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USA the latest nation to receive the spaceship program

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posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 02:18 PM
I'm taking this with a grain of salt because I still remember that incident back in the 80's about the cold fusion reactor, lol. At least I think it was the 80's. Wait and see I guess.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 03:02 PM
If this technology is real and Iran already has it and used it to capture the US RQ170 Sentinel drone. Why in the world would Iran allow it to be given to anyone.

I'm not saying its not real but I do not grasp the concept of a government alowing its world changing technology to be given away free of charge.

It doesn't make sense.


posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 03:13 PM
I was reviewing the thread and found this:

the same thing is happening to keshe because he's iranian. it's like the war of the currents all over again.
Are there people in this thread defending him simply because he's Iranian? Is the new rule that criticism of Iran or an Iranian is no longer allowed? Even Americans are willing to admit that their country or citizens can be screwed up at times.

If this represents the level of scientific discussion which is allowed in Iran, i'm surprised they have the wheel and axle.

Please tell me that I misunderstand and that the same posters here would defend him if he was Jewish or American.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Soshh
Ah Keshe, famous for sticking bits of metal in a cola bottle and calling it a 'plasma reactor':

They are also selling tickets for a trip to the moon on one of their faster-than-light travel spaceships:

I like how some people are actually buying into this.

In the video he was using a meter to check the "output" from his fusion reactor. The readings he was getting were in milivolts or thousandths of a volt. Any good sensitive meter will show a small reading of up to several hundred milivolts with the leads not touching anything.

They are acting like antennas and picking up EM from their surroundings such as from the electrical wiring in the room. Then, if you touch anything that will act remotely like an antenna you will get even stronger readings. And those readings will fluctuate as they did in the video. The only way to get stable readings in the milivolt range is to be hooked up to an actual power source that grounds out spurious EM from the surroundings.

Then he has the electrodes in cola. cola is mildly acidic and will generate a small amount of electricity in any electrodes touching it. He shows three electrodes, two in the liquid and one out of it, and claims to be able to measure an output of power by touching his meter to the two electrodes in the liquid or one of the submersed electrodes and the one not submersed. Both of those effects can be easily explained by what I said above.

Any junior high student could perform the same experiment with the same results and be just as wrong about them unless he was actually trying to demonstrate the instability of an unconnected and sensitive meter.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by dominicus
If i recalled correctly, mars rover is using nuc plasma tech allowing the rover to stay poweredfor,the,next 8-14 years, and 6 scientists working on nuc-plasma tech have been ghosted.....

....something's up.

You recall incorrectly.

The Mars Science Laboratory is using a nuclear thermoelectric generator, which relies on spontaneous fission of solid material connected to thermocouples.

The design is not appreciably different from what was invented in the 1950's and 1960's.

Five of them were left on the lunar surface during the Apollo missions.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 04:00 PM
Why's everyone so skeptical about Keshe?

Dudes got supernova's and black holes inside his Coke bottle plasma reactor! It can power spaceships!

edit on 23-11-2012 by freelance_zenarchist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:06 PM
I'll give this guy one thing:
He's got brass, er plastic balls making these kinds of claims.
Me, I'm gonna get rich - I've got hundreds of empty film canisters lying around.
If only this were true, if wishes made reality we'd have a new s aviour,
Omg, is he the Mahdi?

edit on 23-11-2012 by Asktheanimals because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:15 PM
How can this be taken seriously? .. Keshe Foundation has ZERO independent verification of their claims and are selling what is most likely to be bogus "cures" for extreme amounts of money.. they show every sign of being cons trying to make a buck off of innocent people.

Sure they will offer up "patents" to the US and China .. who will no doubt ignore it because it's just silly... anyone can draw up a patent and get it approved even if it has no scientific plausibility whatsoever.. that's the joke of the patent system.. you can patent almost anything because the patent officers are not scientists and have no means of verifying the lunacy in front of them... so they don't try! they merely award it .. the idea being that it's now on you to make your patented "thing" a reality.. it's merely there to offer you protections if someone tries to create the same thing... but you can literally patent anything.

I could patent technology, for example, to time travel using nine volt batteries and ultra bright LEDs with quarts crystals properly placed somewhere .. as long as I have diagrams and a block of text explaining SOMETHING... I'm sure I can get it patented... my guess is that Keshe uses their patents to try to gain some kind of appearance of legitimacy so they can lure someone in to buy a $50,000 space ticket in hopes one day it will happen.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by freelance_zenarchist
Why's everyone so skeptical about Keshe?

Dudes got supernova's and black holes inside his Coke bottle plasma reactor! It can power spaceships!

edit on 23-11-2012 by freelance_zenarchist because: (no reason given)

It's so awesome that he could contain a nuclear plasma reactor inside of a plastic coke bottle .. who knew? thank goodness he has a patent on that thing!

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:23 PM

Originally posted by RedShirt73
I'm taking this with a grain of salt because I still remember that incident back in the 80's about the cold fusion reactor, lol. At least I think it was the 80's. Wait and see I guess.

The cold fusion reactor was a plausible invention though and others were working on similar ideas.. people couldn't replicate the results and took it as a fail.. even if it wasn't and is now being shown to have merit..

Grossly different situation though... in that case, the science was shared with the scientific community for peer review for one.. and second, well, it has basis in legitimate science..

