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The Gulf Breeze Saga (Part II) : UFOs, the Gulf Breeze 6, and the End of the World

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posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Vance would have been in Fl. at least 6 months or so. It would be interesting to find out how long Vance was in Augsburg. Between basic training and school it normally takes a year or so. NSA is a 2 year tour. Meaning Vance had to have been in at least 3 years. So if I could find out exactly how long he had been in, I'd be able to have a timeline and at least guess if he had enough time to do a year with basic and AIT(school), 2 years at NSA and then however long he was at Augsburg. It would at least let us know whether he was in long enough to have worked at NSA like he claimed. We have Silva's schools around here, they have after school and summer programs to help students that r struggling in their studies, sat prep, that kinda stuff. That would kinda fit what I know if this group. Oh yeah, what I said about the general discharges was in one of the news article. The didn't get off without any punishment, the were reduced in rank, forfeited 6 months pay and given a general discharge. As long as they didn't stir up any trouble in that 6 months it would have turn to an honorable discharge. The genera l apart would b dropped. I remember several people getting these for failure to adapt, personality disorders etc. As long as people or property were not harmed. You know, looking at all this stuff now, some things just do not make sense. So I will b looking into this some more. If you re-read Phillip Coppens article u will see were it talks of General Powell and also how the parents leaked info to the news which got the attention of Dole and another Senator.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:41 PM
If all this Silva stuff had been brought up during Vances security clearance investigation, he would have never gotten his clearance. I have been thru the clearance process a couple of times. Once for myself and twice with my son's that now serve. Any indication of extremist religious groups, gangs or anything that could make u look weak willed or open to so kind of blackmail gets a clearance denied quick. They r very picky about who gets a clearance and who doesn't. Seen people get denied for silly stuff. The screening process for a military Intel job is quite intense. They talk to your family, friends, teachers. Anybody that they can find that knows you looking for a chink in your armor. The psych evals are no walk in the park either. Then there the annual polygraph. You have to keep yourself and your life wired pretty tight to get in and stay in. It's not a perfect system, but it is intense. There is a lot of pressures in the Intel world most will never experience or understand.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:50 PM
a reply to: hellboyz
Yeah,that wasn't me doubting that it really got that kind of attention from Powell, et al. The thing is, we have to verify everything, so our own credibility, when we make assertions and conclusions about what happened, to try to figure out what's happening now, isn't called into question.

I read the Coppens article myself, but also I remember this causing a stir. There was media attention paid to it on a national level, I believe, when it got to the discussion of handling their discharges, and what kind of discharges they got. There were still soldiers , or former soldiers from Viet Nam, who were discharged over certain incidents, and questions about the dishonorable label they'd lived with for a while, and so when something like this comes up, it's called into question comparatively, as in: "so and so was this kind of a soldier and was discharged dishonorably over this incident, so look at how these guys behaved, and they weren't even facing combat situations, etc. and look at the leniency they were treated with….etc."

That's the discussion publicly in the press these things are surrounded with.

anyway, you've provided some more valuable information, and you're on the right track, I think, asking former Duffies, crabby or not, and wanting to establish a timeline for Vance's military career and placements.

I'm also interested what gave the impression and fueled rumor and innuendo that the were bored and disgruntled, the 6. Thanks for replying. I think we can establish a timeline of his career, if we keep looking.

edit on 26-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: hellboyz
If all this Silva stuff had been brought up during Vances security clearance investigation, he would have never gotten his clearance. I have been thru the clearance process a couple of times. Once for myself and twice with my son's that now serve. Any indication of extremist religious groups, gangs or anything that could make u look weak willed or open to so kind of blackmail gets a clearance denied quick. They r very picky about who gets a clearance and who doesn't. Seen people get denied for silly stuff. The screening process for a military Intel job is quite intense. They talk to your family, friends, teachers. Anybody that they can find that knows you looking for a chink in your armor. The psych evals are no walk in the park either. Then there the annual polygraph. You have to keep yourself and your life wired pretty tight to get in and stay in. It's not a perfect system, but it is intense. There is a lot of pressures in the Intel world most will never experience or understand.

