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Satan: Humanity's Hero

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posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 01:31 AM
(Whining) But I Thought....

Wars Were Fought For Religion... And Religion Was Built For War(s)...

The Seamstress Of This All Is Mother Eve.
The One Who Wrought Folly In The Garden To Inherit The Knowledge Of Good And Evil!

Her name is evident in the craft. Ex: Eminent Virtues Established = E.V.E.

What Virtues... ???
Brute Force...
Gentle Persuasion...

Those are her works. To A.D.A.M. was granted to stewardship of these virtues.
Thus... he is called "Actual Design And Mandate! = A.D.A.M.

He is cast in to eternity in the cabala aka Cabal-Law!

There are three pillars... One on the leftside significant to brute force.
Its commanderies are:
2) Chevron - Trade and commerce.
4) Bend - Health And Life.
7) Saltire - Food And Material Welfare.

The crafts above litterally involve the uprising of an order.
2 = is equal to the sytem in place which serves as a ship fr barter and self sustenance.
4 = is about health and sanitation and prevention of sickness. but mostly about rearing the young who are expected to grown clean and strong that they may preserve life.
7 = a self explanatory thingy about material welfare and food.
The pillar allows for this measure to be dealt with by brute force. NO EXCEPTIONS!

Also... sidenote the note of heraldry. Its more fundamental than meets the eye.
It involves the leylines of europe and the old east. another thread.

the right pillar is of gentle persuasion...
Its commanderies are:
3)Pile - Art And Science.
5) Pale - Dissemination and conservation of knowledge.
8) Cross - Revealed Religion.

The three are reared as an instrument of persuasion which gives rise to the tools necessary to expand and uplift humanity.
3 = the study of art and science. cultivation... agriculture... sewers... to name a few.
5 = the gathering of this knowledge to ensure the passage of it to those who would lead in the future.
8 = the simple sickness of the mind. In society it is evident. How to cure that sickness is in retrospect just a mere symbol which is revered and thought to uplift the spirit to war in times of war.
BUT... That is another thread. Duly note it is called "The 8th Wisdom". Its 20 and 2 images like the tarot but not the tarot. instead the symbols of medicine. Sickness of the mind.

The center pillar is ORDER!
The consequence of brute force and gentle persuasion. Yay
It features are more central to the society.
1) Chief - Tribal coordination and racial copperation.
11) Canton - Cabal Law.
Note: eleven is the throat centre. Canton is spanish for song.
6) Fess - Advanced tribal relations.
9) Bars - Domestication and utilization of animals and ignorance.
10) Pall - Conquest of all predatory animals and ignorance.

The 1 is about laws which are in place but not written.
To ensure the survival of the tribes and the coexistence of the races to further humanity and prolong life. either by brute force or gentle persuasion. Order will be maintained.

11 = the cabal who presides over the council of planetary advancement.
learnt elders of the tribes. These are men of the law... and promote the law as it is written.
BUT... many indeed are the laws. 10 spheres to conclude...

6 = the lesser courts and officers who preside over the typical calamities that may arise.

9 = is the phallus. It represents king and furhters it alphamale dominance over animals and ignorance. Its design is to cultivate and produce. Shepards if i may.

10 = the kingdom... its exertion over all things is essential.
Something as simple as setting parameters and walls and weapons and tactics and cohorts and etc.... to conquer is the goal. Safety is the reason why. whehter by brute force or gentle persuasion.

the cabala is designed in this way. its flaws are experienced all over the world.
But good men rise and conquer!

The four so called elements are in fact represented by the grave images titled the 4 suits.
They are clear in this matter.
There are four social classes aka orders of the rite...
These are (in order):
1) Daggers/swords = priests and scholars!
2) Clubs/rods = rulers and warriors!
3) Cups = merchants, craftsmen, hunters, and farmers!
4) Pence/Coins = unskilled laborers.

