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There is NO SUCH THING As a Dissapearing Plane in the 21st Century.

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posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:38 PM

originally posted by: Danbones

originally posted by: projectbane
a reply to: GeminiSky

First off ....It's hard for me to take a thread seriously when the title has a MASSIVE glaring spelling mistake

*disappearing - for later use!! Plus you call yourself "handsome yet evil genius"

Of course a plane can disappear..... otherwise where is flight MH370??

It has disappeared....not meaning it can not be found! IT will be found most likely but currently the plane disappeared!

i have been told directly by a super mod that spell NAZIs are to be disregarded as no knows here at ATS

Funny, I have always practiced this rule. If something is misspelled, BUT YOU STILL UNDERSTAND THE MESSAGE...then why comment on it at all? Some people cannot put together a genuine argument, so they attack the OP on a spelling mistake. Such cunning tactics. But yes I have always disregarded such posters.


posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:41 PM
a reply to: GeminiSky

Oh wow my apologies, I am very very sorry for such incompetent spelling. Please do share your opinion on where the plane is I would be very interested to know if it carshed shomvere or if the passingars are still alvie?

It's quite ok, no need to apologize, relax as it is all good.

My opinion on where the plane has disappeared too. Ummmm could be anywhere. But for now it has disappeared. You title said a plane can NOT dissapear in the 21st century etc etc.

BUT you have been proven wrong. As MH370 HAS so far disappeared.

cease to be visible.

So let me ask you:

1) IS the plane visible?
2) Does anyone so far know where it is?
3) Has it been located?

edit on 26-4-2014 by projectbane because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: skunkape23
a reply to: GeminiSky

With modern tracking technology, either someone, somewhere, knows where this plane is and are telling us lies, or, they don't. In the latter case, they are incompetent at tracking millions of dollars worth of equipment.

one has to wonder
there are multiple layers of tracking ability, from boings unit trackers to various national defense
how can they all produce null returns?

oh yes: david copperfield

edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago10 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago56 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:47 PM

originally posted by: Danbones

originally posted by: skunkape23
a reply to: GeminiSky

With modern tracking technology, either someone, somewhere, knows where this plane is and are telling us lies, or, they don't. In the latter case, they are incompetent at tracking millions of dollars worth of equipment.

one has to wonder
there are multiple layers of tracking, how can they all produce null returns?

My point exactly there are MULTIPLE LAYERS of tracking....

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:48 PM

originally posted by: projectbane
a reply to: GeminiSky

Oh wow my apologies, I am very very sorry for such incompetent spelling. Please do share your opinion on where the plane is I would be very interested to know if it carshed shomvere or if the passingars are still alvie?

It's quite ok, no need to apologize, relax as it is all good.

My opinion on where the plane has disappeared too. Ummmm could be anywhere. But for now it has disappeared. You title said a plane can NOT dissapear in the 21st century etc etc.

BUT you have been proven wrong. As MH370 HAS so far disappeared.

cease to be visible.

So let me ask you:

1) IS the plane visible?
2) Does anyone so far know where it is?
3) Has it been located?

I would like to apologize again for my sarcasm being too subtle for you to detect.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:52 PM
a reply to: Danbones

Regardless, radar is radar is radar. All radar, except OTH-B systems are limited by the horizon, which is roughly 250 miles. International flights are now tracked by ADS transponders. No transponder, no tracking once it's over the horizon.

OTH-B systems are huge and expensive. There are very few of them in use. They require two antennas, separated by as much as half a mile, one of which can be 900 feet long or more.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:55 PM
if one is looking for a correct answer one has to ask the correct questions
who could keep the certain tracking information of multiple national and corporate entities secret from the Peeps?
how is it possible to defeat all the certain tracking capabilities
who has the motive?
who has the ability?

if this is a scam, who doesn't mind slaughtering a plane load of peeps like it was nothing
edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago47 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: Zaphod58
i found this link which is a good summery of your position

How do you track a plane?
( you got your sme designation honestly lol)
what about the higher level national defense systems, and the undersea anti sub grid etc, not normally considered in normal air traffic control, and boeing parts trackers?

edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago39 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

and by logic if the plane didn't go down way out at sea, then the plane did not cross into a contry's ADIZ or into any country's radar or we are not being told they did
edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago56 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

edit on Satpm4b20144America/Chicago30 by Danbones because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: GeminiSky

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: GeminiSky

Indeed, GeminiSky.

Which brings us to the real meat of the situation: where the hell is it? Where the hell are all those people.