Keshe has none of that going for him.. just pictures of coke bottles with metal probes, junk patents and asking for thousands of dollars for things that almost surely don't work and never will ..

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:25 PM
Keshe is a fake - come on, if he has a working energy generator make a damn video of it already. Release the specs, technical aspects of the generator online - I have been part of some groups where some "people" have said they have made their own generators with Keshe's specifications.....but of course they themselves won't release anything......and I get the usual your an agent, shill derailment tactics.

Keshe keeps on talking, but doesn't show a thing (except for asking for money for his ebooks or 10k for a generator.....that hasn't been made yet)

HUGE SCAM, stay away.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:29 PM

Originally posted by ALF88
I just have a problem with individuals, most of the time it is scientists or student scientists, who jump on every invention they can't explain right from the start, calling every inventor a quack or a fraudster, because these individuals are challenging their mainstream worldview. It is stopping humanity from moving forward.

No it's not .. Keshe is behaving very much like a hoaxter & fraudster.. he's secretive about how things function, there's no peer review or independent verification, at ALL, and at the same time he's selling tickets to the moon, expensive cures with no evidence of success .. that's not how a Scientist who cares about advancing humanity operates.. the cola bottle reactor itself is one he should be embarrassed for trying to pass off as a real thing.. as another poster pointed out, you could replicate his readings with nothing more than what you see in the photo.. plastic bottle, bit of actual cola, some probes and a meter .. it didn't produce any more than you'd expect from those things alone.. may as well have just popped a potato up there and called it a reactor..

If he wanted to be taken seriously and not as a con artist.. he'd stop selling tickets on a ship that doesn't exist for 50,000 a pop ... or cures that haven't been independently verified to work and also be safe... you don't just go conducting human trials by your own.. it doesn't happen
edit on 11/23/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Keshe keeps on talking, but doesn't show a thing (except for asking for money for his ebooks or 10k for a generator.....that hasn't been made yet)
HUGE SCAM, stay away.

Right on... I wonder how much money he's gamed out of poor saps who want so much to believe that it's true that they'll shell it out? ..

Yes he's been awarded a couple of patents.. and I looked at them.. any patent officer would approve those simply because they have no idea what they are looking at ...
edit on 11/23/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:42 PM
reply to post by boncho

it could be that's a way to secure funding for his work so he can work abroad.

you'd have to be a complete idiot to actually think you're booking passage to the moon. its so unbelievable, that the only ones actually booking the flights are people aware of his real work and are funnelling money to him.

probably to avoid the 100,000 sanctions against iran. i doubt any of the donors are even real people.

the only ones probably doing the bookings are irans nuclear agency under fake names and other security precautions to avoid detection.

that makes more sense than a bottle of coke being a nuclear reactor. and i doubt he's a fraudster or a kook if america humbly accepts the technology.

edit on 23-11-2012 by randomname because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by miniatus

Originally posted by MidnightTide
Keshe keeps on talking, but doesn't show a thing (except for asking for money for his ebooks or 10k for a generator.....that hasn't been made yet)
HUGE SCAM, stay away.

Right on... I wonder how much money he's gamed out of poor saps who want so much to believe that it's true that they'll shell it out? ..

Yes he's been awarded a couple of patents.. and I looked at them.. any patent officer would approve those simply because they have no idea what they are looking at ...
edit on 11/23/2012 by miniatus because: (no reason given)

Right on; there is, according to P T Barnum, a sucker born every minute and this clown is trying to find as many of them as he can. I covered several of the ways he is scamming people, and how much he stands to make from them, in this post.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 07:09 PM
I suspect he appears to be a fraudster because he is trying to take people off the real trail.

I think MANY of the people who try to con the public are government agents whoa re trying to muddy the waters and make people ultra skeptical so no one takes these claims seriously. Especially since the truth is coming to light now...

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 07:56 PM


posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 08:07 PM
Keshe must be making some decent coin because he is able to hire people to call anyone who disagrees a shill or an agent.

Oh look, a new member throwing out the shill card.


I find Keshe and dinar pumpers in the same circles.
edit on 23-11-2012 by MidnightTide because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by randomname
pretty ironic.

while people in america are calling for the destruction of iran because of it's nuclear program, a top iranian nuclear scientist is giving them nuclear technology that is years more advanced than anything america has going.

now i know why ahmadinejad always has that smirk on his face. america and israel are totally clueless.

it makes sense why obama wants no part of iran and israel wants america to go first.

and how they hacked that "state of the art" stealth drone.

the west is worried about nuclear missiles, and iran is already planning nuclear plasma spaceships.

so when iran says it has no desire to make nukes i believe them. they could probably assemble a 100 megaton warhead in their sleep in less than a week.

If this was also meant as a joke, as the keshe foundation clearly was, then let me just say, I am sick and tired of jokes which are not at all funny! I can't assume the whole thing is a hoax, because any 12 year old of moderately low IQ could pull off a better hoax. I also can't assume it is just pure ignorance, because frankly, I don't believe anyone that stupid knows how to access the internet.

So stop with the un-funny jokes. Its hurting my humor glands.

posted on Nov, 23 2012 @ 09:13 PM
It said that they gave the patents and blueprints to the U.S. and they gave the patents and blueprints to china, so who owns the patents if both china and the U.S. were given the patents??
The whole thing sounds like BS to me

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