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The Gulf Breeze Saga (Part II) : UFOs, the Gulf Breeze 6, and the End of the World

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posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 12:51 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

Only thing I know about Offutt is they are headquarters for Strategic Air Command and probably a testing facility for new, stolen or back engineered technology. My dad got lost for a while and his journey took him around the world while leaving mom and us at home. By the time he found himself, I was in my later teens an about to start my own adventures. I believe he spends some time in this board every now and then. He's a smart dude, charismatic and worldly. Because of him I learned to to not care what others think, b coldheart, borderline cruel at times, calculating and paranoid. Which has served me well over the years. He wasn't abusive or nothing, just out wandering when he should have been at home.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 01:25 AM
@HellBoyz: Maybe what you saw in the sky seeming to travel parallel to the horizon (if I'm getting this right from your description), being that it split off symmetrically, was some kind of plasma creation. It could behave that way, even seem to behave intelligently, from reports of them.

I find your information quite fascinating, HB. But I'm always interested in folks who've had a Christian fundamentalist background and are believers. It's an interesting mix. And don't worry, not that you'd give it a second thought, but I kinda think Gut was pushing some buttons, to see how you responded. That's also very much an intel strategy, no? Just to assess what someone is "made of," so to speak. I really have to clean up my act, and stop using so many cliches.

I happen to find the standard talk about IQs about as useful as comparing the size of your penises, but that's just me.
And, of course, I don't possess a penis, though [sigh] I must admit, at times it seems like having one might come in handy…..

Your background and experiences and beliefs tells us all a lot about how you would perceive the GB6, and their story, and you are important here, as a newish member, but also to this story, obviously, because you were actually there, and knew them.

Btw, you said something interesting to me about looking back on it now, their motivation to kill the anti-christ and channeling spirits not really being congruent in belief systems, and I agree with you. But I would say what's most incongruent about that is most hard-core, fundamentalist, born again Christians (and I put them in this category by reading the letter they left behind for , I think, their CO, and the language they used, as though they fully believed they were on a mission, sent by God. The thing about that is most of those folks view the Bible as something of a script, as what is supposed to take place, and nowhere in it is killing the anti=christ proposed as a solution to the apocalypse. In fact, many of those of that particular brand of faith embrace what they term the Rapture, right? And we can assume what's described of the Apocalypse, to their way of thinking having embraced the Word as they have,
has to play out in order for that rapture to happen, and them to be either removed to Heaven, or counted in the 144,000. Pardon my segue into strict fundamentalism. I don't like to get too deep into these issues as I view religion as highly personal, and wish not to offend anyone.

But I think this may be part of Kandinsky's thinking it was a psy-ops perhaps intended to either see if it was possible to make a charismatic leader on the order of Jim Jones, and/or create an assassin, perhaps religiously motivated.

I have no doubt you are capable of plenty of independent thought, and know that Gut knows that, too, so I'm wondering what you think about that, if that kind of psy-ops could have possibly been going on with these six, from their command.

So you were a Duffy group. Was your security clearance any different than the six? Did you answer to the same command,and I'm guessing you did not. I'm just trying to get a feel for how isolated they might have been, here.

And I have to say I agree with 1ofthe9, your father sounds positively fascinating…..I just read your reply to 1ofthe9 about him, and was struck immediately that though he's fascinating, sometimes that doesn't make for the most emotionally available parent…I feel for you on that score: I felt a lot inbetween the lines of what you wrote, though you honorably didn't voice anything negative, just the facts. It's clear you love him, whether he was there at the right time or not. And sounds like he taught you some skills that were quite valuable in a cruel world, ready to define you if you don't speak for yourself and not give a crap at the appropriate times…..

Thanks so much for sticking around after me grilling you ever so slightly…lol. and sorry everyone for writing a short novel all the time... I'm gonna take a break again for a while, I promise. I chased someone off their own thread today, apparently, just by actually giving them what they asked for in their thread. Oh well. Sometimes you can't please anyone anytime.
edit on 26-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 07:02 AM
Of perhaps minor interest, I stumbled across this little snippet of information regarding a Kenneth G. Beason.