The 22 paths that bind these whole are actual two distinct characters...
10 (white) are known as the rights of the people... these are self evident... and can be studied further.
A simple note would be freedom! the tenth of the ten rights.
vertical and horizontal lines on the cabala.

the other 12 (black) are in fact called "Barred Practices".
diagonal lines. These represent twelve calamities which must not come to fruition.
Exaples are 1) domination by vicious minorites 2) usurpation by dictators and the likes.

The symbols that accompany these teachings are found on the statue of liberty.
Torch, Book, And crown....
These ironically are the symbols on the board of education logo.
Torch, book and crown.

The left pillar is torch which lights the path to freedom and sets the house of the enemy on fire.
The right pillar is the book of life which is simply the annals of the kings and the people...
The middle pillar is the crown or wreath crown. it represents the people's king.

The star is a six pointed star or the star of david. it speculated that it is significant of the union of the male and female principle(s)... but its actually a reminder of the truth. It means "The Men & Women of..." These form the houses, familes, clans, tribes, and nation.

Cabala is supercool...
Eheieh is I am that I am.
Beni is Son Of...
These are statements made by the possesser of the cabal law knowledge.

There are no attributes involved speaking and misguiding initiates into thinking of god as they were released of that bond in the time of the garden.
There are no archetypes and/or higher beings involved either....
Do not leand it to strange gods for it is of adam and of eve... they are the reality.

Also... the english version of the cabala has two titles...
Operation G.O.D. = General Ordinance Development!
Codename A.D.A.M. = Actual Design And Mandate!

These are called "The Old Charges..."

They come of no importance as good men have conquered and prevailed.

Welcome to cabala 101.

also... the sickness of the mind is to be treated before war erupts.
Religion is for war and involves total racism.

200,000 men once stood in damascus alone under the leadership of saladin.
More elsewhere....

The pope needed to rival that so he used christendom to unite europe and establish kings in their lands in order to bring about an empire intermarried by potentates to secure the line of the blue race.

It failed... but atleast he tried.

CABAL - LAW makes for a good study...

Whining = But I thought it was that.

edit on 17-3-2014 by Pinocchio because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 02:01 AM

I am saying if you don't understand why the math or results are a proof of something then you are taking it on faith.

Full Definition of FAITH
a : allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty
b (1) : fidelity to one's promises (2) : sincerity of intentions

a (1) : belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion
b (1) : firm belief in something for which there is no proof (2) : complete trust

: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially : a system of religious beliefs
— on faith

: without question took everything he said on faith

If you had bothered to read my post in full you would have picked up on the bit where I pointed out that a) scientific theories are only provisional and always subject to change and b) that I do not believe scientific theory in an absolute sense, but merely ascribe a degree of confidence or trust to the information until such times as it is challenged by evidence to the contrary.

Do you realize how manic you and your sidekick here are?

They accused me of practicing a certain religion and when asked what religion they think I practice they went on a rant about how religion is for dumb dumbs.

Followed by you crying me a river about how you taking things on faith is not the same people having another faith.

You always do this playing the victim thing. I guess it must work for you in certain situations huh.

How about you get on topic? Do you think the character of Satan in the Bible is the hero of humanity?

edit on 17-3-2014 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

OK, returning to topic.

Well as I intimated earlier up thread it really depends on which version of the story you want to look at. Early on he was neither really, simply 'The Accuser' of liars and hypocrites in human society acting on God's behalf - sort of like the relationship between a king and the crown prosecutor. It was only after the influences of other societies on the Hebrew priests that they adopted these ideas of an eternal fiery torment and made satan into the arch nemesis of God that he becomes evil.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 05:14 AM

How about you get on topic? Do you think the character of Satan in the Bible is the hero of humanity?

edit on 17-3-2014 by FriedBabelBroccoli because: 101

that is a very valid question,He asked if YOU thought the character of Satan of the bible is the hero of humanity not what "Others" say or believe.

The only valid truthful answer would be based on whether there is a "character( a person/being/entity) of Satan in the scriptures...and the clear fact is there isn't.It is an extrapolation of belief and nothing more.There is no one in all of the scriptures that is treating "satan" as a person,being or entity.The satan of the book of Job is an allegory as is all the book of Job.If satan is a person the only person in scriptures called satan is Simon Peter the disciple of Yahoshua.

