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There is NO SUCH THING As a Dissapearing Plane in the 21st Century.

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posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:22 AM

originally posted by: GeminiSky
a reply to: Aliensun

Ofcourse that service isn't exact...what I am stating here is that even if a plane simply vanishes into another dimension, there should still be DATA that shows the EXACT location of the disappearance. The airplane is tracked by a variety of methods simultaneously i believe..

my thoughts exactly!!!

it's just another misdirection to something bigger than the sunken ferry...

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:27 AM

originally posted by: Komodo

originally posted by: GeminiSky
a reply to: Aliensun

Ofcourse that service isn't exact...what I am stating here is that even if a plane simply vanishes into another dimension, there should still be DATA that shows the EXACT location of the disappearance. The airplane is tracked by a variety of methods simultaneously i believe..

my thoughts exactly!!!

it's just another misdirection to something bigger than the sunken ferry...

Is the ferry related? I thought this was a misdirection to take our minds off of Russia and Ukraine...


posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:31 AM
Now that is something that I can get behind. The answer is that someone with the resources to do it made it disappear. And if they had the resources to do that, they had a reason for it - and I don't think that reason was just sinking the plane into the Indian Ocean.

Thank you for thinking critically, the people who do so are dangerously low.
edit on 27amSun, 27 Apr 2014 03:31:53 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

edit on 27amSun, 27 Apr 2014 03:32:20 -0500kbamkAmerica/Chicago by darkbake because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: darkbake
Now that is something that I can get behind. The answer is that someone with the resources to do it made it disappear. And if they had the resources to do that, they had a reason for it - and I don't think that reason was just sinking the plane into the Indian Ocean.

There has to be a bigger reason...perhaps one that isnt immediately obvious....


posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:33 AM
a reply to: GeminiSky

I think that someone was either testing their ability to make a plane go off radar for a future operation, or they wanted to have an airplane for later use. My mom thinks that the later operation could involve a nuke.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:33 AM
Ok so...

1. As far as science goes planes cannot vanish.

2. If the plane had crashed at the point of signal loss, then the data they have can be traced up to that location. So far they found nothing.

3. Highly unlikely the signals was turned off in mid flight, unless there is some EMP blast. However, the final outcome will still be that you have a traceable plane the same as #2.

4. It was an inside job and the plane was altered prior to flight and brought to a hidden location for reasons unknown.

There can only be one logical answer.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 03:34 AM

originally posted by: darkbake
a reply to: GeminiSky

I think that someone was either testing their ability to make a plane go off radar for a future operation, or they wanted to have an airplane for later use. My mom thinks that the later operation could involve a nuke.

Perhaps they were gauging our ability to swallow BS hook line and sinker...


posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:26 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

Yep, at the bottom of the Ocean???????

Check out the capabilities of HMS Tireless that has been in the area ........ Pings lol, dont make me laugh.

Deluded or Forrest Gump alike

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: DeadSeraph

as a hint,

Just before SSN 781 leaves port HMS Tireless can pick up the sounds of the skipper taking a dump ..... Pings???? lol recordings or it didn't happen

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:41 AM
Wanted to leave this here for anyone willing to venture beyond MSM and theories.

Perhaps it's true, perhaps it's not. You be the judge.

May the conversation continue.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:48 AM

originally posted by: GeminiSky

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: GeminiSky

No it wouldn't necessarily. In this case it want sending any data back, it was only the keep alive signal to the satellite, but to send location back it has to be connected to GPS, which not all airlines do.

So the engine was sending ALL telemetry data back to rolls royce...but was not sending the gps location? Is this correct?

No - it wasn't sending anything at all.

What it was doing was "handshaking" with the satellite - establishing that it had or could have a link - no position or flight information was passed at all.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 04:49 AM

originally posted by: sean
Ok so...

1. As far as science goes planes cannot vanish.

2. If the plane had crashed at the point of signal loss, then the data they have can be traced up to that location. So far they found nothing.

