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Rumbling noise being heard around the here...

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posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 10:41 AM
I admit I haven't heard a rumbling noise at all, I live in London. However, today I recieved an automated phone message from "the Environment Agency" about floods. They say there isn't a warning, but were giving information about it. Maybe they think something is on the horizon? Their website currently says there is no warning in my area but I find it spooky I would recieve a call like that.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 03:07 PM
This what we think might be happening. We think that the North American Plate Craton is uplifting. The sounds and events that you are seeing or hearing, seems to be around the boundary of this plate. We have seen uplift in Michigan, and what is happening with the Reelfoot Rift in Arkansas is uplift, rift systems are due to uplift, the plates pull away from each other. Most people don't know that the Great Lakes of this country are formed due to rift systems. The Tetons of Wyoming are sinking and the valley in front of them is rising. You can find some maps outlining the North American Plate Craton on wikipedia and on The coastlines of this country and of Canada are not connected to the Plate, they are deformations surrounding it and much thinner than the craton. . All of the events you are seeing here are usually precursors to seismic events. I would strongly recommend that anyone in the Memphis area be prepared to move on a moments notice, have a bag packed with survival equipment, tents, water filter, matches, food, change of clothes etc. We are also seeing deformations in Africa, Pakistan, and Peru. We do not know for sure, because quite frankly, nothing like this has ever happened in our history before. Things due seem to be ramping up though.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by Galaxy80

"On the other side, I have no explanation for the video of the ufo with the changing colored lights making freaky deaky whale noises at a bazillion decibels" -- I didn't say that. It was a few posts after mine written by iamconcerned.

posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:53 PM
Update from Queens-

In the last time since I have written, there have been a few low rumblings that were absolutely unexplainable. Today there were 3 very loud "jet" sounds headed towards JFK. I had my roomie check about the sounds and to see if she could see it. As of right now 8:51 pm est, there was just another as I was writing this.

These are larger than normal sounds from a plane and I have lived on Fort Richardson Alaska near Elemendorf Air Force Base. I also grew up in the Springs so I know what "normal planes" sound like.

Will keep updating as I can.


posted on Mar, 30 2011 @ 07:59 PM
hi everyone. I live on the mid north coast of australia and we heard the strange rumbling last night and the night before. first time just my boyfriend heard it he was staying up late so probably around midnight or 1am and he heard the noise said it only lasted about a minute. was really loud and sounded like a really close helicopter or lawnmower with a wierd pulsing of sound... totally a spaceship

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 05:52 AM
I live in Maine, Midcoast area which is in the southern coastal side....

I woke up this morning (4:15am est.) and heard the rumbling noise. Thought it was highway traffic at first (big rig going down the road) but it kept on going and then my thoughts turned to this noise people are hearing. It sounded just as described, a long drawn out rumble that could be a jet or like a said a large truck going down the highway. The only thing is it keeps on going and going. I heard it up until about 5:00 am or so and it just seemed to fade away (no flash of light that I saw but I wasn't staring out the window at that point). I do live near an airport but it is a now closed down military airfield that is inactive. Just to be sure I drove by it on the way to work and the runways and area were dark and appeared to be clear.

Not sure what it was/is but it was kind of freaky to hear it myself after seeing so many other people post about it. If I hear it again I will post again about it, but this is the first instance that I can say I distinctly heard this noise.

Also a final note it was clear skies (I could see all the stars I normally see) when I went outside to look around and the noise seemed to be coming for a North Westerly direction (which is inland and not over the ocean).

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:16 AM
I have not read through all 51 pages ofthis thread - so im sorry if this idea has already been covered...

WHAT IF - the noise is an energetic reaction caused by the 'energies' comig off this Brown Dwarf/Tyche/Comet ELEnin/Planet X object in our solar system? Mayeb the earth's 'energies' are mixing with this objects and is resulting in a kind of 'feedback'?????

posted on Mar, 31 2011 @ 07:40 AM
Good afternoon, Everyone!