The fact is the "satan" of the scriptures is an adversary.Satan is only in the "believers" mind.There are no such things as "spiritual entities"(including the creator God). especially ones that are "fighting against the creator God(and the creator God is losing).The only war going on is the war between mans ears in their vain imaginations where they have concocted fairy tales of powerful beings that rule the earth in stealth.Some of the elaborate scenarios are more akin to a mind that has been completely perverted by lies and insanity.

I'm not condemning anyone who believes this stuff.It is in their nature to do so.However in no way should it be condoned as a valid belief or even worse the Truth.It has nothing to do with the Truth.Santa Claus and the Easter bunny are harmless beliefs.Belief in Satan is far from harmless to the person that believes it and all they come in contact with(which is essentially everyone it is so evasive!).The sooner that lies is exposed and not believed the better for everyone.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by Rex282

I agree with you Rex.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 04:10 PM
the problem with the op topic is that it is misleading.
esoterica teaches that the serpent is satan, and he is not.
satan is the accuser and the accuser is the guy who
condemned us to shortened lifespans, sickness and death,
who threatened us with eternal torture if we didn't keep his
laws that were written specifically so humans would ultimately
fail the tests, even though he did not keep them, himself,
and who has killed trillions of people down thru
the millenia via things like racism, genocide, human sacrifice
and war.

this is not a matter of 2 sides of the human brain. this is a
matter of intergalactic and planetary law, otherwise known
as divine law.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by Pinocchio

eve didn't wrought anything. eve was a female adam, who didn't become eve till she was genetically modified to procreate. THEN she became eve. that wasn't her fault, nor was it the male human adam's fault. where the problems occur is once humans became procreators instead of copies (clones of some kind), the necessary hormones for procreation included survival of the fittest behaviors, and it is these things we get into trouble for. rebellion was a natural result of procreative ability . notice i didn't say it was a natural result before procreation. well doh.

who then, was atum, the egyptian god of creation -- some human named adam? not quite, no, sorry about that.
the adamic race were named after their creators because they were copies of them. atum, the creator, was making copies of the other atum (otherwise known as the elohim) to create the adam (atum copies). these adam copies were not human beings ......yet.
read the text. they dont become mammalian procreators till they are changed genetically to multiply via procreation instead of via cloning or whatever it was.

the word adam is atum.
elohim is alulim.
alulim is adam.
these are all the same word, just variant spellings based on cultural variations.

it was a "sin", according to the accuser, for humans to procreate. it wasn't a sin for humans to have information or to eat fruit. it was a sin for humans to have "knowledge of each other" - et. al, sexual intercourse. the accuser did not like human beings that the creator had created. we were created by the serpent -- et. al, dna being modified by a doctor of life. a master geneticist. the dude that created lifeforms on the planet via cloning of the originals, when it was re-terraformed following the ice age cataclysm.

the big question is, who were the elohim if we are no longer direct copies of them, but modifications of the copies of the elohim? according to the text of the old testament, the word elohim is applied to various groups, including angels, the dearly departed, god, gods, and even earthly kings and judges.

edit on 17-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 05:07 PM
oh and i would also like to state for the record, that the teaching that the elohim copied adam, males and females, were hermaphrodites that were genetically separated from each other is incorrect. the text says elohim created THEM, male and female. in the image of the elohim. elohim is a plural word, and even if it is written in the singular voice for the creation part of the verse, it is not written in the singular voice for who was actually copied. males and females were copied from male and female elohim (plural)
so the creator elohim (singular), created multiple copies, some male, some female, from the original elohim (plural).

it's not a hermaphroditic goat person. it's a bunch of elohim males and females, who are copied to create the adamic race of males and females. no more of this-- eve was taken from adam's rib so clearly eve was the first woman. no, eve was the first procreative human female not the first female. read the text. the whole taken from concept is evidence that the adam were genetic copies of the original elohim/adam/atum/alulim, as stated in an earlier verse on the subject.

