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Benghazi: The American People Want The Truth

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posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:02 PM

originally posted by: gusdynamite
I am begging somebody to explain to me why this is all so relevant to Americans now, when it was barely a blip on the news radar for them when it happened two and a half years ago.

Perhaps when the WH is sitting on evidence that can prove one way or another? Has any one here heard about the third email that the top WH staff have been holding all this time? I feel it could prove farce vs. impeachable offense.

Has anyone here even heard about the second email yet? Congress was not allowed to release it until now. If you saw this email that same day, you would have been scratching your head at Rice on those Sundays.

Has anyone even watched this little viewed video? Everytime I post it somehow the sites get slammed with hundreds of posts in less than 5 minutes. Then no one sees this. Conspiracy? Dunno... But how can I get the word out if it keeps getting buried?

This video was posted to Youtube Sept 18, 2012 Even I had 100% proof there was no demonstration, and I ain't a gov official.

And I am posting this to remind you of their elaborate cover-up. This video made me want to puke.

edit on 6-5-2014 by elouina because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:03 PM

originally posted by: theantediluvian
a reply to: rickynews

I see you didn't read the report. The CIA was found to be behind the talking points attributing the attack to protesters. This wasn't a far fetched assumption considering that there were 30+ large protests/riots ongoing around the world, including Benghazi, over the video Innocence of Muslims.

The assertion that the attack was carried out by protesters was dropped within a couple of weeks as details emerged.

I'm guessing you have not seen the latest Email obtained by the investigators. Google it up. From day 1 the White House was setting the false narrative. How were they so sure so fast ?? Now that it comes out they use the excuse of "we were just going with the facts we had" clearly the facts were vetted.

Bottom line is you just say you "Don't know yet" / "investigation still ongoing" etc. Until you know... Don't make up some bullcrap to the American people. To the families.

To the Australian guy calling BS on people and the other foreigner guy saying Americans don't want the truth.. You don't know anything about Americans, your views are delusional. What know is what you read about or seen on TV. You learn from the same biased media that is showing a clear dereliction of duty to the American people.

Maybe you know some Americans maybe you visited here seen a city or two but you don't know crap about the back bone of this country. The silent majority the people with their nose so hard to the grindstone we don't get into all the everyday BS we don't twitter or frequent blogs. We work.

The head of Target was let go/quit today because of the credit breach.. How much did he know about computer security? Don't matter he was the one in charge..

Hillary was the head of the state dept.. Which is in charge of the safety of our officials abroad.. Requests were made for more security.... Add it up.

But just like Hillary said "What difference does it make"

Just wanted to add it was not a "Blip" on the radar as some has claimed. Your perception just shows how bad American media coverage of it is.. Just like Nancy said the other day "why aren't we talking about something else?”. That's all they want and have wanted from day one.. just make it go away..

Know who else wanted their scandals to just go away Nixon and Clinton (Bill) .. And I don't think what Bill done was impeachable.. But they lying part was..

edit on 6-5-2014 by WhereAreTheGoodguys because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-5-2014 by WhereAreTheGoodguys because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: elouina

None of the rest of the world needed it then to know something was up, why did the majority of now upset Americans require the go ahead from the 'White House' to feel this way? Why weren't they all up in arms back then?

I know things aren't good there for much of the society, but are they all so tired that they need this sort of prompt?

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:16 PM
a reply to: rickynews

I have bigger fish to fry. But I can see how a racist conservative might not.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:23 PM
a reply to: rickynews

What haven't you heard? Obama was in a debate practice session. He was never in the situation room at any time.

posted on May, 6 2014 @ 09:26 PM
a reply to: Flatfish

I did not want to quote the whole post. So I just wanted to say this reply is for the post with All the past attacks on Embassy's

You are comparing the same situations.. you along with the left leaning media .. But what they don't say in a propaganda piece like this is .. All these attacks had someone claim responsibility or we investigated and did not make up some utter BS months before an election.. Don't you get it ? How hard is that.

You do understand the American people did not want anything do with Libya. No boots on the ground my ass.

edit on 6-5-2014 by WhereAreTheGoodguys because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 01:20 AM
a reply to: Flatfish

On this story? I flat don't accept anything as what it seems, out of MSM. Too much muddy water under the bridge already, and much of it, very intentional.

