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The Gulf Breeze Saga (Part II) : UFOs, the Gulf Breeze 6, and the End of the World

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posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

Such teachings seem bizarre, if only because they serve no real purpose for NSA personnel, except to provide this recruit with a conspiratorial outlook on history.

sounds like these boys got seriously mind#ed by their own people. in this case, does that make the travis trophy the psych version of a purple heart?

given the consequences for the gb6 (i.e. absolutely none, unless you count rewards), can we safely assume that there was an internal goal, and that it was met? and given the details (christian fundamentalism, aliens, spiritism, messianic delusions, and mind control), what could that goal possibly have been?

edit on 20-8-2014 by ATODASO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: ATODASO

I don't think we can safely assume anything in this case. There are too many questions.

Someone, somewhere knows what this was all about and it may or may not have been linked to winning one of these?

There is an old Art Bell show on Youtube which includes an interview with Vance Davis. I might catch up with it later.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: mirageman

There is an old Art Bell show on Youtube which includes an interview with Vance Davis. I might catch up with it later.

decent, me too. he's on a double bill with hoagland? something's #y.

i think that's about when vance jumps in.

we can't assume anything, and we can't discount anything either, including...

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 03:29 PM
here's my recap of the c2c interview, which started as a glorified slapfight with an absent ed dames.

number of times times vance says "certain" (e.g. "a certain group in a certain location") = i stopped counting @ 25.

art grills vance, vance eventually implodes.

vance says, "they're using YOU, Art, and they're using me, otherwise I wouldn't still have connections, and they're using richard."

vance gives insider stories about north korea, art backs dames and calls bs. "if what you're saying is true, you'd be in jail for saying it."

"so what you're saying is the only reason you can come on my show and say what you're saying is because the government behind the government wants you to be saying it?"


hoagland gets butthurt, tries to regain lost ground. asserts that the gb6 getting off scott free proves the existence of an "internal war" (k...), a concept vance also endorses.

art mentions the all the bodies around clinton (smoke means fire) and then notes the absence of bodies around this event (no smoke, no fire). vance claims he and the gb6 were going to be liquidated, but a photographer hopped the fence at ft. benning, got pics of them in cages, and threatened the military.


"and we totally revolutionized military justice, they changed the book after us."

next, hoagland takes the same line bell used to shoot holes in davis' credibility (if true, why not dead or imprisoned?), and uses it to take the air out of ed dames. bell stammers out some equivocal half-ass defense of dames.

hoagland finishes strong with "remote viewing works because quantum physics."

i agree with vance davis on one thing, they're on the circuit because someone thinks they're either too lame to worry about or that they're useful in their way.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 03:33 PM
Late in 2010, I was sidetracked into the eschatology and creepy side of these stories. I found an erudite, interesting blog that covered the underbelly of religious channelings and visitations. It's written by Janet K. Smith and called Eternal Gateways

In 2011 she posted a series of articles about the Gulf Breeze sightings and posted this one about the GB6.

The entities of the Board knew how to gain Vance’s attention and possibly that of government administrators. They predicted an earthquake in Iran in which over 300,000 would be killed. It happened. They predicted a terrorist bomb in New York (the first World Trade Bldg bombing, the Gulf War, the break up of the Soviet Union, the unification of Germany, and the European Union, all of which happened. They warned of danger to a shuttle mission, which may have saved it from exploding.

For those who've ever gone wading into that disturbing world, the subsequent predictions were predictably fear-mongering and wrong. JayKay posted these quotes from the GB6:


Aside from the fact that she's a discerning thinker and good writer, the reason I reference her blog is for the history of these sorts of claims. They go back a long way and predate the machinations of Cold War mischief.

It's possible that someone was riffing on these memes and playing at least some of the GB6 like a fiddle - given the alternatives, it's very probable. The alternatives require a whole other level of speculation...

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: ATODASO

Thanks for the summary. I haven't caught up the show as yet I've been closing off a few details in another thread.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Thanks for your input on the thread Kandinsky.

A lot of this stuff I was not too familiar with.

The whole story seems to weave a number of esoteric themes into one.But also involves the US intelligence services. It's still got me baffled to be honest.

I guess that was the intention from the outset.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 10:01 PM
While listening to the interview between Art Bell and Vance Davis,I noticed an interesting statement by Mr. Davis. He made references to a coup attempt in Moscow involving Osama Bin Laden. I found this interesting,any thoughts?

