Gordi rose to his feet...
"So, we are all agreed? We will help the wizard to escape!"
He looked around the group, and one by one they all nodded and smiled approval of the plan.
So, he gathered all of the stones together and watched them start to glow...
"Bring forth the wizard"...
The wizard could smell the roasting hog, and was pleasantly surprised to be invited outside.
At first he simply presumed that he was being asked to dinner...
but he knew instinctively that it must be something more, when he saw that everyone in the group was standing - staring at him as he approached
"Please sit down" announced Gordi,
"we have something to... show you"
Everyone sat around the roaring fire, and after a suitably dramatic pause! Gordi produced the beautiful glowing Dragonstone Set from below his cloak,
leaned forward and sat it in front of the bemused wizard.
"We thought that you might be able to find a use for this?" he smiled.
The wizard looked confused, disbelieving of the fantastic shimmering object that sat before him.
He reached out a trembling hand to touch it, and a tear fell from his cheek... could this be... real?
"Whaat... I... don't.. how did... you....??" The words fell away like autumn leaves on a stiff evening breeze.
His fingers came to rest on the Dragons head, and the glowing intensified, sparkled and changed colour from blues to yellows and gold.
The wizard wept, his whole body shaking now. He looked up at Gordi, then glanced around the rest of the party - each one smiling broadly at him.
It was almost too much to take in, he had long ago resigned himself to his fate here, and had become so bitter and cold of heart that he had almost
forgotten what kindness was.
But now his very soul soared skywards and he felt his heart glowing as bright as the beautiful Dragonstone Set which had just been placed before
"I, I don't understand" he finally managed to stammer,
"How could you have known? and Why would you help me after all I've done??"
"Never mind all that old chap, sit with us, gather yourself, enjoy a good hearty dinner and then say goodbye to this place forever.... you're going