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Contrails *do* influence the weather, here is proof by NASA

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posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:36 AM

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible. First two predictions successful. Third one too, but that was easy as the prediction was for no clear sky being visible!
edit on 5-7-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:37 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: MagicWand67

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck.

Sometimes it's a duck .

And you talk about insults...Classic.

This is an insult? How?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:39 AM

originally posted by: Rob48
a reply to: MagicWand67

What would be the benefit to people like me spending time and effort trying to educate people and stop them getting scammed?

The only people putting out disinformation are the chemtrail merchants. All I am doing is trying to share a bit of science.

It's the same reason I've made dozens of posts in the Apollo moon hoax thread. Trying to make even one person see through the lies they have been fed by scammers.

Thank god there are people like you out there to save us from the 'chemtrail guys' and the moon hoaxers

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:42 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:54 AM

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 02:55 AM

originally posted by: MagicWand67
a reply to: Rob48

That's very commendable of you and I would appreciate your help.

I sympathize with your struggle to educate the masses.

Can you please explain this to me, help me to understand.

Modification of cirrus clouds to reduce global warming

2.2. Delivery mechanism

Since commercial airliners routinely fly in the region where cold
cirrus clouds exist,it is hoped that the seeding material could either be

(1) dissolved or suspended in their jet fuel and later burned with the fuel to create seeding aerosol,


(2) injected into the hot engine exhaust, which should vaporize the seeding material, allowing it to condense as aerosol in the jet contrail.

The objective would not be to seed specific cloud systems but rather to build up a background concentration of aerosol seeding material so that the air masses that cirrus will form in will contain the appropriate amount of seeding material to produce larger ice crystals.

Since the residence time of seeding material might be on the order of 1–2 weeks, release rates of seeding material would need to account for this. With the delivery process already existing, this geoengineering approach may be less expensive than other proposed approaches.

And could you help me understand this.....

Toward ethical norms and institutions for climate engineering research

4. Norms for climate engineering research
Once it progresses from computer modeling and engineering research into climatic experiments, SWCE research acquires the same ethically dubious features as research on human and animal subjects. It exposes humans, animals, and ecosystems to potentially serious risks in ways that could be coercive or exploitative Note4.

Though SWCE research differs from canonical cases of ethically dubious biomedical research in that its effects on humans and animals are indirect, the potential severity of its effects merits the application of ethical norms similar to those governing biomedical studies. We suggest that SWCE research is, in this respect, similar to nuclear weapons testing, in which an experiment's indirect effects are dangerous enough to be ethically significant [27].

Scientists have developed a number of basic norms to guide research on human subjects, as well as some principles for research involving animals, which can be extended to encompass SWCE research. These basic principles are expressed in the US Government's Belmont Report [34] and in Russell and Burch's The Principles of Humane Experimental Technique [48], among other sources (see [35]).

I don't want to be a human guinea pig.

I can explain that!, some clever fellow looked up and the sky, saw all the trails and thought... hey I could spray some stuff in the air and call it 'geo-engineering' tell the BBC and then they could explain it all to the public for me. Then they would have something to tell the hoards of people who have begun asking questions... brilliant!
edit on 5-7-2014 by robbo961 because: pasted into wrong section of text...

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:03 AM

originally posted by: AnahataN

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
Let me first straight-out say I am not believing into "chemtrails" whatsoever but I just found something astonishing which I really didn't know:


This result shows the increased cirrus coverage, attributable to air traffic, could account for nearly all of the warming observed over the United States for nearly 20 years starting in 1975

The other astonishing thing is that I was proven wrong with my assumption contrails would not even show up on satellite imagery.

This enhanced infrared image from NASA's Terra satellite shows a widespread outbreak of contrails over the southeastern United States during the morning of January 29, 2004.

Obviously they do as the above image shows. There is some massive cloud coverage going on caused by contrails so the idea that those affect the weather significantly is not far off.

These are not CONTRAILS. CONTRAILS do NOT show up on satellites because by their very definition they dissipate, or DISSOLVE.


This is sheer stupidity and blatant ignorance. I am beginning to lose hope in this website

You said it. Blatant ignorance: from you.