The Rev. Kenneth G. Beason has been appointed to the part-time position of assisting priest at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, beginning Sunday. A reception in his honor will be held following the 10 a.m. service.

Beason recently retired as an Air Force chaplain with the rank of colonel. He will fill the position vacated by the Rev. John Buenz, who resigned after 10 years as a pastor at St. John’s.

I wonder how many Kenneth G. Beason(s) there were actively involved in the military and the church? I know little about the military, and I wonder if a Special Ops serviceman in Intel can cross over to be an Airforce Chaplain?

Perhaps of little relevance, I don't know, but worth noting in my opinion.

I also did a search on Anna Foster, and it seems there is a person of that name involved with a drama group at Gulf Breeze High School. If she is one and the same as Brason's love interest, I do not know; simply the location and the name are the same.
edit on 26-8-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 10:59 AM
a reply to: tetra50

Terra I mostly mentioned the IQ thing to give a baseline of the people at FSA. Smart, strong minded with more than 1 nut thrown in. But u get that when you put a lot of smart folks together. Some over analyze things to the point of near craziness. The GB 6 was in a different company and housed 2 barracks down from us. But we all were part the 701st,worked at the same the field station and reported to NSA. They were in and out of our bays and I was in an out of theirs. I guess any theory on why they did what they did is possible, I just don't know. But I was to distracted by a new son, so I really didn't look into it much. Just listen to rumor and official talk. As far as religion goes, I'm agnostic, I know there is something greater than myself out there, just not sure what it is. I see organized religion as the biggest psyops ever.

edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 11:29 AM
Ya'll check out this thread "SAS and US special forces forming hunter killer unit to 'smash Islamic State'". This is what a true psyops program looks like. It causes distrust within the ranks and it also allows for easier access for these kill team to infiltrate and find targets. This is because the ranks start to turn in each othercausing chaos and confusion. Who would broadcast we are sending kill teams in. Most of the time we don't hear about that stuff til way after the fact. Just wanted to show what a true psyops program would look like. The GB6 might have been toyed with by someone, but I do not believe it was the military.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: hellboyz
Huh, I'd like to meet the brain trust you hang out with. Lol.

Take a look around, you are amongst some of them.
And, in my book, you've earned your spot at the table, handled yourself pretty darn good, and kept your very pleasant sense of humor intact.

I'm enjoying our chat (debriefing has such bad connotations idky lol) and I do believe we've mined a little deeper and found some nuggets that have potential to shed more light on this enigma ("enigma" was also a code machine wasn't it?)

For one, the "Duffy Group" you mentioned. If you were to delve a little deeper with some of your group mates, I'm sure--as we're finding with you--more pieces and details will crop up here and there. Wherever that might lead. The Duffies are probably the largest untapped resource available.

If we made and agreed on a list of questions, do you think some of your mates would be willing to fill out a questionnaire? I'm more than willing to find it was some oddball role-playing GIs. Then again, that skunky, spooky, smell is lingering, so…

We've also determined that you've caught your own little whiff of brimstone, so-to-speak, surrounding the GB6. Maybe it's nothing, but c'mon, you know you wanna play!

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 12:19 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Lol, gut. I doubt any of the Duffy group would have much to add. There way maybe about 30 of there at that time. The group have members from Vietnam era all the way to the late 90's when the mos was merged with another. Duffy was a affectionate name do to the D part of our mos designator. Like I said earlier, it came up before in the group and the ones that where there at the time hadn't changed there view. I'm willing to view it with an open mind, while most of them are not. My intent on this thread was to just give the facts from the Augsburg side of the deal. Not to speculate. But since I've told that side of the story, I'm willing to entertain other possibilities and look at it from other angles. Really haven't given the GB6 much thought except the couple times it's come up in that past 24 years and then I run across this thread. It has been quite entertainment. An Gut, I agree that there is a brain trust on ATS. Lots if smart people with open and inquisitive minds. I've found kindred spirits here. It would b interesting to pin down some of the folks that lived in the same barracks. They would have more knowledge of these guys life outside if work.

edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 01:12 PM
Ok, I asked about the GB6 on a couple of the FSA Intel alumni boards. I've let u know what they say. Most are just cranky. Already got a "I don't listen to Art Bell" response. But I don't think that person was there.
edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 01:52 PM

Who was the anti-Christ. In Revelations Jacque Vallee suggest it may be none other than Ed Walters. According to Specialist Kenneth G. Bleason, another of the Gulf Breeze 6, 'they had been chosen by ... divine intervention to help prepare for the end of the world, which was supposed to occur in about eight years from now.'