I understand, and think you will find most commenting here do, what you're outlining. It's part of why once in, folks make friends and hang out with people within the same constraints, and security clearances. But I'm not sure Silva would raise the red flag you think it would. It's not the kind of thing you describe there.

eta: I'm looking at Silva right now, doing some research into them, and I'd have to warn anyone doing so, it offers answers to lots of problems, so it's pretty easy to get sucked in….lol
edit on 26-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 08:21 PM
a reply to: tetra50

The disgruntled talk came from those that worked the same job as them and also stayed in the same barracks. All these folks were interviewed to find out as much background information as they could. "They" being the military officials that were trying to piece it all together. I have no idea why they were not punished more severely, but that is something that draws my attention. What I concluded si far is what I have expressed to ya'ok already. I based what I thought on how things were being handled at the time. Not just with the GB6, but others that were discharged for various reasons while I was in. My ex got a general discharge for a personality disorder (failure to adapt) which seemed to b a catch all type discharge. All if this is my point if view and the general view of the others at FSA after the incident. When it comes right down to it, I don't know anymore than anyone else. I just happened to b where the GB6 left from. Guess it could have been anything from a story the 6 concocted to lessen punishment to actually experimentation/psyops programs. I'd like to know if these guys had info that made the government back off, why not use it to get other things. $$, jobs within the government, book deals, etc. That kinda thing. Why have all of them just kinda faded away, other than Vances attempts at fame. I would think he would have tried to leverage that info into something to better their lives, not just to get out of trouble. The whole thing is just all over the place, same as the info. Disgruntled soldier to psyops alien antichrust hit squad. We ourselves are still coming up with more ??'s than answers. Feels like there is some truth mixed in lies in order to muddy up the waters so nobody gets a clear picture of what really happened. Why didn't these guys continue in with there supposed mission after being slapped in there wrists and set free. Half the group took off, while 3 I think stayed in the area. 2 if then probably because if love interests

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: hellboyz

Exactly, now we're thinking alike. I am wondering about the ouji board, which, again, you just don't find lying around a base…

And the religiosity. Wondering if any of them showed inclinations to religion in their lives before they were in the military----but if they were super religious, they wouldn't have passed the stringent psych guidelines needed for intel, I'd think. So where did all that come from? Just their "information" from "sapphire," or whatever name they gave or got from their ouji board "contact," who told them of events' that then happened. I must say, if this started to happen while they were using the ouji board, then it was probably reinforced IF they got tips of events, that then happened as they claimed.
See, this part interests me a great deal, again, IF it happened. It interests me just as much as any UFO sighting in this area, because it implies other things than UFOs about timeline history. I'll leave that where it is, having said it.

Thanks, as always, HB, for your info.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: hellboyz
Vance would have been in Fl. at least 6 months or so. It would be interesting to find out how long Vance was in Augsburg. Between basic training and school it normally takes a year or so. NSA is a 2 year tour. Meaning Vance had to have been in at least 3 years...

If Vance Davis were singled out for "training" at Ft. Meade, I have my doubts that it would be for his potential code-breaking skill. "Poor sap," would seem to more cleanly fit the bill. More on this later...

edit on 26-8-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: The GUT

I agree gut, IF Vance was chosen for anything, it wasn't for his work skill. More likely because he was easily manipulated. I also wonder if he was able to hookup with his soul mate, Diana, Anna Fosters room mate. It was said Beason were involved with Anna in some way, but we never no if they had been together prior to the incident. Cause love makes people do crazy things.

edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 01:54 AM
a reply to: hellboyz

only one account followed up on vance and diana, and they got hitched too. the relationship between beason and foster existed prior to the incident.

if i found i'd been subject to the corrupting influence of either lower astrals (lol) or ethically challenged military shrinks, i'd probably just want to quietly fade off the radar, too. especially if i had any COUGH encouragement in that direction.

makes one wonder whether davis mighta been leveraged into staying in the limelight, keep him humping around the country for speaking engagements. make him spread a little more manure on the waters before cutting him lose.

he sure as # didn't sound happy to be on that art bell show.

edit on 27-8-2014 by ATODASO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 02:18 AM
k, guys, i feel #ing crazy for even proposing this, and it's probably a trash hypopnosis, but...

you've got beason and vance, two guys who've been seeing and hearing # from the spooky #ing beyond since as early as childhood. you've already got programs dedicated to RV and TK and etc.

somehow, whether they were handed the board and told to get to it, or whether they were using it on their own initiative, they started giving accurate information that they couldn't have known about. if you were in a position to, wouldn't you want to test the parameters as much as you could? determine how it was done, what the source was?

see if you could produce your own oracles?

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 02:45 AM
a reply to: ATODASO

k, guys, i feel #ing crazy for even proposing this, and it's probably a trash hypopnosis, but..

It's the dumbest idea I've ever heard! So crazy that I wondered the same thing earlier in the thread.

From an esoteric (don't shoot me I'm speculating) perspective, if we had respectable officers claiming to be hearing voices, colleagues and superiors would be raising eyebrows. If, as the claim goes, some of those messages came to pass, a smart guy would want to know more about it. You'd want to know the source of the data, the accuracy and who else could get access to it. I guess, you'd also want to gain some control over it and muddy it up if you couldn't.

