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reply to post by rockflier
A WSJ journalist is on CNN now. His sources say "one or more people on the plane deliberately changed its course and tried to mask its location." Another guest, Ron Brown, says it's sabotage, too.
US says missing Malaysian jet could be 'act of PIRACY': Did 777 secretly land after being flown for hours with plane's locators deliberately turned off?
Plane may have been deliberately flown across Malay peninsula, sources say
Military radar-tracking evidence reportedly suggests it was heading towards the Andaman Islands
Third source claims inquiries were increasingly focusing on theory someone who knew how to fly a plane deliberately diverted the flight
Investigations sources also say plane may have climbed to more than 45,000ft immediately after losing contact - higher than the plane is allowed
Rival theory: Cargo of batteries could have caught fire, downing the plane
Expert suggested a pilot could have crashed plane as an act of suicide
Search efforts being stepped up in the Andaman Sea and Indian Ocean
Huge long story here: ly-hijacking-theory.html
Investigations sources also say plane may have climbed to more than 45,000ft immediately after losing contact - higher than the plane is allowed
Lots of pictures and info
reply to post by Jennyfrenzy
Some of Anderson Cooper's guests have done a 180. Yesterday, Barbara was saying "catastrophic event," and now she's saying sabotage. Big change from "the batteries did it."
If multiple communication systems aboard Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 were manually disabled, as investigators increasingly suspect happened, it would have required detailed knowledge of the long-range Boeing Co. 777's inner workings. The first loss of the jet's transponder, which communicates the jet's position, speed and call sign to air traffic control radar, would require disabling a circuit breaker above and behind an overhead panel. Pilots rarely, if ever, need to access the circuit breakers, which are reserved for maintenance personnel.
I was just thinking...
Don't all passenger flights now have an Undercover Armed Air Marshall on board for exactly these situations (suspected terror)???...
To contact base discreetly if unable to nullify potential hi-jackings???
I thought this was mandatory policy & protocol post-9/11!?!?
No one has mentioned this so far...
Or at least not unless I missed it somewhere!
Peace MH370 xxx
though the ranks of the marshal program have swelled since September 11, it is not possible to have a marshal on every flight. Officials estimate that even for the highest-priority flights (the determination of which is made by analyzing a number of factors, such as major events that may attract tourist attention), only about 15% had an air marshal on board in the first year after September 11.
According to the article it climbed to 45,000 feet then dropped to 23,000 feet before climbing again.
Would this drop depressurize the plane?