This can hardly go as believable. Sounds like rubbish. Especially this:

Davis states that as a teenager, he had enrolled in Silva Mind Control courses that were held in Alex Merklinger’s school in New York, and mastered techniques of self-hypnosis through active imagination. During one of his trances, he met a green-skinned, yellow-clad alien female named Kia, who, over one night, corrected his flat-footedness. Davis said that Kia “told me that she came from a planet forty-five light years away from Earth, that had been destroyed by another race. Her race, the Kiasseions, were telepaths that were enroute to Earth to assist the Alliance in protecting the human race. They were scheduled to arrive by late 1992. The Kiasseion civilization had been reduced to five spacecraft carrying about three thousand people per ship […] Her husband had been killed, and she had taken his place as Commander of this small armada, with her two grown sons in charge of two of the remaining ships.” Kia became Vance’s guardian.

This must have been a plot for a movie, there is no other way!

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:14 PM

originally posted by: CollisioN

This can hardly go as believable. Sounds like rubbish. Especially this:

Davis said that Kia “told me that she came from a planet forty-five light years away from Earth, that had been destroyed by another race. Her race, the Kiasseions, were telepaths that were enroute to Earth to assist the Alliance in protecting the human race

Well it does sound rather far out there and highly imaginative. But then we find out that the race of aliens are seemingly named after the flat foot fixer, Kia. Or of course the other way round. Which seems totally lacking much imagination at all

But the whole story (at least the one that has become public knowledge) is completely utterly, crazy anyway and is probably way too strange to make a plot for a good movie.

edit on 26/8/14 by mirageman because: edits

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:27 PM

originally posted by: hellboyz
Ya'll check out this thread "SAS and US special forces forming hunter killer unit to 'smash Islamic State'". This is what a true psyops program looks like. It causes distrust within the ranks and it also allows for easier access for these kill team to infiltrate and find targets. This is because the ranks start to turn in each othercausing chaos and confusion. Who would broadcast we are sending kill teams in. Most of the time we don't hear about that stuff til way after the fact. Just wanted to show what a true psyops program would look like. The GB6 might have been toyed with by someone, but I do not believe it was the military.

That's an interesting thread that HB. Although I've only skimmed through it.

Direct Link for speed : SAS and US special forces forming hunter killer unit to 'smash Islamic State

Usually an operation of this sort would not become so public. So I guess, as you say, it is to spread fear and distrust from the outset.

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:32 PM
Someone asked how I knew that General Powell wanted to burn there asses. It's say so in the Phillip Coppens article. Some members of the Intel group has basically said the same as I already told ya'll. Did learn thier 1sgt said his only claim to fame was "those dumb***** took off on his watch"

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: hellboyz
...But since I've told that side of the story, I'm willing to entertain other possibilities and look at it from other angles. Really haven't given the GB6 much thought except the couple times it's come up in that past 24 years and then I run across this thread. It has been quite entertainment. An Gut, I agree that there is a brain trust on ATS. Lots if smart people with open and inquisitive minds. I've found kindred spirits here. It would b interesting to pin down some of the folks that lived in the same barracks. They would have more knowledge of these guys life outside if work.

Cool! I'm digging your participation and really like your idea above about the barrack mates.

I'm playing hooky from work today and spending time going through the links and taking notes. I'm rereading the familiar articles/statements and the stuff that is new to me. I need to reread all of the excellent posts, too, and I apologize if I go over old ground and am subconsciously working off ideas y'all have already covered.