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 10:26 PM
a reply to: jammer2012

maybe davis' "sources" are still collecting data on gullibility?

the thing is, he comes across as having a surprising amount of self-awareness. he knows he is being lied to, he's worked out for himself that he wouldn't be alive and talking if he wasn't being used as a mouthpiece. at the same time, he also comes across as believing every cock and bull story his feeders throw into his trough.

maybe the feeling of self-importance he derives from "being in the loop" is more vital than resolving the cognitive dissonance? or maybe he's just getting a lite consideration on the side for mucking the waters.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: ATODASO
I agree with you.It seems like partial truth and mucking up the waters is what it comes down to with him. I just couldn't help but to think of 9/11 when he was talking about Bin Laden and the coup attempt. Perhaps the partial truth comes in considering the coup attempt that happened right here in the U.S. Who knows, this is most definitely high strangeness and one of the most crazy stories I have read...Thanks for the OP,great thread SnF...This is one I didn't have much knowledge on.

posted on Aug, 20 2014 @ 11:19 PM
This has always been such a fascinating case. Still remember when it broke in the news.

I feel that if one were ever really able to string together the pertinent threads of this situation, they would have quite the tale to tell.

Seems like the waters have been muddied a bit too much (intentionally) for anyone to ever accomplish that at this point.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 02:32 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Earlier on, I was considering the GB6 in the context of a deniable test-bed for creating assassins. Yeah, it's a wacky idea and yet the whole scenario is 'out there' already.

From an intelligence perspective, you'd want to know the extent to where crazy beliefs could take people. Could someone's beliefs cause them to crash planes into buildings or try and kill leaders? Could a charismatic leader coalesce and inject the 'crazy' into a wider culture? Could such a leader be created without their knowledge? Can terror motivate people enough to overrule their native morality? What happens if you create a bad apple and toss it back in the barrel where they came from?

Would you say, 'Screw ethics, I want to know!'

From an esoteric (don't shoot me I'm speculating) perspective, if we had respectable officers claiming to be hearing voices, colleagues and superiors would be raising eyebrows. If, as the claim goes, some of those messages came to pass, a smart guy would want to know more about it. You'd want to know the source of the data, the accuracy and who else could get access to it. I guess, you'd also want to gain some control over it and muddy it up if you couldn't.

I wonder if certain people were unsettled by the folk claiming 'voices' and set out to replicate them to be certain of their psychological origins? It's a crazy way to falsify the premise that voices from Elsewhere are influencing people. Men staring at goats.

It's all mystifying and probably for good reason. Taken in single incidents, we can slash at them with a rusty Occam's razor and err towards psychological warfare experiments; seems to have died out in the '90s. However, when we cast the nets wider, and consider the broader history, it's so easy to get out of our depths.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 03:23 AM
Almost missed this one, and it's by far the best discussion I've seen in awhile. Stars for everyone, literally.

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Kandinsky

Again, thanks for your input Kandinsky. You've added a lot more that I was unaware of, and it's certainly given legs to this thread. There is a certain amount of readily available info, but there seems a lot of stuff that was on the early web that may have disappeared.
I came across a few references to Jim Mosely and 'Saucer Smear', but so far I've only been able to find references, not whatever article/discussion Mosely wrote.

I was led to a book written by a journalist from Penascola by the name Craig R. Myers, and the book is titled, "War of the Words: The True but Strange Story of the Gulf Breeze UFO'. Google has some of the text available to read and it looks very interesting and thorough. I may see if my library can order it. It is available on iTunes, and while my preference is to read books in paper format, I may purchase it in electronic format if I can't find another copy. I do recommend that anyone with an interest in this tale at least read the selected pages Google offer, as they're from a local journalist, and highly relevant.

edit on 21-8-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 03:51 PM
a reply to: cuckooold

Very interesting two part thread cuckooold.

There does seem to have been a lot of information from the early days of the web that has vanished in a trail of dead links. Or perhaps simply vanished!

A lot of the current information on the GB6 available seems to be regurgitated between websites and provide clues but no real answers. I did find another source of information regarding that strange cryptic message sent to the Army.

Gulf Breeze SENTINEL, August 16, 1990.

Did mysterious note influence release of Gulf Breeze Six?

An interesting piece of the puzzle of the six army deserters who showed up in Gulf Breeze, were arrested by the FBI, were taken to Fort Benning and Fort Knox, and then were released with General Discharges, has here-to-for not been shared with the general public.

That puzzle piece came in the form of of an unsigned typewritten note presumably sent to the US Army and all the major TV networks and wire services demanding the release of "The Gulf Breeze Six."

The note was accompanied by two photographs [....circular objects in the air.... "UFOs", which I cannot reproduce.] and threatened the release of "500+ photos and plans you want back... unless they are released.." The note ended "Answer code AUGSBB3CM"

Mark Curtis at WEAR Channel 3 first shared this intriguing note with The Sentinel two days before the announcement that the Gulf Breeze Six were discharged from the Army and released.

The photos shown here [Ed. note: Well...*there* anyway.] are courtesy of Les Sinclair at WALA TV 10 and appear to be the same ones sent to WEAR.

The article concludes with an apparent photocopy of the note in question which reads, in its' entirety:


Free the Gulf Breeze Six.

