer any more question involving me and *** correspondence with each other as per ATS T&C's.

I am willing to answer any questions regarding my story and or my opinions on aspects of ***'s story.

For example "What are my feelings in regards to the 600ft long graphite ablation disk detailed by ***?

During the active detonation testing phases of nuclear weapons, it was rationalised that this explosive force would make an ideal propulsion if it could be focused, directed if you will, to a beneficial use. The theory AND practical side of graphite ablation under the stress of a nuclear detonation was covered, fully understood and deemed highly effective. A lid was put on it tight.

I have had a very very hard time finding such 'Sputter Codes' anywhere online and so I would have to agree with *** on their point that a lid was indeed put on it very very tight.

Maybe somebody could ask me why the pilots of the Black Triangles are not affected by the mind bending effects that I mentioned may be occuring during superconduction of the Em drive?

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 07:25 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan

If I were of a sneaky disposition I might, (in advance- using google and notepad) compile a list of all ATS members who have ever reported a triangle, boomerang, chevron or anything that fits my story and use them as future "marks" for the spreading of disinformation.

Just because a third party validates your beliefs doesn't mean you should automatically accept their beliefs-especially seeing as you seem to be picking out the bits of the story to suit..


Oh yes: Why aren't the pilots affected by the mind bending etc?
edit on 6-11-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-11-2014 by Jukiodone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: The GUT

FYI the Hammerhoff microtubule stuff has been discredited
almost since the very beginning. My world-class physicist
friend had him in his circle of friends too.

The problem is, that quantum entanglement pretty much can't
maintain coherence in a high entropy environment such
as in a human body (brain), due to 'waveform collapse'.

So all this quantum consciousness stuff is the purest woo.

I do have a theory about consciousness and spiritual consciousness
that I developed years ago that bypasses that issue, but I've yet
to get the help I need to fully develop it. Maybe when i retire
in 9 years I'll have the time to try and prove it.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 08:19 AM
The first time I actually experienced branching at the quantum level was while driving out west in 1978. A born again Christian friend of mine and I decided to spend the summer traveling to the west coast from Maine to see if there was actually a Pacific ocean. Coming out of Lassen Volcanic park we picked up a German hitchhiker named Klaus, he was very quiet and taciturn only spoke when he had something to say. I told him about the desert I had seen in Idaho with the spooky lights and craters of the moon landscape. As usual I waxed too allegorical.

He was interested in the car which I had bought in Maine for $100, It was the spitting image of the Ford LTD that chased the Bond doon buggy into the desert in "Diamonds are forever". A complete rust bucket in 1978, so I just slapped a "Jesus had a better idea" sticker on the trunk and we hit the road heading west. Since about Yellowstone park I had been feeling a little vibration when I took my foot off the gas but didn't want to worry my born again Christian friend. Klaus felt the vibration too.

Klaus new a place along the PCH with a beautiful Pacific sunset view where we stopped and ate dinner. After dinner Klaus pulled some branches off a bush and fashioned a scrub brush to clean the dishes. I teased him about not carrying a can of comet in his backpack. We parted ways at sunset, but I continued to wonder if he had reached his destination or just become uncomfortable riding with crazy people?

My friend and I continued on south down the PCH. Somewhere near San Luis Obispo the vibrations I had been feeling got bad enough that I knew we were going to spend some money. Saw a sign for an auto parts store next to a VW repair shop so I pulled into the vacant parking lot between them. Guy at the VW repair shop said I wouldn't need a press.

edit on 6-11-2014 by Cauliflower because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Jukiodone

If I were of a sneaky disposition I might, (in advance- using google and notepad) compile a list of all ATS members who have ever reported a triangle, boomerang, chevron or anything that fits my story and use them as future "marks" for the spreading of disinformation.

Well, I am glad you are not of a sneaky disposition.

Just because a third party validates your beliefs doesn't mean you should automatically accept their beliefs.

Thanks for your concern! However this is not about me.


Oh yes: Why aren't the pilots affected etc?

Because, although I have laid out one possible semi plausible method for the mind bending controlling effects that have been claimed associated with the Black Triangle encounters, I personally do not believe in that as being the real case as neither Shawyer, Nasa or the Chinese University scientist have noticed or noted any mind bending woo [except that it seemingly violates some laws of physics which can give any scientist a bad headache] during their experiments and that is why I only suggested that it may be happening at superconducting levels.

I am quite fine to simply suggest that the Black Triangles are remotely controlled like a predator drone and hence the pilot is not onboard the vehicle and hence can not be affected directly by any mind bending woo.

However that does not keep true to *** storyline, which we must remain true to until that part of the storyline is clearly shown to be no longer credible.

Therefor, because ***'s storyline states ...

The low triangle then has a crew of Scientific Experimentation Support on board.

... We must discount my premise that a superconducting Em Drive is directly affecting minds using microwaves via the plancks length scale and also quantum microtubules. and instead I must credibly come up with something to replace that effect in such a way that the mind controlling device, now separate to the Em Drive, also does not affect those on board the vessel.

Just off the top of my head I can recall both the LRAD acoustic system ...

... and the microwave Active Denial System [hereafter known as ADS] ...

Microwave auditory effect.

The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of audible clicks (or, with speech modulation, spoken words) induced by pulsed/modulated microwave frequencies. The clicks are generated directly inside the human head without the need of any receiving electronic device. The effect was first reported by persons working in the vicinity of radar transponders during World War II. These induced sounds are not audible to other people nearby. The microwave auditory effect was later discovered to be inducible with shorter-wavelength portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. During the Cold War era, the American neuroscientist Allan H. Frey studied this phenomenon and was the first to publish information on the nature of the microwave auditory effect.