read the text,


and remember, adam=atum=elohim=alulim. human adam males and females should've been given a different name because they were no longer genetic copies of the original adam/atum/alulim/elohim, however, only the females are renamed to eve. this is likely because the accuser was angry that the adam copies were procreating and blamed it on the mothers. it's just as likely that the male adam in the fall narrative was already a procreative human, had already been genetically modified, and when the eve was cloned from him, she inherited his procreative material, making them a procreative couple. this means someone has inserted false information regarding the creator's position on the subject of human procreation. how else can you be fruitful and multiply?

we either were supposed to be procreators, or we were not. there's no way to hold both ideas in your head at the same time without launching into some really horrible cognitive dissonance.

edit on 17-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 07:45 PM


As for the disparate morality. Is it fair to expect the same level of respect from people to people? No because they might have diifrent circumstances.

Not sure that really addresses the point.

God in the OT is all for committing and encouraging genocide, rape, slavery etc. If you believe the flood story he murders every living thing on the planet save for Noah and the animals on his dimensionaly transcendental boat. He tells the Israelites to murder women, men, male children and animals, and to take the young girls as their own. He tells slaves to obey and love their masters, even the cruel ones. I mean there are just loads of totally abhorrent stuff there.

Do you believe this is the same God that you worship and that features in the NT. And if so, how do you reconcile this behaviour in the NT with your belief?
edit on RAmerica/Chicago31uMon, 17 Mar 2014 00:24:27 -05003-0500fCDT12 by ReturnofTheSonOfNothing because: Because MOAR!

OK. I am not explaining anything else to you because there is no point in trying to tell someone something if they do not really want to know. Or they will not do their own research or always look for th eliteral meaning to stuff that might be metaphore or allegory.

I follow Jesus's way. ANd that was is only by Grace that modern christians are forgiven for their sins who are not Hebrews. the OT does not apply to modern christianity. i t specifically says so in the OT who it is for. The only reason its in the Bible is so we know the past of what came before us. So stop trying to prosecute US for something that does not apply to us.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by undo

we either were supposed to be procreators, or we were not.
Procreation is chapter 1 of Genesis, which is a later addition to correct certain misconceptions that the other parts did not do a good enough job to dispel.
The forbidden tree I think is an allusion to pagan practices under trees that were a draw away from the official practice of making offerings at the state sanctioned temple.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:06 PM
if you look at the sumerian-akkadian version of the flood account, it is ENLIL who decrees the flood, and it is ENKI who warns the noah figure about the impending flood, otherwise, no humans wouldve survived it.

enlil appears to be ticked off about the genetic noise on the planet --, he was an environmentalist, and since this was his planet, he had final say on what happened to its occupants. people were dying from various genetic maladies. the food would no longer grow, the animals were no longer edible, the planet was heavily polluted, droughts were rampant, and as the people died, they cried out for help. the nephilim hybrids began to eat the remaining humans as a food source.

Enki, who created humans in the first place, is sworn to secrecy, not to tell any of the humans or the nephilim about the impending disaster. His solution is to locate one of the humans who was genetically healthy. he then talks to the wall of the house where the guy is, knowing that the guy can overhear him. in this fashion, he kept his oath not to tell any humans (he was afterall, talking to a wall) and yet warn humans of the event. because of stuff like this, he was given the moniker,"tricky" and "wise like a serpent"

edit on 17-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:16 PM

reply to post by undo

we either were supposed to be procreators, or we were not.
Procreation is chapter 1 of Genesis, which is a later addition to correct certain misconceptions that the other parts did not do a good enough job to dispel.
The forbidden tree I think is an allusion to pagan practices under trees that were a draw away from the official practice of making offerings at the state sanctioned temple.

it has nothing whatsoever to do with druidism or paganism. or any ism. it's a bunch of intergalactic scientists, repopulating the earth from a previous cataclsym (the ice age). they were terraforming or rather, reterraforming the planet. the trees are symbols of genetic inheritance, not grove trees for a religion, as regards the adamic race. it's hard core science, as retold thru egyptian and mesopotamian descendants of the originals.