Sure, it's possible that this is a case of tragi-comedy fueled by some rare form of mass hysteria, with nothing more behind it than the unlikely-yet-purely-happenstance crossing of paths of 6 unfortunate, suggestible, bored-with-Army-life fantasists.

If not that, however, then for my money, the strong runner-up is something that includes psychological operations.

Let's explore the theory that the GB6 were a psychological experiment. Did someone "collect" and assign this group together? One or two of the Bentwater guys have suggested that very M.O. That is that certain personality types were identified and sent to the base, at the same time, as test subjects for whatever the heck was going on there. One Bentwaters guy specifically stated his suspicions and reasons for feeling he was personally "culled" and assigned there for some ulterior purpose. (Excellent thread by miraeman, btw: Rendlesham Forest…, A Christmas Story from 1980 - Can We ‘Let it Be’?

First, early on, when Davis was on his way over to Ft. Meade, there was a woman on his bus who told him his name and said that “God showed me that you will help change the world.” It was a prophecy – at a time when Safire had not yet appeared on the scene and “confirm” his divine mission.

Davis also had an intriguing career. He noted that he had his initial posting in Ft. Meade, which was rare. “I had done work in psychic research back at Fort Meade, and was surprised at the seriousness with which our military approached this subject. I realized then that my fast-track to NSA was probably due to my Silva Mind Control background.” It suggests that Davis was followed – if not singled out – by the NSA early on.

The Gulf Breeze Six

Yah...Ft. Meade. So, with GB6, it's somewhat of a pretty big coincidence that so many folk with backgrounds and/or fascination with mystic "technologies," as well as being arguably less-than-stable personalities, would be assigned together at the NSA post in Augsburg.

Beason reports in his statement that he and Vance Davis first started playing with the ouija board in either April or May 1990. That approximate time period could be important when digging into this.

cuckold posted this quote from Philip Coppens earlier in the thread:

This explains the setting of the desertion, but not the reason. Was it true that they had come to Gulf Breeze to see UFOs? To attend a UFO conference? Davis states that Safire warned them of a coming war. Mankind was about to make an evolutionary step, which is why many alien entities were in orbit, on or under the earth – and/or in telepathic contact with the likes of him. There were two alien groups: the Alliance, the good guys, who believed in free will, and “the Others”, who were abducting people and performing medical experiments on them. Safire “confirmed” to the group that the US government was in cahoots with the aliens, as they had suspected all along. The Gulf Breeze Six

As we're contemplating a psy-op/testing scenario, the above might suggest the possibility that the "programming" was leaking. That is to say seeping into their conscious and maybe they did something unexpected? If some of them were where they were supposed to be--Gulf Breeze--I doubt getting caught at that stage was scripted. Whatever was going on probably wasn't supposed to hit the news. Could the "bad guys"--those that would usurp one's "freewill--have been the programmers/handlers? Just a thought.

Okay, back to reading. Thanks again y'all for all the great links/research.

edit on 26-8-2014 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 03:50 PM
It would be interesting to find out who was behind, if possible, putting together the 6, and maybe even who gave them the ouji board. It's not something the you'd just find hanging around in a closet on base at Augsburg. Then I go back to the message delivered while the 6 were still in custody, and its mention of Augsburg, as in code, at the end of the message. This suggests there's something special about the base, rather the people working there, at that time.

I think one would find Gut's Aviary members might be all over this, behind the scene, the little bird singing in Vance's ear, while Kia made an appearance. A planned psyops means the roots go deep, the people grouped are chosen specifically, even HB's description of his Duffy unit…the mixture of Viet Nam era soldiers and then younger soldiers, and of course, their particular psych profiles. If this most recent thread about putting together search and destroy teams pointed at Islamists is true, one would find the soldiers who end up in that unit, with that task, more than likely fit the profile of highly religious, and Islamaphobic. And yes, I think that fits the pattern of a psyops on the troops, themselves, mean to divide them, get them to speak and expose something about their particular beliefs, and what they are willing to act upon, when presented with it.