I wonder if certain people were unsettled by the folk claiming 'voices' and set out to replicate them to be certain of their psychological origins? It's a crazy way to falsify the premise that voices from Elsewhere are influencing people. Men staring at goats.

All things considered, most human cultures have spent most of history with 'voices from Elsewhere' as part of their belief-systems. Is it that crazy to consider the possibility that some people in power still (or did) have privately-held beliefs in angels/demons/mysterious messengers? Confirmation bias can be a bitch.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 03:06 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

aw jeez, my bad. your version is much more restrained than mine, lol.

if, IF, they were actually pulling information by way of the board, that's not a psychological aberration (though maybe having a certain profile helps push the process along).

it'd have to be supernatural, right? i'm having a very tough time accepting that as a possibility. that's probably why my brain just glazed over that content in your post. auto-reject.

is that a consistent pattern with "channelled" information? enough accuracy to make you wonder, enough bs to make you dismiss it? if so, why would anything (aside from intelligence agencies) behave that way?

trolls of the aether?

edit on 27-8-2014 by ATODASO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 07:36 AM
The way this conversation is turning back to the "oracle" question on the heels of hellboyz' observation that it would be highly unusual for Vance to have been sent to Ft. Meade, I'm with HB in thinking that it might shine much light on the issue if it could be proven, or no worse mystified if disproven.

Vance also claims to have some sort of relationship to/with Gen. Stubblebine. I wouldn't doubt it as they have a lot of "woo" in common.

Trolls of the aether you say, ATO? Mebbe, mebbe so.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: The GUT

Furthering what you've picked up on Stubblebine and Davis, and even our old friend John Alexander gets a mention here;

Alexander further suggested during a relatively recent podcast interview that all members of the Gulf Breeze Six are crazy. I take issue with such an assertion for no less than two reasons:

One, I find it very difficult to accept they all coincidentally took leave of their senses at the same time - at least not unless a specific stimulus caused it. While a solid argument can certainly be made that a disturbed individual may be extremely talented in the art of persuasion, hypothetically leading others into the land of comets and Kool-Aid, such an argument nonetheless takes us.

Two, I simply cannot accept without question how their collective behavior could have snowballed and escaped evaluation within a high profile National Security Agency facility. After all, Major General Stubblebine himself seems to have known then-Specialist Davis, and these were not your garden variety Army deserters. They were military intelligence analysts who claimed contact with aliens and divine entities on an NSA base. This, in itself, is absolutely extraordinary.

The possibilities should motivate ambitious researchers for years to come: non-lethal weapons testing, mind control, spy games, and considerations that such operations spiraled out of control. The implications are nearly as broad as interesting.

In the end, I think we must consider the significance of how the Gulf Breeze Six and their superiors were in the business of paying attention, particularly to potential security breeches and weak links in the chain. Any way we might choose to look at it, I cannot accept without question how such personnel could have been spending their time playing with a Ouija board and narrating stories of alien visitations without the NSA taking significant responsibility for the situation.

Apologies if this is going off on a tangent, but I think it pertinent to the discussion.

It's worth looking at the whole Leah Haley abduction case, and the way it segues into Gulf Breeze territory. Haley is another thread in itself, but essentially she believed she was abducted by aliens, later stating explicitly there were no aliens involved and the episodes were all MILABS (Military Abductions).
edit on 27-8-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: ATODASO

At least some kind if happy ending came out if that. I'd b sitting on some island writing books and using the hell outta every scrap of info I had. Guess that why I wasn't choosen for that mission

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 12:08 PM
LOL@HB last entry.

Me, too, HellBoyz. Where's my friggin island????I want a happy ending with an island and a man to go with it…..
I'll write books. What else do I have to do?

Kandinsky, I think it took us all a while to catch up with you, obviously. Yes, I realized what I was writing there was exactly what you'd said a bit earlier, but it took me a while to process. And BTW, I havent' listened to the Art Bell thing. I think it's important one of us remains free of certain information. You all will cover it anyway, I needn't listen to the actual to know as I trust your synopsis. Some things I do listen or watch, some I don't.

But yes, as to what you've quoted there, you would do exactly that: you'd try to find out where they are coming from, at the very least. What people in positions of power who become aware of you while you're trying to do that would do with you then, once you've made contact and come to their attention in a very real way
is anybody's guess. Wonder if Vance had the "connections" he did because he thought these people were responsible for that, ie what he was stuck hearing. And from their point of view, the Stubblebines and Alexanders, and their ilk,
he was a delivered MILAB, right into their hands, no "abduction" necessary.