I'm also....not...focused...on....that...night. Others are. Some are scope locked on it. That night was the LAST EVENT in a chain of bad decisions and exceptionally poor judgement which left over two dozen people to die at an American Mission. Not acceptable. Absolutely.....NEVER acceptable.

The fact MOST lived was by the initiative shown by former Seals at the CIA Annex...who died for their trouble, later that night. It sure wasn't by planning for security needs or even doing basic due diligence, as I believe this material shows in an objective way.

Now, I'm not typing ALL my notes on this. Folks can spend a couple hours of their own time reading, if they really want to know what happened here. This is absolutely one of those stories, in my opinion, that requires we each put the extra time in just to get to the starting point for confidence in anything for information.

The following is a partial list of my index notes to the 121 page document dump made by Issa's committee in October of 2012. It covers a large segment of what happened between early 2011 and the day the chain of stupid, or negligent, resulted in what one might expect it would.

  • Page 2. - Rationale and Reasons to extend Mission presence to end of 2012
  • Page 3. - Discussion of $70,0000/Month lease of compound properties By State Dept.
  • Page 5. > 8 - Emails asking for and bickering over additional security (Feb 2012)
  • Page 23. - Criminals have crew served weapons, RPGs and Armored Vehicles
  • Page 36. > 37 - "The Guns Of August" cable warning about instability and security situation (Aug 2012)
  • Page 46. - Security Requested (March 2012)
  • Page 49. - Security Requested (July 2012)
  • Page 52. - Security Requested - Protection Detail (Aug 2012)
  • Page 74. > Page 116 - "Security Incidents since June 2011" (July 2012)
  • Page 95. - 2 US Hired Contractors arrested for throwing an IED over wall in attack
  • Page 110. - June 6, 2012 IED Attack on Mission / Credit by "The Imprisoned Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman Brigades"
  • Page 111. - RPG attack against United Kingdom Ambassador / Britain leaves shortly after (June 2012)
  • Page 119. - Local media reports of U.S. Drones actively bombing in East Libya
Source: US House Documents on Benghazi 10-19-2012

The photos aren't of any gore which may have happened that night. (although the empty vehicle with a bloody interior is there) They do show the compound in some detail before that last day and how wide open it was to common criminals, let alone any organized effort to attack them. They also show the damage from the IED attack and the truck the attacker casually drove off in.

It's criminal negligence at best, I believe they haven't taken it nearly far enough to insure it doesn't happen again, and the documents indexed and linked above, combined with the photos below form a picture of what came prior to the attack on Sept 11 2012, that made that night the inevitable outcome of a chain of events. I don't know what attracted the attack..and SOMETHING major sure did, IMO. However, they were almost asking for something terrible to happen, by the total disregard for security. (Basic security standards for a United States overseas Mission are covered on Pages 59-66, by the way).

US House Photos on Benghazi

I hope this is all helpful in evaluating what the MSM is handing out for people to take as an absolute truth of what occurred out there. I don't think I have all the answers by any stretch, but there absolutely are many questions yet to be asked and that need to be.

*** The above are PDF files. They are BIG and are stored on the server, in terms of reliability and sourcing as far up the chain as sourcing can go on this.
edit on 7-5-2014 by Wrabbit2000 because: corrected name

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 03:18 AM
a reply to: BobAthome

Now I did not know that. Why should I care what his sexual preference is? Now you get what rape really is.

By Rock Star mentality I meant, believing he was special and protected.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 07:56 AM
I found the following Article on-line this morning - April 7, 2014. It is written by United States Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), and it provides his insights as to former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's testimony before the United States Senate Hearings on the Benghazi, Libya terrorist attacks at the U.S. Embassy-Consulate.

Fifteen months ago, I asked then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton why she hadn't simply picked up the phone and talked to the Benghazi survivors to find out what had actually happened. Instead of being straightforward, she deflected this uncomfortable question with a now-infamous question of her own: "What difference, at this point, does it make?"

The answer to that question and the motive behind this administration's lies and coverup are finally becoming quite clear. The belated release of a Sept. 14, 2012, talking points email from deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes proves that senior White House officials were fully engaged in directing the coverup and perpetuating the lies.