It seems foolish to think that, as stayed in your OP, that with modern tracking tech (the extent of which I can only assume remains classified) we can lose track of something as large as a plane.

Am I the only one who feels that the sunken ferry had something to do with the airliner??

I want to know what the connection is between the ferry sinking and the missing MH370? Are you implying that MH370 crashed in the area where the ferry sank? Thereby giving cover to secret recovery efforts of the black boxes which may contain the secret conversation between the pilots and air traffic controllers? I like that theory...

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:14 PM
a reply to: Danbones

Satellites cover high interest areas, not so much this area. It's largely a matter of luck to catch a plane in flight.

Unlike the Atlantic, the Pacific and Indian ocean doesn't have a SOSUS type system to listen for subs and undersea contacts.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:15 PM

originally posted by: Mikeultra

originally posted by: GeminiSky

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: GeminiSky

Indeed, GeminiSky.

Which brings us to the real meat of the situation: where the hell is it? Where the hell are all those people.

It seems foolish to think that, as stayed in your OP, that with modern tracking tech (the extent of which I can only assume remains classified) we can lose track of something as large as a plane.

Am I the only one who feels that the sunken ferry had something to do with the airliner??

I want to know what the connection is between the ferry sinking and the missing MH370? Are you implying that MH370 crashed in the area where the ferry sank? Thereby giving cover to secret recovery efforts of the black boxes which may contain the secret conversation between the pilots and air traffic controllers? I like that theory...

Hmm....Seems Plausible...any other recovery efforts would have to be explained...if not for the ferry cover story....but still this is under the assumption the plane crashed...which IMO it did not...

edit on 26-4-2014 by GeminiSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:20 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58
a reply to: Danbones

Satellites cover high interest areas, not so much this area. It's largely a matter of luck to catch a plane in flight.

Unlike the Atlantic, the Pacific and Indian ocean doesn't have a SOSUS type system to listen for subs and undersea contacts.

it kind of does now
i watched CNN footage of sensor buoys being dropped out of military aircraft involved in the search, which to me indicates a hint of motive - cover to put sensors there

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:24 PM

originally posted by: GeminiSky
a reply to: Aloysius the Gaul

Well well well it appears that I have now found information to the contrary, indicating that the airline DID in fact purchase the engine monitoring options for the EXISTING 777s as well as signing up for it on the new 900 engines that powere their a380 em and weep folks this is from 2012!!::

Rolls-Royce, the global power systems company, has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Malaysia Airlines for long-term TotalCare® services support for Trent 900 engines that will power its new fleet of six Airbus A380 aircraft.

Rolls-Royce already provides TotalCare support services for Trent 800 engines that power Malaysia Airlines’ fleet of 17 Boeing 777 aircraft. Speaking at the Farnborough International Airshow, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, Group CEO, Malaysia Airlines, said: “We are very happy with the support we receive from Rolls-Royce - TotalCare alleviates the burden of engine maintenance and provides significant financial savings. We look forward to receiving the same high level of support for our Trent 900 engines as we undertake this important fleet expansion.”


Oh my oh my what did we uncover here? I guess this was known by the storytellers and had to be squashed thru lies to the public...but alas one article was not deleted...oops..


This is what all those engine "pings" were what the media were talking about. The engines would send information back to headquarters whenever the engines started, reached cruising speed or stopped. All three types of "ping" were received. The satellite modem/antennae on the plane sends these up to the satellite. Then the satellite just sends down everything it receives back to the ground station (signal strength, polarization, frequency). No different from what you see on the setup page of your satellite TV box.

I find it hard to believe that there are no other means of locating this plane. There are infra-red weather satellites that can detect the water density of the air all over the Indian ocean and send images back down to Earth every few minutes. Since aircraft leave condensation trails (contrails), then there should be a good series of pictures somewhere.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:39 PM
a reply to: stormcell
that's the kind of stuff what i was wondering about

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:41 PM

Could this beast be responsible for messing with auto pilots, fly-by-wire 777's, and ferry navigation systems? If so it's the U.S. causing trouble again. What's the connection with the ferry and MH370, if it's not a common crash site? And where was the above HAARP boat on 03/08/2014?

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:43 PM
a reply to: stormcell

Really? So it was the engine pinging over and over under the water? And the ping slowly getting dimmer and quieter?

I dont think that was the engine telemetry being received, I think this was the BATTERY POWERED black box beacon.

