originally posted by: ccbears
a reply to: TrueBrit
thanks true..but some people just dont care..hell syx cant even hug me..oh well thats life..he dont really see what he is doing to me or us...this
place is all he cares about..but i think i am done with it all..it was so nice to meet every one..take care all...:'(
Hi CC!
I'm so sorry that things are a bit rough for you just now.
We've all only known you guys (and I suppose each other) on here for a few short months, but I think I can safely say that we've all become firm
friends here?
So, I hope that you don't mind too much if I offer an opinion?
The impression that I get is that Syx loves you very much.
If you look back through the pages of this thread, I'm sure that you'll find loads of his very positive comments about his CCbears!
He has also never in the time that I've known him here, said anything remotely derogatory or negative about you.
I know that may not help how you are feeling right now, but I just wanted to suggest that if he didn't love you LOTS, then that would have come
through in his postings here. It's usually pretty clear how people feel about their partners if you read between the lines of their posts, especially
over time, and it's very clear to me that he adores you.
When things get us down, and we feel helpless and alone, we tend to strike out at those closest to us.
It's a natural thing to do unfortunately, but it doesn't always help!
I don't know if you saw my thread about "The Darkness"?
I wrote it from my own personal experiences of feeling low... maybe if you don't mind taking a wee look?
It might strike a chord within you?
Here's a LINK to The DARKNESS thread.
Please take a quick look?
I will be thinking of you both, and sending my best wishes and huge hugs your way!
edit on 15-9-2014 by Gordi The Drummer because: grammar, spelling and i am an idiot