According to the Rhodes email, the goal of the administration's Benghazi spin was "to underscore that these protests are rooted in an Internet video, and not a broader failure of policy." This was in spite of the fact that within hours of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack, the administration knew — or certainly should have known — there was no protest.

So why did the administration lie to America?

Because the truth would have damaged President Barack Obama's re-election chances and further revealed Clinton's dereliction of duty that contributed to the unnecessary deaths of four brave Americans. She fully understood her culpability in the Benghazi tragedy, which is why she reacted so testily to my reasonable line of questioning.

The outrages surrounding the Benghazi attack involve administration action, or lack of action, before, during and after the attack.

The greatest outrages occurred before the attack. The State Department not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security but instead actually reduced security in Libya. Although no one can say with certainty, I firmly believe a relatively small contingent of armed military guards would have prevented the attack, and those four lives would not have been lost.

The outrageous act of omission during the attack was that no additional defensive or offensive military assets were immediately dispatched to help the endangered personnel in Benghazi. Although it is true that no intervention to save the lives of Ambassador Christopher Stevens or diplomat Sean Smith was possible, I do not believe the same can be said with certainty concerning U.S. personnel Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty, who also were killed that night.

No one could know with certainty that the survivors would be able to get to the airport and be safely evacuated within 12 hours. What if they had encountered resistance en route to the airport? There were military assets in Croatia that could have arrived within the 12-hour window it took the survivors to reach safety. Didn't the administration feel obligated to deploy every asset available until the moment the survivors were safe?

Finally, there are the outrageous lies and coverups after the attack. There were many, but I want to concentrate on one: Clinton's comments to Woods' father at the moment she should have been demonstrating only genuine compassion.

Imagine yourself in her role, honoring the remains of four brave Americans who had given their lives for their country. Would you have taken that moment to offer sincere condolences and to grieve with the families? Or would you have seized the opportunity to plant and perpetuate the coverup of your dereliction of duty?

In the words of Woods' father, Clinton did the latter: "Hillary Clinton came up to me and I gave her a handshake and a hug, and when I shook her hand, she said to me, 'We are going to have the filmmaker arrested.' Even at that time, she was trying to place a spin on what happened."

What difference does it make? I'll let my fellow Americans judge for themselves.

Ron Johnson, a Republican, is the senior U.S. senator for Wisconsin.

edit on 7-5-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:21 AM
MORE TRUTH ABOUT BENGHAZI STARTING TO COME OUT....And the Heat is assuredly being turned up high on former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

Fox News report here, and video link at the end of the report:

Obama Administration Withholding Full Contents of Emails over Fox News Benghazi report"

The Obama administration is withholding the full contents of a "media strategy" discussion over a Fox News report on Benghazi, claiming that releasing them would have a chilling effect on their "frank deliberations."
The seven-page email chain was in reference to a Fox News report on Sept. 27, 2012, that the intelligence community knew within 24 hours that Benghazi was a terrorist attack.
The emails, with the subject line "Fox News: US officials knew Libya attack was terrorism within 24 hours, sources confirm,” was circulated at senior levels of the administration. Denis McDonough, the president's deputy national security adviser during Benghazi; John Brennan, the former White House counterterrorism adviser; and presidential communications adviser Ben Rhodes, whose Sept.14 email linked the anti-Islam video to Benghazi, were all part of the discussion.
"A seven-page dialogue concerning one Fox News report to me demonstrates an alarm bell situation where they are reacting to and trying to shape a response," senior Judicial Watch investigator Chris Farrell told Fox News. “There was a contrarian news report that didn't align with their position and they were clearly reacting to it in a way that would help reinforce their position."
While originally designated "SENSITIVE BUT UNCLASSIFIED," Justice Department lawyers told a federal court May 1 that the State Department rightfully withheld "...comments, opinions and assessments related to the formulation of a media strategy with respect to an ongoing sensitive matter....The release of this information could reasonably be expected to chill the frank deliberations that occur when State Department and other U.S. government officials are formulating public responses to address sensitive issues."
Two days after the emails, a spokesman for the nation's intelligence chief, the director of national intelligence, released a lengthy statement explaining the evolution in the intelligence community’s thinking from the assault being a spontaneous attack to it being pre-meditated terrorism.
The statement does not mention a video originally cited by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice as being behind the attack. It also does not, on its face, constitute the "media strategy" that was the subject of the seven-page email chain.
An DNI spokesman told Fox he could not comment on what may or may not be in the redacted emails.
When previously asked about the Sept. 28, 2012 release, the DNI spokesman said the suggestion to “develop the statement came from within the intelligence community.”

