a reply to:
Night Star
I am sorry if anyone was concerned about my whereabouts! I am used to just being where I am at, and not being overly concerned about informing people
of my itinerary for a given period
In the instance of yesterdays events, I was out the night before with a couple of pals, at a gathering of metalheads at a local, basement level
drinking establishment, and so I got home at about quarter to three in the morning, and subsequently awoke significantly later than normal, even for a
day off. As such, I spent more time with my local family as it were, helping make the dinner, setting the table, clearing up, all that malarkey, than
I did on the internet. We had some family unit television time as well, which is always pleasant.
If my absence caused concern I can only apologise for that, but feel that it is necessary that fellow Sheddites remember a couple of vital things
about yours truly.
First of all, I love you guys to bits, and even if I was suddenly missing a few vital organs, I would let you know if anything unsavoury was in the
offing in my life. It would not matter how bad things were, I would be sure to let you know if my status was becoming untenable within the normal
parameters of my life. No force on Earth, not bullets, blades or bubonic plague could prevent me from doing so. I am one tenacious, hairy, ornery
bastard when I want to be.
Second, I am unused, and may never become used, to the idea of letting people know where I am, or going to be, at any given time. I have great love
and appreciation for the comradeship of every single last one of you, and you ought to know that by now
. However, I am also a being of spontaneity,
chaotic of mind as often as I am capable of staggering logical cogitation. I am used to wandering free, without warning or permission, moving unseen
through the world like a ghost of a shadow. Hell, members of my household can barely tell when I am home, so soft is the fall of my feet about the
home. If I am not around on a given day, or for a certain amount of time, you need not worry over much, and I would bid you not take it at all
In summary, whether I am hanging out with my local family, or out at a friends place, or just plain old knackered and sleeping in, if I am not
around, just trust that I will return. Its as certain as the rising of the Sun.