We have the missing plans, the box of 500+ photos and the plans you want back.

Here is proof with close-ups cut out.

Next we send the closeups and then everything unless they are released.

Answer code AUGSBB3CM

Source :

It is unclear (at least to me) what part this played in the whole tale. Was it a hoax? Was there something more to it that has never been investigated? Or have I missed something ?

edit on 21/8/14 by mirageman because: corrections

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 06:31 PM
a reply to: mirageman

In Revelations, Jacques Vallee's take on the AUGSBB3CM code is;

The existence of the strange message raises an interesting possibility. Could it be that the deserters did not simply hold top-secret clearances, but were also cleared for CRYPTO, giving them access to critical encoded security material? Was the alphanumeric code in the signature a hint of an actual cipher demonstrating the identity or the level of the access of the sender?

And from;

One could also posit that The End of the World members left behind in Augsberg were the ones responsible for sending the threatening telex. After all, they could have had CRYPTO clearance, and they could have very well have classified information coming out of their pores, enough to have threatened graymail. Moreover, they could have conceivably had access to any scary codes that could make the Army turn tail and run. But what flies into the teeth of such a proposition is the likelihood that such a ruse wouldn’t work. After all, the military doesn’t run by the same rules as general society

And this

In other words, graymail of that type would have backfired, for Uncle Sam would hardly have taken such a threat lying down. It’s more likely that the NSA, the spy network for which the Gulf Breeze Six worked, might have sent the teletype. They would have the necessary knowledge, access and muscle to get the Army to change its mind. Furthermore, they would hardly fear reprisal. If that were true, that could only mean that the defection of the Gulf Breeze Six didn’t happen because of some whippy-dippy spiritual belief in UFOs and anti-Christs, but because they were doing the job someone ordered them to do. So that makes one wonder what they were really doing there.

I'm at work now, so no time to go into this now, but hopefully a starting point. Certainly as valid a hypothesis as any. I think Vallee is no starry-eye conspiracy theorist, and I tend to listen (and review) what he has to say.

edit on 21-8-2014 by cuckooold because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2014 @ 11:31 PM

They warned of danger to a shuttle mission, which may have saved it from exploding.

This isn't the first time that claim has appeared - it also showed up during the Valerie Ransome shenanigans with Kit Green and friends.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: 1ofthe9

This isn't the first time that claim has appeared - it also showed up during the Valerie Ransome shenanigans with Kit Green and friends.

This warning also appeared in 1964 when Gary Wilcox claimed to have encountered a couple of little guys supposedly from Mars. They warned of dangers and deaths before predicting that John Glenn, Virgil 'Gus' Grissom , Vladimir M. Komarov and another unnamed cosmonaut would perish within the year. Gus and Vladimir did, in fact die during take-offs, although the 'Martians' were out by two years.

Wilcox was interviewed by a lot of folk connected with ufology and also a Bertolt Schwarz who was one of the early regression practitioners. Wilcox' own recollections were not aided by hypnosis. It'd be very interesting to see how his memory of the event altered over the years. I've a notion that it'd be like a dream and his only certainty that it ever happened would be the newspaper stories.

Like many others from the period, he kept his mouth shut for decades.

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: cuckooold

i just checked the e-mail account i used to message ken beason, but wasn't able to check my inbox for the first few tries, blocked with weird error messages. never run into that before. but that doesn't mean anything, right guys?

anyways, no reply, and i guess i won't hold my breath for one.

vallee fingers the nsa, and in the blog kandinsky linked eariler in the thread, jaykay posits that the real gb6 mission and aftermath might have had to do with the impending gulf war.

if either of them are right, then all the aliens, witch boards and psychics are pure window dressing. that doesn't quite track for me, especially since davis is still on the loose and doing fringe radio shows and beason is writing esoteric fiction.

i mean, the nsa has never had its hands in anything to do with weird desk #, right? that we know of, anyway?

also, as 1ofthe9 points out, given the parallels between these "prophecies" and other intel-sponsored "prophecies", my money stays on a weird-related agenda rather than a run-of-the-mill espionage scenario. given how many of these guys seem to gravitate to self-published fiction later in life, it's sad that they've proven too complacent (or just plain uncreative) to change up the details.

when you decide to be a career liar, avoid establishing patterns, that's how you get caught.

edit on 22-8-2014 by ATODASO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2014 @ 12:44 PM
I was stationed with the 701st when this all went down. Worked in the same classified areas these guys worked. These people were not high ranking Intel officers, they were all E-5 and below. The general consensus was they were weird and dissatisfied with Army life. I also worked at NSA for a couple years and can say Vance has a quite the imagination. All they accomplished was make life more difficult for the ones that stayed and did their duties. If there are programs like he talks about, he wasn't nearly intelligent enough to b involved. Dude was lost in a world of d&d and his own imagination.
edit on 22-8-2014 by hellboyz because: grammar

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