I am sorry to say that when I first read of these 'rumblings' last week I thought you were all hearing things......until last night.

I woke at about 2 am, and I am in the East Midlands of the UK. I heard a loud rumbling as if a huge aeroplane was not just going over but right over us and not moving. I tried to stay awake, but struggled. But, before I went back to sleep I looked outside and saw nothing. I woke about an hour later and still the loud rumbling was to be heard. I went outside and saw nothing but still the rumbling was there. I wondered if there was something wrong with my ears, but I don't think so. I went back to bed and woke a 6.30 am and the rumbling was gone.

But I heard it! It is loud! It is like a huge aeroplane just sitting there with engines at full blast!

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:12 AM
Listening to Coast2coastam tonight, two callers reporting this sound. One from a caller in Hot Springs, Ark. who is an aerospace engineer and a woman from Appleton, Wisc. who described the sound as coming up from the ground, not the air. Thought it was worth mentioning in regards to locations.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:18 AM
I stay in Burgersfort South Africa, this morning from 00:40 to 1:00 am i heard this noise, it sounded like a mechanical device of some sort. The sound went louder and softer for about 20 min before it gradually fade away.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 03:19 AM
Geez ... this is so embarrassing. You mean everytime I get hungry you guys can hear it clear across the world?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:09 AM
reply to post by ChangingSkies

Oh ok. My bad.. My main reason for posting that was to debunk the video and explain it. Sucks that it's not real, but I laughed after the fact when I realized it was fake..

On another note, I've been going outside every morning around 6 with my camcorder on my droid ready to go just in case I hear this again. I hope I hear it again so I can take some video to show the world..

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:18 AM
Hey guys,

Just your local update from Queens here. Had a very loud rumbling for about 10 seconds, came from JFK across to Manhattan. Rumbling occured at 8:57 pm on March 31, 2011. I know it seems a bit odd that I would report upon this for you guys but if we all do this maybe we will understand better to be prepared for what is coming. Also, just in case for others like me, I had severe ringing in my right ear at an extreemly high pitch abut 8 pm until today after I finally got some sleep and woke up for the day. Also my insomnia is higher and food consumption is lower for me.

The ringing of the ears has been daily since the earthquake in Japan. Not sure if it is connected but thought I would share.


posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:46 AM
I heard the rumble yesterday morning but it wasn't loud, maybe because I was inside a building with only one window slightly open?

It was awesome cuz I had just said to myself, "Why haven't I heard the rumble where I live?" And about 2 or 3 minutes later I heard a ringing in my left ear (not a loud one) and then, barely audible at first, I heard the same sound that other people are reporting to hear all over the world!!!! I was SO excited.
hahaha I'm a nerd, what can I say?

The sound came from the sky somewhere "out there" and lasted about 20 minutes. It started out small and grew then reached a peak then began to fade until it was completely gone.

I speculate that the "rumble" and the "hum" are one and the same except for one major difference: One is above ground and one is below ground. I haven't personally heard the hum.

Either way, I think it has to do with engines and portals, jumpgates and stargates. As far as a light or an electrical discharge associated with the sound, maybe it's gate related? Cloaked craft that we wouldn't see but hear?

Now everyone knows that there are ancient portals underground as well as in the sky right?
I know wormholes are fiction, I've heard it all before.

But what if they aren't? Then what huh?


Alien invasion.


P.S. A possibly related thread (I'm wondering if radar can pick up on the rumble)....

weather radar circular patterns australia
edit on 1-4-2011 by Antoniastar because: to add more detail.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 05:53 AM
DID it sound like a train above you? I heard that last night and saw what looked like a plane with 3 flashing red lights flying really low and weird?

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:35 PM
So I've been reading ATS for years but haven't really felt comfortable posting as everyone seems much smarter than me lol...

But I felt I needed to add to this rumbling thread...