Which could both easily be fitted to the Black Triangles as offensive systems, leaving the Em Drive to be a simple Em Drive without any mind bending quantum woo and not affecting the Black Triangles crew in any way, whilst still retaining some mind bending woo effects from the LRAD and ADS.

This new claim makes far more sense than my previous claim, which I am happy to discard and disregard until such time as the Em Thruster is actually tested in a superconducting fashion by a credible source and we find out if my previous claim had any teeth or not.

I hope this goes to show my reasonableness when dealing with these matters.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:08 AM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

i think recent experimental findings suggest people should take another look

Orch OR was harshly criticized from its inception, as the brain was considered too "warm, wet, and noisy" for seemingly delicate quantum processes. However, evidence has now shown warm quantum coherence in plant photosynthesis, bird brain navigation, our sense of smell, and brain microtubules. The recent discovery of warm temperature quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons by the research group led by Anirban Bandyopadhyay, PhD, at the National Institute of Material Sciences in Tsukuba, Japan (and now at MIT), corroborates the pair's theory and suggests that EEG rhythms also derive from deeper level microtubule vibrations.


the research is ongoing

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan
There is reasonableness, and then there is selling out….
as in the use of the term "woo," when you, yourself, have just provided the needed links to LRAD and ADS, which means it is NOT woo…. doesn't it?

To call this reasonability, when it's really selling out of a concept whilst providing the proof of it, in totality, necessarily means it is now selling out, and not reasonableness, at all.

And I think it a cheap shirking of responsibilities, when you purport to bring us some "truth," and ask why we aren't asking the 64 million dollar question of why aren't the pilots affected by it, when the answer is they aren't in said craft, to begin with, is a primary "DUH" moment. If I were Jukiodone, I would rip you a new one…

As for me, foreverman, woo away, but you will henceforth NOT be wooing me anywhere, leastly and lastly, to forever anything...
edit on 6-11-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 10:01 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Please don't mistake my usage of the term 'woo' as I used it in two different fashions and I am sorry that you didn't register that.

My 1st usage of the term 'woo' is in regards to my claim that superconducting Em Drives generate a gravity wave which has subsequent mind bending side effects, which is only testable using a MASSIVE several mile long armed L shaped interferometer and the levels of gravity waves generated would be far far smaller than the waves generated by black-holes merging etc. and would probably still be undetectable with a measuring device that large.

Therefor my old claim is hence untestable at this current point in time and hence I rightfully retract it but only after tentatively offering it up for debate because it is good to explore mere ideas, especially in the Grey Areas forum.

My 2nd use of the term 'woo' refers to the general disbelief by the public when it comes to the mere subject of mind control and mind control devices and so although the LRAD and the ADS are indeed real and based in real science the idea that they may control human beings etc is still considered way out there and hence a bunch of 'woo' to them and I was tailoring my language to my target demographic.

And yet my fellow members are free to make up their minds and can still believe in my original claim if they want to and I am am glad I made it as now it can be tested for and hopefully debunked as I seriously would be upset if the Em Drive does indeed have this side-effect present as it would make travel to space a mind bending hazard for the crew and that again would put the kybosh on us ever getting up off the planet in large numbers cheaply.

However the 'evil' relativistic kill vehicle I detailed is still on the cards, as it is crew-less, and it would really suck not having a cheap safe way off the planet to escape such weapons of mass destruction.

So, if you like my doom porn, you can keep my doom porn ok!

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 10:05 AM
a reply to: ForeverMan

well you wiggled your way out of that flummoxed position rather well, I must say, forever man.
But I must say I do not like doom porn.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:12 PM
a reply to: aynock

I was fully aware of that research
and still stand by my own analysis
that this line of inquiry is a dead end
when it comes to 'consciousness'
---only. I fully concur that quantum
effects do occur in photosynthesis

I guess my point is that quantum consciousness'
is beyond thin at this point; but I do like
that research is continuing.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

i give them credit for providing testable predictions - the odds are probably against them being 100% right, but i still think it maybe a good bet that something interesting will come out of the research

a gnat's load of demonstration outweighs an elephant load of speculation imo

we shall see

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: aynock

Yup. I love open minded research.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:48 PM
We went from triangles, dream seeded star charts, plasma critters, microwave vampires, and now German hitchhikers named Klaus.....

Where else could this thread possibly go after that?

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: Arpad

I say two of those five mention in your post are central allegories for what the triangle may be about. Look at those two and then look at what he could have meant if it were an allegory or euphemism. Read in between the lines.
A lot can be discovered.

posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 02:07 PM
a reply to: BASSPLYR

Hi there.

Now I know for some reason I don't understand
you were impressed by some rough timing
predictions 'coming true' for some sort of
unidentified sensory experience. Great.

But the 'woo' is just standard woo...very
similar to thousands of pre-existing woos,
from various old religions. ..internet woo
and apparently even woo 'borrowed'
from other ATS posters.

The 'sightings' if any are meaningless in
and of themselves. Add them to the
millions of other very similar ones.

The 'woo' is standard off the shelf stuff.

I've only participated in this thread to
watch the socioligical phenemon of a
new space brother cult possibly form. .
and masterful deception be deployed.

But others are all excited?

I don't get it.


posted on Nov, 6 2014 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: KellyPrettyBear

Yes the sightings are TOTALLY meaningless, in more ways then one. Part of me thinks this is part of a large and nefarious government program. The other part wonders if I am falling prey to localized and projected delusions.

Either way we'll never really know as long as everyone wants to act like special little insiders spouting riddles that are
more conflicting then substantial.

I'd just like a place to share the descriptions of what I saw with others, just a simple starting point. Debating the ramifications of quantum butt waves and nanoglobules just further solidifies the topic's place in obscurity.

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