sadly, the ladies were blamed, and even apostle paul admits as much when he says, the male adam already knew (, he was already procreating. was already human. meaning, according the laws of the accuser, adam was already in a sinful and fallen state, before the eve was genetically gifted procreation from the male adam's already altered dna.)

how do i know? cause adam males and females had already been created but all of the sudden this particular male adam is lonely! how'd he get that way? he was yearning for a mate, which means he was procreative, which means, the fall narrative is a big fat lie from the accuser of humankind.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:45 PM
well let me correct that-- when the accuser (read-- owner of the planet) found out the humans were procreative, he went to the divine council and said, THE HUMANS ARE PROCREATING and since they already have our full body regenerative abilities (tree of life access), i demand their tree of life dna be blocked so it can't replicate and they live forever, over populating my planet. This is all HIS fault (pointing at the creator -- et al the serpent -- et al, the life doctor that created us and gave us procreation)

yeah. satan is not humanity's hero.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by undo

Not sure where you're finding your information about the Sumerian flood myth, but if you read the Atrahasis myth it goes a little bit differently than what you've just stated.


Atrahasis begins with an outlining of the offices of the gods. Enlil takes the Earth, Enki takes the sea, and the Igigi are made workers of the fields, overseen by the Anunnaki. Overtime the workload becomes unbearable for the limited number of Igigi, and they surround Enlil's home, the E-Kur, demading that Enlil be surrendered to them. Inside, Enlil is woken by his adviser, Nushku, who brings Enlil's son, the warrior-god Ninurta, along as well. Afraid of what the Igigi might do, Enlil calls a council with Anu and Enki and proposes that the Igigi be punished. Enki chastises the Anunnaki for wanting to punish the Igigi though, claiming that the workmen are right, and their workload is too great.

In place of Anu and Enlil's plan to punish the Igigi, Enki instead suggests that the womb-goddess, Mami, be used to create a new creature that will replace the Igigi in their duty of managing the Earth. Mami agrees to work with Enki and create a new creature. Nushku is sent to the gathered Igigi and asks for their leader, who will be sacrificed as penance for their rebellion. Ilawela is identified as the rebellion's organizer, and his blood and intelligence are mixed with clay from Enki's temple, the E-Apsu. Clay, blood, and spirit (intelligence) are all combined to create Man. Man is then given the task of managing the fields, forests, plains, livestock, and crops of the Earth.

600 years pass, with Man tilling the fields, mating, giving birth, and giving offerings to the Igigi and Anunnaki. However, as the years continue the noise of Man becomes too much for Enlil. Humans are making all kinds of racket while they work, while they mate, and especially their young. Fed up and unable to sleep, Enlil sends the plague-god, Namtar, to punish Man for his noise. Atrahasis (Ziusudra/Utnapishtam) doesn't abandon his devotion to the gods though, and instead prays to Enki for counsel on how to end the plague that punishes his people. Enki (who loves his creations) tells Atrahasis to build a temple to Namtar and present the god with offerings. After doing this Namtar, too, comes to appreciate man and ends his plagues upon them.

600 years pass again, with Man's population growing and expanding until Mesopotamia is overpopulated. Once more the noise and racket from Man has become too much for Enlil to bear. Sleep-deprived, he commands that Adad (Ishkur) prevent the seasonal rains from coming, and that no river or spring flow. To aid this, Enlil commands Nisaba to impede the crops, destroying the bounty. A terrible drought falls on the lands and famine grips the people. Once more Atrahasis consults Enki, who advises him to erect a temple for Adad, and another for Nisaba in the city and present the gods with offerings. Doing so, Adad and Nisaba become pleased with Man and lift the drought and famine, returning health and prosperity to the land.