On March 30, 2011 I went to bed and around 2:30 am I woke up with a very bad leg cramp and after it eventually faded away I lay back down and heard what I though was an airplane (which isn't odd near my area...I'm in Surrey, BC Canada) but when the sound didn't disappear I thought oh ok it may be a long train going by (which again is normal as the tracks are nearby) but the sound didn't disappear. It would get loud at times and then fade a bit but it continued on for about 20 - 30 minutes until eventually I fell back asleep. I woke up around 4 am again with another cramp and didn't hear the sound again. Of course this made me super paranoid b/c I kept imagining an earthquake hitting at any moment and realizing I didn't know the first thing to do if it did!

I read ATS while I'm at work so I don't have sound so I don't know what all the videos sound like but this was like a loud training going by. I checked the news the next morning and didn't hear anything so I don't have any explanations...just thought I'd add to the thread...

I've always read ATS and wished I would see the UFO's and unexplainable thing everyone else see's on here...I take it back! I don't want to see/hear anything like that again. My heart was beating so fast, I was extremely scared.
edit on 1-4-2011 by darktears because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 09:49 PM
I heard a loud rumbling noise in Coventry, (middle of) England at 2am tonight. I stood in the garden for about 20 mins until it suddenly stopped.

A few weird things happened while I was out there:

1. I saw 2 shooting stars
2. I saw 2 red lights in the sky that seemed to be manoeuvring erratically and at very high speeds, before completely disappearing after just a few minutes.
3. Just after they disappeared, a helicopter zoomed past heading in that direction (it didn't stop though)
4. Directly above me was a perfect, cloudless sky with a great view of the stars, but lower down and in the distance, the sky was a pink and green patchy sort of affair.

Now if I wasn't so lazy that I couldn't be bothered to travel all the way up one flight of stairs to get my phone from my bedroom and video all this..... I could have had quite a show for you.
I'm regretting it now and all you have is my word. Sorry.

Anyone else in the midlands experience anything like this tonight?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:20 AM

Originally posted by noface
I heard a loud rumbling noise in Coventry, (middle of) England at 2am tonight. I stood in the garden for about 20 mins until it suddenly stopped.

A few weird things happened while I was out there:

1. I saw 2 shooting stars
2. I saw 2 red lights in the sky that seemed to be manoeuvring erratically and at very high speeds, before completely disappearing after just a few minutes.
3. Just after they disappeared, a helicopter zoomed past heading in that direction (it didn't stop though)
4. Directly above me was a perfect, cloudless sky with a great view of the stars, but lower down and in the distance, the sky was a pink and green patchy sort of affair.

Now if I wasn't so lazy that I couldn't be bothered to travel all the way up one flight of stairs to get my phone from my bedroom and video all this..... I could have had quite a show for you.
I'm regretting it now and all you have is my word. Sorry.

Anyone else in the midlands experience anything like this tonight?

Not tonight though after the rumbling sound that happened in Toronto on march 25 i believe was it? while heres the interesting part.

On the weekend during the night two military helicopters were buzzing around where the rumbling sound occurred.
They were buzzing for two days and yes only at night.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:36 AM
I'm listening to it right now, I live in Ripley WV & I was getting ready for bed & I thought somebody had loud vehicle outside revving it up but that's not the case. This rumble sounds like thousands of horses in a stampede. This is 4th time I've heard this rumble in the last two weeks.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:02 AM
I have a friend in Florida who told me was hearing a noise that sounded like thunder off in the distance, but there were no storms, and it was a beautiful day...He heard it a few times throughout the day lasting for a couple minutes before it went out. If I remember correctly he is about an hour east of Tampa.

I can also remember another friend of mine, maybe 5-6 months ago reporting hearing a noise like rumbling thunder, for minutes at a time, and this lasted for several hours. He is near St. Petersburg Florida.

I just running through my head what could be causing this thing on a worldwide basis. Its possible that this has been happening for several months and nobody has really thought much about it I guess.

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