You see the engines would not just ping but also relay ALL TELEMETRY data, including the aircraft location...


posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: DeadSeraph

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: GeminiSky

Indeed, GeminiSky.

Which brings us to the real meat of the situation: where the hell is it? Where the hell are all those people.

It seems foolish to think that, as stayed in your OP, that with modern tracking tech (the extent of which I can only assume remains classified) we can lose track of something as large as a plane.

At the bottom of the ocean.

They picked up pings from the plane before the transponders went dead. They know the general area where wreckage is, but recovering it now is a tall task due to the depths of the ocean where the signals were picked up (and they still haven't managed to triangulate the exact location of where the signals were originating from).

I'm not sure why conspiracy theorists think this is anything other than a tragic plane crash over the ocean. In this day and age, it still happens, and it's not the first time planes have been lost over the ocean and never recovered.

There were no aliens. There were no secret landings or CIA shenanigans. It was a plane crash.

About those pings... I never though of myself as a real conspiracy type, but it is interesting that just before the time the batteries would theoretically go dead, they found a ping... no wait, if you remember correctly they found 2 sets of pings 300 nautical miles apart, although that news died quickly - and so did the batteries.

First, old batteries don't generally die right on schedule, you get a few days variance at least. It just seems like someone decided to find the pings right before the batteries went dead so we could say it definitely crashed, but we won't be able to find it. - very convenient.

And at about the 2 sets of pings that were found 300 nautical miles apart , It's like someone gave an order to find them and wasn't clear as to "who" was to reportedly find them. 2 reports of finding them was a screw-up. The first pings were then referred to as a separate "acoustic event"... too embarrassing to continue to call them pings!

Now the pings are gone - dead batteries all around, but we "know" it's down there "somewhere".
We were just lucky I guess it all timed out so well. Another day or two and we would have never "heard a ping" and it would still be a "mystery" if it crashed or not...

I still think whatever happened was too "bad" to let anyone find out, and they think this is the best way out...
edit on 26-4-2014 by NickK3 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-4-2014 by NickK3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 09:55 PM
Well, since you seem to think "something" other then a crash happened to the plane and you mentioned 9/11 what are your thoughts regarding Operation Northwood, or something like that? I mention it only because I heard a little about it on ATS. maybe I'm going to take a look at that thread again.

MH370 Conspiracies: Meet Operation Northwoods

But anyways I do agree with your view on things. something isn't right.

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: Thisbseth

But anyways I do agree with your view on things. something isn't right.

Maybe everything is right, we're just looking in all the wrong places?

Our world seems small until something is lost...

posted on Apr, 26 2014 @ 10:06 PM

originally posted by: NickK3

originally posted by: DeadSeraph

originally posted by: CagliostroTheGreat
a reply to: GeminiSky

Indeed, GeminiSky.

Which brings us to the real meat of the situation: where the hell is it? Where the hell are all those people.

It seems foolish to think that, as stayed in your OP, that with modern tracking tech (the extent of which I can only assume remains classified) we can lose track of something as large as a plane.

At the bottom of the ocean.

They picked up pings from the plane before the transponders went dead. They know the general area where wreckage is, but recovering it now is a tall task due to the depths of the ocean where the signals were picked up (and they still haven't managed to triangulate the exact location of where the signals were originating from).

I'm not sure why conspiracy theorists think this is anything other than a tragic plane crash over the ocean. In this day and age, it still happens, and it's not the first time planes have been lost over the ocean and never recovered.

There were no aliens. There were no secret landings or CIA shenanigans. It was a plane crash.

About those pings... I never though of myself as a real conspiracy type, but it is interesting that just before the time the batteries would theoretically go dead, they found a ping... no wait, if you remember correctly they found 2 sets of pings 300 nautical miles apart, although that news died quickly - and so did the batteries.

First, old batteries don't generally die right on schedule, you get a few days variance at least. It just seems like someone decided to find the pings right before the batteries went dead so we could say it definitely crashed, but we won't be able to find it. - very convenient.

And at about the 2 sets of pings that were found 300 nautical miles apart , It's like someone gave an order to find them and wasn't clear as to "who" was to reportedly find them. 2 reports of finding them was a screw-up. The first pings were then referred to as a separate "acoustic event"... too embarrassing to continue to call them pings!

Now the pings are gone - dead batteries all around, but we "know" it's down there "somewhere".
We were just lucky I guess it all timed out so well. Another day or two and we would have never "heard a ping" and it would still be a "mystery" if it crashed or not...

Oh yes I think we can both agree the timing was "impeccable"


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