Anyway, I had asked earlier why in the world you would volunteer for mind control, via the Silva thing. When I looked at the Silva site, of course it doesn't market itself that way. That's some other interpretation from outside, which is probably somewhat correct. However, it makes a case that visualization, meditation, deep breathing, can actually change your life, give you some control over your mind and physiology to make better choices, be healthier and, of course, more successful in this paradigm…. I'm currently now looking into Juan Silva, the progenitor. But this isn't new stuff, either.

Of course, Juan Silva has interesting connections. I'm just looking for Kit Green,or one of the other Aviary to directly show up in connections. It's close, but no cigar, yet.

As to Silva, and further the ouji board, if you've been hearing and seeing things all your life, yes, you'd absolutely be looking for answers, and for it to STOP, as in anecdotal testimony, I have to say it's most inconvenient to one being able to proceed through life AT ALL. So then, if you meet these Aviary men, and they reinforce the angel/demon/alien hypothesis, instead of them being responsible for what you're hearing, it's reinforcement to take control of it through other means,and the ouji board provides a way, perhaps, for you to have the phone in your hand, and you're the one dialing, instead of them speaking, whenever they feel like it, which is inconvenient for you.

I sure admire the sleuthing by all of you, and your conclusions.

and, I'm not surprsied at all, as to Cuckoold's info, that Alexander distances himself in that way, and publicly says they're all crazy. That's his m.o., always. Yet, when it's convenient for him, he doesn't hesitate to tap into such. He has lots of old buddies who claim similar stuff, wonder why these (the GB6) are all crazy?

In December 1980, Colonel Alexander published an article in the US Army's journal, Military Review, "The New Mental Battlefield", stating that telepathy could be used to interfere with the brain's electrical activity. This caught the attention of senior Army generals who encouraged him to pursue what they termed "soft option kill" technologies. After retiring from the Army in 1988, Alexander joined the Los Alamos National Laboratories (LANL) and began working with Janet Morris, the Research Director of the US Global Strategy Council (USGSC), chaired by Dr Ray Cline, former Deputy Director of the


edit on 27-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2014 by tetra50 because: clarity

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: cuckooold
Totally agree that is possibly very pertinent, cuckooold---as well as some other posts from Jack Brewer's blog that bring some keen logic to this subject. I'm just in the door and out again, but I'll be back with my 2-pesos on your observations. Best "UFO" thread going. Important, even.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 12:23 PM
Just a quick reminder and info for those reading, who may be new to what and who the Aviary is:

The Aviary in Order of Codename:

BLUEJAY - Dr Chris Green - CIA.

CHICKADEE - Cmdr. C.B. Scott Jones - psychotronics, Navy Intel, DIA

CONDOR - Capt. Bob Collins, USAF

HAWK - Ernie Kellerstraus

FALCON - Sgt. Richard "Dick" Doty


OWL - Dr Harold Puthoff – Parapsychologist, Ex NSA

PARTRIDGE - Jacques Vallee, PhD

PELICAN - Ron Pandolphi – Physicist CIA

PENGUIN - John Alexander - Former Army Intel on the board of Psi-tech

RAVEN - Dr Jack Vorona – DIA DoD

SEAGULL - Bruce Maccabee, Ph.D.

SPARROW - William Moore, USAF

and further:

The Aviary in order of real name:





C.B. SCOTT JONES - Falcon or Chickadee








Same link. For people new to that, there's Gut Aviary thread, a true wealth of information, and please visit the link I provided for some really great information as to their activities, past and current

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 12:35 PM
In researching, I ran across a very interesting article, and it shows quite clearly, I think, why Vance would have sought out the connections he did, if we accept he may have been dealing with such things as a civilian, and later as military intel.

Just an aside, I had quite a difficult time accessing certain information from the link I provided above, and getting to this article, indeed.
The Mind Has No Firewall, by Timothy L. Thomas

You will notice this is an army publication.

posted on Aug, 27 2014 @ 01:13 PM
Here's some stuff I found. One person in the discussion said he was a member if Vances platoon and Vance was a substandard soldier.

Here's another in which Vance said he joined in 1983 and that him an his crew were good at that jobs. So now we have a date to start a time line. He was in long enough to have done 1 year for basic and school, 2 years at NSA and a couple of years at FSA

This article seems to have been written years layers. They talk of the two towers being hit along with the Pentagon. Some of the story is changed as well, Vance is married to Iris, not Diana. Curiouser and curiouser.

edit on 27-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

edit on 27-8-2014 by hellboyz because: additions

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