posted on Sep, 15 2014 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to:
I have been up ALL Night! I do like coffee when I wake, but seein as how I am still up. no need this morn! LOL!!!
The sun is trying to come up here. It is getting light in the sky that I can see from my windows.
I know the feeling of wanting to just be alone to write. As you stated, I am not a Pro either, but love to write!! I find my 'other' worlds can be
found at the click of some keys on my keyboard! I love it!!!
Getting "Others to understand this, would be impossible, I fear!
BUT, as long as we understand, I feel it's kool.
It is definitely NOT unhealthy!!!
It's restoring, refreshing, Healthy invigorating time spent!!!!!!!!!
Sorry I didn't reply of your partners probs as of late. I am sorry for that, for Him! Let him know I hope he gets better and all. I know he has heard
it all before, but tell him, try to take things one at a time, for a while. The anxieties may subside......
edit on 15-9-2014 by SyxPak
because: (no reason given)