3. Highly unlikely the signals was turned off in mid flight, unless there is some EMP blast. However, the final outcome will still be that you have a traceable plane the same as #2.

4. It was an inside job and the plane was altered prior to flight and brought to a hidden location for reasons unknown.

There can only be one logical answer.

Indeed - there were no signals and this BS on ATS is a bunch of people inventing stuff they know nothing about.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:10 AM

originally posted by: GeminiSky
a reply to: F4guy

Please show the source stating that the option was not ordered by the airline. Also I would like to know how air traffic control is able to track airplanes WORLDWIDE. Thanks.

Second paragraph of ATC tracks 2 ways. If the aircraft is in an ATC radar environment, the radar return plus encoded data works. Out of radar range there are mandatory reporting points where a position report giving the time over the "fix", aircraft ID, altitude, name and ETA of the next reporting point, and the name of thereporting point after that is given. And there is no one worldwide ATC. For example, on a flight from our base in Florida to Paris, we would talk to, and be tracked, one way orthe other, by Miami Air Route Traffic Control Cener (Miami Center), Jacksonville Center, various sectors of Atlantic Control, and then various European sectors, then finally Charles DeGaulle Approach Control. Because theNorth Atlantic airspace is so busy, there is an established track system where various "tracks" with discrete mandatory reporting points are set.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: NickK3

About those pings... I never though of myself as a real conspiracy type, but it is interesting that just before the time the batteries would theoretically go dead, they found a ping... no wait, if you remember correctly they found 2 sets of pings 300 nautical miles apart, although that news died quickly - and so did the batteries.

One set of pings was the chinese ship detecting itself ! (oh dear screw up the main cause of the vast majority of so called conspiracies). Tht's why that news thread went dead. As for the second set :

First, old batteries don't generally die right on schedule, you get a few days variance at least. It just seems like someone decided to find the pings right before the batteries went dead so we could say it definitely crashed, but we won't be able to find it. - very convenient.

Well actually those batteries did last longer than the "guaranteed" lifespan. But if you wish to ignore that fact all I can do is remind others reads to go and research history.... Why bother with the charade of having the batteries die? Is that so they don't have to search and thus not find a non missing whatever!!!! Surely they could svae us a lot of bother and not have any pings in the first place! Is much more plausible and far far easier and much less prone to error......if you want a cover-up that is. Unless you are implying that TPTB are dumb....

And at about the 2 sets of pings that were found 300 nautical miles apart , It's like someone gave an order to find them and wasn't clear as to "who" was to reportedly find them. 2 reports of finding them was a screw-up. The first pings were then referred to as a separate "acoustic event"... too embarrassing to continue to call them pings!

Now you are starting to make things up.....

Now the pings are gone - dead batteries all around, but we "know" it's down there "somewhere".
We were just lucky I guess it all timed out so well. Another day or two and we would have never "heard a ping" and it would still be a "mystery" if it crashed or not...

I still think whatever happened was too "bad" to let anyone find out, and they think this is the best way out...

That's your opinion and many people have opinions that are wrong.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 05:54 AM

originally posted by: GeminiSky
Oh my how many angry replies here....And yet again shoveling the official MSM explanation....will you guys ever stop? Why even come to a conspiracy website if you dont want to read conspiracy theories?

Such behavior is very telling...why exactly are you on this thread? What are your reasons for repeating the same things we hear on CNN over and over on this forum? (you know who you are)


There we go. We don't agree with your conspiracy so must all go away. The reason why I am on this site is two fold :

1. Historical. I joined many many years ago (different username which died when I changed my email address) and back then I believed in all sorts of stuff. I have a cupboard which is full of conspiracy books and yet over those years it has become astonishingly clear that the vast majority (not all) conspiracies and mysterious are nothing more than accidents, screw-ups and lack of knowledge of how things work by the observer.