Enlil, upon discovering Man's continued existence and noise is overcome with rage. He chastises the Anunnaki for disobeying his orders. When it is discovered that Enki had lead the rebellion the two brothers get into an argument that ends with Enlil forcing Enki to make an oath that he will conjure up a deluge to destroy his favorite creations, and that he will not speak again to them. Enki storms off, telling Enlil that he will not bring a flood against his creations, because it is not his will, and it is an evil will. Enlil is unpersuaded though, and calls a host of powerful gods to him in council, laying down his plan to send a deluge to wipe clean the Earth of Man's presence.

While Enlil is plotting Enki whispers warnings into a reed-wall, against which Atrahasis listens, discovering Enlil's evil will. Advised by Enki's whispering, Atrahasis gathers his family and they construct a massive ark into which all of their livestock, friends, and family are gathered, and not a moment too soon, as Enlil, accompanied by the Anzu-bird and Adad, cause the Heavens to spill open and the Earth to be covered in a powerful deluge. As soon as the Anunnaki realize what Enlil has done they begin to regret and wail over the widespread carnage and destruction.

After seven days and seven nights of the sea swallowing the land the skies clear and the waters recede. Mami and Nintu then rise up and accuse Anu and Enlil of having conspired to perform an evil deed, one which has now also lead to much suffering and grief for the Anunnaki. The goddesses accuse the gods of having killed their beloved creations and curse them to forever bear the weight of their crime. However, it is here that Enlil notices the ark, with Atrahasis, his people, and their livestock inside. In a rage Enlil demands to know how a simple human managed to overcome his wrath.

Enki emerges now, openly defying Enlil and chastising his brother for his evil deed. With all of the Anunnaki accusing him Enlil submits and admits to his evil deed and wrongdoing. Enki and Mami then return to the "room of fate" where they first created Man all those centuries ago. A new group of Men are created now, but these ones with life-spans, sickness, infertility, and other signs of mortality, so that the world will never become overpopulated or too noisy again. The myth then ends with Enlil acknowledging Enki's greatness as a counselor of both Man and god, and promising that his greatness in relation to the flood will be sung of for all time.


The synopsis above was put together from the 2008 translation of "Atrahasis" available in the Oxford World Classics volume "Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others".

There are no "Nephilim" in Sumero-Akkadian religion, the genetic maladies and diseases are brought on by Namtar at Enlil's command, and the withering of crops and livestock is due to Adad and Nisaba staying their hands, again at Enlil's command. Enki's actions are purely out of love. His fatherly connection to Man is what drives him to teach them how to erect temples, make offerings, pray, and appease the Anunnaki who punish them. It is this same love that pushes him to seek loopholes in Enlil's commands so that Atrahasis can survive the coming deluge.

~ Wandering Scribe

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 08:59 PM
reply to post by QueenofSpades

Satan is neither good or bad, as it is physically impossible. Satan's teaching while you view them as good were unnecessary without the fall, which he introduced. Sounds like problem, reaction, solution to me... And if one has the eyes to see we can easily recognized the continued strategy still evident in the world today. Sadly the stories of the Bible are not historically accurate, as they are not about humans, per se. Rather a source of great literary works to show you the contrast, without stealing your growth. Also every action has an equal and opposite reaction. So when we go against what is good, or in other words natural to this plane, we witness the effects, and vice versa. It is the nature of a system that is designed to operate a specific way, but humans who have the free will to act outside of what is natural to this world are the exception. So, in my opinion "satan" or astrolonomically known as saturn is neither hero nor foe just a part of a calculated system created for Man to enjoy. While we can choose to become Man by adhering to what is "good", and live forever, it is been thoroughly indoctrinated worldwide that we are all to face death. Hope this helps with your thesis.

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by undo

it's a bunch of intergalactic scientists, repopulating the earth from a previous cataclsym
Who exactly do you think wrote the Bible?
Let me inform you on this.
It was a bunch of people connected to a temple in Jerusalem.
Why on earth they would be talking about anything else is beyond me.
What was in it for them to write about some totally unrelated subject?

