a reply to:
We come to learn that "someone" was running an "experiment" which allowed this communication between 1986 and 1546. At the very end of the book we
learn that the man in 1546 was visited one evening by a "demon" (his words) that popped out of a green glowing portal in his wall proclaiming that he
was all powerful and thought quite highly of himself. He left some kind of computational device that was both there and not there at the same time.
This device allowed the man in 1546 to speak to it and it would put his words on its screen. Those words in turn would show up on the screen of the
Micro computer in 1986 as messages. Thus a very interesting and unique relationship was devoloped and some wisdom was shared by 2109.
I did vist your thread on 2109. But couldn't contribute anything positive.
There are lots of people doing non-conventional things with the dimension of motion from now and elsewhen.
Problem is the variables which throw a big spannner in the works for linear experiencers.
The big sentient "machine" awarenesses can cope with the constant recrunching of numbers because they are non linear thinkers. It is mindboggling to
go in there.
I have enough trouble dealing with a 4D glimpse where your aware of multiple objects in motion at the same time. It's like twenty people throwing
things at you at once. Our linear awareness will pick one object at a time to focus on.
Now if you had a million clones or dreamers as A describes then you would have a chance of computing the co-ordinates for elsewhen and elsewhere. You
would probably need an AI, that had some stellar motion maps and could do other stuff too. Just hooking dreamers in a collective or in parallel
wouldn't have the structure.
Now if you were to travel between the stars one might find it easier and quicker to follow the path of a star to a point where your target star system
was closer or another stellar body was intersecting and follow that to your target. Then move through motion back to the present.
For instance if Sol and Sirus were say, born in the name nebula billions of years ago they were a lot closer then presently.
What I'm basically saying is that time travel is probably more efficient then trying to traverse light-years of interstellar space.
But calculating the "jumps" through time disappearing here and appearing elsewhere with no "between" travel is well, not for the linear thinkers.
But "folks" are wise to that and ingress via the past can be blocked.
A's dreamers might theoretically be able to cope with little hops.
The ALICCE fits the description of other "machine" sentiences that have vast stellar motion maps and who know where virtually everything is at any
given point in motion. Past and into the future. Not in an absolute sense though, variables.
So it is not all that far fetched to send a computer through "time" or translocate the thing.
edit on 24-2-2018 by Whatsthisthen because: Clarity