2. Current. There are still mysteries which I am interested in. The problem here is the vast amount of BS that surrounds them by people who should really go and read a physics book!

So here we are with a malaysian plane. It is not a mystery to have a plane disappear, the mystery is why or how. You do not have to go down the path of some massive global TPTB illuminati nonsense for a genuine mystery. You have to include the MSM, Obama, EU rants in order to "create" a per usual!!

NOTHING solid in the history of mankind has ever surfaced that backs up anybody's claim at anytime in history that there is a some mysterious worldwide global conspiracy that stretches out over generations down some illuminati type cabal. We know of government cover-ups to for ass-covering and military purposes and these do surface, often embarrasingly so after 30 year rules have expired! The vast majority of everything ever mysterious or odd is nothing more than screw-ups, ass-covering, illegal acts or ignorance by the observer/reporter.

So where does this leave us with this plane :

1. The malaysian authorites were cagey, that's obvious, but why? Is at
a - ass-covering in that they knew they had screwed up
b - illegal acts, they know what is on the plane and don't want to admit it
2. The behaviour of the pilots beforehand was odd. The simulator, the destroyed files etc.
3. The timing of the change of direction of the plane at the exact moment a handover is done between two adjacent air traffic control areas. This is my alarm bell. This to me suggests the pilots purposely performed this act in order to add confusion. They knew this would buy them enough time to get the plane way way off course before either traffic control region realised there was a "missing plane".

There is enough odd things there for a conspiracy, if you like, and thus have something to discuss here on ATS without having to resort to the tin foil hat stuff.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 06:04 AM
a reply to: GeminiSky

I hear you friend! Makes you wonder why the western governments of the world collectively spend trillions of dollars on human tracking technology when they can't even find a massive commercial airliner full of talented military engineers when they need to. Someone's either lying to us about the missing plane, or there's a massive conspiracy involving the true capabilities of modern technology. Which is more likely?

And which has worse implications?

edit on 27/4/2014 by TheAnarchist because: ~

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 06:12 AM
What ever happend to those ELT's....???

However, the missing plane was carrying four emergency locater transmitters (ELTs) which transmit the aircraft's location to an emergency satellite in case of a crash or contact with water, the CNN reported.

Ok, so....what happend to those bad boys?

Experts are puzzled over why the ELTs did not activate, and if they did, why the satellite had failed to pick up their signals.

Ah-ha...they don't know!

May I make a suggestion...

Given that they are supposed to go off in the event of a crash/hitting water, that common sense would dictate the plane never crashed nor hit water, thus the plane must have landed.

Sure there is always equipment failure, but at this point one has to ask itself what would would good old Occam say?
edit on 27-4-2014 by solargeddon because: sticky keys

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 06:26 AM
a reply to: GeminiSky

It wouldn't surprise me if someone's government shot that plane down and they are simply covering up their mistake. I find it ridiculously stupid that they have still not found this plane especially with all the chest puffing when it comes to our state of the art technology. I think this particular case is only a mystery to the public.

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: GeminiSky

Sorry to burst your Bubble OP, but in reality no country has such capabilities. Its all propaganda. No, our skies are not 100
% shielded, no we cannot detect a matchbox coming into the atmosphere... Its all propaganda, the crude reality is that no country can cover 100% of their air, land and see territory, its impossible

posted on Apr, 27 2014 @ 06:55 AM
I had the same thought as the OP as well when I first heard it.

Newspapers and TV channels have to pay a news agency, because they can't have reporters all over the world. That's why both the TV and the newspapers often have the same non relevant stories about social issues etc on the same day.
Heard there'd only be 2 large news agencies world wide, checked them up, both owned by the main bank owners aka investors who exponentially increased their money since their ancestors created the money system and conquered the planet.

Never trust the news, but perhaps use a thought to reverse engineer the minds and plans of those who were ordered to create it and those behind them.

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