The same obviously applied to the GB6, and what was going on at Augsburg at that time. If Cuckoold's article citationn is correct, and the situation went all the way up to Powell, et. al., it was definitely meant to create division amongst the leaders, for some reason, I would think, or draw attention to a particular situation and even persons.
regards, everyone,

e.t.a. Who, in the world, volunteers, by taking a class for mind control. I find that of particular interest, and it would certainly catch the attention of members of the Aviary, and the NSA, by default.
edit on 26-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:03 PM
We were not all Duffies, just our specific mos. The GB6 were 05k or 05c which later changes to 98k or 98c. Now most Intel are 35 series. The k series was a trained in Pensacola Fl. D and H' in Ft Devens and the real analyst the C were trained at a Texas afb. So they were mostly k series since the trained in Fl. That is were most that washed out of other schools ended up. Just wanted to clear that up. There r several mos's working in tandem to create a bigger picture to b sent up the food chain. Check out the Puzzle Palace, it breaks everything down pretty good near the end of the cold war. My folks r still toeing the line about what happened with GB6.
edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

e.t.a. Who, in the world, volunteers, by taking a class for mind control. I find that of particular interest, and it would certainly catch the attention of members of the Aviary, and the NSA, by default.

John Alexander was a Silva rep wasn't he?

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:25 PM

originally posted by: tetra50

e.t.a. Who, in the world, volunteers, by taking a class for mind control. I find that of particular interest, and it would certainly catch the attention of members of the Aviary, and the NSA, by default.

John Alexander was a Silva rep wasn't he?

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

In Hawaii he was the state representative for Silva Mind Control and learned Aikido from the Japanese masters. With Ted Rockwell, (Admiral Rickover's technical director for creating the nuclear Navy) he researched interspecies communications, including diving with dolphins in the wild (when that was still legal)

Quite easily found, and right up his alley. Perhaps Vance was trying to get the attention of the Aviary because he was interested in the psyops kind of life….lol. Wouldn't surprise me a bit.

@HB, then Vance may have spent some considerable time in Fl, if he was among those trained in Pensacola.

eta: Pardon my asking HB, but if you were in different units from GB6, how did you come about the knowledge they were bored with army life? And what do you mean your parents are "still toeing the line with what happened with the GB6?" I ask, because I'm not sure what the "official" line was, as they didn't receive a psych discharge, which would make the official line that their work exposed them to such pressures and strange information, they kind of cracked, if you will.

edit on 26-8-2014 by tetra50 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: tetra50

Terra, I guess I was unclear about that. I meant My Intel folks are still saying the same thing the said back them, " bunch of weirdos that couldn't hack it ran away". Sorry I wasn't clear on that.. We were in different barracks within a couple hundred yards of each other and we all worked in the same facility. So we all interacted one way or another. We were in and out of their work areas and vice versa. I had friends that worked the same job as them. I just didn't have a personal type relationship with them, tho I did run across them at work. Either in the dining room or during the course of the job itself. They seemed to stick to themselves outside of work why the rest of us partied and fraternized if u catch what I'm saying. Most of the gb6 guys weren't exactly lady killers. The highest ranking of them all was a female E-5, if memory serve, so she would have had training to b a leader while the lower enlisted hadn't.. I also think all were on there 1st tour. 1 other thing that strikes me I'd Vance said his 1st duty station was Ft Meade (NSA), I worked at the NSA after Augsburg. I never met anyone under E-4 and never met anyone that went straight there from school. Not saying it doesn't happen, but I never seen it. Maybe if u were a savant code breaker they would bring u there, but these guys were not code breakers. The just put the info we collected into to neat little presentations and sent them up the food chain.
edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-8-2014 by hellboyz because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2014 @ 06:41 PM
Hmmm. That's all good info HB. If he went to Fort Meade directly from school, I would bet that had something to do with him being at Silva. That's why public things like Silva exist and Alexander was involved. It's a "tapping" place for supposed talent, as you described, perhaps, a savant code breaker. But the "talent" label, I think, is just part of the psyops. As you well know, these folks and their psyops routine, operate in a duplicitous manner. Assets are frequently made to feel important, that they have some special skill and were tapped for it, when they are simply used, placed in a particular position, to achieve a certain result.

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