Contrails do not "dissolve" (!) if the conditions are right. They can easily persist for hours and spread right out into cirrus clouds. I see this on a regular basis, living as I do under some of the busiest skies in Europe. And I have lived here for 37 years. It is nothing new.
edit on 5-7-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:16 AM

originally posted by: AnahataN

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
Let me first straight-out say I am not believing into "chemtrails" whatsoever but I just found something astonishing which I really didn't know:


This result shows the increased cirrus coverage, attributable to air traffic, could account for nearly all of the warming observed over the United States for nearly 20 years starting in 1975

The other astonishing thing is that I was proven wrong with my assumption contrails would not even show up on satellite imagery.

This enhanced infrared image from NASA's Terra satellite shows a widespread outbreak of contrails over the southeastern United States during the morning of January 29, 2004.

Obviously they do as the above image shows. There is some massive cloud coverage going on caused by contrails so the idea that those affect the weather significantly is not far off.

These are not CONTRAILS. CONTRAILS do NOT show up on satellites because by their very definition they dissipate, or DISSOLVE. This is purely MIS-INFORMATION BY NASA. Those ARE CHEMTRAILS in the picture, because CHEMTRAILS, caused by GEO-ENGINEERING, contain powdered metals like barium and aluminum, which do indeed show up in satellite images, and linger in the atmosphere. CONTRAILS DO NOT LINGER IN THE ATMOSPHERE.

This is sheer stupidity and blatant ignorance. I am beginning to lose hope in this website

You'll never win here, just sit back and enjoy the show. The chemtrail guard dogs will attack you in packs, blind you with pseudo science and try their best to humiliate you out of existance. They will get angry when you don't accept their 'ice crystal' explainations, call you mad or deluded and will say anything to disuade you from believing what you see with your own eyes.

it's the way of the world... sigh

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

Ha ha... ok, sorry. I got the wrong end of there. Good for you, someone actually doing something instead of just talking about it

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

Ha ha... ok, sorry. I got the wrong end of there. Good for you, someone actually doing something instead of just talking about it

The question is, will the chemtrail believers take any notice? Will you?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:37 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: AnahataN

originally posted by: NoRulesAllowed
Let me first straight-out say I am not believing into "chemtrails" whatsoever but I just found something astonishing which I really didn't know:


This result shows the increased cirrus coverage, attributable to air traffic, could account for nearly all of the warming observed over the United States for nearly 20 years starting in 1975

The other astonishing thing is that I was proven wrong with my assumption contrails would not even show up on satellite imagery.

This enhanced infrared image from NASA's Terra satellite shows a widespread outbreak of contrails over the southeastern United States during the morning of January 29, 2004.

Obviously they do as the above image shows. There is some massive cloud coverage going on caused by contrails so the idea that those affect the weather significantly is not far off.

These are not CONTRAILS. CONTRAILS do NOT show up on satellites because by their very definition they dissipate, or DISSOLVE.


This is sheer stupidity and blatant ignorance. I am beginning to lose hope in this website

You said it. Blatant ignorance: from you.

Contrails do not "dissolve" (!) if the conditions are right. They can easily persist for hours and spread right out into cirrus clouds. I see this on a regular basis, living as I do under some of the busiest skies in Europe. And I have lived here for 37 years. It is nothing new.

Yes they do. There are plenty of short trails in the sky lasting only 30 seconds, I see this on a regular basis, living as I do under busy Europe skies. I have lived here for 53 years. It is nothing new

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: robbo961

Geo Engineering... for you to enjoy

Or planes flying N/S/E/W.

Anything to back the claim, or are you just jumping on the ol' bandwagon?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:39 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

Ha ha... ok, sorry. I got the wrong end of there. Good for you, someone actually doing something instead of just talking about it

The question is, will the chemtrail believers take any notice? Will you?

Wow, you sure convinced me there. What you trying to do? win the argument with one point? sorry mate, I'm not so easily brainwashed

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:41 AM

originally posted by: tsurfer2000h
a reply to: robbo961

Geo Engineering... for you to enjoy

Or planes flying N/S/E/W.

Anything to back the claim, or are you just jumping on the ol' bandwagon?