Article and video link here:
edit on 7-5-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:25 AM

originally posted by: BlueMule
a reply to: rickynews

I have bigger fish to fry. But I can see how a racist conservative might not.

It is completely inappropriate and unacceptable for you in any way whatsoever, to either insinuate or suggest that I am a racist, as I am not, and I never have been, and I never will be.

Whether someone is red or yellow, black or white, We Are All Precious in God's sight, and He loves all His children in the world...and so do I.
edit on 7-5-2014 by rickynews because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 08:53 AM

originally posted by: gusdynamite
I'll lay out a fact for you, mate. This happened two and a half years ago and until now America wasn't going ape sh*t over it.

actually, happened less than two years ago.

and while it may not have been front page news again, until recently, it's still been on other people's minds, and it's still been in the's just been buried by all the other actual distractions..

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000

it's funny you should make these points...i made a similar post in another benghazi thread

not saying you copied me, just pointing out we seem to think alike..

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: Wrabbit2000


i never read he had been raped....

i heard he died from smoke inhalation...and i heard that some of the people who breached the compound, weren't with the militants, and tried to save the guy...took him to the hospital..

never read anything about rape, or being paraded around, or dragged through the streets....

i wonder where that information's coming from..

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:16 AM
a reply to: Flatfish

in your haste to compose a snappy and crushing comeback, you missed the operative part of the, allow me to show you..

"the loss of a full rank Ambassador and the whole facility is ALMOST unprecedented."

he didn't say the fact that the embassy was attacked was almost unprecedented, he said that the loss of a full rank ambassador, and the whole facility is almost unprecedented...and he's right...

the last time the U.S. lost an ambassador, before benghazi was 1979...and i can't even remember the last time an embassy was overrun by hostiles, and completely destroyed...
edit on 7-5-2014 by Daedalus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:16 AM

originally posted by: Daedalus

originally posted by: gusdynamite
I'll lay out a fact for you, mate. This happened two and a half years ago and until now America wasn't going ape sh*t over it.

actually, happened less than two years ago.

and while it may not have been front page news again, until recently, it's still been on other people's minds, and it's still been in the's just been buried by all the other actual distractions..

Good grief - you're absolutely right! This is still just a garden variety distraction, though and I'm not very convinced that Americans were all batsht crazy that it happened until recently.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:18 AM

originally posted by: Daedalus
a reply to: Wrabbit2000


i never read he had been raped....

i heard he died from smoke inhalation...and i heard that some of the people who breached the compound, weren't with the militants, and tried to save the guy...took him to the hospital..

never read anything about rape, or being paraded around, or dragged through the streets....

i wonder where that information's coming from..

Even the left-wingers at Snopes call it 'undetermined' whether he was raped or not.
Here is a link to the page at Snopes about it.
There are various videos and stories about it, but some of them conclude that he was raped and mutilated. One story purportedly from a relative of the deceased.
One thing is known. A post mortem examination was done... but no results released.

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:31 AM

originally posted by: gusdynamite
Good grief - you're absolutely right! This is still just a garden variety distraction, though and I'm not very convinced that Americans were all batsht crazy that it happened until recently.

lol, what's absolutely astounding to me(moreso than your error) is that you said "two and a half years ago" SEVERAL times, and NOBODY ELSE caught it....kinda makes ya' laugh a little, don't it?

anyway, naw, ALL americans aren't flipping out over it..hell, most probably don't even care, because it doesn't have anything to do with the kardashians, or miley cyrus, or honey boo-boo, or whatever the f**k it is people watch these days...they're too busy being distracted with all that crap, in addition to whatever other major crap happens on a daily basis...

yeah, there's probably a political motivation behind it's recent resurgence in the media, but that doesn't make the event, or the issues surrounding it any less relevant, or important...

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: butcherguy
One thing is known. A post mortem examination was done... but no results released.

because it probably wouldn't have supported the hate-filled "brown people are the motherf**king devil" narrative that was all the rage at the time...

posted on May, 7 2014 @ 09:33 AM

edit on 7-5-2014 by Daedalus because: (no reason given)

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