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Wandering Scribe

the book of enoch. enoch was a predecessor of noah. so i consider the info in the book to be at the very least, sumerian. otherwise, we are saying the same things:

enlil is the accuser, the guy that hates humans, and enki, who has been called the bad guy in some places in genesis, is actually the good guy that created us, gave us procreation (thats what the tree of knowledge is), rescued us from the flood, gave us pointers on how to avoid crap from the accuser, enlil, thwarts enlil's world order by confusing the language at babel, and a long list of similar things. he finally shows up in the new testament as jesus, to cement the deal for when the new age arrives and the place is up for grabs for ownership.
edit on 17-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 17 2014 @ 09:25 PM

reply to post by undo

it's a bunch of intergalactic scientists, repopulating the earth from a previous cataclsym
Who exactly do you think wrote the Bible?
Let me inform you on this.
It was a bunch of people connected to a temple in Jerusalem.
Why on earth they would be talking about anything else is beyond me.
What was in it for them to write about some totally unrelated subject?

the bible is mostly an egyptian book. but it has been filtered by mesopotamian information as well, since ham and his family re-settled egypt after the black sea flood. i think ham was just going back to the area, and that he was from that area originally. likely his predecessors were the khemetians. the knowledge from sumer ended up in egyptian stories as well, and when moses was given the daunting task of writing it down, he had info from both sources -- from the pharaohs scholars via ham and cultural layering, and from his own mesopotamian mother, who was his nanny. as a result, when he wrote the story of the adam creation, he opted to us the sumerian name for the creator(s)--alulim (earlier version of elohim), instead of the egyptian name for the creator(s) -- atum (earlier known as adam and alulim). for the created, he gave the egyptian name, adam (atum). this helped to differentiate, the creator(s) from the created, even though they all had the same word associated with them originally.

edit on 17-3-2014 by undo because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 12:53 AM


OK. I am not explaining anything else to you because there is no point in trying to tell someone something if they do not really want to know. Or they will not do their own research or always look for th eliteral meaning to stuff that might be metaphore or allegory.

I follow Jesus's way. ANd that was is only by Grace that modern christians are forgiven for their sins who are not Hebrews. the OT does not apply to modern christianity. i t specifically says so in the OT who it is for. The only reason its in the Bible is so we know the past of what came before us. So stop trying to prosecute US for something that does not apply to us.

Don't be silly, I'm no prosecuting anything.

I just don't understand how anyone can reconcile the god of the Old and New Testaments (regardless of what 'rules' or 'laws' you follow, it's the same god, no?). Most people seem to hand wave it away in some way, and I really am not trying to be rude but to me that seems to be just what you are doing..


posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 03:56 AM
reply to post by UltraverseMaximus

I'm trying to post a new thread with an overview of what people generally have confused but when I try to post a new thread it takes me to a blank screen.

Tech Error?

posted on Mar, 18 2014 @ 04:33 AM



OK. I am not explaining anything else to you because there is no point in trying to tell someone something if they do not really want to know. Or they will not do their own research or always look for th eliteral meaning to stuff that might be metaphore or allegory.

I follow Jesus's way. ANd that was is only by Grace that modern christians are forgiven for their sins who are not Hebrews. the OT does not apply to modern christianity. i t specifically says so in the OT who it is for. The only reason its in the Bible is so we know the past of what came before us. So stop trying to prosecute US for something that does not apply to us.

Don't be silly, I'm no prosecuting anything.

I just don't understand how anyone can reconcile the god of the Old and New Testaments (regardless of what 'rules' or 'laws' you follow, it's the same god, no?). Most people seem to hand wave it away in some way, and I really am not trying to be rude but to me that seems to be just what you are doing..


Well it is the same God if you look closely.

Exo 31:18-And he gave unto Moses, when he had made an end of communing with him upon mount Sinai, two tables of testimony, tables of stone, written with the finger of God.

Luke 11:20-"But if I with the finger of God cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you".....Jesus Christ.

John 8:6-This they said, tempting him, that they might have to accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the ground, as though he heard them not.

Now this all my appear subtle but it isn't subtle at all. Jesus knew what HE was saying and why. He also knew how it would be perceived when He said that He cast out demons with the finger of God.

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