Band wagon? what band wagon? Are you claiming there is no such thing as geo-engineering?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:44 AM

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

Ha ha... ok, sorry. I got the wrong end of there. Good for you, someone actually doing something instead of just talking about it

The question is, will the chemtrail believers take any notice? Will you?

Wow, you sure convinced me there. What you trying to do? win the argument with one point? sorry mate, I'm not so easily brainwashed

I thought you said "good for me" for actually doing something about it?

It's not "one point". I'm planning to run that experiment for long enough to get useful and repeatable data.

Yes they do. There are plenty of short trails in the sky lasting only 30 seconds,

Yes, I have taken lots of photos of them. There are also, when conditions are right, trails that stretch from horizon to horizon and persist for a long time.

That was at least 20 minutes old. I tracked the flight that made it. What, is that a "chemtrail"?
edit on 5-7-2014 by Rob48 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:47 AM
a reply to: robbo961

Yes they do. There are plenty of short trails in the sky lasting only 30 seconds, I see this on a regular basis, living as I do under busy Europe skies. I have lived here for 53 years. It is nothing new

And there are also those trails that can last for hours when conditions are right, and that is nothing new as it has been happening since the early 1900's.

If conditions are right, newly formed contrails will begin feeding off surrounding water vapor. Like vaporous cancers, they start growing and spreading. In time, they can expand horizontally to such an extent that they become indistinguishable from cirrus clouds, those thin, diaphanous sheets often seen way up high. These artificial cirrus clouds can last for many hours, and the amount of sky they end up covering can be astonishing. One study showed that contrails from just six aircraft expanded to shroud some 7,700 square miles.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:50 AM
a reply to: robbo961

Band wagon? what band wagon? Are you claiming there is no such thing as geo-engineering?

Well you are equating geo engineering with the white lines in the sky aka contrails when that is a fallacy.

I never said geoengineering isn't a thing, it just isn't the thing you think it is.

Now with that said do you have any evidence that backs your claim this is geoengineering?

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 03:54 AM
a reply to: robbo961

This is an insult? How?

If I have to explain it then you don't understand the context of the comment.

And calling people shills or trolls would commonly be considered an insult, unless of course one is actually either of the two.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 04:00 AM

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: Rob48

originally posted by: robbo961

originally posted by: mrthumpy

originally posted by: MALBOSIA
I was trying to remember that last pure blue sky I have seen. You know that super deep and vibrant blue? It must have been years. Every day there is a haze below the clouds. Every day.

Any blue in particular?

Err.. he said "super deep vibrant blue", you know... that deep sky kind of blue untainted by clouds and 'contrails'

What, like this?

Taken in London this last week, on a day that the atmospheric soundings stated would not support contrail formation. Funny that.

In another thread I am planning to show that it is possible with reasonable accuracy to predict when trails will and will not be visible.

Very nice... don't see many of them these days do you? What? every day is like that where you are? you must live a very happy existence

No, every day is not like that. Some days are like this:

Thing is, there's a simple reason for that.

That is the whole point of my thread:
EXPERIMENT: Can I forecast "chemtrails"?

Ha ha... ok, sorry. I got the wrong end of there. Good for you, someone actually doing something instead of just talking about it

The question is, will the chemtrail believers take any notice? Will you?

Wow, you sure convinced me there. What you trying to do? win the argument with one point? sorry mate, I'm not so easily brainwashed

I thought you said "good for me" for actually doing something about it?

It's not "one point". I'm planning to run that experiment for long enough to get useful and repeatable data.

Yes they do. There are plenty of short trails in the sky lasting only 30 seconds,

Yes, I have taken lots of photos of them. There are also, when conditions are right, trails that stretch from horizon to horizon and persist for hours.

Yes, I admire people who actually 'do something' rather than just talk about it, whether I agree with what you are doing or not. And the points you are talking about (your planning to get useful data) has not come to pass yet. You said yourself, no data yet.

When conditions are right? They seem to be consistently right. The conditions (which you refer to) seem to be the norm rather than the exception.

posted on Jul, 5 2014 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: AnahataN

These are not CONTRAILS. CONTRAILS do NOT show up on satellites because by their very definition they dissipate, or DISSOLVE.

They do when you enhance the image as NASA did to see them in this picture.

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